My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 2962 Candle before the wind, lamp in the rain

Chapter 2962 Candle before the wind, lamp in the rain

Liu Mingzhi's master and servant quickly got off their horses, took the reins and rushed towards the gate of the Miao village, which was more than a hundred paces away.

When the two of them and four horses were still twenty or thirty steps away from the gate of the village, four or five young Miao men suddenly ran out of the gate of the village.

Four or five young men looked at the two of them carefully, and surrounded them with Miao Dao.

Liu Song hastily stood in front of First Young Master Liu, pressing his right hand on the hilt of the sword at his waist.

"Master, be careful."

Liu Mingzhi glanced at the five young Miao people calmly, then raised his hand and patted Liu Song's shoulder.

"Liu Song, don't be nervous, they are the guardians of the Miao Village.

They should be wary when they see strangers, it is their duty as village guards, and they have no malice towards us. "

Sure enough, the Miao man standing directly in front saw the calm reaction of Liu Mingzhi and the two, put down the Miao knife in his hand, and punched Liu Mingzhi.

"Little Wu Sang has met Mr. Liu, but if he dares to ask, his surname is Liu?"

Liu Mingzhi put the reins of the horse into Liu Song's hand, took two steps forward, and nodded to the young man named Wu Sang calmly.

"That's right, my surname is Liu, sir."

When Wu Sang heard that Liu Mingzhi had admitted his surname, his expression suddenly became happy, and he hurriedly waved his hand to signal a companion around him to put down the Miao Dao in his hand.

"See His Majesty the Emperor in Wushan, long live my emperor."


"Wooden teeth."

"Blue Mountain."


"See Your Majesty the Emperor, long live my emperor."

Liu Mingzhi looked at the five people who saluted him, and immediately put his hands up.

"No gift, no gift."

"Thank you, Your Majesty the Emperor."

Liu Mingzhi looked up at the gate of the village in the distance, then turned to look at the young man in charge.

"Wushanli, are you waiting for me on purpose?"

"Go back to Your Majesty."

"In the mountains."

"His Majesty the Emperor?"

"I came to you Miaojiang this time, and I went on a tour in low clothes, and you don't need to talk to your Majesty the Emperor.

My age is a little older than you strong boys, you can call me Mr. Liu, you can also call me Uncle Liu.

As for how to shout, you can decide for yourself. "

Wu Shanli was stunned, and scratched his forehead in embarrassment.


"That's it."

"Yes, Your Majesty, no, no, Mr. Liu."

"Well, that's right, you go on."

"Go back to Mr. Liu, after Aunt Qinglian returned to the village, she told our elder that you, Mr. Liu, will come to our village in a few days.

The Great Elder was worried that Mr. Liu, after you arrived in our Miao village, some blind guy would accidentally bump into you, so he ordered our brothers and others to wait behind the gate of the village day and night.

Our brothers and others have been waiting for shifts for several days, so it can be regarded as waiting for you, Mr. Liu. "

"So that's the case, thank you for your hard work."

With a simple and honest smile on Wu Shanli's face, he looked at First Young Master Liu excitedly, and shook his head generously.

"It's not hard work, it's not hard work, we can see your dignity, Mr. Liu, and it's too late to be happy.

That's right, Mr. Liu, you can go in with the villain. "

"Okay, thank you for leading the way."

"It should be, it should be, Mr. Liu and this gentleman, please come to the village quickly."


"Big brother."

"Go and notify the First Elder immediately, and tell him that Mr. Liu has arrived."

"Yes, I'll go right now."

Just as Liu Mingzhi was about to reach out to stop him, the young man named Wu Feng had already run into the Miao village with the wind.

"In the mountains, in your Miaojiang, I'm just a guest from afar, you don't need to go to war like this."

"Mr. Liu, this is not what a villain means. It is the Elder who told us about our brothers. Mr. Liu, when you arrive at our village, you must inform him as quickly as possible.

If we neglect, the Great Elder will punish our brothers. "

Liu Mingzhi looked at Wu Shanli's serious expression, nodded with a wry smile, and couldn't say anything more.

After entering the village gate, Liu Mingzhi looked around the village habitually.

"Sir, what are you looking at?

If you have any curiosity, just ask the villain directly, and the villain will definitely explain everything to you. "

"It's nothing, I'm just a little surprised at the current size of your village, compared to many years ago, the size of your village is several times larger.

Let's not talk about this for now, just take me to your Aunt Qinglian. "

"Yes, yes, Mr. Liu, this way please."

Liu Mingzhi nodded slightly, turned around and looked at Liu Song stretching out his arms.

"Liu Song, a gift."


Liu Song hurriedly handed the brocade box in Liu Mingzhi's hand, then took the rein of the horse and walked towards the tethering post behind the gate of the village.

"Mu Ya, hurry up and help that gentleman tie his horse."

"yes, Sir."

After about a cup of tea, Liu Mingzhi followed behind them in Wushan, and rushed all the way to the outside of Aunt Qinglian's house.

"Mr. Liu, we brothers won't go in. If you need anything, just call us."

