Chapter 2747
Liu Mingzhi let out a long breath with a smile on his face, and looked at his uncle Song Yu again.

"Song Shangshu."

"The old minister is here."

"One hundred thousand recruits have been in the army for a long time, how is your military department handling the naturalization of the soldiers?"

"Reporting to Your Majesty, this matter has been settled ten days ago. All the military books are stored in the office of the Ministry of War. If your Majesty wants to take care of it, the old minister will immediately go back to the office and bring people over."

Liu Mingzhi narrowed his eyes slightly and pondered for a moment, looked at Song Yu with a faint smile and shook his head.

"You don't need to bother any more, just wait until I find time to go to the Ministry of Military Affairs Office."

"Yes, the old minister understands."

Liu Mingzhi pushed aside the tea leaves on the surface of the water with a tea cover, nodded and took a sip of the tea, falling into silence.

After a long time, Liu Mingzhi tapped his fingers on the table lightly, and looked at Rongwei Marquis Cai Jun hesitantly.

"Old Cai loves Qing."

"The old minister is here."

"Old Aiqing, now the positions of the generals of the three armies in the new army camp have been determined, but I haven't assigned the post of quartermaster who supervises the supply of food and grass.

The post of Quartermaster of a [-]-strong army is the most important position, and it is related to the supply of food and grass for [-] soldiers, so it must not be hasty.

I just thought about it for a long time, but I didn't think of a suitable candidate, so I intend to listen to your opinion, old Aiqing. I wonder if you have a suitable candidate? "

Cai Jun couldn't help being taken aback when he heard Eldest Young Master Liu's question, and felt a little awkward after he realized it.

How important the position of the quartermaster of the three armies is, Cai Jun, as a veteran general with outstanding achievements, is naturally quite clear in his heart.

Why does His Majesty ask for his own opinion on such an important position?Is there any deep meaning in His Majesty's move?
Not to mention that His Majesty has been in charge of Dalong Jiangshan for many years now, even when His Majesty was still the king of the word side by side, his subordinates were also full of talents, and it was just a breeze to appoint a quartermaster.

Now that His Majesty has been sitting firmly in the country for many years, and there are so many talented people in his hands, how could he not be able to find a suitable candidate for the post of Quartermaster?

There is no need to think about it, His Majesty must have ulterior motives in asking the old man this question, but what is the purpose, I have to allow the old man to think about it.

Cai Junming understood the key point, and didn't care whether Liu Mingzhi and the others looked at him, and began to think quietly while tasting the tea in his hand.

After a long time, Cai Jun's dim pupils shrank suddenly, and he couldn't help being a little excited.

Could it be... Could it be that His Majesty wants the old man to take up the post of quartermaster?If this is the case, wouldn't it mean that the old man can gallop on the battlefield again before closing his eyes?
Cai Jun suppressed the excitement in his heart, looked at Liu Mingzhi pretending to be calm, and smiled apologetically a few times.

"Reporting to Your Majesty, the old minister was confused. For a while, the old minister couldn't think of any suitable person to choose. Please forgive me, Your Majesty."

Liu Mingzhi watched Cai Jun pretending to be calm, and a slight smile rose from the corner of his mouth. He knew that Cai Jun had understood his thoughts.

It's a pity that although he understood what he was thinking, he was still a little bit wrong after all.

"My dear dear."

Rongwei Hou Cai Jun stood up suddenly, with an old face resolute and firm, he knelt down on one knee in front of First Young Master Liu.

"The old minister is here, please give orders from Your Majesty."

"Old Aiqing, what are you doing, get up and sit down."

"Yes, the old minister was rude, please forgive me, Your Majesty."

After Cai Jun got up and took his seat again, Liu Mingzhi sighed with a complex expression.

"Old Aiqing, are you seventy-two this year?"

"Reporting to Your Majesty, the old minister is 73 years old this year, the heavens have mercy on me, and let the old minister, after passing through the seventy-year-old years, my body is still strong.

Although the old minister Jinxi is old, he still has the ability to capture tigers and leopards alive. If His Majesty doesn't believe it, we can go hunting in the wild at any time.

