Chapter 265

Since ancient times, people's heart of comparison has never been cut off.

Men prefer status and money, women prefer jewelry.

As expected by Liu Mingzhi, the glass mirrors were sold out in less than half a day, and the ladies and ladies of the rich and powerful families in the capital began to place invitations in groups, rather it was an alternative tactic more appropriate.

Inviting each other's friends' homes for a party for various reasons, inadvertently revealing the glass mirror on the dressing table.

As time went on, the voices of surprise and envy from the ladies and ladies never stopped.

There was a wave of glass mirrors in the mansions of the rich and powerful.

"Master, I also want that kind of glass mirror. You don't know Mrs. Yang's arrogant look today. I don't want to be a concubine, but I want a glass mirror."

"Husband, today the younger sister of the Wu family actually took out a mirror made of colored glaze. The figure inside is clearly visible. I also want a colored glaze mirror."

"Daddy, sister of the Lei family"

As a result, all kinds of coquettish voices began to be heard in the mansions of the nobles and lords in the capital, all of which were women without exception, whether it was a 60-year-old woman or a seven or eight-year-old girl. Never left a name, glass mirror.

The men walked out of the house amidst the sweet talk and various promises of happiness and distressed purses, and embarked on a journey to find the glazed mirror.

"Isn't this Zhou Yuanwai? If you don't rest at home, why did you go out?"

"It turned out to be Yuanwai Zhao, don't mention it, my wife and concubine came across a rare glass mirror somewhere, and insisted that I come out and buy it for them."

"So did Zhou Yuanwai"

"Master Shen, it's a rare day for you to cultivate yourself. If you don't cultivate yourself in the mansion, why did you come out?"

"Master Liu, why did you come out?"

"Are you too"

"Could it be you too"

Li Zheng looked at the people coming and going on the street with an unhappy expression: "It's really unreasonable. Concubine Lan is really going too far. This glass is so transparent, how can it be used as a mirror? It must be said that Yan'er has a glass A mirror is a hundred times clearer than a bronze mirror. Isn’t this nonsense? I really want to know that it was the guy who told Lan Fei Liuli could be used as a mirror, so I must behead him.”

Zhou Fei carefully looked at all the people coming and going on the street: "Master, I seem to have heard that the third princess does have a glazed mirror, which was given to the third princess by the wife of Commander Song. Not willing to take a look."

Li Zheng's face was unhappy: "Old Zhou, it's understandable that a group of women and Taoists have never seen the world. You have been traveling with this old man since you were young. You have never seen any rare things in strong winds and waves. There are dozens of pieces of high-quality colored glaze in the treasury. One who can clearly see people as Lan Fei said."

Just as Zhou Fei was about to say something, a man in a blue robe walked up to Zhou Fei and spoke softly. After the man in blue robe finished speaking, he disappeared into the crowd, and Zhou Fei's eyes shone brightly.

"My lord, a report on the history of internal affairs orders"

Li Zheng frowned, and quietly looked at the crowd rushing towards a certain place on the street: "Could it be that the old man is really ignorant, and there are really glazed mirrors in the world that reflect people's faces exactly the same?"

Zhou Fei made a gesture, and immediately dozens of people in different clothes and identities surrounded Li Zheng. It seemed that the formation was loose, but in fact they were both offensive and defensive. There was a tight crowd around Zheng: "My lord, it's just a fake old slave to find out. Wait a moment, my lord, and the old slave will come back as soon as he goes."

Li Zheng waved his hand to stop Zhou Fei: "Slow down!"


Li Zheng smiled lightly, with an inexplicable expression that made it impossible to guess what he was thinking: "Since there is such a rare treasure in the world, it doesn't matter for me to go and see it myself."

"No, my lord, if something goes wrong with the people in front, even if I have 1 heads, I can't afford it. It's better to let the old slave go and find out."

"This is a heavily guarded capital city. What danger can there be? The old man was also General Wuwei defending from the northern border back then. How could he be afraid that the battle would fail at this point? Don't need to say more, lead the way."

