Chapter 2809
Listening to his young master's emotional words, Liu Song lifted the pot with a smile and refilled a cup of tea for Young Master Liu.

"Master, do you need to talk about it? Today you reunited with an old friend you haven't seen for more than ten years, so it's a good thing."

Perhaps, in the end, it may turn into a beautiful thing.

But Liu Song just thought about the last sentence in his heart, and didn't really say it to Young Master Liu.

Liu Mingzhi raised his head slightly to look at Liu Song who was full of smiles, and then glanced lightly at the gate of Penglai Restaurant.

"It is indeed a good thing to reunite old friends, but it also depends on who can do it.

It would be a good thing to reunite with some other friends after a long absence, but it might not be a good thing when the old friend is Sakai Hoshino.

Of course, it doesn't have to be a bad thing.

Whether it will be good or bad is still unknown at the moment.

Forget it, let's not talk about that for now. As for the situation, I'll know after Sakai Hoshino comes back from the restaurant and I'll have a detailed chat with him.

We don't need to bother to think about these questions that can be asked from her mouth. "

"Yes, the little one understands, but the young master sees clearly."

First Young Master Liu stretched, folded his folding fan and slept on the recliner, and began to doze off.

"Okay, I just wait here for her to turn around and come back. You and Brother Niu and the others go to prepare your own bookstall."

"Yes, the little one will go to work first."

"and many more."

"Master, do you have any other orders?"

"Later, you tell Bizhu to send Xiao Er to prepare some pastries, melons, candied nuts and other snacks for the young master.

In the impression of this young master, this Sakai Hoshino is an out-and-out snack foodie, if he prepares some snacks that women like, this young master may be able to draw her closer to her as quickly as possible.

After all, I haven't seen her for almost 20 years since we last said goodbye.

Although we are old friends after seeing each other today, it is inevitable that we will feel a little unfamiliar. These things may be able to quickly eliminate this barrier. "

"The little one understands, the little one will go first."

"Well, let's go."

Liu Song trotted to Penglai Restaurant.

Liu Mingzhi squinted his eyes slightly and was silent for a while, then closed his eyes and fell asleep, as if he had already fallen into a deep sleep.

He is now thinking about why Sakai Hoshino, who has been away for nearly 20 years, will appear in Dalongjing City again.

Why did she come to Dalong?What is the purpose of coming to Beijing?
For me, Sakai Hoshino, an old man, appeared too suddenly, so suddenly that I was unprepared, and I felt a little caught off guard.

While Young Master Liu was thinking quietly, Xue Bizhu, who was sitting at the counter in Penglai Restaurant, saw Liu Song frequently watching among the crowd, and lightly knocked on the counter a few times.


Liu Song immediately withdrew his gaze, and looked at Xue Bizhu who was sitting at the counter with a puzzled expression.

"Ah? Mrs. Bizhu, what's the matter with you?"

"I'm fine, but I think you seem to have something.

The guests who have been eating in the observation building since you came in, what's the matter, are there any unusual characters among the guests that deserve your attention? "

Sensing Xue Bizhu's curious eyes, Liu Song hurriedly shook his head.

"No, no, it's not that Brother Niu and the others went upstairs to carry the book boxes for the little one. The little one felt a little bored waiting here, so he casually took a look at the guests who had dinner to see if they could meet them. To an acquaintance."

Xue Bizhu looked suspiciously at Liu Song who was smiling apologetically, raised his head and scanned the crowd on the first floor, but found nothing wrong, so he withdrew his gaze.

"Really? Are you telling the truth?"

"Hey, young lady, what are you talking about, what are you doing lying to you?"

"It's fine, as soon as you come in, stare at the guests who are eating in the building one by one, I will think that some special person has entered the restaurant!"

"Young Madam, don't worry, nothing happened."

"Okay, you can continue to wait, I will check the accounts in the morning first."

"Yes, yes, please go ahead, young lady."

Just as Xue Bizhu was about to look through the ledger, Huang Lingyi walked out of the backyard with lotus steps carrying a tray.

"Sister, the melon and fruit cakes, candied nuts and other snacks that my husband wants are ready, you should send them or my sister will."

"You send it, sister, I'm about to settle the score!"

"Come on, then you should be busy first, Lingyi will come back as soon as he goes."

"Mrs. Lingyi, why don't you send the younger one to the young master."

"No, how can such a short distance make me tired? You continue to wait for Brother Niu and the others, and I will just send it to my husband by myself."

"Okay, thanks for your hard work, young lady."

Huang Lingyi looked Liu Song up and down a few times, and walked out of the restaurant with a suspicious face.

"Liu Song, you seem a little strange today, why have you become so polite, it seems that you are a little absent-minded?"

"No, the little one has always been like this!"

Huang Lingyi shook her head with a puzzled face, and walked out of the restaurant without saying anything else.

At the same time as Huang Lingyi walked out of Penglai Restaurant, two graceful Biren walked down the stairs leading to the second floor of Penglai Restaurant.

One of the two Bi people is about 30 years old, mature and charming, and the other is about ten years old, pure and beautiful, petite and exquisite, giving people a kind of cute feeling.

The appearance of the two of them is about [-]% to [-]% similar, and a discerning person can tell at a glance that the two are a mother and daughter in all likelihood.

When the two of them went up the stairs to the first floor, the guests who were eating on the first floor subconsciously cast their eyes on the two of them.

However, most people's eyes skipped the ten-year-old little girl, and landed on the charming woman next to her.

When the two of them walked down the stairs towards the outside of the restaurant, Liu Song glanced at Charming Beauty intentionally or unintentionally.

It's just that compared to the gazes of the guests in the restaurant, Liu Song's gaze is more thoughtful.

"Brother Song, you want a book."

"Oh! Alright, then some brothers will help me move these books to the bookstall outside."

"No problem, just give it to our brothers."


"Ah? What's the matter, young lady?"

Liu Song subconsciously looked behind him, only to realize that Xue Bizhu, who was flipping through the account book, was staring at him strangely with beautiful eyes.

Xue Bizhu turned his head slightly to watch the two Bi people, one big and one small, walk out of the gate, and then looked at Liu Song outside the counter.

"Liu Song, you know the mother and daughter just now, right?
Don't lie to Mrs. Ben, the way you looked at them just now is completely different from the way the customers in the shop looked at them.

Their eyes are the surprise and obsession after seeing the beauty, but your eyes are the surprise and doubt.

Obviously, you knew both of them, or you knew one of them.

Who are they?It can't be my husband, he is..."

"Oh, my young lady, what are you thinking about, I do know them, no, it should be said that I know one of them.

Not only do I know the younger one, but the young master also knows him, but things are not as you think, Mrs. Shao. "

"Okay, so what is the identity of one of them?"

"How should I put it, it should be regarded as an old friend of the young master, an old friend of casual acquaintance.

I don't know how to explain the specific situation to you, Mrs. Young, or you can ask the Young Master directly when you are free.

Then what, young lady, you can continue to settle accounts, and the younger one will go to set up a stall first. "

Liu Song bowed to Xue Bizhu, and trotted directly towards the outside of the restaurant.

(End of this chapter)

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