My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 2024 Life is like a play

Chapter 2024 Life is like a play
Liu Mingzhi never expected that the life and death robe Ze, who had fought with him in the past and lived and died together, would strike at him at a critical moment.

There are unwillingness and disappointment, but there is no feeling of resentment.

Looking at the nineteen brothers who were already breathless, Liu Mingzhi clutched his abdominal wound and fell limply on top of the snow, blood quickly stained the white snow on the ground red.

"Bastard, I killed you bastards!

The whole army obeys the order and charges! "

"The disciples concerned obey the order and kill!"

"The children of the relevant department obey the order, and no one will be left behind!"

"All the disciples of the Wumen League obey the order, shoot and kill!"

For a moment, the people belonging to Liu Mingzhi's side saw the spies fleeing far away, and immediately chased them up with their weapons.

Only the admiral's secret agent in white was left stunned on the spot, subconsciously looking at the empress who had been staring at Liu Mingzhi in a daze.

Hui'er looked at those innate masters who were surrounded by other masters, and walked to the empress with complicated eyes: "Your Majesty?"

The queen's tender body trembled fiercely, and the soft steel sword in her hand slipped to the ground with a clang, ignoring Hui'er who looked worried, and rushed towards First Young Master Liu with messy steps.

"You don't have a conscience, don't scare me!"

The empress knelt down on the snow, and hugged Liu Mingzhi in her arms. Her jade hands were covered with blood from Liu Mingzhi's body, tremblingly caressing Liu Mingzhi's cheeks that were whiter than the snow.

"Don't scare me, don't scare me!"

"Take it off! I'm afraid I won't live long!"

"No! No! I'll heal your wounds, don't talk, you promised that one day you would accompany me to watch the colorful clouds, you can't say... woo woo woo. You can't talk for nothing!"

Fifteen innate masters of the movie master wandered among the siege of many masters. They watched Liu Mingzhi's haggardness from the corner of his eye. Seeing that he was breathing in less and exhaled more, and he was about to die at any time, he sighed and began to look for the way out. The opportunity to encircle.

Originally, he wanted to execute the side-by-shoulder king silently in this Fengyundu, but the side-by-side king had already prepared himself for it, and the five thousand spy killers were not the opponents that the side-by-side king had prepared at all.

I'm afraid I can't handle what happened today.

We must rush back to the capital immediately and report this matter to His Majesty so that he can make preparations early.

Once this matter is spread, His Majesty will be on the cusp of the storm, and if there is no preparation, there will be chaos in the government and the opposition.

The film master once again regretted that Li Ye didn't follow his advice and carried out the assassination secretly, otherwise the current situation would not have happened.

However, it was too late for the film owner to regret, and he also knew that the matter was a foregone conclusion, and there was no room for turning around.

The most sensible way now is to rush back immediately, report the matter to His Majesty, and minimize the impact of the matter at all costs.

Fortunately, it won't be long before we shoulder the king's fate.

At that time, it's not a bad idea to come to a death without confrontation.

Even if the 30 soldiers and horses under his command knew the news, it was much easier to deal with without the leading tiger, the side-by-side king.

And without the backbone of the soldiers and horses, it is not a big crisis for the court.

As long as the behavior is proper, the matter can be planted on the heads of the two countries, but it will take some effort.

Although the title of the side-by-side king's son has been established, but without the seal of the dragon king, it is impossible to convince the public if he wants to inherit the throne.

At that time, His Majesty will operate a little bit, and the crisis can be reduced by three points.

While thinking about it, the shadow master had already considered the pros and cons of Fengyundu after the incident, and made a unique gesture to the two kings of Fenglei and the Twelve Shadow Guardians, signaling them to wait for an opportunity to retreat.

The film master glanced at Liu Mingzhi's position for the last time, seeing that he had slowly closed his gloomy eyes that were gradually dimming, and then began to rush outward without holding back, preparing to break out of the encirclement.

"Brother Zhou, retreat quickly!"

However, Zhou Fei didn't seem to hear the shadow master's reminder, he swung his palm but didn't hit the killer, knocked away a master, and his figure leaped towards Liu Mingzhi's position erratically.

"Fire arrows!"

As soon as Lao Zhou appeared within fifty paces, Sun Mingfeng and the others immediately ordered to release arrows.

The arrow shot at Lao Zhou's protective energy, but did not hurt Lao Zhou at all.

"My son-in-law!"

Hearing Lao Zhou's lingering words, Liu Mingzhi turned his head to look in a daze.

"Old, old Zhou, stop shooting arrows and let him cough and cough!"

