Chapter 2885

When Sakai He heard Liu Song's words, the joy in the depths of his eyes flashed away, and he immediately punched Liu Song, and put down the car curtain in his hand pretending to be calm.

"Master Liu, please wait a moment. Bangchen will immediately inform my aunt and younger sister about this matter."

"It's okay."

After Sakai Ka put down the curtains, he exhaled heavily with an unconcealable joy on his face, raised his hands and rubbed his cheeks vigorously a few times, the excitement in his heart gradually calmed down.

"Auntie, did you hear, His Majesty the Emperor of Dalong invited you to visit the palace with Yingzhi."

Sakai Hoshino looked at Sakai Ka's excited eyes, and nodded with a slightly complicated expression: "Yes, I heard."

"Mother, Brother He, can Ying Zhi go to see the real appearance of the Dragon Palace?"

Sakaihe looked at the expectant and nervous expression on Huaqi Yingzhiqiao's face, and raised his hand with a light smile to caress the little girl's temples.

"Of course you can. Hasn't His Majesty the Emperor already sent someone to pick you up and take you and your aunt to the palace?"

The little girl got affirmation from Sakai He's mouth, and the joy on her little face instantly increased by three points.

"Great, Mr. Liu, he really didn't lie to Yingzhi, he really sent someone to pick Yingzhi to play in the palace."

"Auntie, this is a good opportunity for you to accompany His Majesty on a tour..."

Sakai Ka's words stopped abruptly after speaking halfway, and he glanced nervously out of the car window which was blocked by a cloth curtain.

"Auntie, Mr. Liu Song outside the carriage, he probably can't understand our Wa dialect?"

Seeing the cautious expression on his nephew's face, Sakai Hoshino understood what he was thinking after a little thought.

"As far as I know, Mr. Liu Song doesn't speak our Japanese dialect. Just say what you want. Don't worry about what Mr. Liu Song will hear."

"Then the child can rest assured, aunt, the child wants to say that when you accompany His Majesty to visit the palace, you can make some insinuations about rewarding our mission with excellent military equipment.

Although His Majesty the Dragon Emperor did not agree to our request today, he did not directly reject our request, which means that the possibility of him agreeing to our request is five or five.

In this way, if you work harder, Auntie, the possibility will increase even more.

When the palace banquet is held in the evening, the boy will present the rare treasure we brought to His Majesty the Emperor, and then Auntie, if you take the opportunity to speak kindly to His Majesty, maybe this matter will be a success. "

Sakai Hoshino listened to Sakai Ga's words, crescent pondered for a moment with a slight frown, and let out a sigh of relief.

"He'er, you think highly of my aunt's position in Liu Jun's heart.

If only a few good words from my aunt and I can make Mr. Liu agree to our request to reward our military equipment, then our mission will not wait until now to get an ambiguous answer. "

"Auntie, you are a fan of the authorities, but a bystander is clear.

The child can see that His Majesty's attitude towards Auntie and you is absolutely extraordinary, but you don't feel it yourself.

Let’s not talk about it far away, just talk about the scenes that happened on the Dalong Chaotang today, aunt, do you still remember? "

"Of course I remember, is there something wrong?"

"There's nothing wrong with it, but Auntie, please carefully recall the series of scenes that happened in the court not long ago.

When that old bastard Jin Taeun was confusing black and white in front of His Majesty the Emperor, Auntie suddenly interrupted Jin Taeun. At that time, His Majesty just asked Auntie not to interrupt in a serious tone.

But when the boy interrupted later, His Majesty's tone was not just serious, but also mixed with a bit of scolding.

His Majesty the Emperor's attitude towards the two of us can be described as very different.

You should know, Auntie, you are just an envoy of the mission, my son, I am the official envoy of the Japanese mission.

Auntie, carefully recall what happened in the court, and see if it is what the boy said just now.

Isn't there a clear difference between His Majesty's attitude towards you, Auntie, and his attitude towards others? "

Sakai Hoshino looked at Sakai Ka, who was doing the analysis well, with complicated eyes, and couldn't help but recall the scene that happened in Liufu garden a few days ago that made his heart messy.

As more and more pictures came back to mind, Sakai Hoshino's jade-like pretty face was gradually stained with an unnatural blush.

At the end of the picture, Sakai Hoshino breathed a little and lowered his head, a little afraid to meet the gaze of his nephew looking at him.

"It's not as complicated as you said, He'er, you're thinking too much, the reason Liu Jun treats aunt a little better is because aunt is Liu Jun's old friend whom he hasn't seen for many years.

As Liu Jun's old friend and aunt, he naturally felt embarrassed to be too strict with aunt. "

Sakai Ka saw his aunt's evasive eyes, quietly looked at the unnatural blush on her jade cheeks, and rolled his eyes a few times thoughtfully.

He vaguely understood something, in the recent days, some unknown and ambiguous things must have happened between her aunt and the Dragon Emperor.

Otherwise, based on my understanding of my aunt's innocent character, she would definitely not have such a shy expression for no reason.

As for what kind of development it has reached, it is beyond my own ability to ask.

After thinking this through, Sakai He's eyes flashed with excitement again.

Although the pillow wind is small, it is powerful.

This common saying with similarities and minor differences is not only prevalent in Dalong, but also popular in Wa country and even all countries.

A beautiful woman's pillow talk can be equivalent to ten years of ordinary people's work.


"Ah? What... what's wrong?"

"Auntie, I can tell you with certainty, based on my observations, you definitely hold a certain amount of weight in His Majesty the Dragon Emperor's heart.

His Majesty the Emperor may not listen to everything you say, but he will think about it.

Therefore, Auntie, you must firmly grasp this opportunity to be alone with His Majesty the Emperor, find a way to insinuate him, and see if you can get him to agree to the request to reward our envoys as soon as possible.

Auntie, in order to solve the crisis faced by the Patriarch, you have to work harder, I beg you. "

Seeing his nephew's pleading expression, Sakai Hoshino bit his cherry lips with his white teeth, and nodded silently.

"I—I'll give it a try. As for whether Liu Jun agrees or not, it's not up to me to decide."

"Great, thank you for your hard work, Auntie.

By the way, Auntie, before we went to Dalong Tianchao, the Patriarch called the boy over and gave him some words. "


"The head of the family told the boy that if His Majesty rejects our request, then think of other ways to convince His Majesty the Emperor.

He said that based on the friendship between you and His Majesty the Dragon Emperor in the past, when necessary, you can actually use some special means.

As for what these special methods are, the owner didn't tell the boy, he just told the boy, aunt, you will understand after listening.

After thinking about it for a long time, the boy didn't understand what the Patriarch meant by what he said. It seems that only you, Auntie, can comprehend it by yourself. "

Sakai Hoshino first looked stunned for a moment, and then seemed to understand something, her pretty face that had recovered to its original state instantly turned crimson.

"Ms. Hoshino, Miss Sakuraori, it's been about a quarter of an hour, haven't you finished talking?"

(End of this chapter)

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