Chapter 2824
Hearing Sakai Hoshino's tone of uncertainty, Liu Mingzhi frowned immediately.

"What do you mean don't blame me? Don't blame me at all, okay? What you said is completely wronging me."

Sakai Hoshino's mind is full of Young Master Liu's justification, and he has no time to think carefully about other things.

Presumably, even if she carefully thought about what Young Master Liu said earlier, she couldn't find anything wrong with it, because what Liu Mingzhi said earlier was completely justified.

Seeing Young Master Liu's expression of displeasure, Sakai Hoshino hurriedly nodded his head: "Yes, yes, Hoshino knew it was wrong, Liu Jun, I'm really sorry, Hoshino blamed you, don't be angry Is Hoshino in a good mood?
Hoshino really didn't do it on purpose, but Hoshino didn't know what happened at that time. When he was in Japan, Hoshino just heard from his brother that it was Mr. Liu who sold the weapon to the royal mission, that's why his brother met him. To this unprecedented difficulty.

Liu Jun Hoshino really knew that he was wrong. Your lord has a lot, so don't be as knowledgeable as a little girl like Hoshino, okay? "

Hearing Sakai Hoshino's apologetic tone, Young Master Liu raised his eyes to glance at her delicate and delicate face and sighed with a wry smile.

"Okay, okay, since you have said that, Hoshino, what else can I say!

After all, we got to know each other once, and we are still good friends. Since you didn't mean to say that, I forgive you this time. "

"Thank you Liu Jun, thank you Liu Jun, Hoshino knows Liu Jun is the best of you."

When Liu Mingzhi was about to say something, a petite figure hurriedly ran towards the gazebo.

"Mother, mother, brother Sakai He is here, and he said he wants to discuss something with mother."

After the little girl Hua Qi Yingzhi told her mother about her visit, she turned around and gave a salute to Young Master Liu.

"Sakura has seen Mr. again, Mr. is well."

"Hehe, excuse me."

"Thank you, Sakurai, sir."

Sakai Hoshino thought for a while, and looked at Liu Mingzhi, who was looking at his daughter with a cheerful smile, with a somewhat embarrassed expression.

"Liu Jun, what do you see?"

Liu Mingzhi casually glanced at the direction of the courtyard arch, and waved his hands with a faint smile.

"Your nephew Sakaiga may be looking for you for something important. As for whether you can see Hoshino or not, you can decide for yourself. It doesn't matter to me."

Sakai Hoshino thought for a while with a hesitant expression, and nodded to his daughter Huaqi Sakuraori.

"Sakura, let your brother come over."

"Hey, Yingzhi knows, Yingzhi went to call Brother Sakai He first."

After the little girl trotted away from the pavilion, Sakai Hoshino smiled at Young Master Liu with some embarrassment.

"Liu Jun, in Hoshino's mind, you are the most honored guest, and nothing is more important than chatting with Liu Jun.

If Hoshino throws you down to meet his nephew, that would be the greatest disrespect to Liu Jun.

As a result, Hoshino could only make a compromise, that is, call Sakai He to see Hoshino, and after he told me the matter, Hoshino immediately let him go.

This is Hoshino's helpless move, and I hope Liu Jun doesn't mind. "

"It's okay, it's okay, I haven't seen Sakai He for several years, today is the meeting, maybe I can use Hoshino's face to catch up with him!"

Sakai Hoshino's pretty eyes suddenly lit up, and he nodded hurriedly.

"Liu Jun, you are being polite. As long as Liu Jun wants to see him, Hoshino can ask him to visit Liu Jun at any time."

Sakai Hoshino's heartstrings can be said to be in her throat now, she and Sakai Kazheng are trying every means to think about how to meet Liu Dashao in advance.

Now that Liu Jun said this, didn't he mean that he would soon get his wish.

Liu Mingzhi's face froze slightly, he didn't expect Sakai Hoshino to follow his own words and say something like this to himself.

He was thinking about how to subtly resolve the deep meaning in Sakai Hoshino's words, and suddenly the babbling words of the Japanese country came to mind in the courtyard.

"Aunt Hoshino, today the envoy of Goguryeo, Kim Tae-eun, came to our courtyard to find fault again, we must find a way to meet His Majesty the Emperor of Dalong as soon as possible.

If we delay Dalong for one more day, the situation on Third Uncle's side will become more serious. We don't have much time... Your Majesty the Emperor? "

Sakai Congratulatory came before he heard, and when he walked into the courtyard, he saw First Young Master Liu who was sitting opposite his aunt and smiling lightly.

At first, Sakai Ka seemed a little unable to believe his eyes, thinking that he was delusional.

Blinking his eyes vigorously a few times, Sakai Ka looked at Liu Mingzhi who was sitting on the stone bench again, and finally made sure that he was not dazzled.

The person sitting opposite my aunt was not the Dragon Emperor Liu Mingzhi whom I had been thinking about day and night, but who was it?
"His Majesty the Emperor? It is really His Majesty the Emperor of the Great Dragon."

Sakai He exclaimed in the language of the Japanese country, walked up to Young Master Liu in two steps in three steps, and saluted with a very respectful expression, speaking in a not-so-fluent Dalong language.

"Bangchen Sakai congratulates His Majesty the Dragon Emperor, long live long live long live long live."

Liu Mingzhi looked sideways slightly for a moment at Sakaiga, who was much more mature than three years ago, and put his hands up with a light smile.

"Excuse me."

"Thank you, Your Majesty, Emperor Dalong."

