Chapter 2980

After Wen Ren Yunjian's family of four got up, Liu Mingzhi tidied up his clothes, and punched Wen Ren Yunjian and Chu Youhe with a smile on his lips.

"Little brother Liu Mingzhi, I have met my elder brother and my sister-in-law, so be polite."

Liu Mingzhi is well aware of the principle of reciprocity, Wen Renyunjian and his wife are his wife's eldest brother and sister-in-law.

As the eldest brother and sister-in-law, they have already greeted themselves.

As the brother-in-law of their husband and wife, how could he not return a salute.

When Wen Renyunjian saw that Liu Mingzhi actually saluted his husband and wife, his expression became cramped instantly, watching Liu Mingzhi wave his hands again and again.

"Don't dare, please excuse me, Your Majesty."

Chu Youhe stood beside her husband at a loss, looking at Liu Mingzhi nervously, although he didn't say anything, he waved his hands hastily.

"Thank you brother, thank you sister-in-law."

"Don't dare, don't dare."

Wenren Yun Shu walked to Liu Mingzhi's side lightly, and smiled sweetly at her elder brother and sister-in-law.

"Little sister has heard about Yunshu, met elder brother and sister-in-law."

"Little sister, please forgive me."

"Little sister, please forgive me."

Compared with the cramped appearance when they faced Young Master Liu, Wenren Yunjian and his wife looked more like a soldier when they faced Wenren Yunshu, a younger sister.

For the two of them, Liu Mingzhi, the king of a country, is in front of the current emperor.

The pressure on my heart is not insignificant.

"Thank you brother, thank you sister-in-law."

Wenren Yun Shu thanked her with a smile on her face, and stood up straight gracefully.

Wen Renyunjian breathed a sigh of relief, turned his body sideways and waved his hand as a gesture.

"Your Majesty, little sister, let's stop standing and sit inside."

Liu Mingzhi casually looked at the layout in the main hall, smiled lightly and walked towards the chair next to him.

"Brother, sister-in-law, please sit down too."

"Okay, okay, sit here, sit here."

Wenren Yun Shu silently followed behind her husband, looking at her elder brother and sister-in-law with a slightly nervous expression, her pretty face shook her head helplessly.

She can naturally see how reserved her elder brother and sister-in-law are now.

Obviously, his status as a husband brought pressure on the couple.

Not the usual big.

"Brother, sister-in-law."

After Wenren Yunjian and his wife saw Liu Mingzhi sitting down, they were just about to sit down when they heard the greeting from their younger sister Wenren Yunshu, and they subconsciously stopped wanting to sit down.

"Huh? Little sister?"

"Little sister, what, what's the matter?"

Wenren Yunshu sighed helplessly with a pretty face, and walked in front of Wenren Yunjian, Chu Youhe and his wife with light lotus steps.

Under the puzzled eyes of the couple, Wenren Yunshu raised his slender hands and put them on the shoulders of the two, and pushed them to sit on the chairs one after another.

"Brother, sister-in-law, why are you so nervous?

Did the two of you forget what my little sister told you two in the morning?
Didn't I tell you already?Husband, he rarely cares about these red tapes.

You can call him by his first name, or call him brother-in-law.

Don't be so formal,"
Wenren Yunjian, Chu Youhe and his wife looked at each other silently, looked at Wenren Yunshu with embarrassing eyes and shook his head gently.

"I haven't forgotten, I haven't forgotten."

"Little sister, my sister-in-law has not forgotten, she remembers every word you said.

But, but. "

While speaking with slightly parted red lips, Chu Youhe sneaked a glance at Liu Mingzhi who was sitting diagonally opposite.

"However, my sister-in-law just couldn't help feeling nervous.

After all, brother-in-law, brother-in-law is His Majesty the Emperor. "

Wenren Yun Shu was about to say something, but Liu Mingzhi spoke first.


"Hey, husband."

"Sit down, too."

"Yes, I know."

Wenren Yunshu heard her husband's words, turned around, walked to Liu Mingzhi and sat down on the chair.

"Brother, sister-in-law."

"His Majesty."

"Brother, sister-in-law.

You are Shu'er's big brother and sister-in-law, and you are also my Liu Mingzhi's big brother and sister-in-law.

We are all one family, you have one Majesty, one Majesty.

Brother, I really feel a little uncomfortable listening to this.

