My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 2015 Physical Transcendence

Chapter 2015 Physical Transcendence
Liu Mingzhi originally planned to open his mouth to pick up the pills handed by the girl, but subconsciously froze after hearing the girl's words.

What the hell is Aunt Thirteen?

This girl prevented Chen Ying from fatally striking her with the bronze mace in her hand, thinking that since she saved her life, she must not be an enemy anymore.

It should be no problem to take the healing medicine she gave.

Aunt Thirteen confused herself.

"Why are you stunned? Be good, open your mouth!"

Seeing the girl's sullen look, Liu Mingzhi's mouth twitched, and he slowly opened his lips.

The girl directly stuffed the pill into Liu Mingzhi's mouth.

Liu Mingzhi was stunned for a moment, feeling the pills flowing towards his throat, it turns out that it is true that the pills melt in the mouth!

A warm current rushed towards the dantian, which made Liu Mingzhi feel better from the pain in his internal organs. He let out a sigh of relief, and Liu Mingzhi looked at the girl in front of him in surprise.

"Thirteen, Aunt Thirteen?"

"Well, you don't recognize me!"

Seeing Liu Mingzhi's dazed look, the girl wrinkled her nose slightly, raised her hand and waved it, a clear and sweet voice was transmitted from a copper bell on her wrist.

"Bai Ling'er, did you forget that you told me the story of the White Snake when I was at your house? Your baked sweet potatoes are also delicious!"

Liu Mingzhi took a deep breath, carefully sizing up the girl's appearance, it seemed that among the group of aunts, there was indeed a young girl whose appearance somewhat overlapped with the girl in front of him.

That was the year of Xuande, right?

She was doing disaster relief in Qingzhou and was infected with the plague. Yun'er went to Daoyahai alone to ask for Jiaozhu.

Then grandpa Bai Hulai brought a whole family to visit his relatives in the capital.

Anyway, a large group of uncles, a large group of aunts, I have seen it before, but I don't remember much.

Back then, he was a handsome young man in his prime, but in a blink of an eye, he had grown into a handsome uncle.

And the girl who claimed to be her thirteenth aunt in front of her was no longer the little girl who hadn't reached the age of cardamom, but had grown into a stunning young lady.

And she is also a young beauty with unfathomable kung fu.

Just now, I have witnessed the calm posture of the thirteenth aunt under Chen Ying's sneak attack!
How old is this? Have you taken urea?
"Aunt Thirteen, why did you come to Fengyun and be careful?"

Bai Ling'er frowned slightly, raised her hand and waved towards Liu Mingzhi, her lotus feet fluttered up in the air.

First Young Master Liu rolled a few times on the snow, and hurriedly looked towards Bai Ling'er.

I saw the upturned white bell standing upside down in the air, her hair dancing lightly, her clothes fluttering like a fairy descending to earth, a slender jade finger pointing straight at the tip of the copper mace in Chen Ying's hand, a layer visible to the naked eye Ripples of the stellar energy shot towards the sides, setting off the snow within ten feet and floating in the air.

Chen Ying gathered Qi with his left hand, waved his afterimage and slapped the copper mace with his palm, Bai Ling'er's pretty face changed slightly, and he flipped over with his fingers, lightly tapped his lotus feet on the copper mace, and flew upside down with his strength.

Seeing this, Chen Ying had no sympathy for jade, and swung the copper mace vigorously, as if hundreds of copper maces were in hand, and smashed towards Bai Ling's jade shoulders.

Bai Ling'er's hands were slightly closed, and a dazzling move was displayed, and two fingers faced the attacking copper mace fearlessly.

When there was a loud bang, the copper mace and fingers clashed together, and there was the sound of golden spears, and streams of stellar energy flew in all directions, causing the surrounding masters who sensed the danger to fly away immediately.

"Fingering at Tiangang, you are indeed from the Bai family in the East China Sea!"

Bai Ling'er squinted her almond eyes, neither admitted nor denied, pinched the body of the mace with her slender fingers and turned it seemingly effortlessly, and Chen Ying, who was holding the copper mace, spun in the air in a daze.

