Chapter 2903
The moonlight is bright and clear, and the Qinghui is swaying.

The music is melodious, and the dance is charming.

All the people in the square in the palace happily enjoyed the dancers' graceful dance moves, and exchanged glasses with their companions on both sides from time to time.

No one seems to have noticed that there is a charming woman sitting on a table and chair in the corner of the Japanese mission, drinking the wine in her hand in dejection.

Sakai He and the rest of the Wa people might be forcing a smile on their faces, at least they still had a cheerful smile on their faces.

This woman is different, she doesn't seem to care about other people's opinions at all, and directly hangs her bad mood on her charming face.

She was not like the others, admiring the dazzling and graceful dances of the dancers in front of her with a smile on her face.

Instead, he drank wine glass after glass, as if he would never get drunk.

This woman is Sakai Hoshino.

Sakai Hoshino drank the old wine in the glass in one gulp, lowered his head and stared at the wine glass in his hand with a melancholy expression, and breathed out silently.

The beauty's cherry lips were slightly parted, and she exhaled a breath like blue musk deer but mixed with a faint smell of alcohol. Her beautiful eyes looked at Liu Mingzhi who was exchanging glasses with others not far away.

The words Liu Mingzhi talked with his nephew Sakai Ka kept appearing in front of his eyes, and the confusion in Sakai Hoshino's beautiful eyes became more and more intense.

In fact, she didn't complain that Liu Mingzhi didn't agree to nephew Sakaiga's request, she just couldn't figure it out.

He couldn't figure out why Liu Mingzhi repeatedly rejected this request from the Japanese diplomatic mission.

Could it be that someone in the Japanese Mission accidentally offended him, thus making him deliberately embarrass the Japanese Mission?

As soon as this idea came up, it was rejected by Sakai Hoshino in an instant.

Looking at the entire Japanese diplomatic mission, from the commander-in-chief to the servants, there is no one who does not know what the dragon means.

Even if they were lent ten guts, they would not dare to offend Liu Mingzhi, the Great Dragon Emperor.

Also, unintentionally is not possible.

After all, apart from himself, his daughter Yingzhi, and his nephew Sakai Ka, none of the other members of the mission was qualified to have the opportunity to meet Liu Mingzhi, the king of a country, alone.

If you can't see it even if you see it, how can you offend it?
In fact, I also knew in my heart that what Liu Jun said earlier could not be called rejection.

After all, Mr. Liu never rejected his request decisively, he just said that he would make a decision after discussing with Dalong's civil and military officials.

After watching quietly for a while, Liu Mingzhi was admiring the singing and dancing with a light smile, the bewildered beauty silently looked away, picked up the wine glass again and drank alone silently.

In fact, Sakai Ka's mind was always on his aunt Sakai Hoshino. Seeing the confused and helpless expression on his aunt's pretty face, he felt both helpless and anxious.

Auntie, auntie, don't put on a sour face, even if you pretend to be happy, you still have to pretend!

Otherwise, if the Dragon Emperor sees your expression, I don't know what unnecessary troubles will arise.

While Sakai He was worried about his aunt's mood, he was also worried that his aunt's behavior would make Young Master Liu unhappy.

But how did he know that Liu Mingzhi had actually discovered something was wrong with Sakai Hoshino early in the morning, but he just pretended not to see it.

Inadvertently glanced at the beautiful woman who was sitting alone drinking, Liu Mingzhi sighed slightly imperceptibly.

This silly woman seemed to be thinking wildly again.

"Sister Ya."

Qi Ya, who was chewing and tasting the fruits and melons, paused, and turned her head slightly to look at the husband next to her.

"Husband, what's wrong?"

"Sister Ya, do you think your husband is a bit hard-hearted?"

Qi Ya'e frowned slightly and thought about it for a while, subconsciously glanced at Sakai Hoshino who was silently drinking in the distance, and seemed to understand the reason for her husband's question.

"Husband, are you troubled by sister Hoshino?"

Liu Mingzhi squinted his eyes and let out a sigh, looked at Qi Ya and nodded slightly.