"Well, it's work."

"Don't dare, Mr. Liu please."

Holding the gift box in his hand, Liu Mingzhi walked towards the bamboo house not far away, and saw the beautiful figure busy outside the bamboo house at a glance.


Qianying, who was busy, trembled slightly, and hurriedly turned around to look behind her, no doubt it was Qi Yun.

"Husband, you have arrived."

Liu Mingzhi looked at the excited Qi Yun with a pretty face, and hurriedly put his finger on his lips as a gesture.

Qi Yun instantly understood what her husband meant, covered her cherry lips, and glanced sideways at the bamboo house behind her.

Liu Mingzhi walked towards Qi Yun softly, and glanced at the stove next to the beauty.

"Yun'er, this is?"

"Husband, this concubine is boiling medicine at my mother's old man's house!"

"Lian'er, where are sister Ya and the others?"

"Sister, Sister Lian'er and the others are staying with Aunt and her old lady in the room."

Liu Mingzhi raised his head and glanced at the bamboo house more than ten steps away, stretched out his hand and pulled Qi Yun's sleeve and walked towards the corner next to the bamboo house.

"Yun'er, tell my husband and mother how her health is doing?

What do the doctors who let the old man find for their husbands say? "

Qi Yun glanced back at the door of the bamboo house, and sighed softly.

"It's not ideal. After the doctors diagnosed my mother's pulse, they all shook their heads and sighed.

Although they didn't say anything to the concubine sisters, their reactions already explained everything. "

Liu Mingzhi looked up at the bamboo house a dozen steps away, and sighed with his brows tightly furrowed.

"How is Lian Er now? Is she in good health?"

"Sister Lian'er can forcefully control her emotions when she is with Grandmother, and as soon as Grandmother rests, she will wash her face with tears when she comes out.

Her physical convenience is not a big problem for the time being, but for a few days in a row, Sister Lian'er hasn't had a proper meal.

Especially in the past two days, she only drank a few mouthfuls of thin porridge for each meal and got it done hastily.

If it goes on like this, sooner or later, the body will be overwhelmed.

The concubine sisters tried to persuade her one by one several times, but it didn't work at all. "

"Oh, what a silly girl!"

"Husband, the concubine sisters discussed it in private without telling Lianer sister, and they have similar ideas with minor differences.

Aunt's physical condition is probably not caused by illness! "

Liu Mingzhi was shocked, and he couldn't help clenching his fists.

"It's not a disease!"

Qi Yun looked at her husband's frowning, and nodded her head melancholy.

"Yes, it's not a disease, but really old.

Presumably Lian'er's younger sister also knew what was going on, but she was foolishly unwilling to believe or admit it. "

Liu Mingzhi handed the brocade box to Qi Yun's hand, and casually untied the pipe from his waist.

After a while, Liu Mingzhi smashed the cigarette holder vigorously, and exhaled light smoke from his mouth with a complicated expression.

"Yun'er, how long do you think my mother can last?"

"I don't understand medicine and pharmacology, so I dare not talk nonsense."

Liu Mingzhi breathed out the smoke with a gloomy expression, as if thinking of something, he hurriedly looked towards Qi Yun.

"Mr. Sai Huatuo Sai, the imperial doctor Chu Renxin and the two of them have arrived?"

"It's here, it's already here. Mr. Saihua Tuo Sai has arrived four days ago, and the doctor Chu Renxin arrived at the Miao Village two nights ago."

"Both of them have also treated Aunt?"

"Yes, the two of them have already treated my mother and her elderly one after another."

"How to say?"

"Do your best."

Liu Mingzhi exhaled the smoke in his mouth, raised his hand and scratched vigorously on top of his head.

"Even the two of them have nothing to do?"

"Husband, birth, old age, sickness and death are...but...

Oh, let's take a closer look. "

"Master Sai, where are Chu Renxin and the others?"

Qi Yun raised her lotus root arm and pointed to the densely forested mountains in front of Liu Mingzhi's left.

"Grandpa Sai and the two of them turned on the lights last night to discuss until midnight, and went to the mountains and forests to gather herbs together early in the morning, and they haven't returned until now.

They have been up the mountain for a long time since the concubine sisters got up, so we don't know what the two of them discussed last night. "

Following the direction of Qi Yun's finger, Liu Mingzhi turned around and looked at the Shiwanda Mountain in the distance.

After staring straight at the lush and lush forest for a long time, Liu Mingzhi withdrew his gaze, leaned over and knocked out the ashes in the smoke pot under his feet.

"Let's go, let's go and visit Aunt and her old man first."




"What our husband and wife said just now, don't say it in front of Lian'er.

Whether she is clear about some things is her own business, so let's stop adding pressure to her with words.

I'm afraid that she won't be able to bear the pressure all of a sudden, and her body will show up again. "

"I know, I won't talk nonsense in front of Sister Lian'er.

Even if you don't explain your concubine's status to the deputy bureau, the concubine's sisters have already discussed it in private.

