Chapter 2887
On the observation deck of the imperial garden, Liu Mingzhi, who was sitting on a stone bench and wandering into the sky, was awakened by the sound of footsteps behind him, and looked sideways slightly behind him.

"Daddy, the child pays respects to Daddy."

"Lianniang? Why did you come to the palace?"

Seeing her father's surprised expression, Liu Lianiang smiled, and reached out to take out the cloth bag with the meat buns in it.

"Daddy, mother, she made big meat buns this morning, and asked Lianiang to bring you some to taste.

In order to prevent these big meat buns from cooling down, Lianiang allowed her father to eat hot big meat buns, put them in his arms to cover them, and trotted all the way to the palace, but Lianiang was exhausted!
Dad, you should eat it while it's hot. "

Liu Mingzhi looked at the sly expression of the little girl pretending to be tired, took the bun in her hand with a smile and put it on the stone table, raised his arms, hugged the little girl on his lap and sat down.

"Hey, that's really hard work for you, mother, you are still a good girl, you know how to kiss daddy and me."

Hearing her father's praise, the little girl nodded with a smile on her face, raised her little hand and handed the remaining two candied haws to Young Master Liu's mouth.

"That is, who made Lianniang Daddy's obedient daughter! Daddy, don't you eat candied haws, it's sour and sweet, it's delicious."

"Are you willing to give such delicious candied haws to Daddy?"

"Daddy, you are a good daddy who loves Lianiang the most. What is there to be reluctant to do with mere candied haws and Lianiang?"

As soon as Liu Lianiang finished speaking, she burped softly.


When the little girl saw that she was hiccupping, she immediately covered her small mouth, her big eyes peeked at the strange young master Liu and turned around.

"The wind in the morning was a bit noisy, Lianiang ran too fast, accidentally drank too much in her stomach, and then she was full."

When Young Master Liu heard the little girl's sophistry, he smiled helplessly, raised his hand and pinched the tip of the little girl's tender nose and twisted it a few times.

"Stinky girl, since you can drink the Northwest Wind to fill you up, then you don't need to eat anymore, just drink the Northwest Wind.

Drink it for three to five years, then you will save a lot of money for our family. "

Liu Lianiang looked up at her father's teasing eyes, but she didn't know that she had revealed herself.

The little girl chuckled, threw her head into Young Master Liu's arms and buried her, and used her ultimate weapon against her father--the Dafa of acting like a spoiled child.


"Hey, why don't you continue to eat in the future, can't you continue to eat?"

"Thank you, Daddy, Daddy is so kind."

"Smelly girl, get off daddy's lap quickly, daddy will try to see if your mother's cooking skills have improved again."
"Yeah, Lianniang gave the cloth bag to Daddy to open."

The little girl jumped to the ground nimbly, raised her hand to open the cloth bag, and with a smile picked up the remaining one and a half buns and stuffed it into the palm of the old man.

"Daddy, eat it while it's hot, it won't taste good when it's cold."

Liu Mingzhi had already smelled the smell of steamed buns mixed with candied haws from the smell of the little girl's hiccups. When he saw half of the steamed stuffed buns left on his left hand, there was no surprise on his face.

"Lianyiang, are you full? If you are not full, eat more."

The little girl knew in her heart that she had already revealed her secrets. Seeing the buns that her father handed her, she patted her bulging belly and shook her head obediently.

"Your mother is full, Daddy, you can eat by yourself."

"When you're full, you can move around on the viewing platform, just remember not to run outside the fence."

"Hey, Lianiang knows, daddy, eat the buns quickly."

Liu Mingzhi looked at the little girl who was bouncing around the stone table, picked up the half-filled bun and ate it.

Half of the steamed stuffed bun had just entered the stomach, and there were some footsteps on the steps of the viewing platform again.

"Master, Mrs. Hoshino, Miss Sakuraori, the two of them are here."



"Daddy, do you have guests? Then Lianniang will go to another place to play first."

"You don't need to leave, Hoshino and the others are not outsiders."

"Father, Lianiang heard that Uncle Liu Song mentioned Mrs. Hoshino and Miss Sakurazhi. Are they Aunt Hoshino and Miss Sakurazhi who visited our house that day?"

"Lieniang is so smart, Daddy's guests are just the two of them."

"Great, Miss Yingzhi is really here, can Lianiang bring Miss Yingzhi to play with me later?"

"Of course it's fine, but for the safety of both of you, you must let the palace lady follow you."

"Hmm, no problem."

"Reporting to Your Majesty, the imperial meal you requested has been delivered."
"Send it up."

"As ordered."

As soon as the little eunuch left, Liu Song led Sakai Hoshino, Hua Qiyingzhi, their mother and daughter up to the viewing platform.

"Master, Mrs. Hoshino, Ms. Sakuraori and the others are here."

"National Envoy Sakai Hoshino, pay homage to His Majesty the Emperor, long live long live."

