Chapter 2910
Liu Mingzhi was stunned for a moment after listening to the beautiful woman's delicate tone, and then he realized what the beautiful woman's words meant just now.

Just when he was about to laugh out loud, he immediately thought of where he was now, and hurriedly held his breath.

Looking down at the beautiful woman who was snuggling in his arms and tightly hugging his waist, Liu Mingzhi immediately felt great pride in his heart.

"Hoshino, according to what you said, I am indeed not old, not only not old, but also very young! Don't you think so?"

"Yeah, yes, Liu Jun, you are right.

Not only are you not old, but you are still very young, and you are... even more..."

"Huh? Hoshino, why are you so hesitant to speak? Just say what you want to say, what's wrong with me?"

The beauty raised her jade-necked beautiful eyes and gave him a charming look, and gently drew circles on the back of Young Master Liu's hand with her slender fingers, and said in a voice like a mosquito: "It's very powerful."

Although the beauty's voice was very soft, Liu Mingzhi could still clearly hear what the beauty said because the two were leaning against each other.

Liu Mingzhi raised his eyebrows, pretending not to hear the beauty's words, and blew warm air on the soft earlobe of the beauty.

"What? Hoshino, please speak up, I didn't hear what you said just now."

"It's nothing, Hoshino didn't say anything just now."

"No, just now I clearly heard you talking, Hoshino, but because your voice was too low, I couldn't hear you very clearly.

I vaguely heard Hoshino what you said, please explain clearly, what is it? "

"No, no, you heard me wrong, I just didn't say anything."

"If you don't say yes, if you don't say this young master, I will be served by torture."

"Anyway, I didn't say anything, ah!"

In a short time, the figures of the two fell on the soft brocade quilt again.

The beauty's originally shy eyes had become blurred and charming again at some point.

When Liu Mingzhi was about to have sex with Sakai Hoshino and Wushan again, the last sliver of reason in the beauty's heart made her push Young Master Liu aside.

There was a faint red glow on Sakai Hoshino's pretty face, and he took advantage of the opportunity to shrink his graceful jade body into the brocade quilt, looking at Young Master Liu with pleading eyes.

"Liu Jun, you can't, it's dawn outside the room, you have to leave.

I will wrong you today, and Hoshino will serve you well when I have a chance, please. "

Seeing Hoshino Sakai's pleading face, Liu Mingzhi had no choice but to smile helplessly and nodded.

"Okay, you have a good rest, I'll go back first."

"Well, Liu Jun is so kind, don't worry, as long as Sakura is not with me and Liu Jun is not busy, you can send someone to find Hoshino to accompany you at any time."

Liu Mingzhi leaned over and kissed the beauty's forehead lightly, and helped her straighten the pillow beside her.

"Then I'll go first."

"Liu Jun, go slowly, Hoshino is inconvenient to go out now, so I won't see you off."

Liu Mingzhi nodded with a light smile, waved his hands and slowly retreated towards the door.

When the sound of the door opening and closing sounded, Sakai Hoshino's smiling face suddenly became sad.

Sakai Hoshino raised his hand and hugged the pillow that still contained someone's breath tightly in his arms, sobbing in a low voice.

"Liu Jun, Hoshino really wants to stay, just like many years ago, really wants to stay with you.

Although many years have passed, Hoshino's heart has never changed. "

Liu Mingzhi didn't know what happened to the beautiful woman after he left. At this time, he had already left this small courtyard with a quiet environment.

Today the sky has just dawned, and the gate of the government office of Honglu Temple has not yet opened.

Liu Mingzhi left the courtyard where Sakai Hoshino lived with a cautious expression, and had to use lightness kungfu to leap out of the courtyard walls of Honglu Temple.

Flying gracefully to the corner of the alley, Liu Mingzhi tidied up his clothes, and swaggered towards the wide long street.

Looking around, there are already many stalls set up on the long street at this time.

"Steamed buns just out of the pan, fresh soy milk."

"Hot porridge with fried dough sticks, hot porridge with fried dough sticks, good morning sir, would you like some hot fried dough sticks porridge?

Eight-treasure porridge, lotus seed porridge, white fungus porridge, millet porridge...all of them, would you like to sit down and eat some? "

When Liu Mingzhi heard the greeting from the roadside stall owner, and smelled the smell of food in the air, his stomach could not help but growl a few times.

Stretching out his hands to rub his growling stomach, Liu Mingzhi walked directly to the booth a few steps away.

After riding horses and whipping with the beautiful woman for so long last night, I was really hungry.

"Brothers, can you sell your two breakfasts together?"

"Sir, you are joking, there are so many rules for people who open the door to welcome guests."

"Brother Hu is right, sir, you can eat whatever you want."

"The two old brothers are right, but I am too particular."

Liu Mingzhi put the folding fan in his waist, rolled up his sleeves and sat directly on the low stool set up by the steamed stuffed bun stall owner.

"Brother, give me five of your steamed stuffed buns first. Brother, give me a bowl of your millet porridge."

"Come on, sir, wait a moment, millet porridge will be here soon."

"Sir, our buns have several kinds of fillings, leek eggs, pork and green onions, mutton and green onions...I wonder what kind of stuffing you want to eat?"

"Bring some meat and vegetables, brother, just look at it, brother, I don't have to eat it."

"Sir, open up, the steamed stuffed bun you asked for will be here soon."

After a while, the two stall owners put their food on the low table in front of Young Master Liu.

"Brother, do you have any garlic?"

"Yes, sir, there is garlic in the cloth bag under your feet.

Old brother, my hands are full of oil, it is not convenient to serve you, so I will trouble you to peel and eat it yourself. I hope you will forgive me if there is any poor hospitality. "

"You're welcome, brother, I'll do it myself."

Liu Mingzhi peeled off a few garlic cloves casually, and devoured every mouthful of steamed stuffed bun and garlic.

"Sir, eat slowly, don't choke, and take a sip of hot porridge."

"Hi, thank you for your concern, bro, I have to say that the steamed stuffed buns in your house definitely taste like this.

Brother, your home’s millet porridge tastes very good, brother, I haven’t eaten it so happily for a long time. "

"Sir, it's not because our steamed stuffed buns taste good, but because everything tastes good when you're hungry, brother."

"Yes, yes, Brother Hu is right, and it may be that you are used to delicacies from mountains and seas, and you occasionally eat hot porridge with steamed buns, so you feel the taste is good.

It's not that I'm flattering you, it's because of your attire, brother, you look like the kind of master who does big things. "

"Hahaha, thanks to the praise of the two old brothers, I am not a person who does big things, brother, I am just a gentleman who sets up a fortune teller on the street."

"Hey, sir, you are so humble. With your aura, the gentleman who set up a fortune teller does not have it."

"Brother thinks so too. With your posture, sir, I believe you are a third-rank official of the imperial court."

"Okay, two old brothers, if you don't believe me, I can't help it."

The two bosses just smiled casually, and didn't continue to chime in.

"Sir, eat the steamed stuffed bun while it's hot. It won't taste good when it's cold. We two brothers still have to solicit business, so I won't bother you."

"Okay, okay, you two continue to be busy."

After Liu Mingzhi wiped out all the steamed buns and hot porridge, the sky was already dark, and more and more early risers gathered towards the two stalls.

Taking out a handkerchief and wiping the corners of his mouth, Liu Mingzhi took out a few copper coins from his cuffs and placed them on the table, walking towards the street with a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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