My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 2361 An old friend

Chapter 2361 An old friend

He Shu listened to Young Master Liu's words full of complaints, and Fang felt a wronged feeling of being misunderstood.

"I... as a concubine is also thinking about the two children!

If I gave birth to an heir for you, outsiders might not know about it.

But the child gets along with you and me day and night, and there is no way to hide it.

If Jingyao knew about his father-in-law and his mother-in-law, Cheng Zhi knew that his father and mother-in-law had an affair and gave birth to a child.

What about the title then?Cheng Zhi is calling me... Forget it, forget it, I will be confused if I continue.

In short, you can tell when you hear that I don't want to continue the incense for you, why don't you consider my difficulties?
Although my eldest sister and I are both your elder brother's concubine, but because of the relationship between the children and the marriage, there is a difference. "

Feeling He Shu's resentful gaze, Liu Mingzhi lifted the beauty's white chin with two fingers to face him, staring at He Shu's resentful expression.

"Mediocre people bother themselves.

I can warn you, if you dare to secretly drink saffron behind my back after I leave this time, don't blame me for falling out with you.

If you have children, you will have children. That is a matter between us, and it has nothing to do with half a copper coin of the next generation.

I, Liu Mingzhi, pride myself on being loyal, but others see me as disloyal and unrighteous.

But these are not important, no matter what, I will never wrong my own woman.

As long as you sincerely want to have a crystallization of love with me, I will handle all other trivial matters, and you don't need to have the slightest burden.

Those radical students of the Confucian school have been fairly honest in recent years. Because of the heavy state affairs, I don't want to haggle too much with them.

It's fine for them to write some unofficial articles on my rebellion, usurpation of the throne, and self-proclaimed emperor. I don't bother to argue with them.

But if they dare to make a big fuss about my young master's children, I don't mind if I put away the Heavenly Sword for three years and taste human blood again.

I have killed countless officials, and they are not even scholars of Confucianism, so my young master will not be lenient.

Shu'er, don't forget that I, Liu Mingzhi, have been able to get to where I am today not by being eloquent and eloquent, but by accumulating military exploits step by step.

I don't even know how much blood debt I have accumulated on my body.

I don't want to get blood on my hands again, but I'm not afraid to get blood on my hands again.

Killing 10 people and killing a million people, for me now, there is not much difference in essence. "

He Shu looked at Liu Mingzhi's sharp but murderous eyes in the vanity mirror, and couldn't help but shudder.

Having met privately and been alone for many years, I was used to seeing him talk sweetly in front of me, and he acted like a fool without a proper attitude, so I almost forgot that this man who is holding me now was also a man who was leaping on the battlefield and fighting in all directions. Iron commander.

Although I have never seen him commanding thousands of troops on the battlefield, how high-spirited he looked when he was a million-strong army.

However, from his brilliant achievements, he could also vaguely guess the high-spirited attitude of this man who was in the camp of the Chinese army and won the victory thousands of miles away.

That's right, it turned out that this man who had never been a righteous man in front of him was also a handsome man in white who was famous all over the world!

" you really want a concubine to bear children for you?"

"What's your name? If you don't want to, why should I mention this to you?"

He Shu felt Liu Mingzhi's piercing eyes staring at him, nodded shyly, and buried his side face on Young Master Liu's shoulder.

"That concubine will no longer drink saffron after she is born, and try to give birth to you at an age when she can still have children.

But you don't mind if you have a daughter. "

Seeing He Shu's more shy appearance than Huajiao, Liu Mingzhi raised a comfortable smile at the corner of his mouth, gently grabbed a strand of He Shu's beautiful hair and sniffed deeply under the tip of his nose.

"Our family is different from other families, whether it is a son or a daughter, to me, Liu Mingzhi, they are my own flesh and blood, and we have always treated them equally.

Whether it's a son or a daughter, as long as it's my Liu Mingzhi's seed, I will never treat it differently. "

He Shu nodded silently, and pursed the corners of his mouth a few times: "It can be seen that you have a different heart.

From the fact that you can let your daughter enter the Ten Kings Palace to take power, the concubine can tell. "

"You can see it, so you can rest assured that whether it is a daughter or a son, there is no problem with me.

