Chapter 205
"Hmph, it's all wine bags and rice bags, all of them are wine bags and rice bags. Does the mere question of a general drinking a horse stump you doctors of the Imperial College?" Li Zheng swept everything on the dragon case on the ground, eyes He looked angrily at a group of ministers kneeling under the court.

Hearing the emperor's questioning, these officials knelt on the ground trembling and did not dare to look up at Li Zheng's face.

Dr. Xu Hongdao of Guozijian looked at the colleagues around him, everyone was kneeling tremblingly: "Your Majesty, I have never heard of the problems of Jin Kingdom envoys, but if you give me some time, I should be able to calculate the most time-saving route! "

Li Zheng looked at Xu Hong who was kneeling on the ground quietly and said, "How many days can I get it out?"

"Three to seven days." Xu Hongdao said a conservative time, even so he can't guarantee that he will solve this problem.

"Seven days? A bunch of trash. In vain, I, the great dragon, boasted that the heavens will rise to the top of the country. A small math problem can take seven days to solve. This is only the first problem. Doesn't it take fifteen days? A month or even half a year? Where is my face, and where will the court's face go?"

"The minister is incompetent, please forgive me, Your Majesty."

Li Zheng ignored the Confucian minister of the Guozijian who was kneeling on the ground, and looked at the left minister Wei Yong: "Wei Aiqing, you have always been resourceful. Can you solve the general drinking horse of the envoy of the Kingdom of Jin?"

Wei Yong was stunned and immediately went out with his wat in hand: "Reporting to Your Majesty, I have also been familiar with the nine chapters of arithmetic, but I have never heard of the general's calculation of drinking horses. I have committed a crime, and I have failed Your Majesty's entrustment! Your Majesty, please punish the crime. "

"Tong Aiqing, it is said that Dangyang Academy in the south of the Yangtze River produces all the talents in the world. Back then, you made great strides all the way to enter the imperial court as the number one scholar. I wonder if you can understand?"

Tong Sansi came out and shook his head slightly: "Reporting to Your Majesty, I am proficient in the Four Books and Five Classics, and I have dabbled in various miscellaneous studies, but I am not very proficient in logarithms. Please forgive me."

Li Zheng's expression was getting worse and worse, and the two prime ministers had nothing to do. Could it be that they were really going to be embarrassed by the questions raised by the Jin Guo Mission?
"Dear dears, whoever has a solution to this problem, I am willing to allow him to be promoted to a higher level and be conferred a title!" Li Zheng had to use lures to get the ministers to solve the problem.

All civil and military officials were stunned. They obviously didn't expect the emperor to promise such a big reward. It doesn't matter if they get promoted to a higher level. I don't know the importance of the title, but it is a title that benefits future generations.

However, the richer the reward, the greater the risk. If the general cannot solve the problem of drinking horses, he will also suffer the emperor's wrath.

The civil and military ministers of the Manchu Dynasty looked left and right at each other, but no one dared to stand up.

"Xia Aiqing, you are the veteran of the two dynasties, and you have the most extensive knowledge. You can't solve the problem of a mere general drinking a horse?"

The censor Xia Gongming was taken aback for a moment, he never thought that His Majesty would ask the censor who supervised all the officials a counting question.

"Reporting to Your Majesty, the minister is incompetent and cannot solve this problem."

"Prince, where are you? Didn't you usually say that you have read the books of the Guozijian seven or eight times? You may solve this problem?"

The prince's expression became tense, and he really wanted to show it in front of his father, but he really didn't understand why the general Yinma needed the shortest route and saved the most time. Isn't this sick?But he didn't dare to show it.

"Report to father, my son is incompetent." After speaking, he looked at the brothers around him, usually eager to compete with him for father's favor, but today they all stood firmly in the distance like wooden stakes, motionless.

"Report to Your Majesty, I have something to say." Wu Guogong Wan Buhai stood up.

Li Zheng's face was filled with joy, could it be that Wan Buhai could figure out a problem that even a cadre of civil servants could not solve? After all, Wan Buhai is the boss of the general, so he should know better how to get the most time-saving way.

"Mr. Wu, please tell me quickly. Could it be that you have a solution?"

The corner of Wu Guogong Wan Buhai's mouth twitched: "Report to Your Majesty, I have no solution!"

Li Zheng frowned: "Oh? What would Wan Aiqing want to say?"

"Your Majesty, if you think you can't solve the problem, you solve the problem. It is obviously unjust for the envoys of the Kingdom of Jin to go to war without declaring it. How can there be a general who drinks horses in person? Those who are horses are all sent to guard, I think the envoys of the Kingdom of Jin just want to find fault, why don't I lead a group of guards to send them back to their hometown in the name of exterminating the bandits in the city."

Well, as expected of a military commander, he has a fiery temper. He didn't think about how to solve the problem, but planned to solve the person who caused the problem, so that the problem would be solved easily.

The words are correct, and the reason is also the same, but doing such a thing to the envoy seems to be not solving the problem, but setting off the swordsmanship between the two countries.

As soon as Wan Buhai finished speaking, a group of generals became restless.

"Reporting to Your Majesty, I think Duke Wu's words are justified. What kind of bullshit general drinks horses. Does the general drink horses himself?"

"Your Majesty, what Duke Wu said is correct. We are all ready to discuss the war. That general will go to drink horses. Isn't this dereliction of duty? The envoys of the Kingdom of Jin just want to find fault. There is nothing to say. I don't need Duke Wu to go out. I am willing to lead the guards." Get rid of them, and make sure it's silent."

Li Zheng's complexion darkened, he didn't expect that these generals planned to kill these envoys, although he really wanted to do so, what kind of shit generals drink horses, aren't they full?While preparing for the march, there is no time to let the horses go.

But I can only think about it, if I really want to agree with Wan Buhai's advice, I am afraid that the two countries will inevitably confront each other.

If the two armies are at war, they don't kill envoys, let alone exchange missions in peacetime.

Song Aiqing, Secretary of the Ministry of War, Ye Aiqing, Minister of the Ministry of Punishment, and Qin Aiqing, Minister of the Ministry of Rites: "Don't you have a solution?"

Song Yu looked at his colleagues around in embarrassment and had to stand up: "Report to Your Majesty, this minister is incompetent."

"I am incompetent."

Li Zheng stood up from the dragon chair with a gloomy face: "Okay, great, among the civil officials, all of them are Confucian scholars who have read poetry and books, and all of them are officials selected by the top three Jinshi and the second best Jinshi. Do you often boast that you are very powerful? The question of a general drinking horses will embarrass all of you. What face do you have to stand above the court to share my worries? What worries do you share? I think you are all incompetent people .”

All the civil and military ministers of the Manchu Dynasty knelt down in fright: "Your Majesty, calm down."

"How many days did the envoy of the Kingdom of Jin give?"

Xu Hongdao tremblingly said: "Three days."

"A group of doctors from the Imperial College listened to the order, and you are limited to solve the problem within three days, otherwise"

"His Majesty."


Zhou Fei, the general manager of the inner court, immediately shook the floating dust: "Retire."

In the imperial study, Li Zheng put down his brush and folded a letter: "Zhou Fei, rush to Dangyang Academy day and night to hand the letter to the teacher."

(End of this chapter)

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