My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 2941 It's better to be active than passive

Chapter 2941 It's better to be active than passive

Liu Mingzhi was thinking about some layout in the future, when there was a knocking sound outside the study window.

"Queer, please see the young master."

Liu Mingzhi came back to his senses, turned his head and looked out the window, only to see Suzaku in a dark red cloud gauze dress standing prettyly outside the window, looking at him with a smile on his face.

"Queer, come in."


Suzaku nodded in response, and her graceful figure flew down beside Young Master Liu along with a faint scent of fragrance.

"Subordinate Suzaku, see the young master."

Liu Mingzhi put down his teacup, reached out and lightly supported the beauty's snow-white lotus root arm.

"Excuse me, Que'er, when there are no outsiders in the study, there is no need to be polite."

"Thank you, Master."

Suzaku seemed to have some important information to report when she came this time. She got up and did not wait for Liu Mingzhi to ask, she immediately took out a few pieces of rice paper from her bosom and handed it to Liu Mingzhi.

"Young Master, by your order, the brothers of Suzaku Division have been secretly monitoring the every move of the envoys from various countries during these days.

According to the reports of the brothers, in the past few days, many envoys of the Japanese Mission have been taking actions in private.

Those envoys should have obeyed the order of Sakai He, the commander-in-chief of the Wa Kingdom, and have been sneaking around in the blacksmith shops or iron construction booths in the major square cities for the past few days.

Those envoys from the Wa Kingdom were all skilled players, the brothers avoided revealing their whereabouts, so naturally they didn't follow too closely.

Therefore, it is impossible to directly monitor what they chatted with the bosses of the blacksmith shop.

When the Japanese envoys left, the brothers stepped forward to inquire with the bosses, and finally found out that the Japanese envoys had asked them for the price of making weapons.

Que'er has sorted out the specific situation, please take a look at it, young master. "

When Liu Mingzhi heard what Suzaku reported just now, there was no surprise on his face, as if he had already guessed that this kind of thing would happen.

Liu Mingzhi took a few rice papers from Suzaku's hand with a light smile, leaned back slightly on the chair, held up a few rice papers with both hands and carefully observed the content on them.

After reading all the content on the rice paper, Young Master Liu sneered a few times with a strange expression.

"Hehehe, it seems that my young master underestimated the appetite of his son Sakai.

Ambitious, he even secretly asked about casting cannons.

The bosses of these blacksmith shops have good morals. They are worthy of being the people of my Dalong. "

Suzaku heard the sarcasm towards the Japanese mission in his young master's words, and naturally placed his slender fingers on Young Master Liu's shoulders and kneaded them gently.

"Que'er, pinch the sides of the neck, it feels a little sore after sitting for a long time."

"Hey, Que'er knows."

The beauty responded with a light part of her cherry lips, and her slender jade fingers moved slightly towards the sides of Young Master Liu's neck, and then slightly leaned down to bring her soft and flawless jade cheeks to his ears.

"Young master, after the brothers found out that the envoys from the Japanese country dared to spy on the casting method of our dragon cannon, they reported to the police one after another and asked, do you want to arrest them immediately?"

Liu Mingzhi didn't answer Suzaku's question right away, but silently turned the emerald finger on his thumb, and muttered with a slight frown.

After a long time, Young Master Liu breathed out a long breath silently, looked slightly sideways at the beautiful woman with her jade cheeks against her face, and asked back.

"What do you think, Que'er? Should we arrest these Japanese envoys?"

Suzaku frowned slightly, and after being silent for a moment, she snorted softly, pulled up her black hair scattered around her fragrant cheeks, and fiddled with the tip of Young Master Liu's nose a few times.

"If Que'er knew what to do, why did she come here to ask you, young master?
You are Que'er's young master, of course you are the young master, how did you tell Que'er to do things. "

Liu Mingzhi shrugged his nose involuntarily, and hastily raised his hand to pinch the sore and itchy nose tip that was teased by the hair, and then resisted the reaction of wanting to sneeze.

"My dear bird, be honest, be careful, young master, I accidentally sprayed your nose with snot."

Suzaku's slender jade fingers kneading Young Master Liu's shoulders immediately stopped, straightened her waist and gracefully turned sideways, and took advantage of the opportunity to sit her slender and round jade legs on Young Master Liu's lap.

The beauty raised a pair of lotus root arms and put them on Young Master Liu's shoulders habitually, and gave him a charming look with her undulating chest.

Under Young Master Liu's strange gaze, the beautiful woman tapped her delicate lips with her fingers, and exhaled a warm fragrance at Young Master Liu with a smug air.

"Spray it on your face, it's not like the young master has never sprayed something similar to snot.

In Que'er's heart, young master, you are good in everything, and Que'er does not dislike young master.

Master, you say yes. "

"Ah! Little fairy, you are in a mess again, aren't you?"

