Chapter 2869
The three princesses and their sisters had just left on their front feet when Liu Song hurriedly walked towards the main hall on his back feet.

"Master, Master."

Liu Mingzhi silently rolled up the pipe in his hand and put it in his waist, got up and went outside the hall to stretch.

"what happened?"

"Young master, the second and third young masters are about to leave for their hometown in Jinling, and I specially asked the younger one to ask if you are free to practice for them."

"I just had breakfast, and I'm not busy in the morning, so of course I'm free."

Liu Mingzhi replied to Liu Song, then turned to look at the beauties and children in the hall.

"Sister Shan, Wanyan, Qingshi, Yunyao, Wei'er... If your sisters are free, you can go with your husband to take care of the second and third children."

"Hey, Husband, you go there first, and the sisters who are concubines tidy up their clothes and rush over."

"Yiyi, Yue'er, Lingyun, Zhenghao, Zhengran... you guys are coming too, your second and third uncles are going back to our old house in Jinling.

If any of you have something you want the brothers to bring to your grandparents, hurry up and follow. "

"Daddy, I'm going right away. I have to send back my greetings to my grandparents and the elders."

"I'll go too, I'll go too, and I want to say hello to my grandparents too."

"Daddy, wait for Lingyun, let's go there together."

Liu Mingzhi waved with a smile, lowered his head and straightened his clothes, and immediately set off and hurried towards the gate of the mansion.

"By the way, which door are they waiting for?"

"The main entrance."

"Understood, you go to your own business first."

"Yes, the little one retire."

When Liu Mingzhi came to the gate of the mansion in a hurry, he saw several carriages parked on the street outside the gate at a glance.

"Big brother."

"Big brother."

"My sister and I have seen the elder brother."

"Baby is waiting for someone to pay a visit to Uncle."

"No courtesy, no courtesy, no courtesy."

As soon as Liu Mingzhi finished speaking, Liu Yiyi and his brothers and sisters immediately saluted Liu Mingli and the others.

"Baby and others have seen Second Uncle, Second Aunts."

"I met Uncle Three."

"No gift, no gift."

Liu Mingzhi let out a sigh of relief, turned his head to look at the carriages not far away, and then set his eyes on Liu Mingli and Liu Mingjie.

"Mingli, Mingjie, have you brought everything you should bring?"

The brothers Liu Mingli and Liu Mingjie nodded without hesitation when they heard the eldest brother's question.

"Brother, don't worry, little brother has checked carefully several times to ensure that nothing has been forgotten."

"Brother and younger brother are all ready. I'm different from my second brother. Apart from presents for my parents, I hardly have anything to bring with me."

Young Master Liu smiled lightly and nodded, raised his hand and patted the youngest Liu Mingjie on the head.

"You kid, you're already a big boy now, and you should pay more attention to the important things in your life when you should.

After returning to the old house in Jinling with your second brother and several second sisters-in-law, don't make our parents and the elders angry, otherwise, I can't spare you for my brother. "

Liu Mingjie looked aggrieved and just wanted to refute a few words, but when he saw his boss's serious expression, he immediately became as honest as he could be.

"Hey, big brother, don't worry, little brother, I promise not to make our parents angry."
Liu Mingzhi shook his head angrily, and looked at Song Lei and the other sisters standing behind Liu Mingli with a light smile.

"Siblings, Mingjie is 20 years old now, but he doesn't look mature at all. If he causes any trouble for you on the way, you sisters will take care of him.

Of course, as Mingjie's sister-in-law and wife, you should teach me a lesson, and just beat me up when it's time to fight. If he dares to complain, I can't spare him when he comes back as a brother. "

The Song Lei sisters looked at their uncle's depressed expression, and they all smiled and saluted Young Master Liu.

"Big brother is joking."

Liu Mingzhi glanced sideways at the mansion behind him, and happily patted the shoulder of his eldest daughter Liu Yiyi.

"Yiyi, Yueer, Lingyun, Zhenghao, if any of you brothers and sisters want to bring something or something to your grandparents, please tell your second uncle, second aunt, and third uncle."

"Yes, Daddy."

Liu Yiyi and the other brothers and sisters immediately surrounded Liu Mingli and the others after receiving their father's orders, and they started talking one after another.

"Second Uncle, after you return to the old house in Jinling, when you see your grandparents, tell them..."

"Aunts and aunts, this is a small gift I prepared for my grandparents, and I will ask you to bring it to them."
"Third Uncle, Third Uncle..."

Just when Little Cutie, his brothers, sisters, and others were explaining to Liu Mingli the words or gifts they wanted to bring to Liu Zhi'an and his wife, the empress and their beauties walked out of the gate of Liu Mansion together.

"The concubine's sister has seen her husband."

"Hello, uncles."

"Hi, sisters."

"Don't dare, I have met all the wives."

"Wanyan, Yunyao, Xiaoxi... you sisters should say what you want to say as soon as possible, don't delay Mingli, Mingjie and the others are on their way."

"Hey, sister concubine knows."

"Brother, why don't you see sister-in-law Yun, sister-in-law Ya, and sister-in-law Yan?"

"Send Yaoyao for my brother, Chenggan, the siblings left Beijing to deal with some trivial matters, and the siblings also set off today, your sisters-in-law and the others were worried about what the two children left behind, so they helped them pack up and salute.

Anyway, on weekdays at home, you also bow your head and don't look up. Being a brother is a practice for you on behalf of the four sisters. "

"So that's the case, then we won't wait for a few sister-in-laws anymore, little brother."

"Well, they may not know when they will finish their work. There is no need to wait for them anymore. It is the business to hurry up and start on the road. Don't delay today's schedule."

"Hey, after the sisters-in-law say goodbye to my younger brother's wives, we will set off on the road immediately."

After about two cups of tea, everyone finally finished saying goodbye.

After Song Lei, her sisters and the children boarded the carriage, Liu Mingli and Liu Mingjie got on their horses one after another and nodded to First Young Master Liu and the others.

"Brother, we are starting our journey. Ladies and gentlemen, children, go back and do your own business."

"Brother, sisters-in-law, see you later."



After a group of carriages and horses disappeared at the corner of the street, Liu Mingzhi sighed with a melancholy expression.

"We are both the sons of the old man and mother, but compared to the second and third brothers, I seem to be a bit unfilial as the eldest brother."

"Husband, don't let your imagination run wild. You are different from the two uncles. You are the king of a country now. It's not that you don't want to go back to visit your parents and the elders, but that the court cannot do without you, the current emperor."

"That's right, sister Shan'er is right. Parents and the elders will definitely understand your husband's difficulties."

"Husband, don't feel bad. When the imperial court rests this year, the concubines and sisters will take their children and follow you back to Jinling to visit their elders."

Hearing the words of enlightenment from all the beauties around him who were somewhat worried, Liu Mingzhi let out a sigh of relief, and waved his hands calmly and indifferently.

"You sisters don't have to worry, I'm just expressing my feelings for my husband."

(End of this chapter)

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