My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 277 The Fox Talks About Liaozhai

Chapter 277

The storehouse in the mansion is quite simple, and Liu Mingzhi is in charge of the storeroom keys himself. The butler, Fu Shan, has a spare key, but Fu Shan is quite self-disciplined, and he has never set foot in the storehouse without Liu Mingzhi's permission.

Creaking, creaking, and opening the heavy door, Liu Mingzhi blocked Liu Ying from the dust with the hem of his clothes, and put down his sleeves after a while in the wind: "Auntie, this is the storeroom in my nephew's mansion. My nephew first arrived in the capital, and the storeroom is also empty. I didn't prepare anything, except for some gold and silver treasures, some cloth, and food hoarded in case of accidents, which made my aunt laugh."

Liu Ying was not too polite, and walked directly into the warehouse with her plump and delicate body swaggering. The brothers and sisters of the Yun family behind them sighed full of pity, thinking about how to make up for this foolish cousin.

Although Liu Ying never regarded Young Master Liu as an outsider, after all, she was married to the Yun family. After all, the Yun and Liu families are two families. settle accounts.

Liu Ying saw a few large wooden boxes opened in the corner of the warehouse, a sliver of light was reflected, her pupils were full of little stars, she wished she could rush over to take it for herself, and then she had to force herself to stay in the warehouse with a calm demeanor. Turned up.

Liu Ying ran her finger across the stacked cloth: "Well, Su embroidery and Shu embroidery are all good cloth. It seems that you are quite willing to spend money on them."

"If Auntie likes it, you can bring some and buy two more clothes."

"Forget it, my sister's family doesn't lack these things. Why do you store up so much food? The dozens of people in your family can't eat it all in three years."

"There is food at home, so don't panic. If something unexpected happens, you should be in a hurry. Anyway, it won't cost a lot of money."

"Well, that's right, you're far-sighted, better than your incompetent cousins, you can't eat enough, you can't do anything, Xiao Mingming also knows how to stay out of the way, my sister is really happy for you."

"What is this black, long, thick thing? Why are there two holes?" Liu Ying picked up a 686 and looked at her face. The most terrifying thing was that her finger happened to be on the trigger. superior.

Liu Mingzhi shivered in fright. He used 686 without paying attention to why Liu Ying used it. This is a terrible thing. Regardless of other things, he directly grabbed Liu Ying from behind and pushed her head away with one hand, and grabbed the muzzle of the gun with the other. , moved away from Liu Ying's head, and then grabbed Liu Ying's 686 with the trigger pulled.

Only for a moment, after Liu Mingzhi took 686, did he realize that he was already drenched in cold sweat. Behind Liu Ying were the four brothers and sisters of the Yun family standing. In an instant, Liu Ying's head would become a broken watermelon, and the brothers and sisters of the Yun family behind her would also be sprayed into sieves.

Liu Ying turned around and looked at Liu Mingzhi, who was hugging her, pouted and grabbed Young Master Liu's nose: "Little thing, our blood is thicker than water, how can you hug your sister, you have grown up do you know."

Liu Mingzhi let go of Liu Ying with a look of fear, and carefully put 686 back on the original shelf. On the wooden shelf were neatly placed ten spray guns of similar size, all of which were filled with copper-cased gunpowder. There were thirty iron balls in the gun barrel, and Liu Mingzhi put them aside on purpose just in case there was no time to load them.

However, what happened just now made Liu Mingzhi feel lingering fears, and he had already made a plan. After Liu Ying left, he had to withdraw the copper shell inside. If he made a mistake, he would have no chance of regretting it.

"Xiao Mingming, isn't it just a clarinet pipe? Why are you sweating so much on your forehead?" Liu Ying half-bent to put her hands on her knees and looked at Liu Mingzhi curiously.

"Auntie, you don't know that my nephew feeds a lot of poisonous insects here. If it flies out and lands on my aunt's face, it will be a big trouble. Can the child not be alarmed?"

Liu Ying turned pale when she heard the words, and took two steps back in shock.

"Auntie, you should look at other things."

Liu Ying followed Liu Mingzhi and glanced at 686 placed on the wooden frame from time to time. Her intuition told her that this unremarkable clarinet was definitely not simple, and there was no poison in it. She just saw it clearly. As far as the orange-yellow object inside the clarinet is made of brass, and Liu Mingzhi's heart was beating wildly when he hugged him regardless of his appearance, this thing is definitely not that simple.

Liu Ying looked at Liu Mingzhi's younger generation with deep eyes, and a trace of relief welled up in her heart. The little kid who was crying behind her back then has also grown up and knows how to hide her strength and conceal her emotions. She shook her head slightly , Silly boy, compared to your father, you are still a little too young. When you can sit down to the point where you can't express your emotions, you will truly grow up.

Pursing her lips, Liu Ying bouncingly jumped to the side of a box: "Xiao Mingming, what's in it?" After speaking, Liu Mingzhi opened the box regardless of Liu Mingzhi's reaction. What kind of situation has this nephew grown up to?

There was no gold, silver or jewelry in the box, only some pitch-black pots and jars, the mouths of which were sealed, and a fuse about half a foot long was pulled on the body of the jars.

"Xiao Mingming, isn't there a bar inside?"

Liu Mingzhi gently pulled Liu Ying away and closed the wooden box: "Auntie guessed right, it's wine, but the storage period is too short, before it's time to open it, I will give it to you when the wine tastes the best Send a few jars to have a good taste."

The corners of Liu Ying's eyes were bent down and she nodded meaningfully: "Oh, since it's wine, forget it, my sister doesn't like drinking the most."

"Dahai, Xiaoxi, you guys go out for a walk, Mother wants to ask your cousin something."

The four of Yunhai and Hai left the warehouse straight away, leaving only Aunt Liu Ying and nephew Liu Ying.

Liu Ying pressed Liu Mingzhi to the corner step by step, leaned over to Young Master Liu's ear, her eyes lingered on 686 and the wooden box: "Little enemy, remember what my sister said, some terrible wine should not be exposed Okay, this is the capital, not Jiangnan, do you understand?"

Liu Mingzhi was taken aback, his eyes narrowed: "Auntie, what are you talking about, my nephew is a little confused."

Liu Mingzhi gave Liu Mingzhi a coquettish white look: "Your father has taught you such shit all these years. The bigger you are, the less promising you are. Remember what my sister said, don't go head-to-head with someone surnamed Wei unless it's absolutely necessary. No matter how old you are, I have to hold back the hatred, do you understand?"

Liu Mingzhi looked at Liu Ying hesitantly, could it be that she knew the purpose of 686 and homemade bombs, otherwise how could she have said such things to herself, but Liu Zhian had repeatedly promised that he would not use 686 until the end of the world How did Liu Ying know that it was exposed?
Mu Ran, looking at Liu Ying who was close at hand, Liu Mingzhi's heart skipped a beat. Liu Ying's bright eyes were like a pool of deep water, bottomless, exactly the same as the old man's eyes, although they were fleeting and turned into The childish appearance also made Liu Mingzhi feel chills in his heart.

This aunt who has no intentions on the surface and often babbles is, nine times out of ten, another existence that eats people without spit out bones.

They are all thousand-year-old foxes, you have to play Liaozhai, it's too deceitful.

(End of this chapter)

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