"My lord!"

"Order! cooperate to cover up and kill the enemy."

Sun Mingfeng and the others waved the command flag through gritted teeth, turned their wet eyes elsewhere, leaving a gap for Lao Zhou, and chased after the court troops.

Old Zhou walked over staggeringly.

Looking at Young Master Liu, who was nestled in the empress' arms like a bloody man, covered with scars, Lao Zhou's old eyes became moist.

With an unspeakably sad expression, he stopped beside Liu Mingzhi.

Kneeling down in front of Liu Mingzhi with a plop, he kowtowed several times heavily.

"My son-in-law, the imperial court is sorry for you, we followed the agreement and came to accompany you on the road.

In the next life, let's be old friends again! "

Lao Zhou straightened up slowly, took out a porcelain bottle from his cuff, glanced at the "beautiful" Fengyundu for the last time, silently pulled out the cork on the porcelain bottle, and sent it to his dry lips without hesitation.

The porcelain bottle in Lao Zhou's hand stopped at his chest, looking at the limp bloody hand grasping his arm, Lao Zhou hurriedly looked at the owner of the bloody hand, Liu Mingzhi.

"My son-in-law?"

Liu Mingzhi looked at Chen Jie's carriage not far away, with a hint of guilt in his eyes, and his eyes dimmed a bit again.

"Promise me. Take care of her! I...I...cough cough..."

Lao Zhou hung down his porcelain bottle of Duanchang powder weakly, hesitated for a moment, and kowtowed a few times to Liu Mingzhi who was looking out of breath.

"My son-in-law, we obey the order! We have arranged for the nobleman, and we will accompany you again."

After finishing speaking, he glanced guiltily at Liu Mingzhi's gradually pale face, and staggered towards Chen Jie's carriage.

Lao Zhou's figure gradually faded away, Young Master Liu groaned with a gleam of light in his eyes, and gave a wry smile helplessly as he looked at the pear-blossoming and rainy queen.

"Stupid girl, stop crying, help me heal my wounds, I can still be saved! Don't disturb those killers and rush back, and don't let the soldiers know that I can still be saved, there may be spy shadow killers who haven't shown up yet!"

The empress was stunned for a moment, and hurriedly looked at Liu Mingzhi, who was moaning in pain, and looked at Liu Mingzhi's wound. She raised her hand and tore off the bloody inner lining, only to find that although Liu Mingzhi had four wounds on his abdomen that seemed to be The horrific piercing wounds did not hit any vital points.

It's just because the soldiers pierced from behind, and because of the tattered cloak, all the weapons that stabbed at the back heart door slipped to the abdomen because of the silkworm's soft armor.

Of the nineteen weapons that stabbed at Liu Mingzhi's vital points, only four of them actually inflicted wounds on him.

Liu Mingzhi has been on the battlefield for a long time, and he has long been sensitive to killing intent. He sensed something wrong the moment these personal soldiers shot, and avoided nearly [-]% of the fatal attacks. The bloody scar on Liu Mingzhi's neck, if not for Liu Mingzhi lowered his head in time, he was afraid that his neck would have been pierced by the cavalry gun.

When the situation broke out, Liu Mingzhi had no choice but to use his wits in a hurry, pretending to be seriously injured by a sneak attack and dying soon, to confuse these personal soldiers with the identity of spies, and prevent them from making a second attack.

Otherwise, if you do it again, no one can stop your own life from being completely finished today.

Coupled with the innate masters of the film master and the others, with a posture of never leaving without seeing their lives dying with their own eyes, Liu Mingzhi can only continue to pretend, with less air inflow and more outflow, and the appearance of dying life is completely stable. The minds of these masters of the Lord did not come to make up for themselves.

Don't let these court people think that they have succeeded, they will definitely not be reconciled.

Life is like a play, it depends on acting.

Facts have proved that Liu Mingzhi succeeded.

"Bastard, you scared me to death, I hate you to death, woo woo woo."

"Stupid woman, don't get excited, keep pretending, the crisis is not over yet! If they come back and give me another knife, I'll be really ahem!
Give this note to your subordinates and pass it on to Yun'er. "

The queen took the blood-stained note from First Young Master Liu's hand: "Can I have a look?"

Liu Mingzhi hesitated for a moment, then nodded with difficulty.

The queen unrolled the note and flipped through it quickly.

"The class teacher returns to the city and prepares the army for war!"

PS: Brothers who are confused in their hearts read the previous chapter carefully. It is very clear that more than a dozen people came to besiege, but only a few weapons were hit.

(End of this chapter)

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