Chapter 2948
Liu Mingzhi looked up at the beautiful woman's light eyes full of anticipation again, and leaned on the chair in a comfortable posture.

"Hoshino, today is the day of the Great Court Assembly, before I came to you, I just came out of the palace.

Not only do I feel the respect you Japanese missions have for me and Dalong, but also the civil and military officials in the court.

It can be said that I and all the civil and military officials have a very good feeling for your Japanese diplomatic mission.

As for rewarding the excellent military equipment of the Japanese embassy, ​​before I left the palace, I had a detailed discussion with several important court officials. "

Sakai Hoshino sat on the chair next to Liu Mingzhi, his hands were tightly clutching the hem of his clothes, his eyes were a little excited, but also vaguely uneasy.

"Well, what's the result? What's the result?"

After talking for so long, Liu Mingzhi felt that his tongue was a little dry, moved his shoulders, and reached out to pick up the tea on the table.

"Hoshino, the tea hasn't stayed overnight, has it?"

Sakai Hoshino waved his hands quickly, got up and walked in front of Liu Mingzhi.

"I didn't spend the night, I didn't spend the night, this is the tea that Hoshino prepared in the morning.

It's just that Hoshino has already drunk this cup of tea, so Hoshino will pour you another cup. "

As the beauty spoke, she stretched out her hand to take the teacup in Liu Mingzhi's hand.

Seeing this, Liu Mingzhi skillfully avoided the beauty's movements, took advantage of the opportunity to embrace the beauty's waist, which was barely enough to hold, and gently hugged her onto his lap.

"It's okay, if you drink it, drink it, I can still despise you, it's not because someone else drank it."

Liu Mingzhi replied indifferently, put the tea into his mouth directly, and then put the teacup back on the table.

Sakai Hoshino saw that Liu Mingzhi had already drank the tea, so he didn't say anything else.

She looked down at Liu Mingzhi's hands tightly hugging her waist, leaned sideways and silently leaned on Liu Mingzhi's shoulder, a pair of slender lotus arms naturally wrapped around his neck.

"Liu Jun, go ahead."

"Actually, there is nothing that needs to be stated one by one, but for the sake of Hoshino's expectation, I will give you a reassurance.

Before leaving the palace, I have already ordered several important ministers in the court to give you a final answer in three days. "

The beautiful lady straightened her waist, the anxiety in the depths of her eyes slowly disappeared, and she instantly became smiling.

"Three days? Just wait another three days?"

"Yes, just wait another three days.

Three days later, the imperial court will give you a final result. "

Sakai Hoshino couldn't help but let go of the slender fingers that were wrapping around Young Master Liu's neck, patted hard, and smiled gratefully at Liu Mingzhi with a pretty face.

"Great, great, He Er and Shi Qiao-jun finally don't have to wait aimlessly."

Liu Mingzhi saw the overjoyed and excited look on the beautiful woman's pretty face, and he picked up the cloud gauze ribbon around her waist with his fingers and gently played with it.


"Hey, Mr. Liu, tell me."

The official business of this mission to Dalong is about to be settled, and the burden in the beauty's heart has finally been lifted.

Hearing First Young Master Liu call his name, the answering voice was much lighter and softer.

"I can indeed give you an accurate answer three days later, but you are not afraid of the final result, isn't it the result you want?"

The joy on the beauty's delicate face was slightly taken aback, she pursed her red lips and remained silent for a moment, then nodded calmly to Young Master Liu.

"Scared! Very scared!"

"Since you're afraid, you're still so happy? Don't you worry that after three days, extreme joy will turn into sorrow?"

"Liu Jun, Hoshino told you a few days ago, if the result is unsatisfactory, at least He'er and Shi Qiao-jun still have time to think of other ways.

Apart from the method Liu Jun you bestowed on us to envoy soldiers, maybe the two of them can find other ways to help the elder brother in crisis.

As long as there is no complete desperation, it means that there is still hope for everything. "

Sakai Hoshino exhaled the fragrance softly, sat up straight in Liu Mingzhi's arms, and looked at him quietly with a solemn expression.

"Liu Jun, no matter what the result is after three days, I will face it bravely.

Even if it wasn't the result Hoshino wanted, I accepted it.

