My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 2241 Stormy Horseshoe Disease

Chapter 2241 Stormy Horseshoe Disease (Monthly Pass)

The next day, when the sun was about three poles high, Liu Mingzhi woke up from his sleep.

Raising his hand and patting the back of his somewhat heavy head, Liu Mingzhi looked around, with a flash of astonishment in his eyes.

"Shouldn't you have gone to Lingyi and Bizhu last night? Why did you come to Sister Ya's room?"

"Husband, are you awake? My concubine made me sober soup, drink it after you wash up!"

Liu Mingzhi looked at Qi Ya who came in with a soup bowl, and shook his head: "Sister Ya, why am I here with you?"

Qi Ya took advantage of the opportunity and handed the hot towel to Liu Mingzhi, smiled softly, picked up the green salt and warm water for washing, and sat on the edge of the bed.

"I'll take you over if I miss you! Why? Don't I allow this concubine to occupy you for one more day?

No wonder my sister Wanyan always said that you are heartless when you see newcomers laughing and seeing old ones cry, you really love the new and dislike the old! "

"No, no, sister Ya, you really wronged me as a husband. If I really get tired of being with Bizhu and Lingyi every day, I won't have Rongrong after Wei'er and Yan'er are pregnant with Liujia again." Pregnant, Bizhu and Lingyi's stomachs haven't reacted yet."

"Just teasing you! The concubine is not so stingy.

But speaking of it, these days you have spoiled Sister Lingyi and Sister Bizhu a lot, but their stomachs have not moved for a long time.

Could it be that the two of them have some hidden disease?How about finding a doctor to show them?

Now even Sister Rongrong is two months pregnant, seeing their envious eyes when teasing Chengfeng and his brothers and sisters, we sisters can't help but feel anxious for them. "

"It's not impossible, how can it be such a coincidence that both of them have hidden diseases.

This kind of thing depends on God's will, there is no rush, take your time! "

After Liu Mingzhi finished speaking, he took the mouthwash and walked towards the copper basin on the washing rack.

After washing up, Young Master Liu carried the hangover soup and walked towards the door. While basking in the warm sunlight, he sipped the hangover soup specially prepared by Qi Ya.

"Hey, you're entering the palace again? You're getting more and more diligent!"

Liu Chengfeng, who was wearing a special official robe, and the cute brothers and sisters were taken aback for a moment, looking at the father who was lazily leaning on the bench with a playful expression on his face, a little helpless.

"Father, we are entering the palace!"

"Go, go, just don't get tired. Otherwise, I will feel distressed as a father!"

The little cutie bared her teeth and snorted at Eldest Young Master Liu: "Smelly Daddy, you are so good at getting cheap here, my girl will have someone seal up your broken bookstall sooner or later."

"Tsk tsk tsk! It seems that you are still very leisurely, Yue'er!
Why don't dad give you a few more burdens? "

Seeing the shameless Young Master Liu, the brothers and sisters suddenly changed expression, and immediately rushed out of the door with the little cutie who was about to rush towards the father after hearing the words.

"Father, let's go first!"

"Daddy, my daughter is leaving!"

"Big brother, big sister, let me go, I'm going to fight to the death with the stinky old man.

They have always cheated their fathers, and I have never seen anyone cheating their children.

Is there such a father?I'm so mad, you let me go, I want to fight him to the death! "

The cutie's indignant voice gradually faded away, Young Master Liu cheerfully put the porcelain bowl on the stone table, got up and stretched.

"Sister Ya!"

"Hey, what's wrong?
Finished the hangover soup?The concubine prepared breakfast for you, do you want some? "

"No, no, my husband still has to continue to be tricked and help others solve problems.

If you don't go, you will lose a few taels of silver. You should do your work first, and leave first for your husband. "

"Okay, if you're hungry, go to Bizhu, sister Lingyi and the others to fill your stomach."


Qi Ya looked at the back of her husband waving his hands away, bent down and picked up the soup bowl.

From the beginning to the end, I never asked why my husband was drunk or depressed.

The bookstalls and fortune-telling stalls outside the Penglai Restaurant outside the palace were set up again rain or shine.

It's just that the people who came to buy books who were familiar with the place, one after another discovered that there was a handsome and outrageous little book boy next to Young Master Liu, who was even more charming than ordinary women.