Yun Xiaoxi looked eagerly at the direction where Liu Song and the others disappeared: "Brother, when will the glazed mirror arrive?"

"Hurry up, Xiaoxi, you've asked me almost thirty times, and Liu Song and the others can't fly, so you have to give them some time."


However, when Cao Cao and Cao Cao were about to arrive, several figures pushing trailers finally appeared on the street.

Liu Mingzhi stared blankly at Yun Qingshi beside the cart, why is she here?

"Master, here is the mirror, do you want to put it on?"

"First pick the best and largest piece for Miss Xiaoxi, and then put them all on display until they are sold out."


Yun Xiaoxi got her own mirror and jumped up for joy, ran up to Liu Mingzhi and held the mirror tightly with both hands, for fear of accidentally breaking it again: "Thank you brother, brother Liu, is your home right?" That house?"

"How did you know?"

"Hee hee, then you don't need to worry about it. I will visit your house in a few days. Xiaoxi will leave first. Thank you brother for the mirror."

Seeing Yun Xiaoxi bouncing away, a faint warmth welled up in my heart, this girl really resembles my sister in the previous life, she is so eccentric, but I will never see her again.

"Be careful on the road, watch your feet, don't fall, and go home early so your parents don't worry."

"Understood, brother too."

Looking at Yun Xiaoxi who had disappeared, Liu Mingzhi sighed melancholy, the feeling of relatives is really good.

As soon as Liu Song's servants started to place mirrors on the booth, Liu Mingzhi hesitated for a moment and still looked at Yun Qingshi: "Why did you follow here?"

Yun Qingshi wiped the fine sweat from her forehead, just now she also helped push the cart, and usually her ten fingers do not touch the spring water, she has never done such strenuous work, she is covered in fine sweat after a distance of one or two miles: "My concubine I'm worried that my husband is short of manpower, so I came here to see if I can help you."

Chun'er timidly shrank behind Yun Qingshi, she was always worried that Liu Mingzhi would keep what she said that day in her heart, and when she saw Liu Mingzhi, she always felt like a mouse seeing a cat, so she called softly: "My lord."

Now that he's here, it's not easy for Liu Mingzhi to drive her back. I've seen how strong this girl is, so I don't need to cause unnecessary troubles: "If you have a heart, just help me collect the money later. .”

A loud bang interrupted Liu Mingzhi's voice: "Who is the shopkeeper here, who allowed you to set up a stall here, and did you pay the land tax?"

Liu Mingzhi was taken aback for a moment, and felt a little weird hearing this man's arrogant tone. According to the plot, generally speaking such arrogant people are the existences that add a halo of life to the protagonist.

Either the protagonist or the villain, but who can be the protagonist compared to the reborn self.

I have been reborn for nearly a year and have never encountered such a thing. I used to think that the world is so harmonious. The kind of guy who licks his face to upgrade his face just exists in TV dramas. Well, today is the first time seen.

Liu Mingzhi turned around and looked at the arrogant voice behind him, did he bring experience?

"Huh." Seeing the appearance of the speaker, Liu Mingzhi was taken aback, and had to say that this guy looks quite good, a white-faced young man, this is, even he is ashamed of himself, according to the setting, generally speaking, people with such looks People shouldn't do such mindless things.

At the very least, a guy whose appearance violates the three views of human beings and is appalling is suitable for doing this kind of thing.

The white-faced Xiaosheng was wearing a light black coat, with a folding fan pinned to the back of his head, followed by two servants who looked like servants. The white-faced Xiaosheng waved the short stick in his hand and slammed it heavily on the booth beside him: "Who is the shopkeeper? , I don’t know that this street is covered by the Marquis of Guannei, and the protection tax is collected, otherwise the Marquis will smash your stall.”

Yun Qingshi's master and servant subconsciously shrank behind Liu Mingzhi.

"Master, this guy is very arrogant, isn't he copying him?"

Liu Mingzhi clicked his tongue twice: "It's not just arrogance, this vicious little milk dog looks like a dog, I will believe you if you say he cannibalizes."

(End of this chapter)

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