My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 2174 Swear by blood alliance, one word is final

Chapter 2174 Swear by blood alliance
Liu Mingzhi hesitated for a while, let go of the queen's wrist, and sat cross-legged in front of the chessboard again.

"I have seen the sun through the clouds and mists, so what's the point of continuing to struggle?"

Huyan Yunyao looked at Liu Mingzhi's meaningful eyes, looked back at her second brother Hu Yanyu's uneasy but encouraging eyes, and exhaled softly.

"Brother, Yunyao doesn't want to lose so badly!"

"Okay, I will accompany you for my brother!"

Liu Mingzhi picked up a chess piece, and without hesitation, it fell towards the position he had already planned.

The two brothers and sisters played against each other again.

"Junior brother, in the 26th year of Xuande, at that time the grassland was still the head of the Western Turks.

Du Lubu and Shibibu were lured by euphemism and profiteering, and went south to offend Yingzhou and Jeju.

The Longwuwei and Tiger and Leopard Guards lost more than [-] people, and more than [-] people were directly killed in battle. In Duolu's two steps, more than [-] people were killed and injured, and more than [-] people were directly killed in battle! .

In the 27th year of Xuande, he was sent as an envoy to the Kingdom of Jin for his brother.

The internal turmoil broke out in Jin, and later Brother Huyan led the soldiers and horses across the border to the territory of Jin in order to save you.

Nearly [-] troops were lost in this battle between Jintu and Jintu.

Ryan 28 years.

The Western Turks went south to invade the frontier, and then the countries of the Western Regions came to the east to raid and loot.

It has caused my great dragon fifty thousand sons to bury their bones in the frontier.

In the first year of Rui'an, he was in charge of the northern border for his brother to stabilize the situation, and then Rui'an led 40 troops to conquer the Western Regions around two years ago.

It was not until the end of the fourth year of Rui'an that the teacher returned to the court, and my Dalong Erlang eighty thousand Erlang buried his bones in a foreign land.

In the fifth year of Rui'an, his junior and junior returned to the grassland, and the situation in the three kingdoms of Dalong, Turkic, and Jin gradually became tense.

Then Wu Guogong Wanbu kelp coffin went out to recover Heshuo, Hetao lost ground, fought with the Western Turks for more than a year, and recovered our Han family's lost territory in nearly two years.

In the sixth year of Rui'an, the war of the Three Kingdoms began in the seventh year of Rui'an.

18 Long Erlang buried his bones in a foreign country.

Jintu and Jintu suffered heavy casualties, not much more.

In the first year of Taihe, the Great Dragon Expedition to the North, and the Three Kingdoms fought again.

Together, the three countries lost at least 30 troops.

The second year of Taihe, the first year of Yongping, the second year, and the third year.

Dalong made three Northern Expeditions successively, and Jintu and Jintu went south to violate the frontier twice successively.

For ten years, there were wars among the Three Kingdoms every year. Even if the powerful Dalong was supported by the wealth brought back from the Western countries, his national strength gradually weakened.

You Jintu two countries just got better and then went to war one after another, let alone.

In those years, my brother first served as the Minister of the Household Department, and later served as the governor of the two prefectures of northern Xinjiang, and then served as the king of the 27 prefectures of northern Xinjiang.

Ten years, playing for ten years.

Do a rough estimate for my brother.

There were nearly 110 million casualties among the three countries.

Junior brother, it's 110 million!
Listen to my brother's good advice.

Let the world rest!
If the fight continues, the world will be ruined!

After many national wars, now you Turks have gathered all the young and strong warriors from the big and small tribes, and the strength is less than 30.

Now my brother commands more than 80 troops, nearly a million people.

What's the difference if you go down hard?
Say something that the younger brother doesn't like to hear.

My brother is thirty and five years old this year, even if I can only live to be 60 years old.

You can also beat you for at least 20 years.

As a brother, I can beat you for at least 20 years, how long can you hold on? "

With a soft sound, Huyan Yunyao gently tapped a chess piece on the chessboard.

Seeing Heizi who revived in an instant, Huyan Yunyao let out a sigh of relief, looked at Liu Mingzhi with apricot eyes and smiled slightly, she was more charming than Huajiao.

"Brother, although you won, you lost!"

Liu Mingzhi's expression froze, looking at the intricate chess pieces on the chessboard, the chess pieces twirled on his fingertips quietly rolled down on the chessboard.

After staring at the pieces on the chessboard in silence for a long time, Liu Mingzhi sighed heavily.

"It's a good move to die and survive! I lost for my brother!"

Huyan Yunyao picked up Liu Mingzhi's slipped chess piece, held it in her palm and looked at it carefully.

"So, if Yunyao fights to the death, senior brother may not be able to win."

"Junior Brother, what can you do if you have mastered the Longmen Formation? Before there was no artillery, the Dragon Gate Formation might be able to bring Junior Brother back to life and turn defeat into victory.

But it is not ten years ago.

Don't you think it's too late for you to use the Longmen formation more than ten years ago to deal with today's senior brother?

What's more, the elite infantry needed by the Longmen formation, you Turks can't organize at all in the current situation.

What if it could be organized?There is no artillery in the formation to contain Dalong's artillery fire, and the Longmen formation is a living target under the bombardment of artillery fire.