Looking at the diligent appearance of the little book boy, the guests occasionally teased Mr. Liu that the owner of the book stall is more carefree than the shopkeeper, and he doesn't care about the book boy.

After all, we are all serious scholars, and we are here to buy books to learn posture... knowledge, so why do we care about a handsome little book boy.

The sun and the moon are like shuttles.

Spring, summer, autumn and winter are another year.

What happened in the prince's old mansion has long been forgotten by Young Master Liu, and he still goes to visit Liu Shaotou with Chen Jie and his two daughters irregularly, making appointments after dusk.

Young Master Liu, who worked diligently, finally got the good news that two sisters, Xue Bizhu, were pregnant with Liujia on the 27th and [-]th of the third year of Dalong Taiping.

Before that, Wenren Yun Shu also gave birth to a son for Liu Mingzhi, named Liu Zhengming.

The two daughters Huyan Yunyao and Yun Xiaoxi are also about to give birth, and there is a risk of giving birth at any time.

Young Master Liu, who set up a fortune-telling stall on the street all day long, no longer just stayed for a long time, and would go back to the house from time to time to check on the two girls.

On February [-], the dragon looked up.

Good rain knows the season, when spring is here.

Hundreds of state capitals were shrouded in smoke and rain.

In the following days, Liu Mingzhi remained unshakable, sticking to his small book stand and fortune-telling stand regardless of the weather.

In an incomprehensible way, he silently supervised the world he had just established.

For this new empire that has just begun to grow, Liu Mingzhi, who seems to be careless, has consumed too much unknown effort.

The capital was shrouded in violent wind and rain today. After Liu Mingzhi sat under the built-up shanty and read the information from the two secret agents, he smiled and began to give the opposite party a 30-year-old who had just arrived in the wind and rain with an oil-paper umbrella. The little pretty woman in her early years smiled cheaply and started talking nonsense.

I thought it was raining heavily today, and I only set up a fortune-telling booth, so no customers would come to my door.

But Liu Mingzhi made a miscalculation, even the little pretty woman who was braving the wind and rain came again with an oiled paper umbrella.

This is the first time that this generous little pretty woman has come to tell her fortune, and even Liu Mingzhi himself can hardly remember.

Fortune-telling has also gradually turned into gossip, and occasionally some nasty jokes can always make the little pretty woman tremble.

As for each other's identities, the two of them had a tacit understanding and never mentioned it. Liu Mingzhi only knew that she was a concubine who was not valued in a certain mansion in the capital, and the beautiful woman only thought that Liu Mingzhi was a common man. Knowledgeable, witty and considerate.

Every time he faced the beautiful woman's spring watery eyes and her resentful expression, Young Master Liu felt a sense of ease that was completely different from when she was with ladies.

In the end, Young Master Liu could only sigh, all the ladies are good to others!
As always, Liu Mingzhi talked and laughed with the little pretty woman looking at the wind and rain outside the shed.

At the same time, on the official road leading to the capital from Ganzhou in the northwest, hundreds of tiger guard elite cavalry are escorting a skinny young man with a sallow complexion. Gallop in the direction of the capital.

"Young master Lu, let's find a place to shelter from the wind and rain, I'm afraid you won't be able to survive in the capital like this!
The general has passed the letter to His Majesty with the golden eagle, and His Majesty will know about it today or tomorrow. If this continues, you will die! "

The young man was carrying a dilapidated dark yellow banner full of holes. Although the banner had been wet by the rain, but because of the speed of the horses, the banner fluttered from time to time, and it could still be vaguely seen that it was the body of a big dragon. dragon flag.

Hearing the caring words of the soldiers around him, the young man wiped the rain from his face, turned his head to look at the soldiers with scarlet eyes, and shook his head resolutely.

"Lieutenant Ding, thank you for your kindness. Even if Lu dies in the Hall of Qinzheng in the end, he can rush back to the capital as quickly as possible."

"Your Majesty will receive the letter from the Golden Eagle soon, why are you doing this?"

The young man shook his head silently, and whipped his horsewhip hard.


Seeing this, hundreds of tigers and guards could only shake their heads helplessly, and followed them on horseback.


(End of this chapter)

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