My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 2815 Interesting

Chapter 2815 Interesting
Liu Mingzhi and his entourage rushed to the Honghe Temple government office talking and laughing, and walked into the Honghe Temple directly under the watchful eyes of the government servants on both sides.

Although the young yamen servants guarding both sides did not know Liu Mingzhi, the current emperor, they did know Sakai Hoshino, a woman from the Japanese embassy.

All the yamen servants knew that this woman had to go in and out of the yamen office openly and aboveboard every day these days, so they were already quite familiar with Sakai Hoshino.

Once again, I saw Sakai Hoshino returning to the government office in a grand manner. Although her daughter and Young Master Liu were still by her side, they didn't come up to check anything.

The yamen servants acted like this not because they were dereliction of duty, but because they knew in their hearts that someone more powerful than them was secretly monitoring every envoy of the Japanese mission.

It should be said that not only the Japanese missions, but the envoys of the missions of various countries are under the surveillance of those people.

They didn't know who those characters were, and they didn't dare to inquire about them.

Serve as an errand to eat, just follow orders.

After Liu Mingzhi walked into Honglu Temple, he subconsciously turned his neck and looked around the environment inside Honglu Temple.

Although he was already very familiar with the environment in Honglu Temple, Liu Mingzhi still kept the habits he had developed over the years.

Looking at the officials of Honglu Temple and the envoys of the missions from various countries coming in and out of the corridors, Young Master Liu smiled and looked at Sakai Hoshino next to him.

Liu Mingzhi knew in his heart that the place where the officials of Honglu Temple were on business was not in the same place as the place where the missions were received, so he didn't know where the Japanese missions were arranged.

"Hoshino, which courtyard do you live in with the Japanese embassy?"

Upon hearing Young Master Liu's inquiry, Sakai Hoshino immediately raised his finger and pointed to a courtyard in the southwest corner.

"Liu Jun, Mr. Wang has arranged for us to be placed in the courtyard across the middle and west courtyards of the second entrance courtyard. Let's go there now."

"Okay, let's lead the way."

"Well, Mr. Liu, please come with Hoshino."

Liu Mingzhi turned his head and glanced at the public house where Wang Hezheng, the minister of Honglu Temple, had his office. He smiled lightly and followed the mother and daughter towards the direction of Xikuayuan.

After cupping tea, Sakai Hoshino stopped and pointed to the quiet courtyard with a smile on his face.

"Liu Jun, here we are, our Japanese diplomatic mission lives in this large courtyard, and through this archway we will arrive at Hoshino's room.

Because Hoshino and Yingzhi are women, Mr. Wang and the others specially arranged a small private courtyard for Hoshino and Yingzhi, our mother and daughter. The rooms next door are where our Japanese diplomatic mission lives. "

Liu Mingzhi looked calmly at the quiet and quiet courtyard in front of him, and nodded to Sakai Hoshino with a light smile.

"So that's the case, let's go in first."

"Liu Jun, please."


Liu Mingzhi followed Sakai Hoshino and their mother and daughter just after they passed through the arch in front of them, when they heard the noise of arguing in the courtyard next door.

Among the messy voices were the words of the Wa Kingdom and the Goguryeo Kingdom, and there were also a small amount of Dalong's words in a flat tone.

Liu Mingzhi could only distinguish the difference between the words of the Wa Kingdom and the Goguryeo Kingdom, and he had no idea what they meant.

As the three of them got closer to the door, the noisy voice in their ears became more and more clear.

Liu Mingzhi paused slightly when he was shaking the folding fan, then silently stopped and glanced sideways at the courtyard next door.

"Shut up all of them, I have already told you just now that His Majesty is currently busy with government affairs and has no time to meet you for the time being.

Now you just need to stay in your respective courtyards and wait for His Majesty to summon you. If anyone dares to make trouble in Honglu Temple, I will immediately send someone to drive you out of Honglu Temple .

Goguryeo is envoy Kim Tae-eun, you immediately take your missionary out of the courtyard where the Japanese mission lives.

If you dare to bring troops into their courtyard without the consent of Wang Siqing and other adults and the official envoy of the Wa Kingdom, I will expel you immediately.

They all went back to their places, I don't want to say it again.

Otherwise, if something that shouldn't happen happens, you will bear the consequences. "

Under Dalong's indifferent but powerful words, the noise in the courtyard next door gradually subsided.

"Wa's envoy Sakai congratulates, now that the members of the Goguryeo envoy have left your courtyard, you can go about your own affairs with peace of mind.

However, I would like to warn you that without the consent of the officials of Dalong Honglu Temple and the envoy of Goguryeo, you are also not allowed to enter the courtyard where they live. "

"Lord Lu, don't worry, we will never enter the courtyard where the Goguryeo mission lives."

"That's great, you're pretty sensible.

By the way, don't forget to tell the envoys in your mission, don't deliberately provoke the envoys of the Goguryeo mission if you have nothing to do.

Although what happened today is that the envoys from Goguryeo came to your courtyard to make trouble, but the root cause is that the envoys from the Japanese embassy made provocations in private.

You don't care about this matter.

This is the first and last time.

If I hear again that your Wa missions are provoking the Goguryeo missions for no reason, then don’t ask me not to miss the old relationship.

If this kind of thing happens again, I will definitely deal with the perpetrator strictly according to my Dalong's laws. "

"Yes, yes, the envoy understands, the envoy must strictly restrain the people under his command, so that they will not cause trouble to you, Mr. Lu.

Mr. Lu, you have worked hard to help the envoy solve the troubles. The envoy really doesn't know how to repay Mr. Wang.

It just so happened that Bangshi spent a lot of money to buy several altars of Dalong Tianchao's vintage wine from the restaurant in the city yesterday. Bangshi wanted to invite Mr. Lu to taste it in the room, so that Bangshi could learn about Dalong's wine culture , I don't know what Master Lu wants? "

"I appreciate your kindness, but I'm busy with work, so I don't mind drinking.

The officer left first, you go to busy with your own affairs. "

"This...Master Lu, it's okay to have a few drinks."

"Let's talk about it when we have time. This officer is one step ahead."

"Okay, the envoy will send Mr. Lu off."

"You're welcome."

After the three words "polite" fell, Liu Mingzhi could no longer hear any voices from the courtyard next door.

"Mr. Liu."

"Mr. Liu?"

"Huh? What's the matter, Hoshino, what's the matter with you?"

Sakai Hoshino turned his head to look at the courtyard next door, and smiled at Young Master Liu with a guilty expression on his delicate face.

"Liu Jun, Hoshino didn't expect our people to provoke it first. You are really laughing. I hope Liu Jun will not take it to heart."

Seeing the slightly embarrassed look on Sakai Hoshino's pretty face, Liu Mingzhi smiled lightly and shook his head.

"It was fun!"


"What? The two countries are under the same roof. If you look down and don't look up, there will inevitably be some small friction between the two sides. This is not a rare thing."

"Thank you Liu Jun for understanding, Liu Jun, since the matter next door is over, let's go into the room to talk about things, please."


(End of this chapter)

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