Hearing Young Master Liu's somewhat tangled words, Suzaku nodded her head without hesitation, her watery and charming eyes showed a light that wished to melt Young Master Liu.

"Yeah, yes, yes, young master, come and punish Que'er, Que'er can't wait."

Under Suzaku's seductive and charming eyes, First Young Master Liu lost his mind, and couldn't help but feel the heat in his heart.

I can't wait to immediately hug this parched vixen onto the soft bed and whip him hard.

Let her understand what in-situ Fa-rectification is.

A few hours ago, I had obviously tossed hard with Hoshino.

Ordinarily, now I should be Qingming in Lingtai, as stable as an old dog.

However, Liu Mingzhi had to admit that he really couldn't resist the seductive 'slutty' eyes of the little fairy Suzaku.

I really don't know if it's because I'm too strong, or because the little fairy Que'er is too attractive.

After thinking about it, Liu Mingzhi finally came to the conclusion that it must be the former.

It must also be the former.

The beauty looked at First Young Master Liu's expression of fiery eyes but no movement, a trace of resentment flashed in her charming eyes.

"Master, why are you just looking at Que'er like this?"

Hearing the beautiful woman's resentful tone, Liu Mingzhi felt the last sliver of clarity in his heart so that he didn't continue to take the next step, but stood up slightly, picked up the cold tea on the table, and drank it with his head up.

Suzaku looked at Young Master Liu who was wiping the tea from the corner of his mouth, and snorted coquettishly and angrily. His slender fingers fell directly on the soft flesh of Young Master Liu's waist, and performed the two-finger Zen magic.

"Hmph, bad young master, is tea really that good?"


Liu Mingzhi took a deep breath, looked at the beauty's stunning beauty with both anger and resentment, put down his teacup, and gently embraced the beauty's slender willow waist, which was barely enough to hold.

"Que'er, now is the time to talk about the business. When we finish the business, I will pamper you, young master, okay?"

Jiaren's beautiful eyes suddenly lit up, she sat up straight in an instant, and looked around Young Master Liu excitedly.


"Of course it's true, why? Are you doubting my strength, young master?"

"Don't dare, how could Que'er doubt the young master's ability, then let's get on with the business."

"Hey, that's right, it's the same problem as before.

Do you think, young master, I should do something to those Japanese envoys?Master wants to hear your thoughts. "

Suzaku was still very clear about priorities, seeing Liu Mingzhi talking about serious matters, her pretty face became serious.

"Que'er thinks it's time to do something to them."

"Oh? Tell me what you think?"

"Young master, those Japanese people are respectful to our dragon on the surface, but secretly they did a treasonous act of spying on our dragon's cannon casting method.

Obviously, these Japanese people are the kind of hypocrites who have one thing on the surface and one thing behind.

If you continue to let it go, it is inevitable that something unpredictable will happen in the future.

As the saying goes, it is better to act first, and then to encounter.

Instead of passively waiting for them to make those small moves, it is better to take the initiative to kill them in the cradle as early as possible.

Before Que'er came to the young master's place, those Japanese envoys were still running around in front of the blacksmith shops in the major squares and cities in the city.

It is not a big problem to catch them with solid evidence.

Just waiting for the young master's order, the brothers can arrest them on the spot at any time.

As for those who dare to resist, the Fa-rectification will be done on the spot. "

Between Suzaku's soft words, the previous charming look on her beautiful and delicate face had long since disappeared, replaced by a murderous and decisive ferocious look.

Liu Mingzhi pursed his lips and remained silent for a moment, looking at the beauty's cold eyes, pinched the beauty's delicate cheeks with his knuckles and tugged lightly a few times.

"And after killing them?"

"This... Que'er hasn't thought of this yet."

"Qie'er, have you forgotten what I told you a few days ago, young master? It's easy to kill them, but it's a small loss."

"Of course Que'er won't forget, but Que'er didn't think before that the envoys of the Japanese embassy had such a rebellious wolfish ambition.

After knowing their behavior, we can't just let it go and let them spy on our artillery casting method, right?

Que'er thought that even if he didn't kill them, he should at least give them a warning and punish them a little. "
"Well, Que'er, you have a good idea, but if you act like this, how is it different from scaring the snake?"

"I, I, Que'er was wrong."

"Que'er, your idea is not bad, as far as the moment is concerned, cutting the mess quickly is indeed the best way.

But for the sake of the long-term, they cannot be moved for the time being.

Whether the quick knife to cut the mess is in my hands, the young master, or in the hands of Cheng Zhi and his brothers, it still needs to be carefully considered according to the changes in the situation.

The young master naturally doesn't want to do what the young master can do.


"Just what?"

"It's just that I don't know if God will give the young master this chance.

The young master is getting old, and I don't know how much time God has left for the young master. "

"Master! You!"

