My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 214 Don't Let Liu Mingzhi

Chapter 214 Don't Let Liu Mingzhi

"You kid, let the old man stop?"

Young Master Liu stopped and looked at Wen Renzheng with a black hair in surprise: "Old man, what's going on?"

"How does it feel?"

"Q bomb Q bomb, don't tell your granddaughter not to look at it. What are you talking about, old man? How does it feel? I don't understand, boy?"

Wen Renzheng looked at Qin Bin who had gradually walked away and looked at Young Master Liu gloomyly: "Boy, if you dare to provoke girl Yun Shu again, don't blame the old man for not remembering the past. If you don't like going to Beijing, the old man will personally send you to the palace to serve The emperor can't do it, please take it easy for the old man." After Wen Renzheng finished speaking, he looked at a certain part of Young Master Liu and gestured with a knife in his hand.

Then, with his hands behind his back, the old god walked past Young Master Liu.

The corners of Liu Mingzhi's mouth twitched, he only felt air leaking from his pants, and the coolness hit him. He felt precarious: "Have I provoked you? Yes. Yes?"

Liu Mingzhi returned to his seat and looked at the bronze mirror in his hand with a tangled expression on his face. Should he return it or not? Glancing at Wen Renzheng, where the old god was not far away, Young Master Liu didn't have the guts.

After weighing the distance with Wenren Yunshu, Liu Mingzhi felt that throwing the bronze mirror should not be difficult, after all, the bronze mirror is still a bit heavy.

"Pipi." Young Master Liu sent a signal to Wenren Yunshu using the technical terminology used to call the classmates before and after the exam.

Ever since that slap raid, Wenren Yunshu's eyes have always been casually and fiercely staring at Young Master Liu's back, so as soon as Liu Mingzhi's signal came, Wenren Yunshu's 5G was immediately full, and the signal was very strong. He directly received Young Master Liu's terminology.

Wenren Yunshu looked at Liu Mingzhi who was winking at him with his right hand across his neck, and said four words: "You are dead!"

However, Young Master Liu didn't know spoken English and could only rely on guesswork to distinguish Wenren Yunshu's information. After some rigorous and scientific experiments proved that Liu Mingzhi guessed that the four words Wenren Yunshu said should be thrown over.

Speechless, staring at the sky, Young Master Liu was really moved, so touched, really understanding. Pooh, understanding girl, I know that the old man won't let me provoke you, let me throw it over to avoid getting close After getting in touch with each other, you have both talent and beauty. The young master has always been a fan of you.

Wenren Yunshu didn't know that he already had a fan out of nowhere.

Thinking that he understood Miss Wenren's meaning, Young Master Liu suddenly raised his hand and threw the bronze mirror in his hand.

The copper mirror flipped back and forth in the air, showing its elegant and graceful figure. Unfortunately, Young Master Liu underestimated the strength of people kneeling and sitting. When the mirror flipped in the air, it was four or five steps away from Wenren Yunshu and began to fall.

Beautiful, with a perfect face brake, the smooth side of the bronze mirror slid four or five steps on the ground, and stopped firmly at a position within reach of Wenren Yunshu's table.

With a snap, the candied fruit in Wenren Yunshu's hand rolled to the ground, looking at the bronze mirror with a perfect face at her feet, Wenren Yunshu's eyes were flushed, her aunt had saved money for a month.

Just as the so-called excited heart, trembling hands can best express Wenren Yunshu's mood at this moment.

The lucky Wenren Yunshu could not restrain his trembling body and picked up the bronze mirror under his feet, praying to the heavens not to scratch the mirror, otherwise he would really die with Young Master Liu forever.

The idea is beautiful, but the reality is cruel. The bronze mirror with a distance of four or five meters on the face completed a 180-degree graceful slide on the stone floor of the Gongyuan, and finally passed away. It completed the most important achievement in life, reflecting the sun to protect the The face of the Dragon Dynasty.

