My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 2964 Unexpected visitor

Chapter 2964 Unexpected visitor
The bright moon hangs high, and the moonlight is bright and clean.

Liu Mingzhi, who was sleeping soundly in the bamboo hut, suddenly opened his eyes amidst a burst of suppressed crying.

He first blinked his sleepy eyes a few times vigorously, then propped his arms on the head of the bed and listened.

After a while, Liu Mingzhi directly raised his head and looked out of the window that was swaying with bright and clear light.

It's not a dream, someone is really crying softly outside the room.

Suddenly, Liu Mingzhi seemed to think of something, lifted the quilt on his body, got up and walked out of the room.

"Lian'er, it's Lian'er."

Liu Mingzhi was in a daze for a moment, and instantly understood who was crying softly outside the room.

Needless to say, it must be Lian Er, a silly woman.

After Liu Mingzhi walked out of the room quickly, he shook his dazed head slightly, listened to the source of the crying, and walked over lightly.

Following the direction of the crying sound, Liu Mingzhi walked over with light steps.

The suppressed crying sound was getting closer and clearer.

After Liu Mingzhi walked about [-] or [-] steps, he saw a beautiful figure squatting alone on the stone beside the fence wall, suppressing his voice and crying.

Sure enough, just as I guessed.

The crying person was Qinglian.

Under Liu Mingzhi's gaze, Qinglian's figure twitched from time to time, which was also mixed with the sobbing sound of the beautiful woman.

Liu Mingzhi sighed with a gloomy expression, rubbed his hands on his face, raised his feet and walked over silently.

The current appearance of Qinglian is exactly the same as the appearance of the three princesses after the death of her father Li Zhengdaxing.

All so sad, all so helpless.


When Qinglian heard her husband's deep words suddenly sounded behind her, her delicate body trembled suddenly, and she hurriedly raised her hands to wipe her cheeks.

"Husband... Husband, you are awake."

Liu Mingzhi lifted the hem of his clothes, bent down and squatted on the stone beside Qinglian, raised his arm and put his broad palm on the beautiful woman's fragrant shoulder.


"No, I just feel a little uncomfortable in my throat.

Husband, are you hungry now?The concubine is going to prepare a supper for you. "

As she spoke, Qinglian was about to get up, but was stopped by Liu Mingzhi's arm.

Liu Mingzhi turned his head and looked at the way the beauty looked away intentionally, sighed with distressed eyes, and pulled her into his arms slightly with his arms.

"Lian'er, I am your husband, and you are a good wife for your husband.

The two of us are a couple who stay together forever and grow old together.

Since the two of us are husband and wife, we should share the blessings and share the difficulties.

Why do you need to hide your sad things from your husband? "

Qinglian's delicate body trembled again, she raised her head and looked towards Liu Mingzhi with tears in her eyes.

"Husband, me."

Liu Mingzhi looked at Qinglian's weeping pear blossom and rainy appearance, and raised his hand to wipe the tears from the corners of the beauty's eyes, his eyes were full of distress.

"Lian'er, no matter how uncomfortable or pressure you feel in your heart, my husband is willing to share it with you, and Yun'er and the others are also willing to share it for you.

You bury everything in your heart like this, and carry it all by yourself, how can you feel at ease as a husband?

Silly Lian'er, if you do this, it will only make your husband feel more distressed!

What Weifu is most afraid of now is what happened to Lian Er's body.

Lian'er, if your body is any better, how will you make me your husband in the future? "

As Liu Mingzhi spoke, his voice choked up involuntarily.

In my own generation, I owe Qinglian too much.

Back then, when my husband and wife became husband and wife unintentionally, I didn't fulfill my duty as a husband.

When she was pregnant with Liujia, she needed someone to take care of her, and she needed someone to accompany her.

But I let her alone, helpless, living a fugitive life under the hunt of Ouchi's guards, hiding in Tibet.

It was not easy for the couple to reunite. Before they could live a good life for a few days, another event of disaster relief in Qingzhou happened.

That time, in order to save herself, Lian Er almost died at such a young age.

In my whole life, Qi Yun and all their sisters were added together.

The woman I owe the most is Qinglian. If she is overly sad, her body will be better or worse.

If you can't take your own life, at least you have to take half of your life.

"Lian'er, have you forgotten what my husband told you a few days ago?
No matter what happens, there is a husband!
They are all husbands! "

When Qinglian heard her husband's choked and hoarse voice, she buried her head in Liu Mingzhi's chest, hugged his waist with both arms and burst into tears.


