Chapter 2770

On the square under the thousand-level stage in the palace, Liu Chengfeng and his brothers and sisters were standing together and talking softly with different expressions.

Cutie looked at Liu Chengzhi, the stack of thick documents in the hands of Liu Yiyi and sister Liu Yiyi, her exquisite eyes were full of teasing, and there was a triumphant smile on her face.

The little cutie showed such an appearance of "a villain's success", it almost had the words "I'm happy now" directly engraved on his forehead.

Raised her jade hand and rubbed it a few times to clean her crescent-browed and lightly made-up face, the little cutie raised half of her lotus root arm and put it on the shoulder of her elder brother Liu Chengfeng, her demeanor was unrestrained, and she looked at Liu Yiyi, Liu Chengzhi and her siblings in a carefree manner. I raised my eyebrows.

"Sister Yiyi, second brother, you can take your time, there are only a few paperwork left and right, and it is estimated that the review will be completed before noon.

Yue'er, elder brother, sister Yaoyao, and the third son will not accompany you two to the Hall of Ten Kings. You can be as busy as you want, and we will go back first. "

After listening to the little cutie's teasing words, Liu Chengfeng coughed a few times with a suppressed smile.

"Cough, cough, Yue'er, how can you say such teasing words to your sister Yiyi and the second brother? You are typical of standing and talking without back pain!

It's not good being a younger sister, it's really not good. "

Hearing that the eldest brother spoke for him, the second brother Liu Chengzhi's expression brightened, and he was about to beg his elder brother to help him share some pressure, but he didn't expect Liu Chengfeng to speak again.

"However, who made our sister Yiyi and Chengzhi so knowledgeable!

That being the case, then those who can do more work! "


Liu Yaoyao at the side originally thought that the elder brother would help the elder sister and the second elder brother to talk, and then help them share some pressure of reviewing documents, but Liu Chengfeng would say such words later.

At such a dramatic scene, Liu Yaoyao couldn't help but let out a muffled laugh.

The second brother Liu Chengzhi's face full of joy also froze suddenly, and the corner of his mouth twitched as he looked at the elder brother Liu Chengfeng who was pinching the tip of his nose with a playful expression, he didn't know what to say.

Seeing the extremely awkward expression on her elder brother Liu Chengzhi's face, Liu Yaoyao let out a muffled cough and turned her head up to look up at the sky, pretending to admire the white clouds of different shapes in the sky.

Liu Chengqian also turned his head to look elsewhere with a smile on the corner of his mouth, pretending to appreciate the scenery inside the palace.

The little cutie glanced at Liu Chengfeng next to him with a smile on his lips, and poked the elder brother's arm with his fingers.

"Brother, at first this girl thought you were really going to speak up for Sister Yiyi, and the second brother and the others, but I never expected that you would do this to this girl.

Tsk tsk tsk, this is really beyond my expectation, big brother, when did you become so mean?

However, I like this girl. "

Liu Chengfeng heard the little cutie's teasing tone, and immediately pretended to be angry and gave the little cutie a glare.

"Stinky girl, why are you talking to big brother?"

Liu Chengzhi's face collapsed, he rolled his eyes angrily, glared at the little cutie and the four of them waved their hands casually.

"Walking, walking, walking, isn't it just a little paperwork, it's not a big deal, and I don't need your help at all."

Liu Chengfeng sniffed hard, raised his hand and patted the little cutie's elbow on his shoulder.

"Come on, then we won't delay Sister Yiyi and you two are busy getting down to business, let's go ahead."

Liu Yiyi, who was at the side, suddenly became unhappy when she saw Liu Chengfeng's appearance, and grabbed Liu Chengfeng's ear with a sad face and twisted it a few times.

"Stinky boy, you dare to talk to your sister and me like that, you are really talented."

"Hey, sister! Sister! Sister! What are you doing? Let go, the officials are not far away, how can you save some face for my little brother!"

Liu Yiyi heard Liu Chengfeng's begging for mercy, turned her head slightly and glanced at the civil and military officials around her brothers and sisters.

Looking at the civil and military officials around who stopped subconsciously and looked at her and others with strange expressions, Liu Yiyi immediately let go of her slender fingers that were holding Liu Chengfeng's ears.

Liu Yiyi cleared her throat, and said in a soft and gentle tone: "My lords, it seems that you are all free. Since you have the time to watch a play here, why don't the princess report to the emperor to find you something to do?"