As Shuer said just now, I really don't care much about these red tapes on weekdays.

Brother, sister-in-law, if you are not used to calling me by my name, you can just call me brother-in-law.

There are not so many rules in the family. "

Wen Renyunjian frowned slightly and pondered for a moment, then looked at Liu Mingzhi and nodded with difficulty.

"This! That! Then the eldest brother will dare to call you brother-in-law."

"Hey, that's right!"

Seeing Young Master Liu's cheerful reaction, the tension in Wenren Yunshu's heart gradually eased a little.


Chu Youhe took a deep breath, looked at Liu Mingzhi pretending to be calm, and said with red lips, ""


Liu Mingzhi responded with a chuckle, and shifted his gaze to Wenren Changqing and Wenren Qingyue.

"Changqing, Qingyue."

"The grass people are here."

"The grass people are here."

"Hehehe, Changqing, Qingyue, both of your parents and uncle call me brother-in-law, do you still call yourself grassroots?"

Wenren Changqing and Wenren Qingyue looked at each other and scratched their earlobes with their fingers.

"Uncle, my nephew is here."

"Uncle, my niece is here."

Liu Mingzhi nodded with satisfaction, and continued to ask: "Changqing, Qingyue, which of you two is older? Brother or sister? Or brother?"

"Back to uncle, my nephew is my elder brother, and Qingyue is my sister."

"Well, they are brothers and sisters. How old are both of you brothers and sisters?"

"Go back to uncle, my nephew is twenty-five this year."

"Return to uncle, Qingyue is here now."

"Good! Good! Good! One is in the prime of life, and the other is in her prime.

It is a great time in life!

You brothers and sisters also stop standing, sit down. "

"Thank you uncle."

Wenren Changqing, Wenren Qingyue brother and sister thanked in unison, walked to the next seat next to their parents and sat down.

Liu Mingzhi scanned the hall for a week, looked at Wenren Yunjian and asked, "Brother, old man, father-in-law, mother-in-law, where are they?"

Wen Renyunjian heard Eldest Young Master Liu's inquiry, and hurriedly explained: "Brother-in-law, Grandpa and Father went out two and a half days ago, saying they have something to deal with, and they will be back soon.

As for the mother, she took the maids to prepare lunch.

According to the time, they will be back in a short time. "

"What, mother-in-law is going to prepare lunch?"

Liu Mingzhi questioned, and turned his head to look outside the main hall, as if observing the sky outside.

"It's time to prepare lunch, isn't it too early?"

Wenren Yunshu got up and lifted the teapot towards his elder brother, and his sister-in-law walked over.

While Wenren Yunjian, Chu Youhe and his wife were pouring tea, while casting a reproachful glance at their husband.

"Husband, you have the nerve to say, if it wasn't for Grandpa and you guys who drank too much yesterday and didn't get up for breakfast, mother wouldn't have gone to prepare lunch so early."

Hearing Wenren Yun Shu's coquettish words, Liu Mingzhi laughed bitterly.

"Ah! So that's how it is."

"Brother, sister-in-law, please drink tea."

"Okay, thank you little sister."

"Thank you little sister."

"Husband, you drink tea too."

"Thank you, lady."

Wenren Yunshu was about to pour tea for his nephew, Wenren Changqing hurriedly got up and took the teapot from his aunt.

"Auntie, the child can come by himself, as long as the child can come by himself."

"Silly boy, why are you being polite to your aunt?
Don't forget, when you were a child, you ran around behind your aunt with bare buttocks every day! "

Wenren Changqing's face turned awkward, and he smiled awkwardly.

Wenren Yunshu looked at his nephew's embarrassed expression, smiled and raised his slender hands to rub his nephew's head a few times.

"Stinky boy, when he grows up, he also knows how to be ashamed.

By the way, I was too busy in the morning, my aunt forgot to ask you, Yun Jian, are you married? "

Wenren Changqing nodded hurriedly, looked at Wenren Yun Shu and said in a loud voice: "Auntie, the child is already in his twenties this year, how could he not get married!

The boy was already married and started a business when he was 17 years old. The daughter is seven years old this year, and the son is five years old. . "

Wenren Yun Shu's pretty face froze for a moment, and after realizing it, she asked in surprise, "What? You've already got a family? Even the oldest child is already seven years old?"

"Yes, the child has already married, and the two children under her knees are not young anymore."

