My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 2139 Good things come in pairs

Chapter 2139 Good things come in pairs
In the imperial study.

After making a few special gestures, Liu Mingzhi picked up the teacup and sat on the chair to savor it carefully.

After about a cup of tea, the beautiful figure of Suzaku came out from the side hall, looked at Young Master Liu who was sitting quietly waiting on the chair, and jumped into Young Master Liu's arms like a swallow returning its nest.


Looking down at Suzaku lying on his body and staring at his seductive eyes, Young Master Liu slightly turned his posture, hugged the beautiful woman's bumpy, fragrant body and sat on him.

"It's getting more and more outrageous. I'm not afraid that the young master will go crazy and eat you, a little sheep!"

Suzaku didn't say much, looked at Young Master Liu charmingly, quietly untied the ribbon around his willow waist with pale fingers, Yunluo's clothes slipped off to reveal fat shoulder blades, the underclothes embroidered with water lotus and a deep ravine were directly exposed Liu Mingzhi's eyes.

Silently grabbing Young Master Liu's big hand and putting it on his heart, Suzaku winked and looked at Liu Mingzhi provocatively.


Liu Mingzhi took a deep breath to calm down his restless mind.

"Little fairy, don't be arrogant. When everything is stable and there is no major danger, the young master must treat you properly."

Suzaku snorted resentfully.

"And, I knew it would be like this!"

"Don't be sad, it's for your own good, if you become pregnant, it will put a lot of constraints on your life!"

It is not easy to cultivate a confidant.

It is even more difficult to cultivate a confidant like Suzaku who is loyal to himself and will never betray him.

Compared with the temporary love between men and women, Suzaku's life is more important.

Having said that, although Liu Mingzhi didn't directly eat Suzaku's seductive vixen, his hands were not necessarily so honest.

As always, he swayed gently on the beauty's delicate body.

"How is it? What is the public's reaction to my proclaiming the emperor?"

"There are mixed reviews, five to five to five to five.

Some of the common people have heard about your footsteps on the seven stars, and they still agree with your claim to be emperor.

However, there are not a few people who curse you as a traitor and traitor who everyone can punish.

However, with the implementation of the young master's new decree, the rumors of the true man became more and more widespread. Although there were still many cursing voices, it was much less than at the beginning.

Now not only the people in all the state capitals of Dalong have learned about this matter.

The Kingdom of Jin and the Turks gradually spread. The fact that you led troops to attack the city and proclaimed yourself emperor is now known all over the world. "

"Is there any momentum for civil unrest in the local area?"

"There are some!"

"What's the reason? Is it serious?"

"I was bewitched by the local government, state, and county officials. These officials dared not speak out about the young master's attempt to usurp power, but they still dared to take small actions in private.

For such officials, do you want Que'er to draw up a list and hand it over to Baihu, and then"

Liu Mingzhi looked at Suzaku's cold and stern eyes when he wiped his neck, and silently shook his head for a long time with the flashing thoughts in his eyes.

Once this is done, those ordinary officials should be extraordinary.On the contrary, it will set off an unnecessary turmoil. This kind of extravagance is absolutely unfeasible.

Just wait and see.

As long as the local officials don't confuse the people to make trouble, they can let it go.

However, draw up their list and seal it up. After the imperial examination this year, there will be latecomers.

If these officials are still embarrassing with the idea of ​​keeping the festival for the previous dynasty, young master, I will deal with them slowly! "


"How's the situation in northern Xinjiang? Did Marshal Yun and the other generals make any moves?"

"Currently there is no action. A month ago, Old Commander Yun had a tendency to send another group of troops to King Qin to rescue him, but when the news of Li Ye drinking poisonous wine and committing suicide in the imperial study reached Beijiang, Beijiang became completely peaceful. down.

As always, they stick to the gate of the country, and they have not mobilized troops, nor have they contacted officials from various places. "

"Is there any other important information?"

"No, but there is some second-class information, and the eleventh king of Mingzhou is also Li."

The time for a few sticks of incense.

The imperial study room became quiet, and there was no more report from Suzaku.

In the hall, Suzaku gave Eldest Young Master Liu a white look with flushed cheeks and seductive eyes, the resentment in his eyes was self-evident.

Under Young Master Liu's teasing gaze, he walked towards the side hall with weird and awkward steps.

After Suzaku left, Liu Mingzhi smiled and wiped the water marks on his hands, then took out the Heavenly Sword on the table and looked it over a few times, picked up the silk cloth on the side and carefully wiped the sharp edge of the sword.

"I hope you are more sensible, I really don't want to die anymore!"

The first day of May in the first year of Dalong Taiping.

Great meeting.

After Liu Mingzhi arrived at the Hall of Qinzheng, all his former colleagues who were officials in the same dynasty were present.

Even Xia Gongming, a veteran of the four dynasties who committed suicide by committing suicide to show his loyalty and was later rescued by the imperial physician Chu Renxin, was present.

Xia Gongming was already disheartened, and had the idea of ​​quitting the temple and staying away from power.

However, Liu Mingzhi visited him personally and said that as long as Xia Gongming dared to stay away from the court, he would abolish the Yushitai government office and re-edit the history books.

Even though Xia Gongming knew that Liu Mingzhi was threatening him, he didn't dare to bet.

He was afraid that Liu Mingzhi would really revise the truth in the history books, making this historical fact completely disappear in the long river of history.

This kind of result is definitely a disgrace to him, the imperial censor and the leader of the speech officer.

In desperation, Xia Gongming, who had made an agreement with Liu Mingzhi for three chapters, was still firmly in the position of the former imperial censor.

