My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 2772 How old are you?

Chapter 2772 How old are you?
Duan Dingbang was stunned for a while by the unexpected kick of the little cutie, and he still didn't come back to his senses.

Seeing this situation, the rest of the generals of the new army subconsciously wanted to get out in front of Duan Dingbang, but when they saw the aggressive little man standing in front of Duan Dingbang with his hands pinching Xiaoman's waist, his beauty was overwhelming. After being cute, they all looked at each other helplessly.

In an instant, all the generals of the new army saw the deep helplessness in each other's eyes.

As the generals under Duan Dingbang's command, these brothers, of course, didn't want to come out to help, but they really didn't know how to help.

In addition, the cutie's kick was too sudden, too unexpected, and they didn't dare to help without knowing the cause and effect.

Who is this man standing in front of the commander in front of him aggressively and kicking the commander involuntarily?That is Her Royal Highness the Princess!
To let my brother and others stop the current princess Chitose from "assaulting" the commander-in-chief, to be honest, my brother and others really don't have the guts.

I waited for someone to block the commander's feet and get a few punches, which were all trivial matters, and I was afraid that in a panic, I would accidentally hurt the princess's phoenix body.

Her Royal Highness, she is not an ordinary little girl, but a golden branch and jade leaf.

If it hurts her jade body, how will my brothers and others who are courtiers feel better?
And these are all secondary things, the most important thing is that the commander-in-chief was actually kicked in the ass by His Highness the Princess.

This—this is all about Guangzong Yaozu, okay?
Although it seems a bit cheap to think like this, but in the long run, it is such an honor to be kicked in the ass by Princess Chitose.

After all, many people want to be kicked, and Her Royal Highness may not be that elegant.

Thinking of this, a group of new army generals with tangled expressions looked at Duan Dingbang with envy in their eyes.

I really want to be kicked by Her Royal Highness, especially Her Royal Highness with such a beautiful appearance.

While the generals were thinking strangely, Duan Dingbang finally came to his senses.

Staring blankly at the aggressive little cutie with furrowed eyebrows, Duan Dingbang couldn't help swallowing his saliva twice.

"I really haven't seen anything like... no... not... I... I..."

Seeing Duan Dingbang's incoherent response, the little cutie rolled her exquisite eyes helplessly, and kicked Duan Dingbang's ass again involuntarily.

"You, you, you, what are you, a big man stutters and can't even utter a whole sentence, you don't think it's embarrassing."

Duan Dingbang staggered and took two steps back, patting the shallow foot marks on his body with an embarrassed expression.

"I just wanted to greet you, Your Royal Highness, Duan Dingbang, see Your Royal Highness, thousands of years old."

"We see Her Royal Highness, a thousand years old."

Cutie looked at Duan Dingbang and the others who bowed to her in front of her, and waved her hands nonchalantly.

"It's all right, free of charge."

"His Royal Highness, thank you for a thousand years."

After waiting for the generals to straighten up, Xiaocuti fiddled with her exquisite crescent eyebrows a few times, and stared at Duan Dingbang, who was nodding his head and lowering his eyebrows, not daring to look directly at him.

"Tell me, why did you keep staring at my aunt and my back just now?"

"No, no, I have been rushing along with the brothers under my command just now, preparing to leave the palace and return to the camp. Why did I stare at your back, Your Highness the Princess!"

Xiaocuti snorted coquettishly, and directly raised her hand to slap Duan Dingbang's helmet vigorously several times one after another.

"How dare you argue, Auntie, when I suddenly turned around just now, I happened to see your eyes staring at me, Auntie."

The cutie pointed out Duan Dingbang's peeking behavior through gritted teeth, and then slapped Duan Dingbang's helmet several times.

"I was caught by my aunt, and I dare to quibble, let you quibble.

Say, why did you keep staring at the back of this princess just now, or were you staring at the backs of the third princess and the third prince?
I can't take it for granted today, Auntie, I can't spare you. "

Duan Dingbang hurriedly straightened the helmet that covered his eyes after being photographed by the cutie, and looked at the cutie's suspicious bright eyes with a tangled face.

"Chen... I just felt that the back of you, Your Highness, was familiar, and there was a feeling of deja vu, so I took a few more glances just now.

Other than that, I have absolutely no other intentions. "

Seeing Duan Dingbang's aggrieved expression, Xiaocuti immediately understood.

The girl understood. It turned out that this guy saw her walking, and associated her figure with the disguised self that day.

I was careless, I was careless, I was used to walking carelessly like this, and I ignored that Duan Dingbang would actually follow behind me.

Just now I chatted and joked with Sister Yiyi and Big Brother for so long, I subconsciously thought that all their generals had already left the palace.

The little cutie glanced at Duan Dingbang's depressed expression, and her charming face pinched the tip of her own Qiongbi resentfully.

"Grandma, my appearance is beautiful and beautiful, which is rare in the sky and nothing on the earth.

After seeing my aunt and my face like a fairy coming down to earth, I told me that there are many people who are familiar with me.

How old are you?

Auntie, let me warn you, if you dare to peek again, be careful that I will pick out your eyeballs.

snort!You tell your aunt to pay attention to you. "

The little cutie curled up two fingers and gestured at Duan Dingbang twice, then turned to Liu Yiyi with a soft snort, Liu Chengqian and the others walked over.

After Little Cutie turned around, she realized that many civil and military officials who were watching the fun had stopped around. Apart from those officials, the officers and soldiers of the Forbidden Army who were on duty on both sides also secretly observed her with strange expressions.

The cutie's pretty face sank, and her bright eyes 'seriously' glanced at the people around who were secretly watching.

"Whatever you look at, you don't want your eyes anymore, right? Have you ever seen this princess go crazy?

If you like to watch it then, go to the Palace of Ten Kings with this princess, Auntie, I will let you watch it all at once. "

When the surrounding officials heard the cutie's unfriendly tone, they turned into birds and beasts and scattered around without any hesitation.

Although the officers and soldiers of the Imperial Guard who were on duty could not leave because of their duties, they hurriedly looked away.

Who in the palace doesn't know the name of His Royal Highness Princess Yue?Who doesn't know?
If you inadvertently offend the other princesses, you will be reprimanded and reprimanded, and nothing will happen afterwards.

However, if Her Royal Highness Princess Yue is unhappy, there will definitely be no worries about her life, but at least she must drink a pot properly.

As for what to drink, it was naturally the lemon juice that Her Royal Highness Princess Yue grinded herself.

Some officials and soldiers who were punished by the cutie for drinking lemon juice couldn't help thinking about the experience of a certain day, and their teeth were sore and they shivered.

The sour taste is simple.

Looking at the trembling expressions on the faces of the group of people around, Xiaocuti clapped her hands a few times triumphantly, and continued to walk towards Liu Yaoyao.

It's just that the little cutie has already learned from Duan Dingbang why he peeked at her, and her walking posture is a little more restrained.

The reason why Xiaocuti did this was not because she cared about Duan Dingbang's opinion, but because she simply didn't want this guy to think of anything from her walking posture, which would cause extra problems.

Since the smelly old man let his three sisters disguise themselves before going to the new army camp to inspect military affairs, he must have his own considerations.

How can I, my stinky father, his dearest daughter, not defend his ideas, do some sabotage behaviors.

"Sister Yaoyao, third son, it's all right, let's go home."

(End of this chapter)

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