"Then why didn't you bring your wife and a pair of children with you when you came home this time?

You brat, why didn't you tell your aunt about this in the morning? "

Wenren Changqing glanced at his father and mother, and smiled hesitantly.

"What's the matter? Why don't you say it, just say what you want to say."

"Auntie, our family received a letter from grandpa and learned about the return of you and your uncle with your little cousin.

Grandpa described the identity of uncle in detail in the letter, and we were afraid that it would be impolite if all the family members came over...


Aunt, you..."

Wenren Yunshu looked at his nephew who was stuttering, and already understood what he wanted to express.

Qu Zhi tapped his nephew's forehead lightly, Wenren Yun Shu shook her head with a pretty face of reproach.

"Oh, you guys."


"Hey, husband?"

Liu Mingzhi put down the teacup in his hand, and looked towards Wenren Changqing with a smile.

"Shu'er, don't talk about Changqing, as a husband, you can stay at home for about two days.

Eldest brother and his family live in the north of the city, and it is enough to ask Changqing to bring his family back to meet him in the afternoon. "

"Okay, I know."

Wenren Yunshu responded to her husband's words, and reached out to pick up the teapot that her nephew had placed on the table.

"Drink your tea."

"Yes, yes, thank you, aunt."



"You drink tea, too."

"Thank you auntie."

"By the way, Qingyue, are you out of the cabinet now?"

Wenren Qingyue blushed, and shook her head generously.

"Auntie, Qingyue hasn't left the cabinet yet!"

"Is there anyone you like?"


Wenren Yunshu saw the shy expression on the face of his niece Wenren Qingyue, and realized that it was not appropriate for him to ask this question in front of so many people.

"My aunt is wrong, my aunt is wrong, my aunt won't ask."

Wenren Yunshu pursed his red lips slightly, carried the tea party back to his original position and sat down.

As soon as Wenren Yunshu sat down, the old man Wen Renzheng's words sounded from outside the hall.

"Boy, the old man is back."

As soon as Wen Renzheng's words fell, the figures of father and son walked into the hall.

"The boy has met the old man and his father-in-law."

"I've seen grandpa, I've seen daddy."

"Greetings to Grandpa, Greetings to Grandpa."

"No courtesy, no courtesy."

"Thank you old man, thank you father-in-law..."

Everyone greeted each other, sitting in the hall, talking and laughing, chatting about family routines and anecdotes.

Perhaps it was because yesterday's welcome banquet reached the point where the guests and the host enjoyed themselves, and the invisible barrier between Liu Mingzhi and his father-in-law Wen Renxuanhe subconsciously decreased a bit.

Between each other, the topic of chatting gradually increased.

Many topics can gradually be talked together.

It's not like when we first met yesterday, everyone didn't know what to say when they looked at each other.

About half an hour later, Liu Yulan led a group of maids carrying trays into the main hall with smiles on their faces.

"Master, master, you are back."

"came back."

"The matter is settled, madam, and the meal is ready?"

"Everything is ready, please take your seats."

"Taoer, Luer."

"The servant is here."

"Quickly put the food and wine on the table."

"The slaves obey."

"Old man, old man, Ming Zhi, Jian'er... Shu'er, please sit down and eat."

After everyone sat down, Wen Renxuan looked at his wife Liu Yulan with a slight frown.

"Ma'am, why did you prepare these jugs of wine?

There are so many people who are good at wine, what are these few jugs of wine enough for? "

"Master, Mr. Mingzhi, you just had a drink yesterday, and this concubine is doing it for your health..."

Before Liu Yulan could finish her sentence, Wen Renxuanhe looked at the butler standing aside.

"Old Tao."

"The old slave is here."

"You take Tao'er and the others to get wine from the wine cellar, first come ten altars of immortals to get drunk."

"Yes, the old slave complies."

Liu Yulan looked at Wen Renzheng helplessly when she heard her master's words.


Wen Renzheng happily stroked his beard, and set his eyes on First Young Master Liu.


Liu Mingzhi touched his nose with a strange expression, and glanced at the Wenren Yun Shu who was sitting beside him.

"Grandpa and boy are fine."

Wenren Yunshu heard her husband's words, glanced at her mother, and rolled her eyes helplessly.

"Mother, let's concentrate on eating with my sister-in-law."

Liu Yulan looked at Liu Mingzhi and the others, smiled wryly and nodded her head.

