My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 208 What do you want from me

Chapter 208 What do you want from me
"Miss Wenren, Liu was wrong. Liu was really wrong. As the saying goes, a gentleman hisses with his mouth but doesn't move his hands. A light touch will break his arm."

The painting style of a scene of wanting to desperately change suddenly. The people present looked at the menacing Liu Mingzhi and were a little worried about this beautiful girl. Who knew that Liu Dashao didn't persist for a round, and he was captured by her and restless. little hands.

Wen Renzheng's face gradually turned dark, and if this continues, the granddaughter's violent name might become Qi Yun's second, and then she will be in her boudoir at the age of eighteen or nineteen.

Zhou Fei looked at Liu Mingzhi, who was captured and begging for mercy, with great interest. Liu Daudao also has this day, but it's really a bit of tofu in brine.

Zhao Fengshou jokingly touched Qi Run, who had a dark face, with his arm, his eyes were full of teasing, the meaning was clear, besides, you don't care if your son-in-law flirts with other girls.

Ying'er really wanted to protect her master loyally and save her young master, but she saw that the cake in her hand was so delicate, it would be bad if she touched it, so the loyal little girl finally chose the cake in her hand instead of saving the young master. A hundred plans.

"Yun Shu, how decent it is to treat Liu Jieyuan like this in public, why don't you let go of Liu Jieyuan!"

Wenren Yun Shu snorted and let go of Liu Mingzhi's hands: "As a scholar, the leader Jie Yuan is so reckless, what is the difference from those reckless heroes."

First Young Master Liu, who was rubbing his arms, turned to look at the squeamish Wenren Yun Shu in a daze: "Have you heard of the Legend of the White Snake?"

"What is the Legend of the White Snake? I don't know what it means?"

"Hero of the Reckless, Xu Xian, weren't you a Hero of the Reckless just now? Besides Dr. Xu Xian, who else has the ambition to be called the Hero of the Reckless?"

Wenren Yun Shu rolled his eyes: "There are so many reckless heroes in the Jianghu, who knows who Xu Xian is."

"No, are there so many long worms from Dalong Chaocheng?"

Liu and Wenren bickered, and Wan Yang looked at Wen Renzheng who was standing aside with burning eyes, with a respectful expression: "Senior is Mr. Wenren!"

Wen Renzheng did not treat Wan Yang tit-for-tat, but had a calm face on his face: "An old man is old and old, and he can't be called a senior, but aunt and son are the real young talents. The scholars of Puxian Academy in the Kingdom of Jin are no worse than Dalong. Guozijian, the young master can actually become their commander, it can be seen that he is also a generation of geniuses, the waves behind the Yangtze River push the waves ahead, you are old!"

"Seniors are too humble. The juniors have heard of the high reputation of the seniors when they were young in the Kingdom of Jin. The Grand Master of the Kingdom of Jin once said that Duke Qian has been in Dalong for 30 years. The Kingdom of Jin and the Grassland will never even think about setting foot on the Dalong Dynasty. , It's a pity that senior's all-powerful ability has been reduced to useless, Wan Yang is not talented, I am willing to invite senior to enter the Kingdom of Jin, and I am willing to treat senior favorably in the name of a national scholar."

The [-] scholars of Jin Guo Puxian Academy also bowed and saluted: "I would like to invite the seniors to settle in the Jin country, and please think twice."

Wen Renzheng shook his head complicatedly: "I would like to thank you all for your great love, but celebrities are lonely in their old age, princes and generals, rain and wind blow, I still like to put my love in the mountains and rivers, I'm sorry!"

Wan Yang sighed and shook his head, knowing that it was impossible to invite the great god Wen Renzheng to enter the Kingdom of Jin, so he didn't force it anymore.

Zhou Fei anxiously looked at the sky, and it would be too late for Wen Renzheng to chat with everyone.

"Mr. Qian, the business is important."

Only then did Wen Renzheng realize the purpose of coming this time, looked at Zhou Fei with a slightly embarrassed expression and laughed twice.

"It is said that Bai Suzhen was enlightened by Guanyin Bodhisattva, and she turned into a fairy-like woman and came to Qiantang County to find a benefactor who was reincarnated in the [-]th life. story told.

Wen Renzheng and Zhou Fei stared blankly at the crowd forming a big circle, what happened.