Having a result is better than continuing to wait aimlessly.

To tell you the truth, Hoshino is afraid that the final result will not be what I want.

I am afraid that you, Mr. Liu, will deny our mission's request, and the family will be precarious under the combination of the royal army and the Goguryeo army because they will not receive the support of sophisticated military equipment.

I am afraid that my brother will retreat steadily under the enemy's attack, and finally be in danger because of waiting for no help.

I'm even more afraid that my brother will lose his life because he can't think about it for a while because of the loss of his ancestor's foundation.

I was also afraid of losing my home and becoming a homeless person.

However, no matter how afraid you are, you still have to face it. "

Liu Mingzhi looked at the pretty face of the beautiful woman who was both happy and slightly sad, he frowned slightly and let out a sigh of relief, and cursed this guy Sakai in his heart.

If Kazuko Sakai didn't tell Hoshino the truth, why would Hoshino worry about him here.

For a moment, Liu Mingzhi almost couldn't help telling this silly woman in his arms the truth about the current situation of this guy Sakai.

Let her know what the situation of her brother, who she has been worrying about all this time, is like at this moment.

So that she can be a little less worried and a little more happy.

This thought flashed through his mind, but Liu Mingzhi finally held back.

If Kazuko Sakai knew that he already knew his true situation, the things he planned later might also be affected.

That being the case, let him continue to expand.

I have been coveting the silver mountains in the Wa country for a long time.

No, it should be said that it is not only the silver mountains of the Wa country, but the entire territory of the Wa country.

In other words, all the territories in the world are within his expectations.

The ambition in my heart.

It has never been just the so-called kingdom of heaven, and all nations come to court.

At this point in the matter, no matter how entangled my heart is, I have to hold back.

In any case, you can't lose the big because of small things.


Jiaren suppressed the melancholy in her heart, pulled herself together, and continued to look at Liu Mingzhi with a smile on her face.

"Huh? What's wrong?"

"How about I tell you some good news?"

"Huh? What good news?"

Liu Mingzhi raised his brows, and moved towards the beauty's delicate red lips with a smile.

"I'm going to tell you good news, Hoshino, don't you say so?"

Seeing Young Master Liu's movements, Sakai Hoshino dodged back subconsciously.

Even though I have already married as a woman and become someone else's wife.

Even though I have reached the age of the middle-aged lady in Dalong Customs, past the age of first love.

Even though I have already had skin-to-skin contact with Liu Jun several times, when faced with such an intimate act of teasing him, I still couldn't help but tremble in my heart, and my pretty face turned red.

This kind of feeling is what I want, but it is what I can't face calmly.

"No, Liu Jun, you are too bad, you just know how to bully me."

"If you really don't want to say it, then I won't say it."

"Are you sure? Is it really good news?"

"If you don't believe it, forget it, and I won't waste my tongue."

The beauty snorted pretending to be angry, turned her beautiful eyes and pondered for a moment, her eyelashes trembled slightly, and kissed Liu Mingzhi's lips lightly.

But when the beauty wanted to leave at the first touch, she found that Liu Mingzhi had already restrained her waist.

After a long time, the beautiful woman let out a long breath with red lips and beautiful eyes, and gave Young Master Liu a blank look with resentment.

"Bad Mr. Liu, you will bully me."

"Hehehe, good Hoshino, I told you just now.

You are my Liu Mingzhi's woman, if I don't bully you, who am I bullying? "

"Hmph, I knew that every time you come to me alone, nothing good will happen.

In addition to being taken advantage of by you, I am still taken advantage of by you. "

"Then do you like being taken advantage of by your man?"

"do not know."

"do not know?"

"Well, I don't know."

"Hehe, it seems that my young master's expression is not enough, then I will express it better."

Sakai Hoshino looked at Young Master Liu's face, which was about to come closer after a disagreement, and nodded quickly.

"Got it, got it, Hoshino knows it."

"Then tell me, whether you like it or not."

"Like it, like it.

Now you can tell Hoshino the good news, right? "

Liu Mingzhi nodded in satisfaction, raised his hand to pinch the beautiful lady's black hair scattered around her earlobe, gently wrapped it around her fingertips a few times, and looked at the beautiful lady with a hint of constriction.