In the past few days, the concubine sisters have been trying every means to comfort sister Lian'er's mood! "

Liu Mingzhi pursed his lips and nodded, pinned the pipe on his waist, and walked towards the bamboo house with strides.

The couple whispered softly, and walked all the way into the bamboo house with a unique shape and a quiet environment.

"Sister, Sister Shan, Sister Lianer, my husband is here."

Qi Yun's voice broke the silence in the room, and everyone who was sitting on the chairs by the window in the inner room subconsciously looked in the direction of the main hall.


"Husband, you are here."

"Sisters who are concubines see their husbands."

"Baby Liu Yiyi."

"Baby Liu Feifei."

"Baby Liu Chengfeng."

"Meet Daddy."

Liu Mingzhi waved his hands casually, and quickly walked towards the bed in the inner room.

"Free, all free."

"Thank you husband."

"Thank you, Daddy."

Liu Mingzhi walked to the side of the bed, looked down at the old woman with a sallow complexion and a haggard face above the bed, a look of melancholy flashed in his eyes.

"My son-in-law, Liu Mingzhi, pay my respects to my mother.

My son-in-law is not filial, he is late. "

Qinglian's mother saw Young Master Liu who was standing on the bedside saluting to her, pressing her withered palms on the edge of the bed, as if she was about to get up to salute.

"Don't dare, Your Majesty, get up quickly.

Old body, old body see His Majesty the Emperor, long live the Emperor. "

Seeing Aunt Qinglian's actions, Liu Mingzhi quickly straightened up, stretched out his hands to support Aunt Qinglian's thin arms, and helped her half-ly on the pillow. "

"Mum, what are you doing, old man, how can an elder greet a younger generation!

You are Lian'er's mother, and you are also my son-in-law's mother. It is my son-in-law's duty to give you a present. "

The old man leaned on the pillow with difficulty, looked at the helpless Liu Mingzhi with kindness in his cloudy and dim eyes, and patted the edge of the bed lightly with his withered palms.

"Boy, sit down,"

Liu Mingzhi nodded heavily, and sat sideways on the bed, gently grasping the old man's withered palm.

"Hey, son-in-law, thank you, mother."

"My child, after all, you are the king of my country with the dragon in the sky, your Majesty the emperor of my dragon.

You are the monarch, and you are your subjects.

After the old man greets you with a big gift, we will be family members in the future. "

"Aunt, your old man is gone now."

"Son, it's not a stranger, it's a rule.

As the saying goes, cough cough cough, there is no rule without rules!

No matter how old she is, she is a woman who is about to die and her life is not long, and she also understands the principle that etiquette cannot be broken. "

"Mum, don't talk nonsense, you old man will live a long life."

"Son, don't comfort the old man, the old man's health is very clear in his heart.

The old man can survive until now, just want to take a look at his niece and daughter-in-law, and take a look at his great-grandnephew! "

Liu Mingzhi's arm trembled, looking sadly at the old man's sallow face, he was slightly afraid of hitting the old man's wrist.

"Mum, you old man will live a long life."

Liu Chengfeng, who was standing next to First Young Master Liu, plopped down on the head of the old man's bed, raised his hands and placed them on his grandmother's wrists.

"Grandma, Daddy is right, you will live a long life.

Will definitely live a long life. "

The old man withdrew his arm from Liu Mingzhi's hand, and with difficulty raised his hands and placed them on Liu Chengfeng's face.

"Good grandson, get up, it's cold on the ground."

Liu Chengfeng's already red eye sockets became a little red and swollen again. He raised his hand to support the old man's wrist, and water mist could not help but condense in his eyes.


Liu Yiyi and Liu Feifei also knelt behind their younger brother Liu Chengfeng, their beautiful faces were full of sadness.


The old man stroked the cheeks of Liu Yiyi and his brother one by one for a while, then turned to look at Liu Mingzhi.

"Son, my nephew and daughter-in-law, how long will it be before my nephew and grandson come to see me?"

"Mom, soon, soon.

Besides, no matter how long it takes for the two of them to get to Miaojiang, your old man will be safe and sound. "

When Qinglian's mother was about to say something, an old but powerful voice suddenly sounded from outside the room.

"Young ladies, young master Chengfeng, I'm back from collecting herbs."

Liu Mingzhi was overjoyed, and hurriedly got up and walked towards the main hall.

"Lian'er, Yun'er, politely, you sisters will accompany Aunt first, and go to see Mr. Sai for your husband."

"Hey, sister concubine knows."


"His Majesty?"

"The old man sees the young master."

"Veteran Chu Ren heartily sees His Majesty."

"Excuse me soon."

"Thank you, Master."

"Thank you, Your Majesty."

Liu Mingzhi turned his head and glanced at the inner room, then took Sai Huatuo's wrist and walked towards the courtyard.

"Old Sai, tell the truth to Master Ben, how is Aunt's health?"

Sai Huatuo looked at Liu Mingzhi's heavy face, stroked his gray beard, sighed and shook his head.

"Candle in front of the wind, lamp in the rain!"

(End of this chapter)

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