My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 2492 That was just before

Chapter 2492 That was just before

After Liu Mingzhi returned to the study, he held a copy of "Miscellaneous Folk Talk" and flipped through about seven or eight pages under the flickering candlelight, when there was a knock on the door in the study.

"Father, is it convenient for the child to go in now?"

Liu Mingzhi slightly raised his eyes and glanced at the door: "Come in."


The second child, Liu Chengzhi, pushed open the door of the study room, first leaned forward and looked at the old man sitting behind the desk, and then walked in lightly.

Liu Mingzhi stretched out his hand and casually pointed at the chair opposite him, and continued to silently flip through the book in his hand.

"Thank you dad."

Liu Chengzhi sat gently on the chair and waited obediently. From time to time, he sneaked a glance at his father, with a hint of thought in his eyes, guessing the reason why his father asked him to come to the study.

The father and son sat silently to each other, only the slight crackling sound of the candle wick burning in the study room echoed with the movement of Young Master Liu flipping through the papers from time to time.

First Young Master Liu slowly flipped through a page of content, picked up the teacup, blew on it and tasted it quietly, without any intention of paying attention to Liu Chengzhi.

Feeling the strange atmosphere in the study, Liu Chengzhi, although his face still had the look of waiting honestly and calmly, but there was a faint ripple in his heart, and he couldn't help but secretly muttered to himself what was the father's intention for this move?

Since my father sent Uncle Song to call me to the study, it is likely that I have something to ask or explain to myself.

But ever since I came into the study, my father was drinking tea and reading at the same time, so he didn't want to talk to me at all. Could it be that I was wrong, did my father ask me to come here so that I could watch him drink tea and read a book?

How is this possible?This doesn't fit Dad's personality at all!

Taking a sneak peek at First Young Master Liu again, Liu Chengzhi let out a silent sigh to suppress the turmoil in his heart, silently recited the Ice Heart Mantra and continued to wait.

No matter what daddy wants to do, just wait with peace of mind.

I don't know how long it has passed, Liu Mingzhi put down the teacup in his hand without any warning, Liu Chengfeng frowned at the slight movement, and hastily sat up his body that had been slightly leaning forward at some point.

Under this kind of weird atmosphere, Liu Chengzhi had already forgotten the passage of time, and he didn't know how long it had passed.

First Young Master Liu glanced at Liu Chengzhi, who was sitting upright on the opposite side, the relief in Liu Chengzhi's eyes flashed away, and his eyes regained the calmness that was just like a pool of stagnant water.

Liu Mingzhi folded a corner of the book in his hand and put it back in its original position. He lifted the pot and poured two cups of tea and leaned back lazily.

"Chengzhi, do you know King Zhou You?"

Liu Chengzhi was taken aback, and looked at his father tentatively: "Huh? King Zhou You? Daddy, are you talking about the prince of the Fenghuo drama in the history books, who only smiled for Bomei people?"

"Yes, that's him.

You can tell his most famous deeds without thinking, it seems that you know him very well! "

"Back when I was in the Imperial Academy, I had studied history books, so I had some impressions of King Zhou You. Why did Dad suddenly mention him to my son?"

"What do you think of King Zhou You?"


"Ah what? My father asked you how you evaluate King Zhou You?"

"Foolish and ruthless, just to win the smile of the beauties, he actually treats the country and the country as a trifle, and even ignores the people of the world. In the end, this result is really his own fault, and no one else is to blame."

"Well! By the way, father, I heard from your mother that you are now running to Jingyao's princess mansion twice in three days? Is that so?"

Liu Chengzhi was stunned for a moment, and almost didn't realize it. His father was talking about why the matter of King Zhou You suddenly involved Jing Yao again.

However, feeling his father's eyes that seemed to be able to see through people's thoughts, Liu Chengzhi nodded without hesitation: "That's true, now that the Chinese New Year is off, the child has nothing to do in the mansion, so I go to Jingyao's place a lot. some.

But dad, don't worry, the baby has never forgotten your warning, and the private relationship with Jingyao has always been estrous and polite, and has never gone beyond one step. "

"This is because my father trusts you, so the relationship between you and this girl Jingyao is very deep now?"

