My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 2274 They all look the same

Chapter 2274 They all look the same

Wanyan Chizha, Yun Chong and other generals of the right army heard the scout's report and immediately stood up.

Yun Chong glanced at the several Tianzhu generals in front of him, and waved his hands at the soldiers on the side.

"Let them wait elsewhere first, all officers and men, we will go to meet the commander in chief."

"I have to wait!"

However, when the personal soldiers stepped forward, the veiled Tianzhu general in the middle struggled violently. It was Tianzhu Marshal Wias Hardy.

"Despicable dragon man, a coward who dares not face a fair confrontation.

What are you going to do?We are nobles rewarded by the king, you must not kill us.

The public execution of nobles violates the agreement reached between countries. "

Yun Chong and the others who were about to leave looked stunned for a moment, and looked blankly at Jamuna at the side: "What did he say?"

"Generals, this man thought we were going to take him down and execute him. There was a slightly disrespectful sentence in it. He said that he was a nobleman bestowed by the king of Tianzhu, which is similar to our status as a great dragon.

Say we can't kill them.

In small thoughts, it may be that the respective kings of Dashi Kingdom, Tianzhu, and some countries in the west have reached an unwritten agreement such as a gentleman's agreement.

It is not allowed to kill the nobles of each other's countries at will. "

After listening to Jamuna's translation, everyone nodded in understanding.

"Who said he was going to kill him? You tell him that we are going to meet our Grand Marshal now, and interrogate them for the time being"

"Wait! Jamuna, you said he just said something slightly disrespectful? What did he say?"

Jamuna looked at Cheng Kai who was rubbing his nose, hesitated for a while and translated in a low voice: "Despicable dragon man, a coward who dare not confront him head-on."

Cheng Kai stared at Wias Hardy quietly for a while, then turned to look at Yun Chong and the others with a sneer.

"Deputy Commander, Overseer, it seems that this guy is not convinced by his words or heart."

"Okay, it's just a defeated general, why bother with him so much, go to meet the commander first, and interrogate them at night."


"Zamuna, tell him after we leave that Dalong's heavenly army will not kill unarmed defeated generals at will, and then take them under strict supervision!"

"Yes, little one understands."

Wanyan Chizha and his group left the big tent one after another to welcome Nangong Ye's arrival, and then Zamuna translated Yun Chong's words with the captured Wias Hardi and other Indian generals.

As night falls, the night sky in Tianzhu and Dashi is extraordinarily brilliant.

Stars are dotted in the night sky, together with the bright and clear moon, it is very easy to arouse the homesickness of people who travel far.

In the large tent of the Chinese army, after listening to Yun Chong and the others' detailed report of the encounter, Nangong Ye nodded knowingly, got up and walked towards the map.

"According to the biography of the scout brother, and the appearance of this Tianzhu army, it means that our army on the right will go to Zara City in Tianzhu. It will take about ten days at the slowest, and only about five or six days at the fastest."

"Probably so, after all, this Tianzhu army has mostly horse infantry and marches slowly, while [-]% of our troops are cavalry, and the speed is much faster than theirs.

At the end of the day, the general estimated that if the vanguard soldiers and horses did not consider the issue of food and grass, and if they continued to march quickly, they would be able to rush to the outside of Zara City and lie dormant in four days, and then they could attack the city after resting. "

Nangong Ye slid his finger on the map for a moment: "Brother Yun, Cheng Kai, you just said that when you first encountered it, you speculated that this Tianzhu army might be the enemy's vanguard. After capturing the prisoners, the scouts continued Have you moved forward to investigate?
Is there any information coming now?Did you notice anything wrong? "

"Reporting to Commander, the three thousand scouts continued their in-depth investigation as soon as the battle was over.

But the Marshal said just now that the scout brothers who were disguised as caravans had received information, and the total number of troops leaving Zara City this time was only about [-].

Maybe the last general and General Cheng were too suspicious, and they frightened themselves.

Perhaps these [-] soldiers and horses are the main force of Tianzhu. "

"Marshal, the last general and the warlord are also on the safe side. After all, the main force of [-] troops is really high. It seems that we were clever but were mistaken by our cleverness."

"Hey! You can't say that, you are very comprehensive and you are doing the right thing.

Not to mention you, even if this commander encounters this army by accident, he will inevitably be suspicious.

It is not as simple as four words, but a lesson summed up by many predecessors.