And you Turks simply can't come up with artillery to compete with Brother Wei.

You would rather break off your brother's two teeth if the whole army is wiped out.

Although you lose, you win, and as a brother, you win and lose.

For you and me, is this kind of success or failure really what you and I want to see?

Are you really willing to exchange the lives of nearly 30 people for a victory that does not deserve the name? "

"Could it be that Yunyao bowed his head and proclaimed himself a minister, and is willing to live as a subjugated king?"

The empress, who was kneeling beside Liu Mingzhi, suddenly became more breathing, and she frowned slightly as she looked at Huyan Yunyao, who was staring at First Young Master Liu.

The meaning contained in the bright eyes is obvious.

Goblin, who are you touching?

Liu Mingzhi felt that the Queen's breathing was a little disordered, so he hurriedly raised his hand and patted the back of the Queen's hand, gathering his internal energy to transmit sound to the Queen.

"The child's words are not serious or serious, don't give her common sense, calm down, calm down.

To put it bluntly, the lord has a lot, and there is no point in getting angry with her, no point!

Be good, calm down, calm down! "

The queen twisted the back of First Young Master Liu's hand with a resentful expression, and looked to the east on the withered yellow grassland with a gloomy expression.

That's where my home is.

But when the country is destroyed, the family is gone.

Although the little goblin's words were a bit harsh, they were the truest portrayal of himself right now.

Is he really willing to be a king of subjugation for his life?
However, for so many years of conscientiously planning the world, isn't it just to fulfill the last wish of the emperor?

Isn't it just to avenge the old grievances that Li Zheng severely humiliated when he first ascended the throne and went to Dalong to worship and pay tribute?

Today, the world is at your fingertips for yourself.

It's just why I don't feel happy at all?

Having no time to take into account the empress's sudden complicated and unbearable mood, Liu Mingzhi was silent for a while, and looked at Huyan Yunyao calmly.

"Junior brother, let's do it this way, in three days' time we will have a battle formation showdown representing the identities of the soldiers.

If you are defeated, you will obediently bow your head and surrender, and be assigned to the rule of Dalong.

If Brother Wei loses, Brother Wei assures you that during Brother Wei's lifetime, Pian Jia will not enter Turkic territory.

how is it?

If the younger brother is unwilling to accept it! "

Liu Mingzhi stood up gently, his calm eyes gradually became sharper and looked down, wandering around the empress, Huyan Yunyao, and Huyanyu successively.

"If the younger brother is unwilling to accept it.

As a brother, he can only command a million-strong army to charge directly into the battle, and the horses step on the battalion.

To unify the world with bloody swords and soldiers laying down millions of corpses.

In any case, this time the army went north.

Even if Liu Mingzhi witnessed the blood flowing into rivers on the grassland with his own eyes, he still wanted to put all the hard work that his father, brother, and Chengzong devoted to four generations into one battle!
The infamy of regicide and usurping the throne is destined to never be washed away in my life, and I don't mind having another infamy of butcher. "

Looking at Liu Mingzhi's calm but resolute eyes, Huyan Yunyao swallowed involuntarily.

She understood that senior brother had made up his mind to unify the world.

Standing up slowly, Huyan Yunyao looked at Liu Mingzhi quietly: "Okay! Yunyao agreed!"

"Gentleman One"

"My old lady also wants to participate in this military battle that will determine the ownership of the world!"

Liu Mingzhi frowned, kept winking at the queen, and hurriedly sent the voice to the queen.

"Honestly, what are you messing with!"

The queen also stood up directly, and sighed with a lonely expression.

"You don't have a conscience, you don't have to whisper to Wanyan.

Wan Yan also wants to be like the little goblin, even if she suffers a crushing defeat, she must be convinced of her defeat.

My self-esteem tells me that I don't want to get a world that shouldn't belong to me in such a muddle.

I have to give a final explanation and result to the soldiers who died fighting for the country. "

Liu Mingzhi looked at the queen with complicated eyes for a while, then nodded helplessly, and slowly stretched out his right hand.

"A gentleman's word!"

The two women stretched out their hands one after another and placed their palms on the back of Liu Mingzhi's.

"It's hard to chase a horse!"

"Brother, Yunyao wants to raise the stakes, otherwise I won't agree to this matter!"

"What bet!"

"If Yunyao wins, not only will you not be allowed to enter Turkic territory for the rest of your life, but I also want you to marry me!"

"If Yunyao is defeated, I will lead all the people under my command to be ruled by Dalong, and I will marry you as my concubine!"

"Okay! It's a deal. If you lose, you will marry your brother. Ah! Ah? Ah?
I was defeated, I ordered Pianjia not to enter the territory of Turkic for the rest of my life, and then I want to marry you, I lost for my brother. Marry?marry?hiss! "

Liu Mingzhi was still stunned that something was wrong, but Huyan Yunyao pulled out the dagger from his waist, and directly cut the back of Liu Mingzhi's hand with a slash on Bai Nen's palm.

Huyan Junyao's palm that was braiding with red blood suddenly clasped Liu Mingzhi's wound.

"Blood oath, one word is final!"

"Fuck! Is there any difference between the young master winning and losing?"

(End of this chapter)

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