Seeing the sudden change of beauty's expression, Liu Mingzhi raised his finger and put his finger directly on the beauty's red lips.

"Don't talk about such unpleasant topics. Talking too much is not beneficial except to increase troubles."

Suzaku looked at the open-minded expression on Liu Mingzhi's face with a light smile, stretched out his hand and hugged his arm in his arms, and nodded his head with a smile.

"Well, Que'er listened to the young master.

That young master, regarding the things that the Japanese envoys did secretly, let's just let it go and turn a blind eye? "

"Otherwise what else can we do?"

"Okay, Que'er just obeys orders."

"Que'er, young master, I have confidence in the people of Dalong.

As long as they can keep their duty, even if those envoys from the Japanese country have tried their best, what useful things can they get in the end?
Besides, the technical drawings of casting artillery are all sealed in the warehouse of the Ministry of War.

Where is the Warehouse of the Ministry of War, you don't need me to say Que'er, you should know it too, young master?
Not to mention the ordinary blacksmiths in the city, even the Ministry of War or the ministers who will be in charge of the court, without a certain grade, they are not allowed to look through the blueprints of casting various artillery.

To put it bluntly, the envoys of the Japanese mission went to blacksmiths who were ordinary people to spy on the casting method of artillery, and they were simply full.

If that kind of place can be as high as the technical drawings of casting cannons, what would the court do?
Let them toss, and when they have had enough toss, they will naturally stop tossing. "

"Yeah, young master is wise."

"Come on, Que'er, stop complimenting the young master, the young master is just an ordinary person.

Leaving you, the secret agents of the relevant departments and the two departments of the relevant department, without you as the eyes, so that I can monitor the world, the young master.

Personal power is limited after all! "

Suzaku pursed her cherry lips and pondered for a moment, then wrapped the fingertips of her light white jade fingers around a strand of black hair, and looked at Young Master Liu with her beautiful eyes.

"Master, can Que'er dare to ask you a presumptuous question?"

Young Master Liu raised his brows, and leaned back with a strange expression.

"Hey, words like boldness and presumptuousness come out of your little cherry mouth, why does the young master have a bad feeling in his heart?
Que'er, why don't you ask, otherwise, my heart is not at ease, young master. "

"Hmph, master."

Seeing the beautiful woman's pretty face with red lips pursed prettily, Young Master Liu let out a long breath with a big laugh.

"Teasing you, teasing you, just ask whatever you want.

You are here with the young master, so it is not convenient to ask any questions. "

"Then let's talk about it first. If Que'er's question is not appropriate, you must not be angry, young master."

"Good boy, you are one of the young master's virtuous helpers, why is the young master angry with you?"

"Are you sure? You really won't be angry?"

"Don't worry, no matter what kind of questions you ask, the young master will not be angry.

Even if you ask the young master how old I was when I wet the bed and when I secretly ran to the brothel and became a real man, the young master will not be angry. "

"Que'er believes you, so I'll ask."

"Ask, ask."

"Master, Que'er has the guts to ask, is it because of Mrs. Hoshino that you are so magnanimous to the people of the Japanese mission?"

The smile on Liu Mingzhi's face gradually disappeared, and he looked at the curious expression on Jiaren's pretty face with some strange eyes.

"Queer, why do you think so?"

"Master, you also know that on weekdays, the brothers related to Sisi take turns to secretly protect the young master's safety, so Que'er naturally knows about the matter between you and Mrs. Hoshino.

How caring and pampering you are to Mrs. Hoshino, Que'er has occasionally seen it with her own eyes a few times.

It was precisely because of this that Que'er asked this question.

As the saying goes, a hero is saddened by a beauty! "

"Hehehe, it turns out that's the case."

"Master, you won't be angry, will you?"

"Of course I won't be angry, young master, my character is not so moody."

"It's fine if you don't have one. Que'er is just a little curious, so that's why she asked."


"Hey, master?"

"Master, I don't deny that I'm romantic, and I don't deny that I like women.

But, do you think, young master, I am a superficial person? "


"Isn't that enough? You are right, the hero is indeed sad for the beauty pass.

However, Yun'er, which one of you sisters is worse than Hoshino?

I really can't get through the beautiful young master Guan, but the other barriers are still hard for me, young master.

In the young master's heart, Hoshino is always just Hoshino.

She has never been confused with the Japanese diplomatic mission, or even the entire Japanese country. "

"Yeah, Que'er understands."

"It's good to understand, next time you don't ask these stupid questions."

Suzaku grinned, and threw himself directly into Young Master Liu's arms.

"Then, our business is over, young master, shouldn't it be time for you to pass Que'er's beauty?"

The corner of Liu Mingzhi's mouth raised, and he directly picked up the beautiful woman and walked towards the soft bed next to the bookshelf.

After a long time.

Naturally, the sound of the Phoenix moved, and the Suzaku cried tenderly.

(End of this chapter)

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