My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 2812 Reviewing the Past and Learning the New

Chapter 2812 Reviewing the Past and Learning the New

Sakai Hoshino carefully savored what Young Master Liu said, and nodded his head with a smile.

"Liu Jun, Hoshino is really ashamed of your praise.

The culture of Dalong has a long history and is colorful. Hoshino still needs to work harder to learn the culture of Dalong. At the same time, Hoshino also hopes that more Japanese people can learn the culture of Dalong.

Professor Hoshino saw that while they were learning about the dragon culture, they could also become more familiar with the knowledge they had mastered.

In Dalong's sage's words, this should be learning the new by reviewing the past, right? "

Seeing Sakai Hoshino's extremely serious expression, Liu Mingzhi nodded with his pupils shrunk.

"Yes, this is from the words of the sage in the Analects of Confucius, learn the new by reviewing the old."

Sakai Hoshino nodded excitedly when he heard Young Master Liu's affirmative words.

"That's great, Hoshino really didn't misunderstand the theory of the great dragon sage.

Liu Jun, more than ten years ago, you led Hoshino and your brother to Dalong's palace and then suddenly disappeared.

Hoshino and his brother searched for you for a long time but failed to find you. Later, we found out after we asked Mr. Wang of Honglu Temple that you had gone to another place under the order of Emperor Dalong.

When Hoshino first heard the news, he was very disappointed, but no matter how disappointed Hoshino was, there was nothing he could do.

If Liu Jun was still in the capital at that time, Hoshino would definitely be able to learn more about the dragon culture under Liu Jun's teaching.

What a pity, Hoshino regretted it for many years. "

Liu Mingzhi nodded with a melancholy expression, and casually took off his pipe from his waist.

Raising his hand to observe the size of the shanty, Liu Mingzhi made sure that the smoke would not choke Sakai Hoshino and his mother and daughter, and then skillfully filled the smoke pot with shredded tobacco.

"Yeah, it's really a pity, but the king's life is in my body, and I can't help myself!
Before leaving Beijing, I originally planned to go to Honglu Temple to inform you brothers and sisters, but unfortunately the time was urgent, and in the end I still didn't have time to say goodbye to you brothers and sisters.

After I finished my official business and returned to Beijing, you two brothers and sisters and the Japanese mission have already left Dalong Capital for several months.

After knowing the news of your departure, I was still sad for a long time.

However, no matter how sad it is, it will not help in the end, after all, you have already returned to Japan by sea ship. "

Sakai Hoshino put the sweet-scented osmanthus cake in his hand into his red lips and took a bite, and his charming face sighed.

"So that's the case, if Hoshino knew Liu Jun that you couldn't help yourself, he would have prayed for his brother to set sail back to China later.

It's a pity that after you left, Mr. Liu, we no longer have any familiar friends in Dalong, and it is already inconvenient to stay any longer.

In the first few years after Hoshino and his elder brother returned to the Wa country, Hoshino hoped more than once that he could follow the Wa country mission to come to Dalong again.

However, many things happened one after another, and Hoshino never had time to come to Dalong again.

Just like what you said just now, Jun Liu, you can't help yourself, Jun Liu, and neither can Hoshino. "

Hearing that he had finally brought Sakai Hoshino to this topic, Liu Mingzhi took out a torch with a smile and lit the packed tobacco.

"By the way, when it comes to this, Hoshino, why did you suddenly return to Dalong this time?

To be honest, after confirming your identity just now, Hoshino, besides being in disbelief, my young master, I still can't believe it.

In any case, I never thought that one day in the land of the capital, I would be able to meet Hoshino again after a long absence.

If you didn't recognize me later, I would have thought that I had recognized the wrong person! "

"Liu-jun, Hoshino is the dragon who came with the Japanese mission."

"The Japanese mission?"

