Chapter 2255 Very wow
Wang He was staring at Young Master Liu picking up a side of herbal tea, sipping it slowly as if he was drinking a golden mountain cloud, rubbing his nose and muttering.

"Small bamboo after the rain - real bamboo shoots!"

"What are you muttering about? Bamboos, bamboo shoots, don't you think you can't hear me?"

"I didn't say anything! The old man just sighed. When the weather is hot, I can no longer eat fresh and delicious cold bamboo shoots."

"Some state capitals also have bamboo shoots in summer, but they are sick, why is this young master telling you such useless nonsense!
About the Goguryeo envoy Kim Tae-eun, you just have to look at the answer yourself. "

"My lord, people are here to worship you, so what's the matter if you don't show up?
Besides, the Goguryeo Kingdom made such a tribute, and according to the rules, we have to return part of the gift. If you don't show up, who dares to decide what to reward them for them to take back. "

Young Master Liu stopped drinking tea, and looked at Wang Hezheng with bright eyes: "Old Wang, what did you just say?"

"The old man said you didn't show up, we didn't..."

"last sentence!"

"According to the rules we..."

"One more sentence!"

"Goguryeo made a lot of tribute!"

"Yes, that's the sentence. Did Jin Taeun offer a lot of treasures? Do you know what they are?"

"Ah! There seem to be ten boxes. As for what treasures are inside, I haven't inspected them yet. I have to wait until the day before you meet them, my lord, before I can open the boxes and inspect them. After you take them over, I will read them out in class."

"See you, I must meet you. He came from a long way, and he came to me to pay pilgrimage to me. How can I not show my kindness as a landlord?
The envoys of Jin Taeun and Goguryeo are resting in Honglu Temple now, right? "


First Young Master Liu looked up at the sky, put away his folding fan and stood up: "It's still early, go to the palace immediately to meet Jin Taeun and other envoys.

go!What are you doing standing there? "

"Ah? Young Master wait a moment, Young Master wait a moment."

"What's the matter? If the tributes that were dawdling... um, those envoys came from afar, making people wait for a long time, isn't it because we don't know how to treat guests."

"My lord, although it is still early today, the envoys to be interviewed are not limited to Goguryeo, but also Siam, Annan, Wa and other countries.

You have to let people prepare it.

The old man suggested that tomorrow is better, and it happens that tomorrow is the day of the Xiaochaohui, so you can go to the palace by the way, to get the best of both worlds. "

First Young Master Liu muttered for a while and nodded, then sat on the recliner again: "That's true, that's fine, you go back and tell the envoys of these dependent countries to make preparations in advance.

One thing you have to remember for me, no matter how this Jin Taeun messes with you, there is no discussion about marrying the princess.

I want this young master to marry his darling little padded jacket to a remote small country like Goguryeo.

It's just wishful thinking.

You might as well let him go to the M78 nebula and ride a wild Ultraman back a little easier.

"Huh? Oh shit?"

"It's just a matter of saying, anyway, don't drink some horse urine and just make random promises, otherwise you will marry your granddaughter... Wow..."

"Huh? What wow? What are you talking about, son?"

Wang Hezheng was surprised to see Young Master Liu staring intently behind him, and turned around subconsciously. At that moment, Old Wang, like Young Master Liu, stared straight at the pretty woman in front of him.


The pretty lady Tao's crescent-browed eyes stared at Old Wang intently, wishing to fall directly on those thief eyes on her towering and proud chest, she snorted coquettishly and raised her hand to cover her half-exposed skin with a light gauze.

The small Qingluo fan in his hand, which was worth a lot of money at first glance, shielded his chest, and walked slightly sideways towards the shadow under the arbor.

When passing by, he directly gave Pharaoh a big white eye!

"What are you looking at? Old and unscrupulous things, have you never seen a woman's breasts? I want to go home and see your old lady's.

If you dare to look around, be careful that your aunt will dig your dog's eyes someday! "

"Brother Liushu, keep your eyes open when receiving guests in the future, don't accept all unscrupulous old people.

You won't die of thirst if you don't earn his few copper coins for tea money.

I'm really short of money, my sister still has a little private money, and I'll give it all to you! "

Lao Wang lowered his head in embarrassment, not daring to stay on the slender figure of the pretty woman.

It's not that he's afraid of this sharp-tongued little pretty woman, he's afraid because of the little pretty woman's address to First Young Master Liu just now.