"The good news is that I have agreed to your mission's request."


Jiaren asked in surprise, her pretty face was stunned, and she stared at Young Master Liu for a long time without reacting.

What?Liu Jun, what did he just say?
She never felt that there was anything wrong with her ears. For the first time, she began to wonder if there was something wrong with her ears.

Liu Mingzhi looked at the disbelieving expression on the beauty's pretty face, and the smile in his eyes became more and more obvious.

"I said, I have already agreed to your mission's request for rewarding military equipment."

Jiaren heard Eldest Young Master Liu's words again, and immediately recovered from her daze, and then hugged his neck, her beautiful eyes flashed with excitement that had never appeared in these days.

"Liu Jun, what did you say? Did you agree? Liu Jun, you already agreed?
But didn't you tell Hoshino just now that the final result will not come until three days later? "

Seeing the excitement in Jiaren's beautiful eyes, Liu Mingzhi wanted to say something, but Jiaren kept dangling her arms around his neck, never giving him a chance to speak.

"Liu Jun, don't be silent.

Oh, Mr. Liu, you are so worried about Hoshino, tell me, did you tell me just now that you have agreed to He Er's request?

You speak quickly, you speak quickly. "

Liu Mingzhi raised his hand and pressed the beauty's fragrant shoulders, and heaved a helpless expression.

"Huh——Hoshino, if you keep grabbing my neck and continuing to shake it, it's not a question of whether I can speak or not, but a question of whether I have the life to speak.

Didn't you feel that my neck was about to be broken by you? "

Sakai Hoshino was stunned for a moment, and instinctively set his eyes on Liu Mingzhi's neck.

When the beauty saw the clear red marks on Young Master Liu's neck, she realized why Jun Liu hadn't spoken just now.

He also realized how much strength he had put on Liu Mingzhi's neck with his hands just now because he was too excited.

Seeing the red mark on Liu Mingzhi's neck becoming more and more clear, the beauty's beautiful eyes were filled with distress and self-blame.

At the same time, more people are still nervous.

Sakai Hoshino stroked the red mark on Liu Mingzhi's neck a few times with his fingers, and a little mist could not help but condense in his beautiful eyes.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, Hoshino didn't mean it, Hoshino didn't mean it.

Liu Jun, does your neck hurt? "

Liu Mingzhi looked at Jiaren's bewildered and uneasy expression, raised his hand and rubbed his neck a few times disapprovingly.

Apart from some heat in my neck, I don't feel any pain at all.

"Hoshino, is the red mark obvious?"

"Well, it wasn't particularly obvious at first, but now it's becoming more and more obvious.

Liu Jun, Hoshino knew he was wrong, please don't be angry. "

Liu Mingzhi smiled lightly and shook his head, ticking the tip of the beauty's straight nose with his fingers.

"Don't worry, I won't be angry, your man, I am a man of seven feet, and I am not a fragile flower bone.

It's just a few red marks on his neck, so you have nothing to worry about. "

Sakai Hoshino rubbed the red mark on Liu Mingzhi's neck with a regretful expression on his pretty face, his face still showing self-blame.

"Liu Jun, according to your dragon's law, Hoshino has already committed a crime of treason."

"Hey, it's not as serious as you said, the Great Dragon Law is not so harsh.

Although Dalong has the saying that the majesty of an emperor should not be violated lightly, it also depends on the situation.

The officials scolded the emperor angrily, and the courtiers' outright persuasion were all actions that offended the emperor's face, but according to the Dalong Law, this kind of behavior was not illegal.

Because this is the right given to them by the emperor, and it is also the right given to them by the Law of the Great Dragon.

If he kills him if he doesn't agree with each other, then no one in Dalong would dare to become an official. "


"Of course it's true, but it's also personal."


"Some emperors are narrow-minded and can't listen to blunt advice, so they will be angry with those courtiers.

Emperors like this are faint kings.

But Mingjun is different, not only endured the scolding of the officials, but also listened to the outspoken advice of his courtiers.

Fortunately, your man, I am a wise gentleman with a broad mind. "

Seeing Liu Mingzhi's cheerful expression, Sakai Hoshino nodded half-understood.