"That's right, this time Hoshino came to the capital of Dalong with the Japanese mission, didn't Mr. Wang of Honglu Temple inform you about our mission's arrival in Dalong?

It shouldn't be, the last time the commander-in-chief of our Japanese mission, Sakai He, told Hoshino that he saw you, Liu-kun, after he returned to the Japanese country.

He told Hoshino, Mr. Liu, you have become His Majesty the Emperor of the Dragon Dynasty.

Mr. Liu, you are now the emperor of Dalong. After we arrive at the capital of Dalong, Lord Wang of Honglu Temple should tell you about this matter!

Is it because you are too busy, Mr. Liu, so Mr. Wang hasn't seen you yet? "

Liu Mingzhi looked at Sakai Hoshino's serious expression, and was silent for a moment with a complex expression, then suddenly patted his forehead with a folding fan a few times.

Damn, it turned out that this is what happened for a long time!
Liu Mingzhi remembered that during the small court meeting in the morning, Wang Hezheng, the Minister of Honglu Temple, had indeed reported the entry of the Japanese embassy to Beijing.

Not only the Japanese missions, but also Goguryeo, Annan, Siam and other dependent countries entered Beijing for annual offerings.

At that time, because of the imminent expedition of the Second Route Brigade, Ma Xi, I put these things aside.

Now that the [-] soldiers of the Second Route Army had already set off, I suddenly felt relieved, and I couldn't help but put this matter behind me.

If Sakai Hoshino hadn't mentioned it again, he would hardly have remembered that there was such a thing in the early court.

Why didn't I think about the reason why Sakai Hoshino suddenly appeared in Dalong Capital after thinking about it for so long?
After thinking through these things, Liu Mingzhi suddenly became enlightened.

Liu Mingzhi slowly exhaled the smoke from his mouth, looked at Sakai Hoshino and nodded with a light smile.

"Hoshino, you guessed right, this young master is indeed too busy during this time, so Mr. Wang from Honglu Temple hasn't seen me yet.

If Mrs. Wang can't see me, how can you tell me about your Wa country mission coming to Dalong capital! "

Liu Mingzhi explained to Sakai Hoshino out of conscience, he didn't care if Wang Hezheng, an old fox, would take the blame!

Even if Sakai Hoshino went to Wang Hezheng to verify the specific circumstances of this matter, wouldn't Wang Hezheng still dare to betray himself?
No need to guess, he wouldn't dare to borrow his guts.

Therefore, Liu Mingzhi has no pressure.

Sakai Hoshino seemed to believe in Young Master Liu's words. After hearing Young Master Liu's explanation, he nodded with a clear expression.

"So that's the case, it seems that Hoshino guessed right.

During the days when we arrived at Honglu Temple, Hoshino begged to see Mr. Wang in private more than once, hoping that he could tell Liu Jun about Hoshino's arrival in Dalong Capital as soon as possible.

However, every time Hoshino and I went to visit Mr. Wang, the final result was all in vain.

Mr. Wang told Hoshino, Mr. Liu, you are very busy now, and you don't have time to meet our Japanese mission for the time being.

Hoshino had no choice, so he planned to go to the palace to meet Liu Jun by himself.

However, Hoshino had no chance to enter the palace at all. Every time he arrived at the palace gate, he was stopped by the guards guarding the palace gate. They told Hoshino that without your will, Hoshino could not enter the palace.

For several days, every time Hoshino went to the palace, he met different soldiers of the Forbidden Army, and they all told Hoshino not to enter the palace.

Hoshino really had no choice but to say your name, Liu Jun, and told them that Hoshino was your good friend Liu Jun.

But after hearing Hoshino's name, Jun Liu, they pulled out their weapons and scolded Hoshino for being bold, not to mention letting Hoshino into the palace.

If it weren't for Hoshino's repeated apologies, I feel that they might want to arrest Hoshino and kill him."

"Ahem, cough, did you go to the palace a few days ago?"

(End of this chapter)

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