My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 2830 Should I Believe You

Chapter 2830 Should I Believe You

While Sakai He was thinking, he placed the delicious food in the tray in front of Sakai Hoshino.

"Auntie, even if His Majesty the Emperor of the Great Dragon does not agree to the request to reward our military equipment, there must be at least one reason? Did he just refuse it directly?

Auntie, these dishes are all your favorites on weekdays, you can try them quickly, Auntie, just talk while you eat. "

Sakai Hoshino didn't have the slightest appetite because Liu Mingzhi didn't agree to her request, but she didn't want to disappoint her nephew's good intentions, so she picked up the rice bowl and ate the dishes slowly stand up.

While eating, Sakai Hoshino whispered about the content of the conversation between him and First Young Master Liu, and the reason why he did not agree to reward him with military equipment.

In about half a stick of incense, Sakai Hoshino gave a rough account of what happened between himself and Young Master Liu.

"The whole thing is probably like this, He'er, it's not that Mr. Liu doesn't want to help us, it's just that Dalong's warehouse has no more extra equipment.

Although he wanted to help us, he was unable to do so. "

Sakai Ka tapped the table with his fingers and pondered for a while, then looked thoughtfully at Sakai Hoshino who was eating on the opposite side.

"Auntie, how can you be sure that what His Majesty the Emperor of the Great Dragon said is true? Although it is a bit presumptuous to say so, my boy still wants to ask, is it possible that the Great Dragon Emperor is deceiving you, Auntie?
It's not that Hai'er doesn't want to believe in His Majesty the Emperor of the Dragon, but Hai'er always feels that this incident seems a bit too coincidental.

Although what the Dragon Emperor said was well-founded, but the boy always felt that something was not quite right. "

Sakai Hoshino paused slightly when he delivered the meal to Cherry Xiaokou, and raised his eyebrows slightly to look at Sakai Ka, who had a troubled expression.

"What's wrong? He'er, tell me carefully."

Sakai He frowned, and shook his head with a gloomy expression: "Auntie, I can't tell what's wrong, my child, it's just this strange feeling."

Sakai Hoshino licked the vegetable juice on his lips with the tip of his tongue, and gently put the bowl and chopsticks in his hand on the table.

"However, Mr. Liu, he sent a hundred thousand troops to the battle. I saw it with my own eyes outside the city gate. It is precisely because of this that I believe that he is not lying."

"What my aunt said about Dalong's [-] soldiers marching, Hai'er and Shiqiao Taro also saw it with their own eyes outside the city."

"He'er, since you and Shiqiao Taro have also seen the event of Dalong's [-] soldiers and horses marching, then why do you have any doubts?"

"Auntie, even though that is the case, have you forgotten the incomparable national power of the Dragon Dynasty?

One hundred thousand troops is indeed very difficult for our Japanese country to have, but for the Great Dragon Dynasty, one hundred thousand troops may also be a lot, but it should be far from the point where it can hurt the muscles and bones, right?
Auntie, you have to know that the power of the Dalong Dynasty cannot be compared with that of our Wa Kingdom! "

Sakai Hoshino listened to the emotional words of his nephew Sakai Ka, and fell silent with a complicated face.

Is it true that Liu Jun is deceiving himself as He Er said?

However, if Liu Jun really didn't want to agree to his request to reward him with military equipment, why did he explain so much to himself?
Who should I listen to?Do you believe what Liu Jun said to himself?Or should he approve He Er's analysis just now?
"He'er, if your guess just now is correct, then why did Mr. Liu refuse to agree to this trivial request over and over again?

I told him everything I needed to say. I told him all about the difficulties your third uncle is facing at home, and the bastards in Goguryeo's collusion with the royal family.

In addition, I also promised him that after my brother ruled the Wa Kingdom, our Sakai family can respect the suzerain of the Dalong Dynasty even more than the royal family.

We can also bow down to him, pay tribute every year, and worship him every year.

You know, even if the royal family wins this battle, the royal family may not be able to achieve this level.

Besides, my elder brother and I are old friends of Liu Jun, my aunt and I have knelt down to beg him in the end, there is no reason for him not to agree to our request? "

"This one……"

After Sakai Ka listened to his aunt Sakai Hoshino, he wanted to say something, but he didn't know where to start.

"Auntie, should we continue to wait in Honglu Temple like this?"

"Auntie, I don't want to do this either, but I really have no other way. I don't know, He'er, do you have any good suggestions?"

Sakai He was taken aback for a moment, and shook his head with a complex expression.

"Aunt, you, an old friend of His Majesty the Dragon Emperor, can't help it, let alone an ordinary minister with a child."

"Then we can only wait for Liu Jun's good news."

"Aunt Hoshino."

"Huh? What's the matter? He'er, what else do you want to say?"

"I want to ask my aunt, when His Majesty the Dragon Emperor refused our request, did he act abnormally or say anything unusual?"

Hearing Sakai He's question, Sakai Hoshino instantly saw the scene of Young Master Liu lying in his bed, and she couldn't help but get a faint blush when she thought of these pretty faces.

Liu Jun misunderstood what he meant, and got into his bed directly. Is this considered an unusual behavior?
However, Liu Jun's actions don't seem to have anything to do with the matter of military preparations.

Thinking of this, Sakai Hoshino directly decided to bury this matter in his heart.

"No, Jun Liu didn't do anything unusual."

"What about the words? Did the Great Dragon Emperor say anything unusual?"

"That's not the case either. The questions Liu Jun asked me and what he said to me were very ordinary, and there was nothing wrong with it at all."

Sakai He frowned, folded his hands in front of his chest and let out a heavy breath.

"That's strange. Could it be that Emperor Dalong knew from somewhere that Third Uncle's current situation is not..."

Sakai He seemed to think of something while talking, and hurriedly stopped his words.

When Sakai Hoshino saw that Sakai He suddenly stopped talking, he couldn't help but frowned.

"He'er, what did you say about Liu Jun and my brother? Why didn't you continue?"

Sakai Ka's eyes wandered for a moment, and he lowered his arms and stood up from the chair.

"Auntie, the boy didn't say anything, I was just talking to myself just now, is there any other way we can convince His Majesty the Dragon Emperor."

Sakai Hoshino did not doubt that he was there, and nodded with a clear expression: "Oh, I think we can only pray to Mr. Liu to give us an answer as soon as possible."

"Auntie, it's getting late, and the baby won't stay here with you. You can rest after washing up."

"Okay, you should go back early and have a rest. By the way, my aunt is already full, so you can take the rest of the food away."

"Yes, the child knows."

After a while, Sakai Ga directly exited Sakai Hoshino's room with a tray in his hand.

"Auntie, you should go to bed early, and the boy will leave."

"Well, you go first."

After his nephew Sakaiga left, Sakai Hoshino reached out from his cuff and took out the small brocade box given to her by Young Master Liu, and walked towards the dressing table behind the screen with a melancholy face.

"Hey, Liu Jun, Liu Jun, can anyone tell me that Hoshino should trust you?"

(End of this chapter)

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