Chapter 2523
Three days later, on August [-]th, the fifth year of Dalong Taiping, there were only two short days left before the wedding day of Liu Chengzhi and Li Jingyao.

To be more specific, there should be only tomorrow, the [-]th, left.

At this moment, the interior and exterior of Liu's mansion have already been decorated with lights and festoons, and all the decorations that should be arranged for Liu Chengzhi's wedding day have been arranged early.

The same is true for the two cities inside and outside the capital, including the imperial palace, and the layout is several times more grand than Liu's Mansion.

Under the concerted arrangement of the four government offices of the Ministry of Household Affairs, the Ministry of Rites, the Zongren Mansion, and the Qin Tianjian, spending more than 200 million taels of silver was not an ordinary scene.

The grand wedding of the prince of the dynasty is a matter of universal celebration. Since the beginning of August, the entire capital, both inside and outside the capital, has been shrouded in an atmosphere of joy.

The people in the two cities were all infected by the joyful atmosphere. After meeting, they were all filled with joyful smiles as if they were marrying a wife and daughter in their own family.

In the two cities, red lanterns were spontaneously hung up in front of the houses of high-ranking officials, the courts of famous families, wealthy gentry or ordinary people, and eye-catching and dazzling red silk was hung on the gates long ago.

As for the people in the city, no one knows whether there are false feelings mixed with them.

The people in the capital are all happy for Liu Chengzhi and Li Jingyao's marriage, but as Lao Tzu and future father-in-law, Young Master Liu has already been tortured and exhausted.

The reason is because of entertaining guests such as relatives and friends.

Feeling his haggard heart and mind, Young Master Liu walked casually outside Liu Zhian's study, and gently kicked open the door of his own old man's study.

"Old man, the invitation cards from your relatives and friends over there...Mother, why are you here with the old man?"

Mrs. Liu, still charming, Bai Bing put down a thick roster in her hand, and her soft and kind eyes gave an annoyed glance at Young Master Liu who was scratching his head and laughing.

"You child, how old you are now, why are you still so unstable.

You are also a person who is about to become a father-in-law. If you continue like this in the future, what will the children think of you as an elder? "

Liu Zhi'an, who was approaching the age of sixty and whose beard and hair were mostly dyed with white silk, put down the brush in his hand, and leaned on the chair with a pipe in his hand, and groaned a few times.

"Who is to blame? When the old man was holding a training stick to educate him, if you didn't stop him, would this situation still happen today?

Three 40-year-old man, what's the use of nagging him now?It's just that the left ear goes in and the right ear goes out. A loving mother has many failures, and a loving mother has many failures! "

Mrs. Liu heard Liu Zhian's murmured words behind her, and immediately turned around pinching her plump waist and glared at Liu Zhian fiercely.

"Okay, you heartless old thing, all you mean by saying this is to blame the old lady alone, right?
Back then, you were the one who held the training stick and acted like a tiger in heat on the surface, but you were actually reluctant to fight the four children.

Now that the children have grown up, you push two, four, six, and the co-authoring is all the fault of my mother alone, so you have no responsibility at all?
If you say that, don't touch my mother's body after you married her back then?If you don't touch my mother's body, will their children be born?

Would they be what they are without them?Why did my old lady marry such a heartless old thing. "

"I... I... this old man doesn't have the same knowledge as a woman like you."

Liu Zhi'an looked at his wife's charming eyes, hummed and refuted a word, turned half of his body, and silently smoked the pipe.

Young Master Liu looked at his old man's sluggish look being reprimanded by his old lady, and laughed twice in a low voice, hurriedly walked towards Mrs. Liu.

Liu Mingzhi tugged at the hem of his old lady's clothes, supported Mrs. Liu's shoulders with both hands and walked towards the chair beside him, taking advantage of the opportunity to gently knead Mrs. Liu's shoulders.

"Mother, calm down, calm down. Your lord has a lot of knowledge. Don't be as knowledgeable as the old man. If you get angry, you won't be worth it."

Mrs. Liu was not taken down by Young Master Liu's filial piety, and Young Master Liu's ears were grabbed by her backhand and twitched fiercely.

"You bastard, what kind of person are you here to pretend to be? If it weren't for you, an unworthy old lady, would you fall out with your father?

When you didn't come, our old couple talked and laughed about nothing, and when you came, it was either this or that.

Why are you pretending to be a good person for my old lady here?The worst kind of person is your unworthy thing.

Day by day, you are not doing the right thing, which makes my mother and your father worry about it. "

" hurts, it hurts, mother, please be gentle, this is fleshy and not made of dough, you are really willing to do it, my son is wrong, can't my son be wrong?"

Mrs. Liu looked at her son's pleading eyes, and finally let go of her two-finger Zen magical skill softly.

"Didn't you have something to do with your father? Why don't you hurry over there, what are you doing here? Be a door god?"

"Yes, yes, son, this will pass, this will pass."

First Young Master Liu let go of the hands that were kneading his mother's shoulders, lifted the stool beside him and walked towards Liu Zhi'an's desk.

"Old man, don't smoke, I have something to ask you."

Liu Zhi'an put down the bong in his hand and knocked it on the brazier under the desk a few times, looked at Young Master Liu and muttered, "Little bastard, you deserve it, why didn't you pull your ears?" drop it!"

Young Master Liu vaguely heard the old man's muttering, and pursed his lips, pretending not to hear, after all, the old lady was still sitting beside her!
If you don't look at the monk's face and look at the Buddha's face, you have to give her a little face, isn't it?

"Old man, have you sent out all the invitations for the guests and friends over there? Shouldn't anyone be missed?
Yun'er asked me to come to you to ask, if someone is missing, send someone to fill it up quickly, don't lose our family's face by then, and get a reputation of looking down on others. "

Liu Zhi'an rolled up the pipe and threw it on the table, and patted the roster that Mrs. Liu put on the table just now.

"The old man has never had any problems here, but you have to double-check carefully on your side, so that you don't make any troubles by then.

If the old man forgets who to send the invitation to, it will only lose the face of our Liu family. If you are sloppy, you will lose not only the face of the Liu family, but also the face of the court!

If you come to this old man to ask about these things, it would be more reliable to go back and check your own roster. "

"There is no problem with me. I have sent everything that should be sent. Yun'er, Yan'er, Sister Ya, and Yunyao have checked it three times, and there is no mistake.

Those relatives and friends who are away from the capital and are not in the capital have no choice but to send the invitations to their families. "

Liu Zhi'an nodded casually, picked up the teacup, took a sip of the tea, and frowned when he saw First Young Master Liu who was still sitting opposite him.

"Since there is no problem, why don't you get out of here, you bastard, what are you doing here with me? Be a door god?"

"I... well, goodbye!"

Young Master Liu waved his hands and walked out of the study with a gloomy expression.

"Hey! Old man, you don't want you to be so crazy with me and me now, let's talk about it when you are lying in that long box!

At that time, my young master, I had to smile and bring my second child and third child to find a group of young and beautiful singers and dancers to dance on the mound of dirt on your body..."

Before Young Master Liu could finish his sentence, Liu Zhi'an had already taken off his shoes and threw himself at Young Master Liu's back.

"You bastard, I'll fuck my mother! You stop for me."

Young Master Liu heard his old man's furious voice behind him, and rushed out of the study with his head in his arms.

(End of this chapter)

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