When Liu Chengzhi heard that his father asked him such a question, he was silent for a while with embarrassment, and nodded heavily.


Looking at Liu Chengzhi's somewhat embarrassed face, Young Master Liu picked up a cup of tea and gently put it in front of Liu Chengzhi: "Drink tea."

Liu Chengzhi was flattered and took the tea handed by his father: "Thank you father, the child can take it by himself."

First Young Master Liu picked up his own tea before tasting it, looked at Liu Chengzhi quietly, and said calmly for a moment: "If my father told you, you and Jingyao are not suitable for you?"

Liu Chengzhi's movement of serving tea suddenly trembled, and he looked at the old man with gloomy eyes in astonishment: " What...what do you mean?"

"Yes, it's inappropriate. It doesn't mean anything else, it's just inappropriate.

At the end of last year, my father has already found a well-matched lady for you. In a few days, it will be the Lantern Festival. My father will arrange for you to meet by chance at the Qingling River in the south of the city. When the time comes to talk to other girls, don't be rude. .

As for the situation of the girl Jingyao, I won't make things difficult for you as my father, I will arrange everything properly for my father, and then it's up to you to deal with that lady.

Don't let Wei father down, try to marry other girls into the family as soon as possible, and give Wei father and your mother a big fat grandson.

Your grandparents are also eager to take care of their great-grandchildren. You need to pay more attention to the continuation of our Liu family's great career. "

Liu Chengzhi stared blankly at the old man who seemed to be talking about a trivial matter, his right arm holding the tea kept trembling slightly.

Liu Chengzhi came to his senses, looked at his father with confused eyes and kept shaking his head.

"It's not like this, it's not like this. Father, you have told Baer more than once that you like Jingyao very much, and you have already regarded her as your future daughter-in-law.

Why is it suddenly inappropriate now?
You must be joking with the baby, right?

Dad, this joke is not funny at all, even if Jingyao did something wrong, you can tell the boy, and the boy will immediately tell Jingyao to make her correct it. "

Seeing Liu Chengzhi's terrified expression, First Young Master Liu drank the tea in his cup and put down the cup silently.

"Does being a father seem like a joke to you?"

" needs a reason, there must be a reason for everything, right?"

"There is no reason, being a father is simply that you two are not suitable, there is no other reason.

What you just said is right, my father really likes Jingyao very much, and he wanted her to be his future daughter-in-law more than once.

But—that was just before.

Now the father feels that you are not suitable, so let go of your marriage, that's all. "

Liu Chengzhi stood up suddenly, pressed his hands on the desk and stared at his father with painful eyes.


"There's no reason, it's still the same sentence, my father thinks you are inappropriate, that's all.

The encounter between you and the lady of the family is scheduled for the Lantern Festival in three days. During these three days, you have to make good preparations, and then don't embarrass your father. "

"No, my boy disagrees, my boy firmly disagrees with your arrangement without any reason.

Hai'er and Jingyao have been childhood sweethearts for more than ten years, and they are about to get married. Dad, you suddenly told Hai'er that we are not suitable. How will you let Hai'er accept it, and how will Hai'er explain to Jingyao?
Moreover, the marriage between Hai'er and Jingyao is a child's marriage that you and Grandpa Ruizong personally agreed to, how can you suddenly go back on your word now?

Especially this unreasonable repentance?Hai'er and Jingyao really couldn't accept such an arrangement from their father. "

Liu Mingzhi's expression suddenly became gloomy, and his cold eyes stared intently at Liu Chengzhi, who had a complex complexion of grief.

"Liu Chengzhi, are you going to disobey your father's decision?"

Feeling his father's suddenly gloomy expression, Liu Chengzhi couldn't help shivering, struggling for a long time with an indescribable expression, Liu Chengzhi put down his teacup heavily, turned and walked towards the door.

"Baby... I'm going to find your mother first!"

Young Master Liu looked at the background of Liu Chengzhi's turn and said coldly: "Chengzhi, the decision made for father, let alone your mother, even if all your aunts join forces to persuade, do you think anything can be changed?

Even if your grandparents come, nothing will change. "

(End of this chapter)

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