Bai Ling'er took the initiative to bully her, and her jade finger pointed directly at Chen Ying's vital point, Tan Zhong.


Chen Ying, who was spinning in the air, sensed a crisis, and a lion's roar was thick and melodious.

Bai Ling'er paused for a moment towards the beautiful figure flying towards Chen Ying, the hemp rope that bound the waist of the three thousand hanging willows fell off, and a head of black hair flew into the air amidst the sound waves of the lion's roar.

Bai Ling'er's figure turned around, gracefully volleyed upside down, and the lotus feet under her slender legs kicked heavily towards Chen Yingfei.

The lion's roar suddenly dissipated, and the bronze mace in Chen Ying's hand swept away with a mighty force.

Sensing the majesty of the copper mace enough to break mountains and rocks, Bai Ling'er stopped the momentum in time, and with a wave of her sword, a beam of innate qi slashed towards the copper mace.

There was a loud bang, and the Gang Qi was rippling, and the two retreated at the same time.

Between a few breaths and more than a dozen moves, neither of them took advantage of it.

"Chen Ying, are you alright?"

Hearing the shadow master's voice, Chen Ying silently shook her head and spit out lightly.

"It's okay, when did the Bai family produce such a talented person, we have no news at all, it seems that in order to plan today's affairs, we have neglected a lot of time in the world!
This little girl is about [-] years old, and her skills are so close to her subordinates, she is simply terrifying. "

"The world is so big that there are no surprises. It's not surprising that some natural martial arts prodigies develop profound abilities at a young age.

What the film master is worried about is that even the people from the Bai family in the East China Sea have appeared, whether there are still people coming in a steady stream!

How can such a secretive operation be made as if everyone knows it now.

I have never made a move, just because I was worried that something unexpected would happen, and now it seems that it is so.

There can be no further delay. Even if the old man is seriously injured today, he still has to complete the matter successfully.

You hold back that arrogant of the Bai family, and hand over the side-by-side king to the shadow master to deal with.

Got it, movie master, be careful, people from the Bai family have appeared, maybe Bai Hulai has also come, I haven't seen him for so many years, I don't know if this old guy's skill has improved to a higher level.

When dealing with the side-by-shoulder king, be careful of Bai Hulai's sneak attack from behind.

With a flick of a finger, Tiangang can open mountains and crack rocks. Tianjian suffered a dark loss in the early years, so don't be careless. "

"You too, this little girl is not simple!"

"Aunt Thirteen, are you okay?"

Bai Ling'er shook her head silently: "Aunt Thirteen is fine. Although Overlord Mace has been famous for decades, but after all, he is old and frail and has lived up to the power of the past. I can still handle it. Be careful, the one standing beside the carriage That old guy who doesn't know the depth may have to do it too.

Okay, Aunt Thirteen, be careful, retreat immediately if the situation is not good. "

As soon as the word retreat was dropped, the copper mace in Chen Ying's hand bombarded Bai Ling'er again domineeringly.

The shadow master followed closely and flew towards Young Master Liu's position.

Ten secret agents of the second division immediately rushed forward, and surrounded Spy Shadow and trembled.

However, within a dozen moves, the three of them rolled to the ground and sprayed blood.

It's not 01:30 that the actor's strength surpasses Chen Ying's.

Liu Mingzhi got up flawlessly and jumped towards the position of the carriage. When Liu Mingzhi got into his carriage, two more people were seriously injured and fell to the ground under the shadow master's palms.

In the blink of an eye, Young Master Liu jumped out of the carriage with a cannon barrel of a moderate size, and a wooden box under his arm.

A cannon barrel that was similar to a mortar but somewhat different was fixed on the ground by Liu Mingzhi, and he opened the wooden box on the ground forcefully. Young Master Liu took out a cannonball and held it in his hand, aiming the cannon barrel at the ground. The position of the film master.

Liu Mingzhi was reluctant to use the big killer weapon that was barely forged with tens of thousands of taels of silver when he was leading the army, but he couldn't do without it today.

"Brothers, find a way to retreat.

Damn it, I saved you physically! "

The cannonball slid down the barrel, and there was a muffled bang, and a flame shot towards the shadow master.

(End of this chapter)

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