Chapter 2761

Young Master Liu looked at Song Qing who was standing under the dragon platform, the light in his eyes flashed away.

"King Wu Yi, you are worrying too much, although today is an auspicious day in the Chinese calendar, but weapons are also different.

For those enemies who dare not submit to the king, the weapons in the hands of the soldiers are naturally ominous things, but for me, the great dragon today, the weapons in the hands of the soldiers are to protect the home and the country barrier.

The soldiers defend the country from Rongrong, and the weapons in their hands should also be the weapons of defending the country from the Rongrong.

As the king of a country, I follow the way of heaven above and obey the will of the people below. The inauspiciousness of weapons is irrelevant to me, so I don't need to care about it. "

"Your Majesty's forgiveness is too much for a minister."

"Hey, King Wu Yi doesn't need to blame himself, as the commander of the imperial army, you said this for my own sake, what's your fault?

I appreciate your kindness, please return to your seat first. "

"Yes, the minister takes orders."

Song Qing saluted respectfully, and walked towards his position without haste.

Duan Dingbang and the others took the lead by looking at Song Qing's back as he walked towards his position, and then at Young Master Liu on the dragon platform, the excitement in his eyes became more obvious.

The mood in their hearts that was gradually calming down suddenly became hot again at this moment.

"Dingbang, Lu Chen, Ge Gonglu...don't worry about it, just go get your own weapon."

"Yes, I will take orders."

Duan Dingbang and the other generals replied in a bold tone, and once again walked towards the Qinzheng Palace together.

Young Master Liu looked at their backs, smiled lightly and looked sideways at Song Qing who was kneeling on the cushion, and nodded imperceptibly to Song Qing who was already looking at him.

Seeing Young Master Liu's behavior and reaction, Song Qing raised his hand and rubbed the tip of his nose with a smile, nodded and lowered his eyebrows, and put the chao wat in his hand on his legs.

With such a tacit action between the two brothers, it is natural to see that Song Qing's previous remonstrance was nothing more than a collusion between the two brothers.

A moment later, Duan Dingbang and his group of generals returned to the palace with all kinds of weapons in their hands.

"Report to Your Majesty, the ministers have brought the weapons, please have a look at them."

Young Master Liu glanced curiously at the weapons in the hands of a group of generals, and finally fixed his eyes on the weapons in Duan Dingbang's hands.

This is - Fang Tian painting a halberd?
Liu Chengfeng, Liu Liu Chengzhi, Liu Feifei and their brothers and sisters raised their brows, and looked at the weapon in Duan Dingbang's hands with a little surprise in their eyes.

The little cutie knelt on the left side of the dragon platform, fingering her nails lazily. Out of the corner of her eye, she caught a glimpse of Fang Tian's painted halberd in Duan Dingbang's hand, and paused slightly as she fingered her nails.

The cutie put down a pair of jade hands naturally, and looked at the weapon in Duan Dingbang's hand with her exquisite bright eyes, and the suspicion in the depths of her eyes disappeared in a flash.

Playing with the fish bag on his waist with his fingers, the little cutie's eyes rolled thoughtfully.

what's the situation?Could it be that Fang Tian's painted halberd is Duan Dingbang's main weapon?
If that's the case, wouldn't it mean that the horizontal knife he used in the new army camp that day was just his spare weapon?

The little cutie narrowed her eyes and meditated for a moment, before her eyes flashed the scenes that happened to her brothers and sisters in the camp of the new army a few days ago, and finally tapped her head a few times with a sense of understanding.

That's right, it's no wonder that this guy's movements of resisting his own attack that day seemed a little stiff. It turns out that Fang Tian's painted halberd is the weapon that this guy really uses well, and that horizontal knife is just his spare weapon. That's all.

As if she understood something, Xiao Kei stared at Duan Dingbang's hand for a few times, and her surprised gaze returned to its calm look.

Withdrawing her gaze, the little cutie continued to work boredly on the nails on her ten fingers, as if there was a lot of filth inside.

Holding the hilt of the sword, Liu Mingzhi stood up directly from the dragon chair, and walked slowly towards the bottom of the dragon platform.


Duan Dingbang held Fang Tian's painted halberd tightly with both hands, and saluted respectfully.

"The minister is here."

"Generals who can use such weapons as Fang Tian's painted halberd, I have personally led the army for many years, and I have seen only a handful of people.

The generals who use this kind of weapons are either masters or mediocre.

And since you dare to use this kind of weapon, you think your kung fu is not ordinary! "

"Returning to Your Majesty, the subject's kung fu was taught to me by my mentor, and this Fangtian painted halberd is also a weapon passed down to me by my mentor many years ago.

Chen started practicing martial arts at the age of six, met his mentor at the age of 12, and learned a set of halberd techniques from his mentor at the age of 14. He has practiced it for six years.

Over the years, I have been studying the art of war quietly, and I have rarely fought against people in the martial arts world, so I don't know how good my kung fu is. "

Young Master Liu raised his eyebrows, looked up at Fang Tian's painted halberd that was flickering in Duan Dingbang's hand, and carefully examined it.

"Oh? I'm curious, who did you study under in Dingbang?"

Duan Dingbang couldn't help being embarrassed when he heard Young Master Liu's rather curious question.

"This this--"

Liu Mingzhi lowered his head subconsciously, and looked at Duan Dingbang, who looked hesitant and hesitated to speak.

"Why, it's not convenient to say."

"Returning to Your Majesty, I once promised my mentor after returning from my studies that I would not reveal my mentor's name after I left the teacher.

On the one hand, it is my mentor, and on the other hand, it is Your Majesty. Since ancient times, loyalty and filial piety have been in a dilemma. I hope that Your Majesty will understand my difficulties.

Therefore, I dare not answer your majesty's question, please forgive me. "

After Duan Dingbang said these words, he lowered his gaze slightly nervously, not daring to look at the gaze that Young Master Liu was looking at him.

Liu Mingzhi narrowed his eyes slightly, stared at Duan Dingbang's eyes thoughtfully and fell into silence.

Seeing Duan Dingbang's calm but nervous eyes, Liu Mingzhi nodded with a light smile.

"I see, your mentor must be a reclusive expert who doesn't like to show his face.

Since ancient times, there have been many hermits and masters who like to live leisurely in seclusion among famous rivers and mountains. I also know something about this, so I can naturally understand your difficulties.

Forget it, a gentleman does not force others to make things difficult.

Since you have an agreement with your mentor, I will not force you to reveal the name of your mentor. "

"Minister Duan Dingbang, thank you for your understanding, long live long live."

Liu Mingzhi smiled lightly, and gently stretched out his hands.

"Come, let me see your weapon."

This time Duan Dingbang didn't hesitate at all, and directly handed Fang Tian's painting halberd in his hand to First Young Master Liu.

"Your Majesty, please take a look."

Liu Mingzhi took the weapon from Duan Dingbang with one hand, waved it casually, and the sharp sound of piercing the air instantly echoed around the hall.

"It's a good halberd."

(End of this chapter)

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