After Sakai Heqi got up, he looked at First Young Master Liu excitedly: "Your Majesty, after more than three years of separation, Bangchen finally saw you again, His Majesty the Emperor.

You are still as extraordinary, wise and powerful as you were three years ago. "

Liu Mingzhi didn't care much about Sakai He's words of praise, he had heard too many of these words over the years.

If I wanted to hear it, the civil and military officials in the DPRK could praise me with long speeches of Fa every time they held a court meeting.

The flattering skills of those old foxes are not comparable to that of a mere Sakai Ka.

"Sakai He."

"Bundy Chen is here."

"Didn't you have something to discuss with your aunt? Do you need me to avoid it?"

Before Sakai He could speak, Sakai Hoshino took the words of First Young Master Liu: "He'er, Liu Jun is my friend, if you have anything to say, just say it in front of Liu Jun.

In front of Liu Jun, you can speak out no matter what you have. "

Hearing his aunt's words, Sakai He cast a vague glance at First Young Master Liu, and immediately shook his head at Sakai Hoshino.

"Auntie, I don't have anything important to look for you, it's getting late, I just want to ask Auntie what you want for dinner.

If Auntie has any special dish that I want to eat, I will send someone to report to Lord Lu and the others immediately, so as not to delay Auntie's meal. "

What Sakai He said was naturally not the truth. Originally, he came to his aunt Sakai Hoshino in a hurry to discuss with her how to meet Liu Mingzhi, the Great Dragon Emperor, as soon as possible.

However, now that Liu Mingzhi, the Great Dragon Emperor, had already sat with his aunt, what else could he discuss with his aunt.

Moreover, I also witnessed the appearance of my aunt and Liu Mingzhi when they were talking just now, and it was obvious that they had a very happy conversation.

That being the case, what else can I say, and I don't need to discuss anything with my aunt at all.

Not only did I not have to say anything to my aunt, but I also had to leave immediately, and I must not disturb my aunt chatting with His Majesty the Dragon Emperor.

When Sakai Hoshino heard his nephew's words, a strange look appeared in his eyes.

"He'er, are you looking for aunt just to ask her what she wants to eat?"

"Yes, my son knows that my aunt has been running around and working hard for the past few days, and she must not be able to eat well and rest well, so I want to let my aunt eat some good dishes to nourish her body.

Auntie, tell the baby directly what you want to eat, and I will report to Master Lu at Honglu Temple immediately. "

Sakai Hoshino looked at Sakai Ga's serious appearance, hesitated for a moment and waved his hands with a smile.

"He'er, Auntie can eat whatever she wants, you can make arrangements."

"Yes, then I will interrupt my aunt to catch up with His Majesty the Emperor, and my son will leave."

"Your Majesty, the minister didn't know that you were here before, and I hope that His Majesty will not mind disturbing your Majesty's chat with your aunt.

What Bangchen wanted to say to his aunt has been finished, so I won't delay you and aunt talking about the past.

Bundchen resigned. "

Seeing Sakai He's incomparably respectful appearance, Liu Mingzhi nodded with a half-smile.

"That's fine, since you don't have anything important to do with Hoshino, then you can go about your own business first."

"Yes, Bundchen is leaving."

Sakai He saluted First Young Master Liu, turned around and walked out of the pavilion.

Forcibly suppressing the excitement in his heart, Sakai Ka stretched out his hand and grabbed Hanaji Sakuraori's little hand and walked towards the outside of the pavilion.

"Sakura, my brother bought you some interesting things from Fangshi in the capital, you come with my brother, I will take you to have a look."

The little girl Hana Qi Yingzhi didn't have that much thought. Hearing that Sakai Ka bought a plaything for herself, she followed him out of the courtyard without thinking.

Young Master Liu looked at the backs of Sakai and He walking out of the arch, and a smile could not help but rise from the corner of his mouth.

This Sakai Ka is an exquisite character!
"Liu Jun, I'm really sorry. Hoshino never thought that He'er interrupted us for such an insignificant matter."

Liu Mingzhi shook his folding fan, got up and stretched his waist: "Hey, why are you sorry, my young master sees that Sakai Ka is very filial.

Hoshino, we've talked for so long, I'm a little thirsty, let's go back and drink tea. "

"Okay, Hoshino listens to Liu Jun."

Sakai Hoshino watched Young Master Liu walking towards the back of the room, got up and followed behind him, looking towards the archway where Sakai and the others left intentionally or unintentionally.

Although she knew that Liu Mingzhi couldn't understand Wa dialect at all, she always felt that Liu Jun seemed to have seen through everything.

After the two returned to the room hand in hand, Sakai Hoshino poured a cup of warm tea for Young Master Liu with a pot.

"Liu Jun, please."

"You're welcome, if you're thirsty too, just do it yourself."

"Liu Jun, after you've quenched your thirst, take off your clothes first, Hoshino has a gift for you."


Young Master Liu, who was about to drink tea, heard Sakai Hoshino's words, and immediately snorted, put down the teacup that had been brought to his mouth, and looked towards Sakai Hoshino.

However, after Sakai Hoshino said this, he walked directly behind the screen.

Liu Mingzhi looked at the beautiful figure walking behind the screen, and his face suddenly became a little weird.

Is this woman so straightforward?

Although I have some thoughts about this woman Sakai Hoshino, I never thought that the speed would be so fast!

Putting the teacup into his mouth and drinking it down, Young Master Liu put the teacup on the table and looked at the shadowy figure behind the screen.

"Hoshino, this is not good."

Liu Mingzhi said that this is not good, but his body was very honest, and his figure appeared in the brocade quilt on the bed in a flash.

(End of this chapter)

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