Chapter 2071

Looking at Qi Yun's anxious expression, Liu Mingzhi slowly stood up, his hands resting on the desk, his eyes flickered.

"After all, it's a cunning plan. It really didn't exceed my expectations. He noticed something so quickly."

"Husband, what are you muttering about? Mr. Yun seems to know that you are still alive, and now the sisters are dragging him in the mourning hall, what should we do now?"

Liu Mingzhi narrowed his eyes and remained silent for a long time, then slowly walked in front of Qi Yun.

"Killing her husband to death means that she was assassinated and died at Fengyundu on the way to Beijing. Believe it or not, at worst, let him open the coffin for an autopsy.

But there is one thing to remember, the coffin can be opened for an autopsy, but it must be your sisters who had no choice but to let Mr. Yun open the coffin for an autopsy.

It was so easy for him to open the coffin for autopsy, I'm afraid it won't be hidden from the old fox's discerning eyes. "

Qi Yun hesitated and nodded: "I understand, Husband, do you have any other orders?"

"Let Yue'er, a ghostly girl, help you mess around with Mr. Yun, and vaguely point out that the Dalong court's explanation of her beloved father's assassination and death was too perfunctory.

Let old master Yun understand one thing, if the court can't give a real and reasonable explanation, she, the only heir of the Kingdom of Jin, will immediately rush back to the grassland and lead all the soldiers and horses of the Kingdom of Jin to the south to commit crimes.

Not only to avenge Dalong's subjugation of the Jin Kingdom, but also to seek justice and explanation for his father.

It was to make Old Marshal Yun have to believe that as long as they dared to return to King Chaoqin's rescue, soldiers and horses from the Jin and Tu countries would lead hundreds of thousands of cavalry to attack the city southward.

Yue'er is a ghostly girl, you don't need to explain to her in detail, just give her a general idea and let her play by ear. "

"Okay, I understand. If I have nothing else to do, I will go back to deal with Mr. Yun first."

"Okay, if there is any sudden change that can't be dealt with, just play it by ear and deal with it casually, don't take the opportunity to leave and discuss with me.

The more you are like this, the Marshal will doubt how much of the truth of my death is true. "

"Yes, I understand, I will resign."

"it is good."

After Qi Yun left, Liu Mingzhi muttered while sitting on the chair, frowning.

I don't know if Yun'er and the others can handle it. Yunyang, an old fox who has been playing politics in the court for decades, if he is a little careless, Yunyang might notice something.

He wasn't worried about the little cutie. The Queen had listened to the government behind the curtain for many years, and the little cutie had supervised the country for so long. She had dealt with many old foxes in the court of the Kingdom of Jin for many years. It might be an exaggeration to deal with Yunyang with ease.

The queen walked up to Young Master Liu, and looked down at Young Master Liu with her head slightly lowered.

"Stop mumbling, my old lady asks you, can you get married on March [-]th?"

Liu Mingzhi came back to his senses, looked up at the expectant gaze in the empress's bright eyes, rubbed his nose and nodded ambiguously.

"Marry if you can. Anyway, I'm the son-in-law."

Whether the marriage will be successful or not, Liu Mingzhi has no idea in his heart.

If Cheng Kai's secret detour goes well, they will have to sneak into the capital secretly before they get married, and show up in public to expose the truth of Fengyundu.

Before that, once news spread that he was still alive, Spy Shadow came to assassinate him again, or force him with his family's life, whether he could enter the capital would be a problem.

That would really be a waste of time.

You can choose many, many auspicious days for getting married in the future, but this is the only good chance for the rebellion to succeed.

I can't wait!
The empress sat down in Young Master Liu's embrace with a gentle expression, and rubbed her slender jade fingers.

"On the day we get married, we don't need to carry a big sedan chair or a big horse, as long as you arrive.

Wan Yan used to sit in the kingdom of gold, never seen anything, never owned any rare treasures.

Those are vulgar.

Let's get married, bluntly, as long as you are alone. "

"I don't give any dowry. After all, this young master is also Dalong's side-by-side king. The value of a million taels of gold may be exaggerated, but 10 taels of gold should not be a problem.

Give as much as you want, you are the emperor of the Kingdom of Jin. "

"King of subjugation! Isn't it?"

Hearing the empress's low and sad words, Liu Mingzhi was taken aback for a moment, hugging the empress speechlessly.

The empress put her head on Liu Mingzhi's shoulder and found a comfortable position to snuggle up to, her starry eyes half-closed and she fell asleep: "I'm tired, hold me to sleep for a while."