As long as he sees a ferocious beast, the old minister does not need a weapon or a strong bow, and can capture it with just fists and kicks to cook and drink for your majesty. "

"Okay, okay, Lao Aiqing, don't get excited, I believe in Lao Aiqing."

"Thank you, Your Majesty, for your trust."

"My dear dear."

"The old minister is here."

"Old Aiqing, you can listen carefully to what I will say later. You don't need to think about it, let alone get excited."

"The old minister dare not, please speak clearly."

"Old Aiqing, as the saying goes, seventy is rare in life, and 70 is a big threshold for anyone!
You are already 73 years old this year. To me, to the civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty, except for Xia Lao Aiqing, you are already a long-lived old birthday star.

Old Aiqing, if you could be ten years younger, I will definitely ask Lao Aiqing today and today.

Can you still eat?

But now..."

Rong Weihou stood up again without warning, looking nervously at Young Master Liu who was somewhat sentimental, and nodded heavily.

"Your Majesty, the old minister is capable, and the old minister is willing to do his best for His Majesty."

"Old Aiqing, you are excited."

"The old minister lost his composure, please forgive me, Your Majesty.

But your majesty, the old minister dared to say that the old minister could really charge forward for your majesty and the court, expand the territory, until the blood is gone.

As a soldier, the veteran is willing to live and die for the country.Even if you die ten thousand times, you will have no regrets. Even if you die, you will die well. "

Seeing Cai Jun's pleading eyes, Young Master Liu took a heavy breath.

"Old Aiqing, sit down."

"The old minister obeyed."

"Old Aiqing, I understand your utter loyalty, but the Western Expedition is no small matter, this trip is far away, thousands of miles away!
You have also read the war report documents that Zhang Shuai and Nangong Shuai sent from time to time in the past few years. In that barbaric land thousands of miles away, many young soldiers gave their lives in their prime years because of the unacceptable environment. .

Old Aiqing, you are already this age, if I send you out again to conquer the barbarians.

How can you let me bear it?

Furthermore, once this matter gets out, how will the civil and military officials of the imperial court think of me?How do the people of the world see me?How will the hundreds of thousands of soldiers in the Northland and the [-] soldiers and horses of the new army battalion think of me?

You—you also have to understand my difficulties! "

Cai Jun heard Liu Dashao's earnest words, and sat down on the chair weakly, looked at Liu Dashao with a wry smile and nodded.

"The old minister is confused, but the old minister understands."

"Hey, old Aiqing, can you listen to what I have to say first?"

"Your Majesty, the old minister is all ears."

"Old Aiqing, when my father was still alive, you shouldn't have forgotten that you followed the Lord of Jingguo, Yunyangyun, in the Northern Expedition to restore the land, right?"

"Return to Your Majesty, the old minister will never forget it."

"Well, as long as you don't forget, I remember that your eldest son Cai Yan was the quartermaster of the Northern Expedition Army. I remember right?"

Cai Jun was stunned for a moment, and finally understood Young Master Liu's true thoughts.

After a moment of silence, Cai Jun looked at Young Master Liu with a complicated and excited expression and nodded heavily.

"Reporting to Your Majesty, Cai Yan, the old minister's son, was the quartermaster of the Northern Expeditionary Army at that time."

Liu Mingzhi nodded with a light smile, reached out and took out a token from his cuff and gently placed it on the table.

"I said something that is not very pleasant. If Cai Yan and Cai Aiqing unfortunately die for the country, I will specially order Cai He, the second son of Lao Aiqing, to inherit the title.

As for whether Cai Yan is willing to serve as the quartermaster of the Second Army, Lao Aiqing thinks twice.

However, I think it's better for Lao Aiqing to have a discussion with Cai Yan after returning home. As for whether she is willing or not, it's all up to Cai Yan's own decision, and I will never force it.

If Cai Yan is willing, I will wait for him to pick up this token at any time. "

The previous complex look on Cai Jun's face disappeared immediately, and he got up and picked up the token that Young Master Liu put on the table.

"Your Majesty, the old minister does not need to think twice."

(End of this chapter)

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