My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 2785 The Doctor's Kindness

Chapter 2785 The Doctor's Kindness

Before the little cutie arrived, the words full of anger spread to Qiuyue Pavilion first.

Qi Yun and the other beauties who were carefully discussing what to eat for dinner in the gazebo subconsciously turned their heads to look at the source of the voice.

In just a few breaths, they saw the little cutie holding a delicate purse tightly in her hand, rushing into the garden as if she was looking for her father and enemy.

"Father, it's in vain that I trust you so much, my girl, that you did such an outrageous thing.

Hurry up and return my silver ticket, it's my girl's lucky money, do you have a conscience? "

The little cutie rushed into the garden with her purse in her hand, turned her head and looked around but couldn't find Young Master Liu, then hurriedly ran towards Qiuyue Pavilion where many beauties were.

"Mother, aunts, little aunt, where did my father's old bastard go?"

The Queen and the others reacted from the cutie's gnashing of teeth, and looked at the little cutie's crazy look in bewilderment.

"Say... she said she was busy with her own affairs, and the aunts don't know exactly where she went."

"Yes, yes, as soon as you left on the front foot, your father left on the back foot, and the aunts don't know where he went."

"Yue'er, what's wrong with you? Weren't you still happy when you left? Why did you become so angry in a blink of an eye?"

"Yue'er, are you okay? Did something happen?"

"Are you in a hurry to find your father? She walked towards the inner courtyard just now. If you are in a hurry to find her, go to the inner courtyard and ask the maid if she has seen her."

"Yue'er, are you really okay? Why does Auntie think that your face seems to be a little bit wrong?"

"Yue'er, don't tremble, tell your aunts what happened? Don't keep talking."

Liu Xuan also stood up from the stone bench, Jiaoyan walked in front of the little cutie curiously.

"Yue'er, what did you say about New Year's money? What happened to your New Year's money?"

The little cutie looked at Qi Yun, the third princess, the empress, and Liu Xuan with puzzled eyes, and took out the three 500 taels of silver notes from her cuff with trembling arms.

After taking a few deep breaths, Little Cutie first looked at the three bank notes in her left hand, and then moved her gaze to the delicate purse in her right hand that had completely shriveled up.

After staring intently at the purse in his hand for a long time, the cutie suddenly looked up to the sky and howled.

"I hate it! I, Liu Luoyue, hate it!
Smelly old man, if you run away, the monk can't run away from the temple, and this girl will never end with you. "

As soon as the little cutie finished speaking, she put the banknote and purse into her arms, and ran towards the inner courtyard like the wind.

Qi Ya and the other beauties stared blankly at the little cutie's figure who was going away like the wind, and their expressions gradually became weird.

"I seem to understand something."

"Well, I guess I figured it out too."

"My sister seems to understand."

"How else should I put it, ginger is still old and spicy!"

"Father is kind and son is filial, father is kind and son is filial."

"This year's Mid-Autumn Festival must be very interesting."

"Sisters, sister Xuan'er, do you think this is more interesting than going to the theater to watch a play?"

"It's really interesting, but the father and daughter won't fight, right?"

"Fight? How to fight? Where's the evidence?"

"Um, so, doesn't it mean that Yue'er is going to be beaten?"

"Hi, not surprising."

"My husband is also true, he can do it too."

"Alas, sin!"

While the girls sighed, First Young Master Liu was all smiles, and a spring-like figure appeared in the courtyard of his good daughter Liu Yaoyao.

Looking back at the direction where the roaring sound could be faintly heard, First Young Master Liu took out a stack of movie tickets from his cuff, smashed them in his palm a few times, and stuffed them into his arms with a smile.

"Stinky girl, I'm playing with you, you're too tender after all."

Cheerfully patted his chest, Young Master Liu swaggered towards Liu Yaoyao's boudoir, just as he walked outside the door of his daughter's room, Young Master Liu asked questions.

"Yaoyao, are you in the room?"

"Daddy? Is that you?"

"Hey, it's for the father, what are you doing in the room?"

"Daddy, wait a moment, Yaoyao will open the door for you right away."

In the blink of an eye, Liu Yaoyao, who was full of smiles, opened the door and bowed to First Young Master Liu who was standing outside the door.

"The child sees Daddy."

First Young Master Liu looked at the well-behaved Liu Yaoyao, and waved his hand casually.

"No courtesy, no courtesy, Yaoyao, what are you doing in the room?"

"Go back to Daddy, my son is dispensing medicine in the room, my son is so busy and confused, Daddy, come in and sit down, Yaoyao will pour you tea."

First Young Master Liu nodded with a faint smile, and walked into Liu Yaoyao's boudoir. As soon as he entered his daughter's boudoir, First Young Master Liu smelled the strong smell of medicine in the room.



"What kind of medicine are you taking? Why is the smell of medicine in the room so strong?"

Liu Yaoyao poured a cup of tea from the pot and handed it to First Young Master Liu, she nodded and pouted at the low table next to her.

"There are medicines for bruises, as well as medicines for typhoid fever and wind-cold, and the most common medicines are golden sore medicines for various wounds."

First Young Master Liu picked up the tea and took a sip, then followed Liu Yaoyao's gaze.

I saw all kinds of bottles and cans placed on the low table, and more than a dozen cloth pouches containing various medicinal materials were placed under the low table. The strong medicinal smell in the room was emitted from the cloth pouches. of.

"The golden sore medicine is the most? What are you doing with so many golden sore medicines?"

Liu Yaoyao smiled softly, walked to the low table, picked up a bottle of golden sore medicine, and handed it to First Young Master Liu.

"Daddy, aren't the [-] soldiers of the new army going to march in a few days?
These days are the days of rest and bathing, and the child has nothing to do at home, so he thought about preparing some life-saving medicines for the soldiers who are about to go on an expedition.

These gold sore medicines look inconspicuous and worthless, but once the soldiers are in an emergency, these gold sore medicines are life-saving things.

Among the [-] troops, there are only so many doctors accompanying the army, and it is not enough if the battle is a little tense.

But as long as the soldiers carry the medicine prepared by Yaoyao, they can carry out simple self-rescue actions before the accompanying doctor arrives.

Some soldiers who are not seriously injured can save themselves, so they can give time and opportunities to those who are seriously injured.

After all, the soldiers are going out for the country, and Yaoyao is the princess of the current dynasty, these medicines are like the baby as a father, for the court, and for the soldiers who are on the expedition.

Yaoyao is also idle when she is idle, and preparing these medicines can be regarded as the baby's kindness. "

Liu Mingzhi looked at the smiling Liu Yaoyao with emotion, took the porcelain bottle and played with it for a while and sighed softly.

"Girl, you have a heart."

"Daddy, the doctors are benevolent, this is a child's job."

Liu Mingzhi put the porcelain bottle in his hand on the table, raised his hand and gently patted Liu Yaoyao's hair a few times.

"Father originally wanted you to go to your Aunt Chen Jie and Aunt He Shu to inform them that the two sisters will come to our house tonight to celebrate the Mid-Autumn Festival.

Since you are busy with these business matters, Dad will not delay you. "

"Ah? It's all right, it won't take much time for the boy to go to the houses of the two aunts."

"Girl, there's no need, you can continue to prepare your medicine, and Dad will find someone else to inform the two sisters."

(End of this chapter)

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