As for the arrival of all the other officials, some of them had already pledged to be under the rule of the new emperor Liu Mingzhi, and some of them were of course Liu Mingzhi used some small tricks.

All the illegal actions of some officials, Jinshi and Di up to now are in the archives of the Spy Shadow Vault.

The spy shadow is now missing, those secret files will naturally fall into the hands of Suzaku, and finally presented to Liu Mingzhi.

And a hand-copied file, together with a letter of commitment to ensure that these secret files will not be circulated to the world and damage their reputation, was presented to the desks of these officials on certain nights.

Liu Mingzhi also didn't want to act like this, but in extraordinary times he had to use extraordinary means.

To stabilize the imperial court, we cannot do without these old foxes for the time being!

At the first great court meeting in the first year of Taiping, Liu Mingzhi once again promulgated a series of decrees that benefited the country and the people, with the aim of publicizing the government officials to the world.

By the way, a salary was added to the officials.

In this way, the flattering words of gratitude are naturally indispensable.

As for the degree of sincerity, only they can understand it in their hearts.

Liu Mingzhi didn't care about these, as long as Chao Gang could stabilize, it didn't matter how much of what they said was true.

Only by stabilizing them and preventing them from causing trouble to hinder me can I have the time to deal with the generals and soldiers of the northern border like Mr. Yun.

The first great court meeting came to a 'successful' end under a series of decrees issued by Liu Mingzhi.

The third day of June in the first year of Taiping.

As the occasional large and small court meetings proceeded as scheduled, the officials gradually felt how clever Liu Mingzhi was in handling government affairs.

Compared with the Chengdi Li Ye whom they still miss, they are many times better, and they are likely to be evenly divided with Ruizong Li Zheng.

Moreover, Liu Mingzhi has not troubled any of his former colleagues for so long.

All government affairs, large and small, are discussed and discussed with all officials in a pleasant manner, and then implemented step by step.

Gradually, many officials did not realize that they were more and more agreeing with Liu Mingzhi, the new emperor who rebelled and proclaimed himself emperor.

Even officials who sensed this vague feeling were stubbornly unwilling to admit this result.

It is night, the moonlight is hazy.

In the imperial study room, there is still a faint heat left by the sunlight during the day.

Liu Mingzhi wrote the last memorial with a vermilion pen, stretched his waist after closing it, and with a faint smile on his face, he picked up the information sent by Suzaku and looked at the candlelight.

After a while, the rice paper was lit and thrown into the brazier, Liu Mingzhi narrowed his eyes slightly, and there was a faint smile on the corner of his mouth.

"It's not too late, it's time to deal with the affairs of northern Xinjiang."

Looking at the burnt rice paper, Liu Mingzhi blew out the candles and walked out of the imperial study.

Today is the day when I made an agreement with Xue Bizhu and sisters to let the sisters get their wish. Unexpectedly, before I knew it, I was already busy to the climax of the moon.

Xiyuan Yunfangzhai.

Xiao Chengzi knocked lightly on the door, then walked outside with a whisk in his hand, nodding his head and lowering his eyebrows.

"Who is who?"

Liu Mingzhi looked at Xiao Chengzi's back with satisfaction, and cheerfully responded to Huang Lingyi's slightly nervous voice.

"In the middle of the night, Lingyi, who do you think it could be?"

"Brother Liuliu. You. Wait a minute."

There was a rustling sound, and the door opened after a while, Huang Lingyi happily looked at Young Master Liu standing outside the door with evasive eyes.

"I am. I."

Liu Mingzhi looked at the nervous Huang Lingyi with a smile on his face: "What are you? It's getting dark and you can't rest in Shuhezhai, why did you come to Bizhuyunfangzhai?"

"Little sister. Little sister thought you weren't coming, so she came to rest with my sister. Brother Liu, go in. My little sister is going back to Shuhezhai first!"

After Huang Lingyi finished speaking, she lowered her head and ran out of the hall, and ran towards Shu He Zhai on the west side with her head buried.

Liu Mingzhi grabbed Huang Lingyi's wrist, pulled it slightly into his arms, quietly hugged the beauty's willow waist, and looked down at Huang Lingyi, whose delicate body couldn't help but tense, and whose expression was a little flustered.

Feel the warm eyes of your sweetheart.

Huang Lingyi's cheeks were immediately stained with a layer of blush, which became even more red under the light of the lantern, and her beautiful eyes opened and closed to look at Liu Mingzhi's soft but aggressive eyes, and kept dodging.

"Lingyi, aren't you usually quite bold? Why are you so shy today?"

"Little sister. Little sister"

Liu Mingzhi laughed and picked him up by the waist and walked towards the hall.

"You ran away, how can this young master make a good couple today?"

"You me. Me."

"Brother Liu, why don't you come to Lingyi Lingyi."

Liu Mingzhi looked at Xue Bizhu who came up happily to meet Huang Lingyi, who became a little stuttering after seeing Huang Lingyi, kicked the door shut, and walked over directly holding Huang Lingyi.

"Good things come in pairs, so naturally we have to be together!"

Before Xue Bizhu could react, she let out an exclamation and was already embraced by Liu Mingzhi and walked towards Ruantang, only to be bullied by Young Master Liu.

A moment later, two completely different melodious notes came from Yunfangzhai under the dim moonlight.

Amidst the evocative movements of Yinggeyanyanyu, the moonlight was also hidden behind the clouds.

Xiao Chengzi outside Yunfangzhai turned a deaf ear to the voice from Yunfangzhai.

Looking at the bright moon blocked by the clouds, his eyes are full of longing for the future.

Finally, he was no longer that little eunuch who poured out Yexiang!

(End of this chapter)

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