"That's it."

"Well, husband, what did you do to owe sister Hoshino?"

"of course not."

"Husband, have you done something against your conscience to Sister Hoshino?"


"Then husband, what do you have to do to sister Hoshino?"


"Since that's the case, then why do you have to worry about it, husband? Sister Hoshino is Sister Hoshino, and has nothing to do with the affairs of the Japanese mission.

As long as there is nothing going on between the two of you, does anything else matter? "

Liu Mingzhi nodded with a light smile, picked up a piece of venison, put it in his mouth and chewed silently.

"It's Sister Ya who sees things thoroughly and has been educated for her husband."

"Silly husband, it's not that I see the concubine's identity thoroughly, but that your troubles are not just because of sister Hoshino, right?"

Liu Mingzhi swallowed the food in his mouth, and smacked his lips lightly a few times.

"Yes, my husband is indeed not only troubled by this silly woman Hoshino, but also mixed with other reasons.

Kazuko Sakai, an old friend of my husband's back then, gave me such a large annual offering this time, but my husband didn't take away this old friend at all.

To be honest, in my husband's heart, I still feel somewhat embarrassed.

Although it is not clear to my husband for the time being, what is the purpose of Sakai and his son's hope that I can reward them with excellent military equipment for my husband, but these real money cannot be faked.

It is natural for my husband to accept these annual offerings, but at the same time, I feel a little bit sorry for my husband.

Sister Ya, what do you mean by thinking about being a husband? "

"Hmm~ hehehe, it means that husband, you are still a good person with a good conscience."

"Maybe, after all, I've always been a good person as a husband, and that's something everyone knows.

Sister Naya, tell me, as a husband, should I agree to the request of the Japanese mission, or not? "

"Husband, you are really embarrassing my concubine with this question, it is related to the affairs of the court, it is better not to interfere as a female concubine.

As for the final result, it is up to you, husband, to decide for yourself. "

"Sigh, I can't figure out what the real purpose of the Japanese mission is, and my husband's heart is still a little lumpy.

It is a matter of military preparations, so we have to think about it in the long run! "

"Yeah, husband, you can think for yourself."

"It's okay, Sister Ya, let's continue to enjoy the singing and dancing, don't let down the beauty of this beautiful day."

"Yes, my concubine will drink to His Majesty."

"My dear concubine, let's drink together."

"Your Majesty, I respect Your Majesty and all the ladies."

"Bang Chen waits to respect His Majesty the Emperor and all the ladies."

"Well, let's have a drink together. It's such a beautiful day, and you and I won't get drunk and won't return."

"Thank you, Your Majesty."

Everyone drank their glasses of wine, and with all smiles on their faces, they once again set their eyes on the long-sleeved dancers in front of them.

With good wine to add to the fun, in the eyes of everyone, the graceful dancing of the dancers seems to be more charming.

Time passed quietly, and the dancers changed batch after batch. Under the brilliance of the bright moon, the laughter in the palace never stopped.

The moon was in the sky, and the drunk-eyed Liu Mingzhi cheerfully raised his wine glass as a gesture.

"My dear friends, it's getting late, and the banquet should end.

After drinking this cup, let's go. "

Everyone who was already drunk and blurred heard Young Master Liu's words and shook their heads hastily, instantly sobering three points from their drunkenness.

"Sisters and concubines respect Your Majesty."

"I'll wait and see, Your Majesty."

"Bang Chen waits to respect His Majesty the Emperor."

"Drink it together."

"Thank you, Your Majesty."

Liu Mingzhi finished his glass of wine, put down his glass and stood up slightly, looking at the crowd with a light smile and waving his sleeves.

"Let's go, I'm going back to rest."

"Your Majesty ordered that the palace banquet is now over."

"We send you off to His Majesty, long live long live long live long live."

Liu Mingzhi glanced lightly at Hoshino Sakai who was not drunk but his cheeks were flushed in the distance, sighed silently, and rushed towards the harem with floating steps.

Seeing this, all the beauties hurriedly followed with lotus steps.

"Husband, please slow down."

(End of this chapter)

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