My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 2298 You Are Real Leather

Chapter 2298 You Are Real Leather
Liu Mingzhi didn't care to help Tao Ying wipe her hair and the water stains on her face that he was caught off guard, took several deep breaths, and then looked at Tao Ying with disbelieving eyes.

"Who? Tell me again who is your husband?"

Tao Ying grabbed the obscene clothes scattered on the bed, and wiped the water stains on her body with a displeased face.

"You heard me right, my husband - Li Yunlong!"

Young Master Liu remained silent for a long time with a tangled expression, then pointed to the direction of the imperial palace, pointed to the direction of Shu, and then pointed to the direction of the imperial mausoleum.

"Is the Li Yunlong you're talking about the Li Yunlong I think of?"

Tao Ying looked at Eldest Young Master Liu's troubled and depressed face, unwilling to believe it, and nodded with a neutral expression.

"You don't have to doubt anything wildly, my husband is the Li Yunlong you thought of, His Royal Highness the King of Shu who died in your hands after the rebellion failed."

Hearing Tao Ying's loud and unquestionable words, Liu Mingzhi exhaled heavily, covering his face with his hands and rubbing them back and forth.

"Hey! How can you be like this?
If you don't take the initiative to confess your identity to me, even if I think about it, I can't think that you will be of this kind of background.


"Just what?"

Liu Mingzhi stood up with a strange expression and walked towards Tao Ying, his eyes had been fixed on Tao Ying's appearance, and he looked carefully again.

"For some reason, my third brother and I didn't have a deep friendship, and we rarely had any private contact with each other.

Especially when I was the governor of the two prefectures in the north, it was even more distant and north, and I didn't see each other once in a year or so.

But I still have the impression that my concubine of Shu is named Yu Qing, and I have met her twice.

She is the biological mother of Li Geng, the eldest son of the King of Shu. When my father was on a grand tour, she came to greet me with my third brother. She looks almost the same as you now!

Although after the third brother failed in the rebellion, the king of Shu and his family disappeared for a period of time, and I have not seen the princess of Shu for many years, but even if a person's appearance changes with the passage of time, it will not change so much Big right?
You won't... you won't be disguised, right? "

Liu Mingzhi hesitated for a moment, then slowly reached out to touch Tao Ying's face, tore it a few times, and then looked at Tao Ying suspiciously.

"Huh? You are real leather!"

Tao Ying slapped Young Master Liu's right hand that was tearing her cheek, and glared at him angrily: "Nonsense, of course it's true.

You are such a smart person, why are you so confused at this time?
Is it strange that a dignified prince of a country has several side concubines besides Princess Shu? "

"Ah? Uh! That's right.

I'm sorry, I'm sorry, but your identity shocked me so much, my mind is still in a daze, and I haven't turned the corner for a while. "

Liu Mingzhi smiled resentfully, scratched the back of his head and sat back, watching Tao Ying curiously.

"Then are you a side concubine or a side concubine?"

"Barely considered a side concubine!
During the nearly two years of my acquaintance with you, at least one thing I did not lie to you is that I am really a concubine, except that this concubine is the concubine of my husband, King Shu.

On the eve of her husband's rebellion, the second sister and side concubine Ran Tongyun accidentally discovered the plot between him and her second brother, fourth uncle, fifth uncle, and seventh uncle, and even secretly sent her maid to secretly pass on the letter to her elder brother Li Baiyu. .

Then, before the secret letter could be sent out, the dead man raised by her husband discovered the clues. After some interrogation by her husband, it turned out that the second sister, Ran Tongyun, was the spy that Wu Zong Li Baiyu had placed beside her husband a long time ago.

Even after she became the side concubine of the King of Shu, she has always been in harmony with her husband, secretly serving her elder brother Li Baiyu.

Then she was given by her husband... You know, in order to seize the throne, my husband will never allow the slightest mistake to occur.

Later, after the matter subsided, my husband was going to promote me as a side concubine to a side concubine, but before I had time to report to the patriarchal government to enter the case, the news of my father's poor health and the imminent death of the funeral reached my husband and their brothers Several hands.