What should Lianer do?What should Lianer do? "

Liu Mingzhi hurriedly patted the beautiful woman on the back, and comforted her softly: "It's okay, it's okay, Lian'er, don't worry, Auntie will be fine."


When Qinglian heard her husband's comforting words, she felt even more grief from her heart, she no longer restrained her voice, hugged Liu Mingzhi and burst into tears.

"Cry, cry, it feels good to cry, don't suppress your emotions anymore."

While Liu Mingzhi was comforting Qinglian softly, at some point, several figures had already gathered in the courtyard behind the two of them.

These figures were Qi Yun and her sisters who also heard the crying and came out of the room to watch the situation, as well as Liu Yiyi, Liu Feifei, and Liu Chengfeng siblings.

Liu Chengfeng rubbed his red forehead and eye sockets, then turned to look at Qi Yun who was standing next to him.

"Aunt Yun, should we go there?"

When Liu Yiyi and sister heard the younger brother's question, they hurriedly nodded in agreement.

"Aunt Yun, all aunts, do we want to comfort father and mother?"

"Aunt Yun, grandma will be fine, right?"

Qi Yun saw the helpless look on the pretty faces of the two sisters Liu Yiyi, who was about to cry, and raised a pair of lotus root arms to embrace the two sisters in his arms.

"Yiyi, Feifei, my mother's silly daughter, don't think about it, don't think about it."

Qi Yun comforted the two daughters in her arms softly, but did not directly address the problems in the hearts of the two sisters.

It's not that she doesn't want to answer, but that she doesn't know how to answer.

Qi Ya, the Empress, Murong Shan, Yun Qingshi and the other sisters looked at each other silently, and also waited in silence.

Like Qi Yun, they didn't know what to say.

They don't know in their hearts that the three children are not fools.

They must have already seen what should be seen.

If you say something at this time, it is better to be silent.

"Yiyi, Feifei, Chengfeng, let's not disturb your father and the others, let them be alone for a while."

"Well, the child understands."

"It's Aunt Yun."

"Feifei, Yiyi, the two of you sisters are going to see your grandma. If she needs anything, please come and inform your aunts immediately."

"Hey, Sister Hai'er knows."

"Chengfeng, go and rest early."

"Aunt Yun, these aunts, the boy is not tired, and the boy wants to take care of grandma and her elderly with the two sisters."

"Chengfeng, you are already a manly man now, and if there is any trouble, you will need to run back and forth. It's okay if your body can't keep up."

"Aunt Yun."

"Huh? Why? You don't even listen to my mother?"

"I don't dare, I don't dare, I don't dare, I go to rest now."

Qi Yun looked up at the backs of Liu Mingzhi and Qinglian, and sighed melancholy.

"Sisters, let's go to rest too.

Sister Lian'er was already under a lot of pressure, and now that she has survived today, she will definitely not be very energetic tomorrow.

Our sisters will go to rest first, and will take good care of Aunt and her elders instead of her tomorrow. "

The beauties didn't say much, and silently nodded their heads for a gesture, and walked lightly with lotus steps to the bamboo house not far away.

Qi Yun and the other sisters said they were going to rest, but could they finally rest with peace of mind?

It is still unknown.

Liu Mingzhi turned his head and glanced at the people who went back to the house one after another behind him, and continued to gently pat the beautiful woman in his arms who was still crying bitterly.

Time passed quietly, I don't know how long it has passed.

The bright moon hanging high in the night sky has shifted a lot at some point.

Liu Mingzhi looked down at Qinglian, who was tired from crying and fell into a deep sleep at some point, and took off his outer robe lightly, and put it on the beautiful woman's delicate body carefully.

Qinglian seemed to be aware of it, but also seemed to be talking in her sleep, she snuggled tightly into Liu Mingzhi's arms.

"Husband, I'm cold."

Liu Mingzhi hurriedly lowered his head to look at the beautiful woman in his arms, and reached out to stroke her coiled hair a few times.

As soon as the palm of his hand fell on Qinglian's hair, Liu Mingzhi felt the moistness of her hair after being wet with dew.

Liu Mingzhi looked up at the bright moon in the sky that had tilted, and reached out his hand to touch the top of his head.

It's still moist.

The moonlight is bright and pleasant tonight.

The dew is also thicker!
"Lian'er, the dew is heavy, let's go back."


"The dew is heavy, let's go back."


