Chapter 2743
Ying'er heard Young Master Liu's words, she was silent for a moment with a pretty face, she chewed the pastry in her mouth and nodded lightly.

"As long as you don't feel anything, young master, Ying'er will naturally not say anything."

Liu Mingzhi smiled lightly, and reached out to wipe the crumbs of sweet-scented osmanthus cakes from the corner of the beauty's mouth.

"Silly Yinger, Yunxin and her sisters are not too young, and in a few years they will be at the age when they should leave the court and marry.

The child has grown up, has her own ideas, and needs her own private space. You don't have to ask too much about what she wants to do in the future.

As long as Yunxin doesn't do anything that violates the laws of the Great Dragon and the laws of nature and human relations, then let her do it. "

Ying'er's eyebrows froze, she looked at First Young Master Liu with a pretty face and asked directly, "Ah? Is this... suitable?"

"Ying'er, there's nothing inappropriate about this, the young eagle is going to soar in the sky alone after all, we can protect her for a while, but we can't protect her forever!

In fact, Yunxin is not the only girl, Lingyun, Zhenghao, Zhengran, Lianiang...they are the same.

Besides, this girl Yunxin grew up under the watchful eye of Yinger. Others don't know what kind of character she is, but don't you, a mother, understand her?

What if we just let her go and let her do whatever she wants?
Since this girl is [-]% similar to you in character, do you think she can do any outrageous and heinous things? "

Ying'er was silent for a while, then she shook her head silently seeing Young Master Liu's light smile.

"No, this girl Yunxin is the flesh that fell from Yinger's body. Yinger knows what kind of character she is in her heart."

"Yeah, since that's the case, Ying'er, what else do you have to worry about?"

Ying'er pondered for a while with complicated eyes, then nodded with a soft sigh.

"Oh, Ying'er understands, from now on Ying'er will try her best not to interfere in her private affairs.

However, Ying'er can not interfere with her personal affairs, but Ying'er hopes that she can be more educated and polite, and learn more things that her daughter's family should learn. You should not stop this, young master, right?
One matter is another matter, you have to agree to Ying'er on this point, young master. "

"Of course, the young master will definitely not interfere with this."

"Yeah, as long as you agree, young master, Ying'er can rest assured, young master, let's eat some pastries."

"Shall we eat together? Let's eat together."

Young Master Liu and Ying'er talked and laughed for a long time while tasting the cakes, when suddenly the sound of steady and powerful footsteps came from outside the study.

After Ying'er heard the footsteps coming from outside the room door, she hurriedly stood up from Liu Mingzhi's lap and tidied up her somewhat messy clothes.

After carefully checking her skirt and confirming that there was nothing wrong with it, Ying'er took a few breaths with her blushing cheeks, and nodded to Young Master Liu with a slight smile.

"Young master, Ying'er is going down first, if there is something that needs Ying'er, just ask the servant girl to notify Ying'er."

Liu Mingzhi sniffed the faint fragrance on his palm, smiled wryly and nodded.

"Go, you must pay attention to rest when it's time to rest."

"Hey, Yinger is leaving."

Just as Ying'er moved her lotus feet towards the door, Song Qing's stalwart figure just appeared outside the door.

Seeing Ying'er walking out of the room lightly with lotus steps, Song Qing cheerfully hugged her fist.

"Hey, aren't these Ying'er brothers and sisters? You're being polite to me."

Ying'er looked at Song Qing who was cheerfully greeting her, and hurriedly blessed her.

"Slave Ying'er, you've met Young Master Song, you're very polite."

Song Qing looked helplessly at Ying'er who was saluting him, sighed, and hastily put his hands up twice.

"Hey, brother and sister Ying'er, how many times have I told you as a brother, after seeing me, you should either call me big brother or elder brother, don't call me brother by young master, why don't you listen! "

"Ying'er knows, Ying'er must pay attention next time.

Brother, Yinger will not delay your conversation with the young master, Yinger will leave first, see you later. "

"Hey, that's right! See you later, brothers and sisters, go and do your own business first."

"Yes, Ying'er is going back first, brother, you are busy first."

After Yinger walked away with lotus steps, Song Qing stood outside the study with a light smile and waved to First Young Master Liu.
"Third brother, is it convenient for you to go in?"

"come in."

Song Qing nodded slightly, and walked into the study with high-spirited strides.

"Brother, sit down."

"Okay, third brother, why did you ask Brother Liu Song to find me in a hurry?"

Liu Mingzhi looked at Song Qing who looked a bit puzzled, lifted the teapot on the table and poured two cups of tea.

"Drinking tea, what else can I do? If you, the commander of the imperial guards, come to the study to discuss matters, it is naturally related to the matter of the [-] soldiers of the new army camp."

Song Qing paused slightly when he picked up the teacup, looked up at Young Master Liu who was smiling slightly, and became a little excited.

"What? Are you going to send [-] new troops to the battlefield?"

Liu Mingzhi silently picked up the tea and tasted it, then nodded lightly when he saw Song Qing who looked a little excited.

"Yes, brother, I'm going to send [-] new troops to the west.

The so-called raising soldiers for a thousand days is to use them for a while. Now that one hundred thousand recruits have been in the army for many days, it is time for them to go to the battlefield to hone their training.

Brother, you are a soldier, and brother, I am also a soldier. We all know very well in our hearts that no matter how hard the soldiers train on weekdays, it is better to drag them to the battlefield to fight.

Training makes strong soldiers with sweat, and blood makes good soldiers in the battlefield. This is the eternal truth.

And soldiers who dare not see blood, soldiers who cannot see blood, no matter how mighty they look on the surface, they are nothing but strong outsiders.

The soldiers of the Western Expedition Army led by Uncle Zhang Kuang and Uncle Nangong Ye have complied with my young master's order and stopped stationing in the territory of the Frankish Kingdom for the time being.

Now they are doing their best to manage the people's livelihood and government issues in Dashi, Tianzhu, Rome, and Frankland according to my young master's order.

It has been more than a year since the governance of the local people's livelihood and officials in these four countries, and I think it should have achieved initial results.

However, the mountains are high and the roads are far away. Even though my young master wanted to see the current situation of people's livelihood and government in these four countries, he couldn't do it because of the distance.

I hope that the two of them can comprehend this young master's thoughts and successfully Sinicize the people of these four countries step by step.

Fighting is not the goal, but conquest is the goal.

If the two of them can't successfully Sinicize the satisfied people in these four countries on a large scale, then the great cause of the Western Expedition that the imperial court has painstakingly supported for several years will be ruined.

Now, my young master has added one hundred thousand fresh blood to the two of them to support the grand plan of the Western Expedition. I hope that the two of them will not disappoint me. "

Song Qing sighed thoughtfully, turned his head and stared at the map hanging on the wooden frame behind him, and fell silent.

After a long time, Song Qing calmly looked at Young Master Liu with a silent face.

"Third brother, although Dingbang is handsome, he lacks experience in battle.

Brother, I have been staying idle in the capital, just in case, why not give Brother a position of deputy commander or military governor and let me go to the west together.

Although being a brother is not handsome, he is more experienced.

During the Western Expedition, he could still give Bang some help to some extent. "

(End of this chapter)

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