Chapter 2799
After Liu Mingzhi and all the civil and military officials left the Palace of Qinzheng calmly, Xiao Chengzi, who was the chief internal officer, had already led dozens of court ladies and eunuchs towards the gate of the palace.

Song Qing carefully put the letter into the wristband, and strode towards Liu Mingzhi who was leading the crowd.

"Your Majesty, I will send the letter to the Northland first, and then hurry to the new army camp. We will meet at the new army camp."

"Okay, pay attention, the matter of food and grass for the [-] troops is no small matter, and there must be no mistakes."

"I understand, I will leave first."

Song Qing punched First Young Master Liu with a solemn expression, and rushed towards the palace gate while holding the saber at his waist.

Liu Mingzhi looked at the back of his eldest brother Song Qing who was gradually going away, looked up at the rising sun in the eastern sky, and silently quickened his pace.

After a while, Liu Mingzhi and his party had already arrived outside the palace gate.

Xiao Chengzi and dozens of court ladies and eunuchs were waiting silently on the west side of the palace gate. When he saw Liu Mingzhi who walked out of the palace gate first, he hurriedly greeted him with a whisk in his hand.

"Your Majesty, the old slave has already prepared the car, please Your Majesty get on the car."

Liu Mingzhi turned his head and glanced at the luxurious but not extravagant carriage a dozen steps away. He smiled lightly and shook his head.

"Xiao Chengzi."

"The old slave is here."

"Do you think I'm wearing the clothes I'm wearing today, and I have the idea of ​​riding in a carriage?"

Xiao Chengzi couldn't help being stunned for a moment, and subconsciously took a look at the mighty and extraordinary armor on Young Master Liu's body, and immediately understood what it was.

Looking at Young Master Liu's faint smile, Xiao Chengzi saluted repeatedly with a terrified expression.

"The old slave is confused, Your Majesty forgives the sin. The old slave is confused, Your Majesty forgives the sin."

"Okay, I don't mean to blame you."

"Thank you, Your Majesty, old servant."

Liu Mingzhi glanced at the carriage not far away again, then turned to look at Xia Gongming and the old officials behind him.

I'm still young and strong now, so I really don't need to take a carriage, but it doesn't mean that Xia Gongming, Du Chenghao, Song Yu and other veterans don't need to take a carriage.

Especially Xia Gongming, who is nearly eighty years old.

He is now at such an advanced age, and he is also a literati, it is really inappropriate to let him ride a horse.

At Xia Gongming's current age, according to the rules, he should have retired and returned to his hometown to enjoy his old age ten years ago, and it was even too late for him to return to his hometown ten years ago.

Liu Mingzhi couldn't bear to let him wait for his age, but he was still working hard for the country's affairs, but the current situation in the court could not be separated from this upright old man.

Although he couldn't bear it, but for the sake of the overall situation, Liu Mingzhi could only grit his teeth and let him continue to play for the court for a few more years.

Fortunately, although the old man Xia Gongming is upright, and even when he has something to do, he always finds himself a little bit unhappy for the current emperor, but he is quite reasonable in his conduct.

He also understood in his heart that Liu Mingzhi kept him all the time, and it was out of helplessness not to allow him to retire and return home.

Although he complains occasionally, he is still conscientious in handling political affairs and never slacks off.

Xia Gongming has successively experienced the dynasty of Dalong Weihe, the dynasty of Li Zheng, the dynasty of Li Baiyu, the dynasty of Li Ye, and with his own dynasty, he is already the elder of the five dynasties.

It is not an exaggeration to say that it is an evergreen tree on the Dalong Temple.

Xia Gongming has acted all his life and lived up to the word Gongming in his name.

He may have the selfishness that everyone has in small things, but when it comes to business, he is truly fair and clear.

In the eyes of several emperors, Xia Gongming, the elder, was not a particularly good minister, including Liu Mingzhi himself.

After all, if there is nothing to do, it will make the emperor feel uncomfortable. No emperor will particularly like this kind of courtier.

However, no emperor could live without such a courtier who was upright and dared to speak out.

For the emperor, although he was not a "good" minister, he was definitely a good official.

A good official who not only has no ambitions, but also really cares about the people of the world.

Liu Mingzhi looked at Xia Gongming, smiled and pointed to several carriages a dozen steps away.

"Old Aiqing, Du Aiqing, Song Aiqing, Qin Aiqing... I don't need to ride a carriage with my armor on.

I don't know how the lovers plan to travel?Should I ride a horse like me, or take a carriage to the camp of the new army? "

Liu Mingzhi didn't bluntly say that Xia Gongming and his old officials should take the carriage, but asked them what they thought and let them make up their own minds.

The older a person is, the less he wants to obey his old age. If he directly orders them to take a carriage, these old foxes may think wildly again.

For example, does His Majesty's move imply that we old bones are getting old, and it is time to return to our hometowns and hand over the rights in our hands to the young people below.

If they were born with this kind of idea, one by one they took the initiative to resign and return to their hometowns, then they would feel uncomfortable.

Above the temple, sometimes every word and action has to be carefully considered!

Xia Gongming looked in the direction of Young Master Liu's finger, glanced at the carriages more than ten steps away, and shook his head respectfully with his gaze back.

"Your Majesty, although the old minister is old now, the six arts of a gentleman have never fallen behind.

Your Majesty, you have already traveled on horseback, how can the old minister ride in a chariot?

The distance from the city gate to the camp of the new army, the veteran's old bones can still bear it, so the veteran dared to ride to the camp of the new army just like His Majesty. "

The old man Xia Gongming had already expressed his opinion first, Song Yu, Du Chenghao, Jiang Yuanming... and others all saluted in unison.

"Reporting to Your Majesty, the ministers also rode on horseback."

As for the generals like Rong Wei Hou, they patted their chests with a loud laugh.

"Your Majesty, although the ministers are old now, it is still easy for the ministers to go to the front line, let alone riding a horse, and we are also riding a horse."

"Okay, since all the lovers are still proud and ambitious, let's ride horses together."

"Your Majesty, I respectfully invite you to mount your horse."

Liu Mingzhi exhaled heavily, smiled lightly and waved to Liu Song who was holding the rein.

"Liu Song, quickly bring my mount here."

"Little obedience."

Liu Mingzhi took the reins from Liu Song, got on the horse and looked sideways at the civil and military officials behind him.

"All dear friends, get on your horse and follow me to the camp of the new army."

"I will obey your orders."

The civil and military officials punched First Young Master Liu in unison, and walked directly towards the mount guarded by the soldiers of the Imperial Army on the east side.

In Dalong, where both civil and military officials rode horses, every time civil and military officials came to court, they rode to the palace on horseback. There were only a handful of officials in carriages, so their mounts were guarded by the guards of the Imperial Army outside the palace gate.

Yang Sen, the commander of the imperial army, walked quickly to Liu Mingzhi's mount and saluted.

"Your Majesty, King Wuyi has just informed the ministers to summon [-] imperial guards to escort them all the way. Before you leave the palace, the ministers have already ordered the deputy generals to go to the school grounds and gather [-] soldiers to wait outside the city gate.

At the same time, the minister has sent people to clear the main road in the city, so His Majesty can leave the city without worry. "

"Well, I see, you continue to be on duty."

"Your Majesty, I respectfully send you off as ordered."

"We send you off to Your Majesty."

(End of this chapter)

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