Liu Mingzhi didn't know if Qinglian was talking in her sleep, or if she was answering while half asleep, so he picked her up with his arms slightly, and walked silently towards the bamboo house in the courtyard.

A moment later, Liu Mingzhi put Qinglian into the already cool bed, and lay sideways on the side.

the following afternoon.

Several luxurious carriages stopped outside the gate of the village.

In Wushan, when they saw the horses and chariots parked outside the gate of the village, they hurriedly turned around and ran towards the inside of the village.

"Mr. Liu, Aunt Qinglian, the carriage—

Phew—the carriage, here comes the carriage. "

Liu Mingzhi and the others who were discussing something in the courtyard heard shouts from Wushan, and stood up from the stone bench.

Liu Mingzhi put down a plant of herbs in his hand, and quickly walked towards Wushanli who was running towards the gate of the courtyard.

"In the mountains, is the carriage coming?"

"That's right, Mr. Liu, there are several carriages here!"

Liu Mingzhi quickly patted Wu Shanli on the shoulder, turned around and waved to Qing Lian, her sisters and others, and hurriedly walked towards the debt gate.

"Lian'er, Yun'er, Yan'er and Serena are here, hurry up and pick them up."


"I'm coming."

"It can be regarded as coming, it can be regarded as coming."

When Liu Mingzhi and the others rushed to the gate of the village, the people they saw were not the three princesses Li Yan and Huang Lingyi they had been waiting for, and Serena and Liu Chenyu their wives.

The people who came were a group of people who were unexpected by all of them.

Liu Zhi'an tidied up his robes, looked at the stunned eldest son and his daughters-in-law, and walked towards the gate of the village with the gift box.

"Are you so surprised to see the old man and others?"

Mrs. Liu, Bai Bing, and Young Master Liu's two brothers, Liu Mingli, Liu Mingjie, and Young Master Liu's younger sister, Liu Xuan, also carried a gift box each, and followed Liu Zhian leisurely.

Liu Mingzhi came back to his senses, and greeted him with both astonishment and surprise.

"Old man, mother, Mingli, Mingjie, Xuan'er, why are you here?"

Liu Zhi'an handed the gift box in his hand to Liu Yuan who was following beside him, raised his head and looked at the scenery inside the village.

"What? The old man's in-laws are sick, can't the old man come and visit?"

"No, that's not what I meant, it's just a little unexpected."

"Daughter-in-law and sisters pay respects to father and mother."

"Granddaughter Liu Yiyi."

"Granddaughter Liu Feifei."

"Grandson Liu Chengfeng."

"Greetings Grandpa, Greetings Grandma."

"Good boy, excuse me, quickly excuse me."

"Thank you grandpa, thank you grandma."

"Little brother Liu Mingli."

"Little sister Liu Xuan."

"Little brother Liu Mingjie."

"I've seen my elder brother, I've seen all my sister-in-laws."


"The two uncles are exempt, and the younger sister is exempt."

"Thank you brother, thank you sisters-in-law."

"Lian'er, Yun'er, Wanyan, Qingshi, don't be cold, hurry up and accept the gift from Mother and the others."

"Yes, yes, I know."

Liu Mingzhi saw Qinglian, her sisters and others greet Mrs. Liu and the others, and walked towards his old man.

"Old man, what's the situation? Why did you come here?"

Liu Zhi'an glanced back at Mrs. Liu and Qi Yun who were greeting each other, squinted his eyes and walked towards the gate of the village first.

"Lian'er, Yun'er, Wanyan, you sisters, quickly lead the way for mother, Mingli, Mingjie and little sister."

"Hey, sister concubine knows."

Liu Mingzhi explained to all the beauties, and started to follow Liu Zhian.

"Old man, what's going on? Why did you, mother, and Mingli come to Miaojiang?"

Liu Zhi'an glanced sideways at First Young Master Liu, and casually untied the pipe from his waist.

Although Liu Mingzhi was full of doubts, he still took out his own pocket book directly from his cuff.

Liu Zhi installed the shredded tobacco, lit the shredded tobacco on the torch that his son was blowing, and lightly puffed out a puff of light smoke.

"The old man first received your biography, and later received the biography of the girl Xuan'er.

When the old man saw the content of Xuan'er's letter, I knew that the matter on my mother's side must be serious.

Otherwise, you definitely wouldn't be so violent.

The old man was worried, and after discussing with your mother, they rushed to Miaojiang together. "

"So it is."

"Tell me quickly, how is your mother-in-law?"

(End of this chapter)

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