Some people. Although the mirror was born insignificant, his life's brilliance is bright and full of justice. He will be remembered by all mirrors and will be regarded as a role model for mirror students by all mirrors.

Although you are gone forever, the brilliance you left behind will shine on the world.

Wenren Yunshu caressed the copper mirror that was no different from ordinary copper sheets, his lips trembling, mad with hatred, and pointed at the sword: "It's okay for the surname Liu to take advantage of my aunt, but how dare she destroy her?" The mirror, this is a bloody feud, irreconcilable, aunt and grandma will never end with you."

Well, Miss Wenren was so angry that she was so confused that she just let it go that she was taken advantage of compared to her beloved bronze mirror. Sure enough, women who love beauty are always so unreasonable.

Young Master Liu picked up a piece of candied fruit and put it into his mouth with trembling hands to cover up his feeling of oppression in his heart. He could clearly see Wenren Yunshu's expression just now. The young master remembered that time when he flirted with his vaginal legs, and swallowed your saliva.

The candied fruit failed to reach my mouth several times.

"Brother Qin, do you think face is more important than life?" Liu Mingzhi looked sideways at Qin Bin who was sitting upright.

Qin Bin thought about it for a while: "Face is more important than life. After Brother Liu's teachings, I understand that people can't die without doing anything, but die vigorously."

"So it's useless to be beaten to death by a woman?"

"Naturally? The three cardinal principles and five constant principles are human relations. What kind of woman dares to be so bold and violate the rules?"

"That's good, brother Qin!" Liu Mingzhi suddenly grabbed Qin Bin's hands with deep affection and looked at him with hazy eyes: "The rest of the scene will be left to you brothers, I forgot to collect the clothes in Liu's house , I think the weather is a bit abnormal, I have to go back to collect my clothes, come on!"

Qin Bin looked at the sunny sky in confusion, how could the sky look different?

Just as Liu Mingzhi got up and was about to run away, he was interrupted by a voice.

Wan Yang stood under the high platform and said loudly: "This junior was no longer arrogant, but he underestimated the scholars in the south of the Yangtze River. Dangyang Academy is worthy of the reputation of being the best in the world. This junior is convinced, but it is only one of the eight major events. Although If Jin Guo loses in the game of chess, it may not mean that he will come from behind among the other seven masters, please ask Jiangnan scholars to come up with a question!"

According to the rules, one of the two sides decided the topic of the competition. Wan Yang had already chosen the chess method for the first game, and it was up to the Longguo scholars to come up with the questions for the second game.

Qi Run and Zhao Fengshou looked at each other and nodded at each other. What Wan Yang said was very reasonable, and they couldn't fault it.

Zhao Fengshou got up: "Which scholar is willing. Liu Jieyuan is doing his part, very good, very good?" Zhao Fengshou was just about to ask which high school recruits were ready to fight, when he saw Liu Da who had stood up and was about to run away few.

"Ah, ah?" Liu Mingzhi looked at Zhao Fengshou who called out to him with a bewildered expression in astonishment, what happened.

Previously, Qin Bin and Qin Bin were just muttering and didn't pay attention to what Wan Yang said at all. Young Master Liu, who was stopped by Zhao Fengshou, was still a little at a loss, why did he call me so politely?Where does the young master need to run for his life?

Although Wenren Yunshu only has a bit of kung fu like a three-legged cat, he is not someone he can provoke. The only move he can do is seven knives of emotion, but it is a killer move. Even if he wants to resist, the key is that there is no Knife.

The old man handed over the Heavenly Sword and Heavenly Sword Cheats, so far the catalog has not been fully comprehended, and it cannot be beaten.

Wan Yang stared blankly at the bewildered Liu Mingzhi: "Leaving Qin, calligraphy and painting, poetry, wine, flower tea and seven elegance, which elegance would brother Liu want to use as the theme?"

(End of this chapter)

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