The only reason why I know you and know your identity is because after the royal father passed away, you helped the eldest brother, who is still His Royal Highness, take care of the funeral of the royal father. I followed my husband and went to the palace to mourn the royal father I saw you in the palace when I was in the coffin.

It's just that at that time, I was not qualified to greet you by my husband's side, and naturally you had never seen me.

But among the crowd of Li clan's relatives, I have already seen clearly that you are in charge of the overall situation.

After all, on the way to Beijing, my husband has been talking about how easy it would be for him to fight for the throne with your full support.

I couldn't help being curious about you. After entering the palace, I began to observe what kind of person you were, the original Dingguo Duke Liu Mingzhi, who could be so admired by your proud husband.

However, after the emperor's coffin was buried in the imperial mausoleum, the husband has been planning to raise troops.

The fact that I became a side concubine has never been reported to the clan's office for entry.

Until my husband failed in the rebellion and died at your hands, I was still just the side concubine my husband promised verbally, but in fact I was just my husband's side concubine.

Compared with the status of a concubine in the mansion of a high-ranking official, the status of a side concubine is at best the status of a concubine.

So, I am not lying to you on this point. "

Liu Mingzhi nodded knowingly: "Hearing what you said, it turns out that big brother was not as honest as he imagined.

It seems that he is also guarding against the second and third brothers who want to rebel and seize the throne.

No wonder you are so clear about my identity, but I have no impression of you at all. It turns out that there are so many twists and turns in it.

The cause and effect of the revenge of killing my husband turns turns out..."

Young Master Liu stood up abruptly while talking, and looked at Tao Ying in astonishment: "That's not right! It's not right!"

Tao Ying was taken aback by Liu Da's startled behavior, she stroked her chest and looked at Young Master Liu angrily: "Can you stop being so startled?

What's wrong. "

Young Master Liu tucked the stubble on his chin, and slowly turned his gaze to the brocade quilt wrapped around Tao Yingyu's body. Seeing the clear bright red on the corner of the quilt, Young Master Liu's expression became awkward.

"My relationship with my third brother Li Yunlong is really mediocre, I don't really know if my third brother is lecherous or not.

But Li Geng, the prince of Shu, is about two years older than my eldest son Liu Chengfeng.

This shows that he is a normal man. If you are third brother's side concubine, how can you still be an innocent girl?
You are about the same age as me, so it will take at least five or six years for you to become the third brother's concubine, maybe more than ten years.

Don't tell me that he has not had time to touch you for so many years because he is busy with the rebellion. "

Tao Ying's gradually subdued face turned hot and bright red again under Liu Mingzhi's fiery gaze, her pretty eyes dodged helplessly a few times and looked back at Young Master Liu.

"Who... who told you that I'm still a girl?
In the summer, when I was alone with you, I was dressed so thinly. Just now, before you and I were in love, we stayed with you for so long without a trace.

Did you see the Shougong sand on my arm?
When did I tell you that I'm still an innocent girl?
It was you who said it all the time, did I admit it once?
Besides, you have a group of wives and concubines, and you are already a veteran of flowers. Can't you feel if I am a girl? "

Sensing Tao Ying looking at him like a fool, First Young Master Liu's expression froze for a moment. He carefully recalled the days when he was alone with Tao Ying, and recalled the situation after Tao Ying's bath just now, as if he really didn't see it. Shougong sand on her arm.


Liu Mingzhi pointed at the bright red on the brocade quilt, his eyes were a little tangled.

"What's with the falling red on the back of the brocade quilt? How could you have these things if you're not a girl?"

Major General Liu looked at Tao Ying suspiciously for a while, then frowned suddenly.

"It's impossible for this young master to be fighting bloody battles, right? What's going on?"

Tao Ying looked at Young Master Liu's expression of being so entangled that he was about to doubt his life, and silently stretched out her left arm from the brocade quilt.

(End of this chapter)

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