When the civil and military officials around heard Liu Yiyi's soft but threatening words, their faces froze immediately, and they hurriedly withdrew their eyes and quickened their pace towards the palace gate.

"Princess, the ministers and others will leave first."

"Princess, I still have something to do at home, so go ahead."

"Princess, it's getting late, I'm going to leave and go home to collect the quilt."

"His Royal Highness, the old minister has occasionally felt the wind and cold these two days. Not only is he dizzy, but he can't even hear clearly. The old minister will go back to see the doctor first."

The surrounding civil and military officials made an excuse casually talking nonsense, and hurriedly left the surroundings of Liu Yiyi's brothers and sisters.

Liu Yiyi looked at the backs of those officials walking away, and walked in front of the little cutie with her red lips pouting.

"Yue'er, my sister promised Xie Yun that she would accompany him to release paper kites outside the city this afternoon, so there are so many paperwork that my sister can't handle at all.

Among us brothers and sisters, you are the fastest to review documents, so you can help my sister share a little pressure, okay?

Haoyueer, sister, I beg you, please help my sister. "

Looking at Liu Yiyi's pleading pretty eyes, the little cutie shook her head with emotion.

"Oh, I have a sweetheart, but a good sister.

But who told Yiyi sister that you are this girl's own sister? Since you are anxious to stay and fly with your future brother-in-law, I will help you, Yue'er. "

As the little cutie talked, she directly extended her white right hand like warm jade to her elder sister Liu Yiyi.

"Hey, pick out the paperwork that needs to be issued tomorrow. This girl will review it for you tonight."

Liu Yiyi suddenly smiled, and hurriedly lowered her head to rummage through the pile of documents in her hand.

"Yaoyao, help my sister get it first."


After a while, Liu Yiyi put half a stack of documents into the hands of the cutie, and pinched the cutie's round cheeks with her fingers.

"Good month, thank you, sister will buy a gift another day."

Xiaocuti snorted coquettishly, and put the document in Liu Chengqian's hand directly.

"Sister Yiyi, what day is the next day? Yue'er will take care of it tomorrow.

When you and your future brother-in-law are going to release paper kites outside the city, it shouldn't be troublesome to buy some gifts for Yue'er on the way, right? "

Liu Yiyi gave a helpless wry smile on her pretty face, and nodded her little cute Qiong's nose with her fingers: "Okay, okay, you stinky girl, you really can't take any losses."

The little cutie grinned, moved her jade neck a few times, turned around and walked towards the palace gate.

"Then Yiyi, you and the second brother will go to the Hall of Ten Kings to deal with government affairs first, Sister Yiyi, see you at home."

Brothers Liu Chengfeng, Liu Yaoyao, and Liu Chengqian smiled and waved their hands, then turned around and rushed towards the palace gate.

"Sister Yiyi, let's see you at home."

"His Royal Highness, please stay, Your Highness, please stay."

Little Cutie and the others had just walked about a dozen steps, when suddenly there was an angry shout from behind.

The brothers and sisters paused, turned subconsciously and looked behind them, only to see a young cabinet official rushing towards them with a stack of documents in his hand.

"Huh—huh—His Royal Highness, these are the documents handed over to you by the old minister of Xia Ge, and all of them are documents that need to be reviewed and approved by you."

The little cutie raised her crescent eyebrows, and seeing her eldest brother Liu Chengfeng's face suddenly become a little stiff, she coughed twice with a half-smile.

She raised her hand and patted Liu Chengfeng's shoulder, the little cutie turned around and walked away holding back a smile.

"Brother, those who can do more work! Let's see you at home."

Liu Yaoyao, Liu Chengqian, sister and brother first looked at the cabinet officials in front of them, then turned their heads to look in the direction of the cabinet, and hurriedly turned around and chased after the little cutie.

Liu Chengzhi looked at his elder brother's stunned look, laughed and took the stack of documents from the cabinet officials, and walked straight towards Liu Chengfeng.

Liu Chengzhi raised his hand to embrace Liu Chengfeng's shoulder, and walked towards the Hall of Ten Kings forcefully.

"Brother, those who can do more work, let's come together!"

The three sisters Liu Yiyi walked towards the Hall of Ten Kings together, and Duan Dingbang led a group of generals under his command to just walk down the last step of the thousand-level platform.

Looking at the little cutie in front of him who was walking carelessly and carelessly, Duan Dingbang's eyes showed a look of astonishment.

(End of this chapter)

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