You can rest assured that you can give birth, but in order to let you conceive your man and my heir as soon as possible, do you think we--huh?

How about I work harder? "

He Shu glanced shyly out of the slightly opened window, lowered his head in refusal and greeted, and lightly beat Young Master Liu on the chest.

"The libertine."

With just this word, Liu Mingzhi understood the beauty's true thoughts, and with a smile, he directly hugged He Shuheng and walked towards the auspicious cloud Fuyao couch where the remaining warmth had not dissipated.

After about a cup of tea, the quiet and elegant Lengxiang Xiaoyuan, which no one cares about, heard the note of a double score.

Sunset West Mountain.

The neatly dressed two sat in the living room chatting with each other, while looking out of the hall from time to time, waiting eagerly.

Compared with half a day ago, He Shu's appearance now is really charming and graceful, and every frown and smile inadvertently is a charming and graceful posture.

"This girl should go back home."

Liu Mingzhi silently put down the teacup in his hand, got up and stretched.

"Perhaps it was delayed by the girl Li Xi you mentioned.

It's getting late, so I won't wait for her. After she returns home, Shu'er, just tell her why I came to the house.

Over the past few years, she and Cheng Zhi, a little bastard, have been in love for a long time.

I think she will be shy if she is shy, but she will not refuse anything. "

A look of reluctance flashed in He Shu's eyes, and he looked at First Young Master Liu expectantly: "It's okay to wait a little longer, maybe this girl will come back soon."

Liu Mingzhi listened quietly for a while, holding his breath, walked up to He Shu, and gently played with the beauty's temples.

"I still have to go to Jie'er, so I won't wait for Jingyao.

In fact, if you think about it carefully, it is far more appropriate for you to send the message to Jingyao than what I said. "

He Shuying's lips parted slightly, and she looked at Liu Mingzhi with soft eyes in astonishment: "You still want to go to my sister?
Are you... are you physically able to take it?

In the long run in the future, the body is more important.

Those things consume a lot of energy, blood and energy, so don't ruin your body just for a moment. "

Looking at He Shu's worried eyes, Liu Mingzhi couldn't help laughing.

So in the eyes of these women, is he just such a man who only knows how to be addicted to women?

"What are you thinking? I have a serious business going to Jie'er this time."

He Shu rolled her eyes shyly, and glared at First Young Master Liu with a smile on her face: "Put it down, when you first saw me, didn't you say that you were serious?
The results of it?It wasn't after that... Anyway, you didn't say a word of truth. "

"It's really serious. Besides, after being tossed about by you, a female goblin who can't wait to eat people, for so long, when my young master arrives at Jieer's place, even if he has any extravagant thoughts, his intentions are powerless."

"Bah, nasty.

What business can you do at the eldest sister's place? "

Liu Mingzhi gently loosened He Shu's hair at the temples, staring calmly at the bleak winter scene in the courtyard outside the hall with his eyes behind his hands.

"In the blink of an eye, it has been three years, it's time to take Jie'er to visit an old friend."

"An old friend? Do you have any old friends who are the same as the elder sister? How come I have never heard of it before?"

"Just because you haven't heard of it doesn't mean you haven't."

"Who? Why are you so mysterious?"

"An old friend who is not very important, but actually has some importance, as for who it is, you don't have to ask.

The most important thing for you now is to try to conceive a big fat boy or a little padded jacket, and let me settle one of my worries.

I warn you, never drink saffron again.

I can't spare you if you let me know, you hear me? "

He Shu nodded shyly. Although he was mentally prepared to give birth to an heir for Liu Mingzhi, it was still difficult to face Liu Mingzhi's words so bluntly.

"Understood, then go to my sister's place first! What you said will be handed over to Jingyao when she returns to the mansion as a concubine!"

"It's good to be obedient, eh!"

He Shu looked at Young Master Liu's side face in front of his eyes, tipped his toes and kissed him lightly, then turned around and trotted towards the back of the hall with his hands clutching the corners of his clothes.

Liu Mingzhi looked at He Shu's disappearing figure with a smile, turned around and walked towards the front yard gate of the Princess Mansion with a murmur.

"Isn't it good to be able to show the joy of nature and human relations in life?"

(End of this chapter)

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