"Bang Envoy Hua Qi Yingzhi, pay homage to His Majesty the Emperor, long live long live."

Liu Mingzhi looked at the mother and daughter Sakai Hoshino, who was out of breath and sweaty on their foreheads, got up and walked to the viewing platform and waved to the soldiers of the Imperial Army on both sides of the steps.

"Wait a minute, back off."

"We obey, and we retire."

"Liu Song, my young master doesn't need anyone to serve me, so go and do your own business."

"Yes, the little one retire."
After Liu Song followed the imperial guards and left the viewing platform, Liu Mingzhi looked at Sakai Hoshino and his daughter who were still panting with a light smile.

"Hoshino, Sakuraori, climbed all the way to the viewing platform, are you exhausted?"

Sakai Hoshino took out a handkerchief embroidered with a few cherry blossoms, first helped his daughter wipe the sweat from his forehead, and then wiped the sweat from his own head.

"Your Majesty the Emperor."

"Stop, Hoshino, have you forgotten the rules I told you again? What do you call me when no one else is present?"

Sakai Hoshino was stunned for a moment, turned around and looked at the soldiers of the imperial army who were retreating towards the viewing platform, and then saluted Liu Da Shaofu after recovering.

"Hoshino met Liu Jun."

"Hey, that's right."

"Sakura, what about you?"

"Sakura, see you sir."

"Well, children can be taught. Seeing that you two are sweating on your forehead and you are not breathing well, please sit down and have a rest."

"Thank you Liu Jun."

"Thank you sir."

As soon as Sakai Hoshino and her daughter sat down, several young eunuchs walked up to the viewing platform with a tray each.

"Your Majesty, the food and drink are here."

"Well, put it on the stone table and you can retreat."

"Little obedience."

"Sweet and Sour Pork."

"Sauce beef."

"Oil fried shrimp."

"Cold bitter gourd shreds."

"Egg Seaweed Soup."

"A jar of peach blossoms."

"Your Majesty take it easy, the little ones will leave."

After Liu Mingzhi arranged the bowls and chopsticks, he turned his head and waved to Liu Lianniang, who was winking at Hua Qi Yingzhi.

"Lieniang, you also come to drink a bowl of soup, it will help digestion."

"Well, Lian Niang knows."

"Hoshino, Sakura, you two, mother and daughter, followed Sakai and the others into the palace before dawn in the morning, so you must have not had breakfast yet?
Didn't eat breakfast, and climbed such high steps again, my stomach should be growling, right? "

When Sakai Hoshino and his daughter heard First Young Master Liu's question, they instinctively looked down at the food and wine on the table, sniffing the rich aroma of the food and wine, the mother and daughter's stomachs growled in an instant.

The mother and daughter hurriedly covered their stomachs, and lowered their heads in embarrassment.

"Liu Jun, Hoshino is not hungry."

"Sir, me too, I'm not hungry either."

Liu Mingzhi looked at the mother and daughter who were still forcing their mouths, shook his head with a wry smile, and stretched out his hand to push the bowls and chopsticks next to them forward.

"Okay, keep your mouth shut, let's see what your stomachs look like, there are no outsiders here, you don't need to be polite, you can eat whatever you want, and you will have the strength to visit the palace after you are full.

If I pretend to be polite to my young master again, I will get angry, so I am obedient and pick up the bowls and chopsticks. "
The mother and daughter raised their heads at the same time to look at Liu Mingzhi who was deliberately pillowing his face, and chuckled a few times with a slightly embarrassed expression.

"Yes, then Hoshino will not be polite."

"Thank you, Sakurai, for your hospitality."

After Sakai Hoshino and her daughter picked up the bowls and chopsticks, they looked at Liu Mingzhi with unison. The two of them are so proficient in Dalong's culture, so they naturally know Dalong's rules.

The host, Liu Mingzhi, didn't move his chopsticks, so they, as guests, naturally couldn't move their chopsticks first.

After Liu Mingzhi picked up a chopsticks cold bitter gourd shreds and sent them to his mouth, he held the chopsticks as a gesture.

"Okay, you two eat quickly too."

"Thank you sir, then Sakurai will not be polite."
"That's right Sakurai."

"Mister didn't ask the imperial dining room to prepare the staple food. If you feel that only the dishes are not enough to eat, there is also a steamed stuffed bun here. You can eat it too."

"Sir, is this inappropriate?"

"There's nothing inappropriate, let's eat."

"Yeah, thank you sir."

Sakai Hoshino saw his daughter took the steamed stuffed bun from First Young Master Liu's hand, and immediately got up and leaned over his willow waist, picked up a piece of sauced beef and put it in Liu Mingzhi's bowl.

"Liu Jun, Hoshino and Ying Zhitian woke up before dawn, as the Great Dragon Emperor, you must have woken up earlier than the two of us for the court meeting.

