My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 2751 The Book of War

Chapter 2751 The Book of War
Liu Mingzhi watched the backs of Song Yu and the three of them disappear under the arch, turned around and walked into the study.

"Brother, please wait a moment."

Hearing this, Song Qing nodded without hesitation.

"it is good."

After Liu Mingzhi walked into the study room, he walked to the bookshelf a few steps away and rummaged through it.

After a while, Young Master Liu took down two books from the stack of books on the leftmost position on the second floor of the bookshelf and held them in his hands.

Young Master Liu looked at the two books in his hands without any signatures, lowered his head and gently blew the light dust on the edge of the cover.

Dabbing the saliva on his lips with his finger, First Young Master Liu casually flipped through the contents of the two books.

After a while, Young Master Liu put one of the books back to its original position, then turned around and walked towards the door.

Song Qing was quietly watching the scenery in the courtyard, when he heard footsteps behind him, he turned and looked over instinctively.

"Third brother, you are out."

Liu Mingzhi nodded with a faint smile, raised his hand and handed the book with a blank cover in front of his elder brother Song Qing.

"Big brother."

Song Qing saw the book that Young Master Liu handed over to him, and a faint look of doubt flashed in his eyes.

"Third brother, what is this book?"

"Brother, this is a book that I wrote in my spare time. The contents of the book are the insights that I have led the army for many years, and some of the ways that I have summed up by myself.

This book has been placed on the shelf since my brother and I wrote it.

This is the first time I found it after so many years, and it has been dusty for many years.

It's useless to keep this book with your brother. You take it and rush to the New Army camp, hand it to Dingbang, and ask him to copy it down and study it carefully.

As for whether he can gain something from it, it can only depend on the talent of this kid himself. "

When Song Qing heard Young Master Liu's explanation, the astonishment in his eyes flashed away, and he nodded silently to Young Master Liu. Song Qing took the book and carefully put it in his arms.

"Okay, Brother Wei understands, Brother Wei must personally hand over this book to this kid Dingbang."

"Tell this kid, don't let me break it for you, I will take it back after he copied it down!
This book is one of the few books written by the young master with his heart, and it has great commemorative significance. I don't want my hard work to be damaged. "

"Come on, don't worry, the Brotherhood will give this kid a good warning."

"Well, big brother, you take care of things, brother, I don't worry."

"Third brother, besides this, is there anything else?"

"No, it's still early, and it's not time for dinner, brother won't keep you at home for dinner.

After dealing with the expedition of the [-] new troops, let's relax completely, let's call Lao Jia and the others, and then go to Tianxiang Tower to sit together. "

Song Qing grinned, and punched First Young Master Liu with a smile on his face.

"If it's a deal, then I'll take my leave first."

"Walk slowly without sending."

Song Qing didn't scribble any ink, put down his hands, turned around and walked straight out of the courtyard of the study.

Liu Mingzhi looked at Song Qing's receding back with high strides, and heaved a long sigh with a complex expression.

Brother, I don't understand your kindness if it's not a brother, but I have nothing to do if it's a brother!

Now brothers and I have reached such an age, I have to think about the children below, the position of the crown prince has not yet been determined, brothers really can't let you veteran generals get involved in the new army again.

This is the soldiers and horses I left for the successor king, brothers. If you veteran generals get involved, the children below will be in trouble in the future.

For the stability of the world, I hope you can understand my painstaking efforts brother.

Liu Mingzhi muttered to himself for a while, stretched out his hand and locked the door of the study room, and rushed towards the garden in the inner courtyard lightly.

Young Master Liu had just arrived in the garden, holding an exquisite paper kite in his hand, Liu Lingyun was all smiles, and trotted towards Young Master Liu bouncing around.

"Daddy, you are done with your business."

Seeing Liu Lingyun in a goose yellow gauze dress, Liu Mingzhi smiled and nodded in response.

"Hey, I'm done with my work, my dear girl, you have released the paper kite and came back."

"Yeah, it's almost lunch time, we'll be back."

"So cute, why are you alone, Zhenghao, Yunxin, Lianiang and the others?"

"Going back to my father, sister Yunxin and the others are arranging the strings of their kites in the martial arts arena in the front yard, Lingyun is a little thirsty, so let's go back to the inner yard to find herbal tea to drink!
Daddy, come here after Lingyun has quenched his thirst, shall we put paper kites at home?You haven't released paper kites with us for a long time. "

Young Master Liu looked at his daughter's expectant eyes, and agreed to her request without hesitation.

"Okay, okay, then go quench your thirst first, daddy is waiting for you to come back."

Liu Lingyun and her mother Qi Ya have [-]% to [-]% similar beauty and beautiful face, she was suddenly overjoyed, she stuffed the exquisite paper kite into her father's hand, and ran happily towards her boudoir and go.

"Girl, wait a minute."

Liu Lingyun, who was walking cheerfully, suddenly came to a sudden brake, and turned around with a puzzled face to look at Young Master Liu who was standing on the steps of the gazebo.

"Dad, what's wrong?"

"Girl, don't forget to tell your grandparents, mothers and aunts to come over to the gazebo too.

It's been a long time since our big family sat down and chatted together. Today, taking advantage of my father's free time, let's have a good chat while releasing paper kites. "

"Hey, Lingyun knows, I'll tell my grandparents, mother and aunt after drinking tea.

Daddy, take a rest in the gazebo first, Lingyun will pass by first. "

Liu Lingyun quickened her pace while waving her crystal-clear and white hands like warm jade.

Looking at the elegant and flexible figure of the good daughter Liu Lingyun, a gleam of surprise flashed in the eyes of First Young Master Liu.

"Winning the wind and snow on the fourth floor, this girl Lingyun has extraordinary talent in martial arts. She has actually cultivated the lightness kung fu mentality that Sister Ya taught her to this level."

First Young Master Liu murmured a few words in a surprised expression, and then chuckled lightly with gratification in his eyes.

That's fine too, the higher this girl's talent in martial arts, the higher her ability to protect herself, at least she can save herself a little bit of distraction from her.

Liu Mingzhi waited until the beautiful figure of his good daughter disappeared at the corner of the corridor, and raised his hand to feel the wind direction in the garden.

After feeling the direction of the wind, First Young Master Liu jumped up suddenly, and landed gracefully on the glazed tiles of the gazebo, lowering his head and fiddling with the butterfly paper kite in his hand.

After about half a cup of tea, Young Master Liu raised his head and looked up at the butterfly kite flying in the sky with a faint smile, and flew down towards the ground lightly while pulling the kite thread.

After tying the paper kite thread in his hand to the court pillar, First Young Master Liu sat on the stone bench and casually pulled out the carved jade fan at his waist.

Gently blowing the cool wind, First Young Master Liu began to fall asleep with his eyes closed, humming an extremely popular tune in the capital.

After about half a stick of incense passed, Liu Mingzhi faintly heard footsteps coming from behind him, and silently opened his eyes and looked behind him.

"Yo, old man, you were the first to arrive, you are in good health.

You are so old and strong, why don't you discuss it with this young master's mother and strive to give birth to another younger brother or sister for this young master. "

(End of this chapter)

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