"Come on, as long as you are happy."

Around the time of making tea, Lao Tao led several servant girls to put a jar of wine beside the table.

"Master, here comes the wine."

"Okay, old Tao,"

"The old slave is here."

"Go and do your own business first."

"Yes, the old slave is retiring."

"The slaves retire."

"Mingzhi, Jian'er."



"Unfortunately, the two of you brothers didn't drink happily together yesterday.

Today coincides with the meeting, the two of you two should have a good drink. "

"Drunk before resting,"

"Stick what you want."

A wine game where you meet your bosom friend and drink less than a thousand cups begins again amidst laughter and laughter.

Wenren Yun Shu picked up a pair of chopsticks and put the cold ear shreds into Young Master Liu's plate, and touched her husband's arm with his elbow in a subtle way.

"Husband, drink less."

"Lady, don't worry, I'm a husband."

Time flies by like a fleeting horse, just as the sun has just set to the west, the people at the wine table are already drunk and their eyes are hazy.

Wen Renxuan and the master were both slumped on the chairs, drunk and unconscious.

Wenren Yunshu looked at First Young Master Liu who was staggering on the chair, almost unable to sit still, and snorted coquettishly with a pretty face.

"Mother, I'll leave this to you. I'll take this big drunk back to rest first."

Liu Yulan glanced at the old man and Wen Renyunjian's grandfather and grandson who were still holding up their wine glasses, and waved her hands with a slight frown.

"Go, go, don't forget to wipe Ming Zhi's body with warm water."

"Shu'er knows."

"What...what are you doing? This young master...I haven't had enough to drink yet."

"Yes, yes, you are huge, let's go back and drink."


"The servant is here."

"Stand up."


"Ah what, set it up."

"Yes, yes, the servant obeys."

Two days later.

Outside the gate of Wenren Mansion.

Liu Mingzhi fastened the wine bag around his waist, looked at the crowd standing outside the gate of the mansion, and hugged his fist with a sigh.

"Old man, father-in-law, mother-in-law, elder brother...

You stay, there is no need to send any more. "

Everyone sighed with emotion, and waved to First Young Master Liu.

"Bon Voyage."



"When do you want to go back to the capital, send a letter to my husband, Ying Falcon, in advance, and my husband will send someone to protect you secretly."

"Yeah, the concubine knows it, husband, you must pay more attention to your health on the way.

Seeing Liang Le in autumn night, you must wear more clothes when you are on the road. "

"Okay, my husband knows."



"You brat, you must be obedient and don't cause trouble for your grandparents.

Otherwise, I will not be able to spare you as a father after returning to Beijing. "

Seeing his father's serious expression, Liu Zhengwen nodded hurriedly.

"Daddy, the child knows."

"Changqing, Qingyue."



"If you want to come to the capital, just tell your aunt and let her take you there."

"Thank you uncle."

"Everyone take care, Liu Mingzhi is one step ahead."

"Sorry for delivery."

Liu Mingzhi let out a sigh of relief, pulled up the reins and clamped the horse's belly heavily.


Under the eyes of everyone with different expressions.

Liu Mingzhi jumped on his horse and whipped his whip, and rode away.

At the north gate of Chengzhou, after Liu Mingzhi rode his horse out of the city gate, he swung his whip heavily.


Under Liu Mingzhi's order, Fengxing, a sweaty horse that travels thousands of miles a day and [-] nights, galloped on the official road with all four hooves.

On the official road about a mile away from the city gate, Liu Mingzhi galloped on horseback.

A graceful figure wearing a light gauze hat and a medicine basket on his back walked towards the city gate at a leisurely pace, facing Young Master Liu.

Casually glanced at the figure walking alone on the official road, First Young Master Liu waved the whip in his hand again.


The light wind blown by Liu Mingzhi when his horse was galloping, when passing by that figure.

Straight away rolled up the veil under the bamboo hat of the person next to him.

The moment he passed by, Liu Mingzhi habitually glanced at others.

Just this glimpse.

Young Master Liu's face suddenly turned aside, his pupils shrank suddenly, and his whole body was suddenly struck by thunder.

"Shut up!"

"Shut up!"

The law of the law... the law of the law...

Feng Xing's neighing sound echoed on the official road, causing the passerby to subconsciously look back.

In an instant.

The wind seems to have stopped!

(End of this chapter)

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