My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 2753 Each has its own difficulties

Chapter 2753 Each has its own difficulties

Young Master Liu was speechless for a while when he heard his old man suddenly mentioned the events of more than 20 years ago.

Ask yourself to explain what's going on, how the hell should I explain it?
Do you want to tell the old man yourself that you didn't actually compose this poem, but copied it yourself... borrowing from a certain senior's poems.

If I explained it this way, then the old man would probably have to ask himself again, since it was borrowed from others, who is this person?
In this way, how should I explain myself?
"Uh! Uh! Uh! Left and Right is just a random poem written after drinking. It's been so many years, what else is there to study?
It doesn't matter whether it is Qinhuai water or Jinghu water, as long as the content of the poem is suitable for the occasion and full of artistic conception, it will be fine.

And you also said that this is the poem written by the young master after he was drunk. The young master was drunk, and more than 20 years have passed, how can I still remember it so clearly.

If you don't mention it, old man, I will hardly remember that I wrote these poems, my young master. "

Listening to Young Master Liu's forceful explanation, Liu Zhi'an scratched his gray temples with his fingers, and did not continue to ask any further questions.

"That's right, poetry, as long as it fits the occasion and is full of artistic conception."

"Hey, that's right."

"Let's not talk about this poem, let's continue talking about returning to Jinling's hometown. I have already made up my mind about returning my old man and your mother to my hometown."

Young Master Liu frowned slightly, closed the carved jade fan in his hand, turned around and looked at the old man sitting on the stone bench.

"You can't discuss it anymore? The whole family is in the capital, but you and your mother insist on going back to the old house in Jinling. Why bother?

If you really miss the plants and trees of the old house in Jinling, at worst, my young master will immediately order the officials of the Ministry of Industry to send skilled craftsmen to remodel the house to the specifications as soon as possible.

Not to mention copying our old Jinling house for you as it is, at least remodeling it for you to be more similar, so that you and your mother can cherish the nostalgia of homesickness. "

After Liu Mingzhi finished speaking, he looked at Liu Zhian expectantly, as long as the old man was happy, this matter was just a matter of little effort for him.

Liu Zhi'an suddenly stood up, staring at Young Master Liu angrily as he casually put the teacup in his hand on the table.

"Aren't you fucking nonsense? Isn't what the old man said just now not clear enough?

People miss their hometown, and fallen leaves return to their roots. This is the result that the old man wants.

You just rebuilt the current mansion to be exactly the same as the old Jinling mansion, what's the use of it?What's the point?

Is the capital the old man's hometown?Is the capital the root of the old man?
The ancestral grave of our Liu family is in Jinling, and the foundation of our Liu family is in Jinling. This is a fact that nothing can change.

No matter how similar the remodeling is, so what?Not after all.

No, it should be said that the old man's foundation is in Jinling, you bastard has already established his own family, and the capital is your foundation.

You have your own foundation, but you can't stop Laozi from going back to his own home.

Forget it, old man, can I discuss it with you?I came to you just to inform you, not to discuss with you.

If you like to agree or disagree, you have a fart relationship with me.

The old man and your mother want to leave, why don't you stop one?One stick can't kill you son of a bitch.

No matter how hard your wings are, this old man is still your old man. "

Young Master Liu saw Liu Zhian cursing, reached out and rubbed his face vigorously a few times.

"It's ok, come back, come back if you want. You are my young master's father, so you can do whatever you want, can't I just leave me alone, young master?
Now that you've made up your mind, I won't forcefully stop you anymore. When do you plan to go back?
"Tomorrow, the old man has already agreed with your mother in the morning to let her pack up and salute, and leave early tomorrow morning."

How can it be so fast?This young master doesn't stop you from going back, but at least you have to stay for a while, right? "

Liu Zhi'an lowered his head and glanced at the shredded tobacco that had not yet been lit, took out the torch and lit the shredded tobacco, and silently swallowed a few puffs of smoke.

"There are some incidents in several commercial firms, and the old man needs to go back and deal with them in person.

The big and small affairs of the Liu family business cannot do without the old man, so the old man and your mother hurried back to Jiangnan.

This is a business matter, there is no delay, the Liu Family Firm cannot do without the old man!
Liu Mingzhi looked at the helplessness on Liu Zhian's face, and nodded with a complicated expression.

"Jingyao girl is probably going to give birth year after year. Originally, I thought I would let you live with mother for a few more months. After Jingyao girl gave birth, I will see her second great-grandson or great-granddaughter. You rush back to Jinling.

However, since I have serious business to do, my young master will not say anything more. "

Liu Zhi'an raised his hand and gently patted Young Master Liu on the shoulder: "The Liu Family Firm cannot do without this old man just like the whole world cannot do without you, you have to be considerate of this old man's difficulties.

No matter what position you are in, in life, everyone has their own difficulties!

Don't look at your relaxed posture now, you will know later that your dilemma is still to come.

As for what it is, you know it in your heart, but the old man doesn't clarify. "

When Liu Mingzhi heard the old man's last meaningful words, his melancholy expression tightened immediately.

Although the old man didn't say it clearly, he already understood in his heart what the old man was talking about.

The things that can make him embarrassed are nothing more than the question of who the throne will be passed on to.

The palms of the hands and the backs of the hands are full of meat. It is really a dilemma whether to pass it on to whom or not.

Liu Mingzhi discussed silently for a while, and was about to say something, when suddenly chattering laughter came from not far from the gazebo.

Liu Mingzhi hastily suppressed the complicated emotions in his heart, raised his eyes and looked at several paths in the garden.

I saw Qi Yun, Qi Ya, Huyan Yunyao, sisters Murong Shan, Gu Mo Rongrong...the sisters and the others were each carrying a tray, surrounded by their own mothers, talking and laughing towards the gazebo.

And in front of them is a group of children under Young Master Liu's knees, jumping and jumping, chasing and playing with each other.

"Grandpa, Daddy."

"Grandpa, Dad."

"Greetings Grandpa, Greetings Daddy."

Liu Zhi'an looked at the grandsons and granddaughters crowding towards him, and hurriedly knelt down on the steps and knocked out the unburned shredded tobacco in the smoking pot.

"Hey, good granddaughter, slow down, don't knock yourself.

The same goes for you brats, watch your feet and don't fall down. "

"Thank you grandpa for your concern."

"Daughters-in-law and sisters have met father-in-law and husband."

"It's all free, I don't have so many customary etiquette in my family."

Liu Mingzhi cleared his mind, nodded with a light smile, and took the initiative to greet Mrs. Liu.

"You are all free."

"Thank you husband."


Mrs. Liu looked at the gloomy look in her eldest son's eyes, turned her eyes to glance at Liu Zhi'an who was amused by many grandsons and granddaughters, and understood what was going on in her heart.

"Hey, it's rare to get together, don't talk about some unhappy things, let's all sit in the gazebo."

"Well, the child listens to mother, mother, please first."

"You're welcome, let's go together."

"Yun'er, you sisters should also put the wine, vegetables and pastries in your hands on the stone table."

"Yes, my concubine sister understands."

"Daddy, come and help Lianiang put away the paper kite."

"Daddy, I want it too, I want it too."

"Okay, daddy, let's go."

(End of this chapter)

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