Chapter 2199

Young Master Liu's wailing voice shocked Song Qing into a fright, and his dimly drunken eyes immediately became much clearer. Out of the instinct that had just returned from the battlefield, his body tensed up subconsciously.


Song Qing, who turned around and walked towards the gate of Tianxiang Building, just walked two steps and turned back with a dazed expression.

"Mobilize the forbidden army? What happened? Are there any thieves?"

Young Master Liu was breathing disorderly, pointing at hearing his own voice, he sat up subconsciously from the chair, and stared blankly at his stunned four children and younger brother Liu Mingjie.

"Cleaning—cleaning the portal."

Song Qing looked in the direction of Young Master Liu's finger, and his goal was the little ancestors of the Liu family who were staring at the gate dumbfounded, not daring to move.

Song Qing, who had regained his composure, gulped.

"How many of them are there?"

Ling Yang hastily tugged on Song Qing's sleeve, and gave Song Qing a wink, signaling Song Qing to quickly cooperate with him to stop the third brother from being impulsive.

After reacting, Song Qing hurriedly stretched out his hand to stop First Young Master Liu: "Third brother, family matters, it's just family matters, so we won't mobilize the imperial army.

Just go home and teach me a lesson, the family ugliness should not be publicized. "

"Don't make your family ugly? If you look at the capital, whoever has a little bit of strength doesn't know these little bastards.

You help me outflank her back and forth. If she doesn't make a peach blossom today, she will really be lawless. "

"calm down!"

"Calm down, who dares to stop me, I told him to go to the northern border!"

Young Master Liu pushed Song Qing away, lifted the hem of his clothes and tucked them into his belt, rolled up his sleeves and rushed towards the main hall.

Song Qing and Ling Yang looked at each other with wry smiles: "Try to stop, let the third child be gentle!"

"Two for one person?"

"it is good!"

The little cutie looked at the old man who was rushing over angrily, and then ran towards the side hall with a howl.

"Daddy, a gentleman uses his mouth but not his hands!"

"I am a gentleman, you are a nanny, you stop for me, today I will chop you alive."

"Stop if you don't chase me."

"If you stand still, I won't chase you."

"Stop if you don't chase me."

"Don't play tongue twisters for me, I was moved in vain today, I believe your evil, you wait for me!

Smelly boy, I won't impress you today. "

First Young Master Liu waved at the cutie, turned his head and looked behind him: "Boss, second brother, are you stupid? Why don't you stop me, what are you doing?"

Song Qing and Ling Yang were the same as Tiliu Xiaojizai, carrying four uncles and nephews Liu Chengzhi in each hand, staring blankly at the four uncles and nephews in Major General Liu's hands pushing forward.

"Stop it for you, isn't this stopping it?"

"The boss is almost fourteen, it's normal to come to see and see, what are you doing arresting them, I'll ask you to help me arrest this brat.

What kind of place is this!They can come, but she can't! "

"Ah? Oh!"

"Understood, understood!"

The Song Qing brothers finally understood who the target of Young Master Liu's anger was, let go of the four uncles and nephews, and surrounded the little cutie.

The four uncles and nephews looked at themselves who escaped from death, and then at the three brothers who were chasing and intercepting the cutie, with disbelief in their eyes.

Just—is it all right?
"Uncle, this uncle, you can't help the evildoers."

"Boy, if you catch him without a fight, you can still be punished lightly, but if you resist in the corner, you will only hit him harder!"

"Uncle, this uncle, Yue'er is hungry, why not find a place to rest and eat melon seeds?"

After the little cutie finished speaking, she stretched out her hands pitifully, and a few melon seeds came straight into the eyes of Song Qing and Ling Yang.

"Ah! That's right, it makes perfect sense to find a place to rest your feet."

"Cough cough!"

"No, how can you eat melon seeds here? How can you eat melon seeds here?"

The little cutie looked at her father coughing twice, and was about to move towards her uncle Song Qing, who was about to surround her, and hurriedly hugged Tingzhu and shrank behind her, poking her head, blinking her big and exquisite eyes, looking at Song Qing and Lingyang.

"Can't you come here?"

"Of course I can't come!"

"Then uncle, you, daddy and this uncle, what are you doing here?"

"Of course we're here to find Mei. Looking for melon seeds!"

"But uncle, didn't you just say you can't eat melon seeds?"

"Uh! Uh! Uncle Er was wrong, we are here to find raisins."


Cutie pointed at the seat where she was sitting just now: "There are raisins in Yue'er's fruit plate, you can't eat melon seeds, can I eat raisins?"

"Ah? Ah! Uncle is not talking about raisins like this. Third child, come here, come here, you are her father and you can say it yourself, I am so dazed that I can't say anything about her!"

Song Qing, who was already a little delirious after drinking, was slurred by the cutie, and didn't know how to reply.

"Daddy, you promised Yue'er back then that you would never come to Tianxiang Tower again. You didn't let Yue'er come, why did you come with the two uncles yourself?"

Young Master Liu's face froze with anger, he scratched his ears and chin when he saw the little cutie who was about to give him a matter-of-fact look.

"This, this, this, where do you get so many questions, you come here for me."


"Am I telling you something? Come here!"

The little cutie shook her head violently: "Oh!"

First Young Master Liu flicked his sleeves: "If you don't come here, I will go by myself, boss and second, outflank her. I don't believe she can grow wings and fly."

"Who is so courageous, who dares to come here to make trouble after eating the heart of a bear.

I still want to trouble my old lady and distinguished guests, do you know who they are?It's really the birthday boy who hanged himself - looking for death.

Hei Lang, lead people to surround these three daring guys. "

Just as Young Master Liu was about to move, Mother Han's familiar stern voice came from the third floor, and there were also noisy footsteps in between.

Young Master Liu subconsciously turned his head to look, only to find that Tianxiang Building, the first floor, the second floor, and the third floor had already gathered a large group of spectators.

These people tacitly did not make a sound, and they were looking at themselves with curious and narrow eyes on their faces.

"Mother Han, it's the three of them who want to trouble these distinguished guests!"

Mother Han was nestling in the room, counting the several thousand taels of silver notes that she had just received with her eyes shining brightly. Sorry guest.

Others don't know the identities of those distinguished guests, how could Mother Han not know?

Although the person who paid for the reward was familiar and unfamiliar to him, and he couldn't remember where he had seen it for a while, but can he be a person who can have fun with a few princes, big and small Liu?

To make trouble for them, isn't this a place to smash the old lady?

"My lady would like to see who it is. Your Majesty. Your Majesty. Your Majesty. Your Majesty. Your Majesty. Your Majesty. Your Majesty. Mr. Liu Dahuang. Who do you think I am? It turns out that you are here to visit me.

Forgive me, forgive me, forgive me, forgive me! "

Mother Han's expression was like that of June Sky, changing as she said, and changing again and again.

From the "overbearing" at the beginning to the trembling later, he snuggled up to Young Master Liu's arm as before, allowing Young Master Liu's arm to be embedded in his deep and soft gully.

In the past, this was Mother Han's way of joking with guests in order to attract customers, but it was just to let the guests brush aside the ball, and the sacrifice would not be so great.

This time it's really impossible not to hug her, she was afraid that she would collapse to the ground without any support.

Three forgivenesses in a row, the previous polite and false words became the sincere and heartfelt words of Mama Han!

"Emperor Liu, Young Master Huang, I didn't do it on purpose, I'm wronged!"

Young Master Liu looked curiously at Mother Han who was hanging on his arm: "Young Master Huang?"

Mother Han's lips flicked around and her eyes wandered: "Young Master Huang!"

(End of this chapter)

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