"It seems that Hoshino still doesn't understand Dalong's culture enough"

"Hoshino, these things have nothing to do with whether you understand Dalong culture, you don't need to care about it, and you don't need to take it to heart.

I just hope you can understand that when the two of us are flirting, it's nothing at all if you make some red marks on your man's body.

Don't forget, the day we first became husband and wife, you scratched my back with your fingernails.

Didn't I say nothing?

Hoshino, how powerful you were that day, have you forgotten? "

When Sakai Hoshino heard that Liu Mingzhi suddenly changed the topic to the matter of the bed, the uneasiness on his pretty face was instantly replaced by embarrassment.

"Liu Jun, you."

Liu Mingzhi couldn't help laughing a few times when he saw the man in his arms looking extremely shy again.

"Hahaha, just stop being nervous and afraid. I'm really not angry."

"Hmm, Hoshino understands, doesn't your neck really hurt?"

Liu Mingzhi didn't answer the beauty's question, but without any warning, he stretched out his hand and tugged on the beauty's jade neck.

Then, under her puzzled gaze, he got up and hugged her and walked towards the full-length mirror next to the bed.

Liu Mingzhi stopped in front of the full-length mirror, nuzui gestured towards the full-length mirror.

"Look, do you have any red marks on your neck?"

"Well, yes."

"So your neck hurts?"

The beauty was startled for a moment, and instantly understood what Liu Mingzhi meant.

"Liu Jun, you are so kind."

"You just understand."

After the worry in her heart subsided, Jiaren suddenly realized that she still had a lot of questions that she hadn't asked yet.

"Liu Jun, let me go first, I haven't figured out about the reward yet?"

Liu Mingzhi looked down at the beautiful woman's pretty face showing doubts again, smiled lightly and walked towards the bed two steps away.

Gently placing the beautiful woman on the bed, Liu Mingzhi lay lazily on the pillow at the head of the bed.

"Any questions?"

"Liu Jun, you just said that you have agreed to He Er's marriage proposal.

That being the case, why did you tell Hoshino at the beginning that the final result would take three days?
Hoshino is almost confused by you, what's going on? "

Liu Mingzhi turned sideways slightly, raised his hand and patted the beauty's buttocks.

"Silly Hoshino, I have already agreed to your nephew's request.

However, there is also the Ministry of War below, as well as general supervisors, military supervisors and other government offices to coordinate this matter.

Doesn't it take time to calculate the number of rewards and equipment?Doesn't it take time to determine where to mobilize troops?

Three days is fast enough. "

After Sakai Hoshino listened to Liu Mingzhi's explanation, he stared at him foolishly and remained silent for a long time, then cheered with a smile on his face, and threw himself into Liu Mingzhi's arms.

"So, Liu Jun, you have rewarded us with military equipment, and it is already a sure-fire result?"


"Ah? What's wrong?"

Liu Mingzhi saw the nervous and pretty face of the man in his arms, hugged the beautiful woman's weak and boneless waist, turned over slightly and pressed the beautiful woman under him.

"It's safe."

Sakai Hoshino looked at Liu Mingzhi's smirk, and snorted with a pretty face pretending to be angry.

"Hmph! Liu Jun, you are so bad, you almost scared me to death."



"I helped you solve such a big problem, and you can let go of the burden in your heart.

For my great benefactor, how do you plan to repay me? "

Sakai Hoshino looked at Young Master Liu's resolute face with tender eyes, and stared at Young Master Liu for a long time with trembling slender eyelashes.

"I, I listen to you."


"Well, I sweated a lot when I went to the street to buy fabrics, so I'll take a shower first."

"I walked around the street for a long time, bought you a hosta, and sweated a lot."

As Liu Mingzhi talked, he took out from his cuff the jasper hairpin he had bought for the beautiful woman on the street, and put it in front of the beautiful woman with a smile.


The beauty's beautiful eyes looked at the jade hairpin in Young Master Liu's hand in a daze, and she replied like a mosquito.


After a long time, a beautiful woman's voice of joy and resentment came from the boudoir.

"Liu Jun, are you just holding on like this? It's strange... eh!"

After a while, the beauty's boudoir was already full of spring scenery,

(End of this chapter)

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