"Okay, take a break if you're tired!"

The sun was setting.

Qi Yun appeared in the study again.

Liu Mingzhi signaled Qi Yun to keep quiet, and walked towards the soft bed behind the screen with the queen in his arms.

It took about a cup of tea before he walked up to Qi Yun again and asked in a low voice.

"My lady, is Mr. Yun gone?"

"I'm gone, but I seem a little unwilling to go."

"Well, after checking it, there was a stench coming out at that time, Mr. Yun didn't dislike it, he took a closer look, and then left with half-belief.

Also, my sister is back, and it's been two hours since I got home. After dealing with Mr. Yun, I went to take a shower and change clothes. "

Liu Mingzhi exhaled suddenly: "Great, Sister Ya is finally back, so you don't have to worry about it at last."

"Husband, do you want my sister to come to the study to meet you?"

"No, Sister Ya came to the study as soon as she came back. It will definitely attract the attention of some servants and maidservants. Wait for me in Sister Ya's room in the dead of night, and I will go find you."

"Okay, I'll tell my sister, I've been battling wits and courage with Mr. Yun all afternoon, and I didn't even have time to eat lunch, so I'm going to prepare dinner right away, and I'll bring it to you later."

"Okay, thank you for your hard work."

Qi Yun blinked at First Young Master Liu, with a faint smile on the corner of her mouth: "My sister finally came back, you should be the one who worked hard."

"Hang Chi. Hmm. Junior is going to order some ginseng soup."

Qi Yun pointed at herself, stretched out two fingers to Young Master Liu, smiled faintly, and walked out of the study with her plump and enchanting waist twisted.

It was not enough time for a cup of tea after Qi Yun left, when the sound of knocking on the window came, Liu Mingzhi looked towards the window sill vigilantly.

"Master, it's Que'er."

"Call in!"

The window opened lightly, and Suzaku flew into the study, watching Young Master Liu who was sitting on the chair and pounced directly on it.

"Master, Que'er misses you."

Young Master Liu patted Suzaku's buttocks and smiled lightly: "Master misses you too, what happened?"

"The brothers in the capital have passed on the book."

"Transfer from the capital?"


Suzaku nodded slightly, took out a letter from his cuff and handed it to First Young Master Liu.

Liu Mingzhi picked up the tea and tasted it, took out the letter and silently read it in front of the lamp.

"Puff cough cough cough"

A sip of warm tea was sprayed by Young Master Liu on Suzaku's charming face, and the water stains slid down the jade neck into the deep gap wrapped around the beautiful woman's chest.

Suzaku took out a handkerchief and wiped the tea off his face, and gave Young Master Liu a dissatisfied look.

"Young Master, you want to see what Que'er is, but you are not allowed to see it, why do you have to get Que'er wet? Could it be that the Young Master likes this faint sentiment?

If the young master really likes it, why don't Que'er go back and change into thinner clothes before coming back? "

After Liu Mingzhi grabbed his sleeve and hurriedly helped Suzaku dry the tea on his body, he hurriedly looked at the letter in his hand.

The [-]th day of the first month of the third year of Dalong Yongping.

A rumor circulated about the side-by-side king Liu Mingzhi's private talk before his death.

According to the rumors, the side-by-side king said that today's son Li Yede is not worthy of the throne, and he himself supported him to ascend the throne and proclaim himself emperor.

The only reason why Li Ye ascended the throne was because he returned to Beijing first.

And the side-by-side king was assassinated and died, which was inseparable from the court.

It shows that the king of side-by-sides has long realized that today's son Li Yede is unworthy and will kill him, that's why he said this.

The sixth day of February in the third year of Dalong Yongping.

Zhao Wang and Li Tao responded to the prince's side, and his cousin Liu Chengzhi returned to the dynasty to rectify his father's name.

I would like to seek justice for the third uncle and side by side with Wang Liumingzhi.

A total of 13 soldiers rushed to the capital, and those who accompanied Zhao Wang to Beijing included more than [-] soldiers and horses, as well as His Royal Highness Li Geng, the son of King Shu who had disappeared for several years without a trace.

The army entering Beijing has already entered Mingzhou from Zhaodi, and within half a month they will be at the capital city.

Looking at the contents of the letter, Liu Mingzhi threw the letter on the table with a strange expression.

"Oh, I have long seen that your kid is not willing to be subordinate to others, and you are quite good at taking advantage of the wind.

Now there are only about [-] soldiers and horses in the capital, maybe it will really let you succeed.

But why did you get involved with Li Geng, the prince of Shu? "

(End of this chapter)

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