Liu Shu's younger brother is such an affectionate title, the devil knows what kind of shady relationship this little lady has with His Majesty.

If it's that kind of relationship between a man and a woman, even if it can't be put on the table, this kind of woman can't be seen by herself.

Otherwise, it wouldn't matter if the eyes were gouged out, and some suffering would probably be unavoidable.

Young Master Liu looked at Old Wang's erratic eyes, and also guessed what he was thinking in his heart.

Rubbing his nose and smiling resentfully: "Yes, yes, sister Tao's lesson is that next time I meet such old and unscrupulous guests, I would rather be thirsty than earn those few copper coins.

This old gentleman, the hexagram you asked for just now has been explained to you below, please walk slowly! "

Lao Wang hurriedly nodded and gave a fist: "Thank you, Mr. Xiao, and see you again by fate."

After finishing speaking, Wang Hezheng rushed towards the palace gate without looking back.

"Sister Tao Ying, your mouth is really powerful. I am an old man after all, so I should save some face for her."

"This kind of dishonest old thing, the more polite you are to him, the more he will think you are easy to bully.

At that time, it was not as simple as just staring at my sister's chest. Who knew if he would do some shady deeds behind his back. "

"That's true. Knowing people and faces but not knowing one's heart, sometimes it's better to pretend to be evil.

But I also reminded my younger brother that before, Sister Tao, you always spoke softly to my younger brother, so soft and waxy that you wished to melt your bones.

I just found out today that my sister's mouth is so powerful, and my younger brother must pay attention to it in the future, so as not to be embarrassing one day when my sister scolds you all over the face! "

Young Master Liu spoke politely, but his gaze never left the fair chest that was exposed when the little pretty woman gently shook her fan.

Compared with Lao Wang's appearance just now, his eyes can be said to be even worse.

Young Master Liu really didn't know what words to use to describe the little pretty woman's outfit today.

It can only be said to be very wow.

How much wow, how wow.

Not only did the little pretty woman not intend to cover Young Master Liu's staring gaze, but she dropped the cloud veil that was raised to cover her skin just because of Lao Wang, and put it on the crook of the lotus root arm, twisting Her waist seemed to grow like a lotus step by step, and she walked towards First Young Master Liu.

He pulled First Young Master Liu up from the reclining chair, and casually pushed him onto a stool beside him, while he unceremoniously reclined on it, and immediately outlined the pretty woman's curvy, graceful and exquisite figure.

Qiaojia held her fragrant cheeks in one hand, and shook the Qingluo fan with the other, and she winked at Young Master Liu with a smile.

"What's the point of this, my sister's mouth can be even more powerful!
The useless old thing at my sister's house is away, how about going over the wall to my sister at night to let you try it?
You dare? "

Liu Mingzhi sat on the stool, leaned casually on the shelf supporting the awning, and looked at the little pretty woman playfully: "I don't dare to, if you dare to let me go, I will dare to go.

It's just, Sister Tao, do you know why a scholar with a pen can't make a siege weapon, and a horse-killing broadsword can't be inserted into the scabbard? "


"Because the profession is wrong! No matter how delicate the scabbard is, it will be broken by the broadsword if it is strong!
What do you say?Is this the truth? "

Qiao Jia was stunned for a while, a rare blush appeared on her face, and she spat secretly.

"I've never seen it before, who knows if it's a dagger!"

"My sister is a bit prejudiced, what's wrong with the dagger? If you use the short and sharp dagger well, it can still defeat the enemy with one move!

Whether this weapon is powerful or not depends mainly on the person who uses it. "

"Bah sister, you just have a good mouth!"

"Then you said it, it's more powerful than you don't know."

"Sir, who among you is a fortune teller?"

"I am I am, you sit down, guest.

Five pennies for the future, ten pennies for the marriage, fifteen pennies for the family to pray for safety.

Sit, sit, sit! "

Seeing that Master Liu had guests coming, the little pretty woman lifted her cloud gauze up again, lay on the chair and listened to Master Liu telling nonsense to the honest-looking guests.

I don't know what kind of wind is blowing today, Young Master Liu's guests come in waves one after another.

By the time the last guest left, it was getting late.

The little pretty woman also went home waving her small fan under the reluctant eyes of Young Master Liu.

The next day, the East will see white.

Under the service of the two sisters Qi Ya and Yun Qingshi, First Young Master Liu changed into a thin robe and hurried towards the palace.

(End of this chapter)

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