Hoshino and Sakuraori didn't eat, and you naturally didn't eat either, so you should eat quickly.

Just tell Hoshino what dish you want to eat, and Hoshino will take the liberty to bring you some food. "

Liu Mingzhi looked at Sakai Hoshino, who seemed to be a little bit impatient, and with a complicated expression, picked up a chopstick of shrimp and put it in the bowl in front of her.

"Hoshino, let me say it again, you don't have to be so reserved in front of me, and you don't have to be too polite.

I treat you as a friend. You are so polite to me, but I feel a little uncomfortable. If you continue to be so polite, I don't think we can eat this breakfast. "

"Liu Jun, me!"

"Hoshino, you really should learn from Sakura Origaku."

Sakai Hoshino looked down at his daughter next to him in the direction indicated by Young Master Liu with his chopsticks, and saw that his daughter was eating a mouthful of buns and vegetables.

And Liu Lianniang, who was sitting next to First Young Master Liu, kept holding food for her daughter with a smile on her face: "Miss Yingzhi, eat slowly, don't choke, drink some soup first." Yi Shun."

After Sakai Hoshino saw his daughter's behavior, he immediately put down the bowl and chopsticks and saluted Young Master Liu.

"Liu Jun, I'm really sorry, Yingzhi was too rude."

"Hoshino, it's not that Sakuraori is too rude, but you are too polite.

Why do I feel that there seems to be something wrong with you?Although you were as polite as you were to me a few days ago, you haven't been so out of touch like you are now. Are you okay? "

Sakai Hoshino's delicate body trembled slightly when he heard Yoda's question, and the words that his nephew Sakaiga said to him earlier flashed in his mind.

Biting his cherry lips with white teeth, Sakai Hoshino shook his head quietly, pursed his cherry lips, sat down on the stone bench again and said in a low voice: "It's okay, Hoshino is okay, Hoshino knew it was wrong, Hoshino didn't follow Liu You have seen it.

Liu Jun, let's continue eating. "

Liu Mingzhi looked at Sakai Hoshino who was picking up the bowl and chopsticks and chewing slowly, and poured a glass of wine and tasted it carefully, with a thoughtful look in his eyes.

From retreating to the present, it took less than half an hour. Why does this young master feel that this silly woman seems to be a different person?
She retorted at the court that the appearance of Goguryeo when she was making Kim Tae-eun was the one she was familiar with. Why does she look a little absent-minded now?
What kind of things happened during the few moments when she left the palace.

Is it because this young master did not agree to the request of the Japanese mission, and she felt sad and uncomfortable?
Or it could be said that she didn't want to have any more intimate things with herself that exceeded the boundaries of old friends, so she was deliberately alienating herself.

After I stopped her from interjecting at that time, she looked at her resentful gaze, which was still the Sakai Hoshino she was familiar with.

If she didn't want to entangle with herself any longer, she definitely wouldn't give herself that look.

It's not because of these, is it really because I didn't agree to reward them with envoys and soldiers, and she is deliberately making herself angry?
It's not right, if she is deliberately angry with herself, she just doesn't come to the appointment, or just ignores herself after the appointment, why is she so polite in front of her?

Well, if it's not as expected by Master Ben, it should be Sakai Ka who said something to her.

"Hi~ Mister, Sakura is full."

Liu Lianiang's face was filled with joy, she picked up the small bowl and gulped down the cooled seaweed and egg flower soup.

"Daddy, Lianniang's egg drop soup is also finished."
"Ah? Ah! It's good when you're full, and it's good when you're done drinking."

"Thank you sir for your hospitality."

"Daddy, can Lianiang take Miss Yingzhi to play now?"

"Of course, just remember to be safe."

"Yeah, thank you daddy."

"Miss Yingzhi, would you like to play in the imperial garden with Lianiang?"

Although Huaqi Yingzhi couldn't wait to enjoy the beauty of the imperial garden, she still raised her head to look at her mother.


Sakai Hoshino's delicate body trembled imperceptibly. After Liu Jun's daughter and his own daughter left, there were only Liu Jun and himself left on the viewing platform except for the two maids next to him.

Maybe just like what his nephew Sakaiga said, after Liu-kun got what he wanted in himself, he should agree to the mission's request.

For a moment, Sakai Hoshino didn't know whether he should be happy or sad.

If Liu Jun hadn't suddenly left the capital many years ago and became silent, he and himself might...

It's a pity that the good expectations I had hidden in my heart for many years turned out to be a deal.

A passerby in a hurry turned half his life into a mess!
"Go... go."

Liu Mingzhi put down his wine glass, turned his head and looked at the two pretty court ladies behind him who had already been instructed by him.

"Qing'er, Die'er, you two can go to have fun with the princess and Yingzhi."

"The maidservants and sisters obey."

"Princess Lianiang, Miss Yingzhi, please come with your slaves."

(End of this chapter)

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