Chapter 2050 Abnormal
Wan Mingliang, as the Commander-in-Chief of the Northern Expedition Army, saw the silence of the old brothers around him, got up, walked across to Yunyang and sat down.

"Boss, what shall we do next?
General Tu and the others came here with their troops. Although they added [-] troops to us, we have no intention of fighting at all, and adding another [-] troops will not do much.

To put it bluntly, it is now easy to attack and defend.

The enemy's intentions are very obvious, not to fight and kill the enemy, but to delay our retreat.

Even if General Tu's [-] troops join in, it still won't have much effect on our withdrawal.

Maybe it will speed up a little, but it is almost impossible to rush back to the northern border before the king raises his troops.

After all, we are mainly infantry, and the six guards of the new army are all cavalry, which already has a great advantage in speed.

Now they are afraid that they have already left the territory of Yinshan Mountain, but we have only evacuated about a hundred miles away.

It is hard to say whether the [-] elite soldiers in the six cities of northern Xinjiang can stop the six guards of the new army from going back in time. Even if they catch up, it is another question whether they can stop them for a few days.

At that time, the six guards of the new army only need to allocate [-] cavalry to wrap up [-] elite soldiers, making them in a dilemma.

At that time, the prince still had more than 20 elite soldiers under his command.

The commander-in-chief felt that such a brave 20 elite soldiers could only rely on the thousands of government soldiers in various state capitals to play any role? "

Yunyang sighed heavily: "What do you mean?"

"The final general feels that we can only continue with the commander's suggestion and select a broken army to delay the enemy's attack.

Their current number of cavalry is about the same as my army, and it is not a problem for our cavalry to stop their cavalry.

The enemy's infantry has not shown up so far, and by the time they realize something is wrong, it will be too late to stop us.

They are all pawns, walking on two legs, who can be more powerful?

Including the troops from Shuofang, we currently have less than 60 troops. As long as 20 soldiers can rush back in time, although they are not the opponents of the 20 soldiers of the six guards of the new army, at least we can hold back the soldiers who stand shoulder to shoulder with Wang Jubing. time issue.

Other than that, the general felt that there was really no better way to come up with. "

After Wan Mingliang finished speaking, Zhang Kuang suddenly stood up.

"Commander, after listening to the deputy commander, the last general has an idea, but he is a little passive."

Yun Yang and the others immediately looked at Zhang Kuang: "Take a dead horse as a living horse doctor, let's talk about it first!"

"Marshal, this is what the general thinks, now with the cavalry from Shuofang and Jin Guozhongcheng, our cavalry number is still around 25.

Set aside [-] cavalry to cooperate with all our infantry and use offense as defense to block the harassment of the enemy troops of the Jin and Tu countries.

The remaining 20 infantry rushed to Yingzhou with all their strength to prevent the king's march.

After all, the speed of the cavalry is not comparable to that of our infantry. Let the cavalry return to the city first, and our infantry stay behind to stop the enemy.

The cavalry mainly evacuated, and even if the enemy cavalry wanted to pursue, there was almost no big difference in speed.

In addition, wanting to drive all the soldiers and horses back is nothing but a dream.

Anyway, it's a while to be able to stop it.

However, there are only [-] cavalry left in each of our troops, and I am afraid that we will be passive everywhere under the harassment of the enemy troops from the two countries. "

After Zhang Kuang finished speaking, Yunyang and the others fell silent, thinking about the pros and cons of it.

As Zhang Kuang said, acting like this is too passive.

Leave the cavalry to block the enemy. If the situation is not good, you can retreat in time. Even if you can't retreat with all your strength, at least you can reduce the losses of your own soldiers.

If the infantry blocks the enemy, there is almost no way to evacuate other than defeating the enemy's cavalry.

In terms of speed, there is an insurmountable gap between two legs and the four legs of a war horse.

However, if more than 20 cavalry from the six guards of the new army were removed first, and then 20 cavalry from various ministries were evacuated, almost only infantry remained in the Northern Expedition army.

How to deal with the offensive of the enemy cavalry?
It would be fine if it was just the remnants of the Jin Kingdom, but there were also Turkic cavalry, mainly nomadic cavalry and archers, united together.

Many generals were silent for a long time, and no one dared to speak their mind first.

The responsibility for this decision is too heavy, no one other than the coach Yunyang dares to make a decision.

Everyone turned their eyes to Yunyang with a sullen expression, waiting for his attention.

With a muffled bang, Yunyang slapped the table heavily with his slightly haggard hands.

"It's settled like this, leaving the infantry and 20 cavalry to stop the enemy, and the remaining [-] soldiers and horses will go all out to rush back to Yingzhou to stop the rebellion of the king's army.

Brothers, I know that such a decision is too risky.

However, when the country is in crisis and the society is collapsing.

Today, if there are no soldiers like us who come forward to die generously to support the country and revitalize our country, there will be no latecomers to come out to rebuild the country in the future. "

After Yunyang finished speaking, he looked at the dignified eyes of the generals, and raised the teacup in front of him.

"Everyone, this commander replaces wine with tea, and is willing to live and die with you all."