Frowning, Wen Renzheng flicked a small stone with his fingers and hit Young Master Liu directly on the forehead.

"Bai Suzhen pinched her fingers and cast the fairy method, and saw the dilapidated courtyard directly. Oops." Liu Mingzhi scratched his head for a moment, for someone smashed the stone.

"Master, go on, what's wrong with the courtyard?" This was Ying'er's voice. Ying'er was like a house girl in later generations who watched a TV series and kowtowed melon seeds, eating snacks non-stop, listening to the mysterious story nervously.

"Surnamed Liu, go on, what's wrong with this white lady?" Wenren Yun Shu felt aggrieved by desire and dissatisfaction, and spoke in a low voice.

"Little friend, has the courtyard turned into a fairy palace?" Li Yugang's thoughts were a bit wild.

"Zhier, what happened to the courtyard, don't stop!" Qi Run's question was full of curiosity.

"Liu Jieyuan, Brother Liu, what exactly did Bai Suzhen conjure when he cast a spell?" This was the question of the senior high school students who were nearby.

Some Confucian scholars who told the story of the time without saying strange powers and chaotic gods fell into the story of the White Snake and couldn't extricate themselves.

Everyone is quite clear in their hearts, I have taken off my pants, you show me this?It's quite uncomfortable to be unable to climb up or down, can't get up and down?Hey, why does it feel weird.

Annoyed by everyone's questions, the story couldn't continue, Young Master Liu's face darkened: "Can you stop interrupting."

Everyone was stunned and quickly nodded: "Don't interrupt, don't interrupt."

"Yes, yes, promise not to interrupt."

"My king ordered everyone not to interrupt and concentrate on listening to the story."

Qin Bin poured a glass of wine carefully: "Brother Liu, moisten your throat first, you will have to spend a lot of talking later, the younger brother and others are really addicted to it and cannot extricate themselves!"

Young Master Liu's complexion gradually turned black, he didn't interrupt, and wasted a lot of talking, unable to extricate himself, why did the young master feel that there was something weird there, as for what was so weird, I couldn't tell, in short, something was wrong.

"I saw Bai Suzhen, I didn't see the story, do you still want to listen to it, you want the young master to kill the old man, what's wrong with you, why is your face so dark?"

"You bastard, this is the Luming Banquet in Gongyuan, not a wine shop and inn, what are you doing?" Wen Renzheng couldn't help howling.

Liu Mingzhi was taken aback for a moment, yes, this is the Gong Yuan: "Master, don't blame the boy, it's all because of their insistence. Damn it"

Liu Mingzhi stared dumbfounded at everyone who was already sitting upright. Even Yinger, a silly little girl, ran to the other side to sit with Wenren Yunshu and put her hands on the table, like a student who would listen carefully in future generations.

Bing is expensive and fast, so fast is a hammer, you bastards.

"Follow me!" Wen Renzheng led the way with a dark face.

"Sister Wenren, is the young master alright?"

"Don't worry, Liu has a thick skin and won't die."

"That's good, that's good." Ying'er patted her chest comfortably, staring at the candied fruit on the table again and swallowing her saliva.

Liu Mingzhi looked up at the sky with tears in his eyes, and he said that he was the young master's man in life, and the young master's ghost in death?The king of iron bones. Little Yinger, a piece of candied fruit can sell the country.

Liu Mingzhi looked at the problem on the paper in amazement, oh, is there anyone in the Dragon Dynasty who has already studied linear mathematics?Isn't this the problem of junior high school students seeking the shortest route?

Zhou Fei looked anxiously at the pensive Liu Mingzhi: "Liu Da Jie Yuan, how is it? Can this problem be solved?"

"It's simple! First do this and that, then that and that, and finally this and that, and then you can solve it."

Wen Renzheng and Zhou Fei stared blankly at Young Master Liu who was gesticulating, what is this and that, and what do you want to do?
After talking in a hurry, Liu Mingzhi looked at Wen Renzheng and Wen Renzheng with satisfaction. We have also passed the teacher's addiction, teacher!Woohoo, I actually lived the way I hated the most back then.


The two of them shook their heads together and looked at Liu Mingzhi, who was dripping with joy. Is that really the case?
(End of this chapter)

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