Not only this commander, but all of us must remember that no matter how many soldiers and horses we encounter, we must not underestimate the enemy.

You have set a correct example for the soldiers. "

After Nangong Ye finished speaking, he turned and looked at a group of generals with serious expressions: "From the words translated by the little brother Jamuna, the Bahooli king of Tianzhu slaughtered the people of our caravan and looted the goods in their hands. , have already tasted the sweetness from it.

From what you negotiated before the war, as soon as the Tianzhu people knew that we were the soldiers of Dalong, they opened their mouths and asked us to offer silk and porcelain, our special products of Dalong.

Judging from these words, it is not difficult to see that the purpose of the [-] army this time is to go to our Dalong.

What the purpose is, it is self-evident.

For such unrepentant and ambitious people, only when my Great Dragon Heavenly Army arrives at the city will they understand what a stupid mistake they have made.

The captives captured in this battle are honest and honest, if there is any wrongdoing, don't hold back.

One is one, all of them are killed on the spot.

This commander will never use the lives of every soldier to gamble with the hearts of these barbarian captives. "

"I understand."

"Brother Wanyan!"

"The end is here!"

"You just mentioned the idea of ​​using barbarians to control barbarians and using barbarians to attack barbarians. I drafted a charter in my spare time. After reviewing it, I will send a letter to Zhang Shuai. Let's discuss this issue together.

Do it as soon as you decide it works. "

Wanyan Chizha nodded excitedly: "Mo will understand, and Mo will draw up a detailed regulation as soon as possible."

"Okay, don't worry about your work.

Now that we have finished all the official business, it is time to interrogate these Tianzhu generals.

Let the soldiers escort them over. "

"Okay! Come here, escort the generals of the Tianzhu soldiers and horses."


After about a cup of tea, all the generals from Tianzhu were escorted to the big tent again by their own soldiers.

Nangong Ye looked at these Tianzhu generals who were all covered in veils in surprise, then turned to look at Yun Chong and said, "Why are they all covered with black cloth like those in the Tianzhu caravan.

Wouldn't this delay observing the battle situation on the battlefield? "

Cheng Kai and others smiled wryly and shrugged: "I don't know, but I'm afraid of getting sunburned."

Cheng Kai's words made the generals burst into laughter. Looking at each other's dark faces, they wondered whether they should follow the example of these Indians and cover their cheeks with a black cloth to prevent them from being exposed to the scorching sun.

"Take off their veils."


The actions of the personal soldiers made these Tianzhu generals struggle, but in the end they did not resist anymore, and all the black cloths on their faces were taken off, revealing each other's faces.

Nangong Ye and the others stared blankly at Wias Hardy, Coors and the others, with a hint of confusion in their eyes.

"Why does it feel like there is no difference in appearance? Who is this?"

"Huh? Do you think so too? Can't be a real brother?"

"No matter how you look at it, they all look the same! If it weren't for the difference in the beard, they would be no different from a person at all!"

A group of great dragon generals looked at each other in dismay, all eyes filled with strange curiosity.

However, the ten people they said seemed to look exactly the same, in fact, there was no similarity at all, but after seeing them for the first time, they couldn't help but suffer from face blindness.

"Despicable dragon people, what are you going to do to us?"

Wias Hardy's voice made everyone react completely.


"Marshal, this person asked us how to deal with them?"

"Tell him, how to deal with them is not up to me, but to their own choice. I can spare their lives, but they have to obey."


After listening to the translated words, Wias Hardy gritted his teeth and looked at Yun Chong and Cheng Kai: "Despicable, you cowards"

"He said that we won't win by force, and we dare not confront them face to face to start a confrontation between the two armies. If we didn't rely on those terrifying weapons, we would definitely become his defeats."

Nangong Ye, who already knew the details of the battle, understood what Wias Hardy meant after a little thought.

He sneered and shook his head: "Childish, if you hit me and I hit you, the grandson's grandson doesn't need it anymore.

Even the soldiers, who don't know the tricks, dare to lead the army? "

Nangong Ye's words made the general Dalong in the big tent burst into laughter.

Indeed, now that the two armies are fighting, it is completely a surprise victory. Who cares how you win, the victory is justified.

This Wias Hardy still thinks that his own soldiers and horses are invincible, which is ridiculous.

"Press it down first, grind your temper before you talk."


(End of this chapter)

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