The atmosphere in the big tent suddenly became solemn, and after a long time, dozens of generals picked up the teacups in front of them and raised them to their chests.

"We are willing to live and die with our brothers and sisters!"


"Respect, Master!"

After drinking the glass of water, Yunyang put down the teacup heavily.

"Zhang Mo, Tu Sheng, Nangong Ye, Wu Maoyun listen to the order."

"The last will obey!"

"You and the other four will each lead [-] cavalry. In the early morning of tomorrow, when we take the initiative to face the enemy, we will immediately withdraw our troops and rush back to the court. King Xingqin will rescue you."

"I have to wait!"

"You four, you have a heavy burden and a great responsibility.

The rise and fall of the world depends on whether you can rush back to the northern border in time to prevent the King of Armor from raising his troops.

please. "


The four of Zhang Mo felt the pressure from the eyes of Yunyang and the others who entrusted them with heavy responsibility.

"Don't wait any longer, go back and recharge your batteries immediately, the temperature will warm up tomorrow morning, and start implementing the plan immediately."


The cold wind at night ushered in the dawn of the melancholy of the Northern Expeditionary Army.

The drums were rumbling and the horns were melodious, so that the Jintu allied soldiers stationed several miles away didn't even have time to eat, and immediately got on their horses and started to attack.

The infantry of the Northern Expedition army prepared for battle, and the behavior of lining up to meet the enemy was all seen by the scouts of the Jin and Tu countries.

Wanyan Chizha and Hu Yanyu got the report from the scouts and immediately galloped towards the frontier battlefield.

Looking at the actions of Dalong's enemy army through the mirror tube, the two looked at each other, seeing the seriousness in each other's eyes.

Uncharacteristically, the enemy no longer continued to withdraw troops, but sounded the horn of charge and combat, which was not a good thing for our own side.

The sound of war drums became thicker and denser, and the soldiers and horses that had been arrayed, under the sound of horns and the guidance of the banner bearers, approached the temporary camp of the Jintu army at a steady pace.

Wanyan Chizha was silent for a while and let out an exclamation.

"Not good, the enemy is going to change their posts, use infantry to meet the enemy, and the cavalry retreat! The cavalry retreats wholeheartedly, not for the purpose of covering the infantry. I'm afraid it's impossible for us to keep them."

Hu Yanyu also understood, came to think for a while, and his eyes gradually became a little deeper: "Anyway, try to block the enemy as much as possible. We will chase them as far as they retreat, and the pawns can't keep up with us. speed.

Even if we pursue the northern border of Dalong, as long as we can prevent them from rushing to help the capital, we can also buy opportunities for Brother Liu. "

"Oh, that's the way it is now.

We have been hostile for four or five years, but we never imagined that one day we would become Liu Mingzhi's reinforcements. It's true that the world is changing, and it's good fortune! "

"What's the use of saying this now, let's meet the enemy!"

Under the order of the two, the cavalry from the Jin and Tu countries immediately rushed out of the camp, and rushed towards the two sides of the phalanx of dragon soldiers, horses and infantry, with an extremely obvious purpose.

The infantry that avoided the big dragon's attack mainly focused on delaying the retreat of the enemy's cavalry.

However, just after half of their impact, the speed of the cavalry that Dalong retreated south suddenly stopped, and nearly half of the soldiers and horses broke away from the formation of the army.

Zhang Mo tightened the reins, staring blankly at the flags of the coalition forces of the Western Regions, and gradually separated from the square formation of the army.

Nangong Ye, Wu Maoyun and the others also sensed that something was wrong one after another, and looked at the soldiers and horses of the Western Regions who had left the formation.

"Qiao Louming, Gu Moqing, Lou Shu, what do you want to do in the car?"

"Shut up!"

The generals of the countries in the Western Regions led their soldiers and horses to stop one after another, and rushed towards the cavalry from the Jin and Tu countries who were rushing towards them.

The soldiers and horses of the Jin and Tu countries were the same as the previous few days. When they saw the Dalong enemy cavalry attacking actively, they immediately turned around and fled away, hanging several miles away and did not leave.

As soon as the cavalry from the Jintu and Jin countries left, the troops from the Western Regions immediately stopped their pursuit. After a roundabout, they stopped at a distance of one mile away from Zhang Mo, Nangong Ye and the others.

Suddenly, a confusing scene appeared on the battlefield.

The four of Zhang Mo immediately rode their horses and rushed towards the position of the soldiers and horses of the Western Regions.

"Hey! Qiao Louming, Gu Moqing, what do you guys mean?"

Hearing Zhang Mo's question, Qiao Louming and other soldiers and horse generals from more than a dozen countries in the Western Regions looked at each other and looked at Zhang Mo with embarrassed expressions.

"Master Zhang, last night we received a letter from Gumo Rongrong, King of Gumo, on the golden sculpture, and we are not allowed to go back to court with your class teacher.

According to King Gumo, this is what Marshal Liu meant.

If you want to continue to fight against Jintu and Jintu, we will definitely help you with all your strength. If you want to return to the court, we will not follow you. We will also assist the Jintu and Jintu soldiers to stop you.

Marshal Zhang Fu, please forgive me, we also have hardships. "

(End of this chapter)

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