Chapter 2985 Who is it?
Xue Ning'er withdrew her gaze, staggered her body and smiled lightly and waved her hands to Young Master Liu as a gesture.

"Sir, sister Qingrui, please."

Liu Mingzhi looked at Xue Ning'er who had extended an invitation to the two of them, with a slightly hesitant expression.

It was the first time I met Xue Ning'er. When I met for the first time, I went to drink tea in someone's backyard.

Seems a bit inappropriate.

Liu Mingzhi paused for a while with a hesitant face, and glanced sideways at Ren Qingrui who was standing beside him.

Now, it's better to see how girl Ren decides.

After all, she and Xue Ning'er are close friends, and it is more appropriate for her to make the decision than herself.

Sensing Young Master Liu's gaze, Ren Qingrui walked up to Xue Ning'er with a smile on her face.

Ren Qingrui leaned over and picked up the medicine basket on the side, looked at Xue Ning'er and said with her mouth slightly open: "Sister Ning'er, I will bother you once today, sister."

"Da Guoguo, Sister Ning'er wants to invite us to drink tea, so hurry up and follow me."

Hearing Ren Qingrui's greeting, Liu Mingzhi looked up at the two sisters who had walked to the backyard hand in hand, raised his hand and rubbed the acupuncture points on his forehead, and followed with a helpless expression.

After a while, Liu Mingzhi followed Xue Ning'er and the other sisters all the way to the backyard of Xue's pharmacy.

Under Xue Ning'er's guidance, Liu Mingzhi and Liu Mingzhi walked to the gazebo in the backyard.

Xue Ning'er waited until Young Master Liu sat down on the stone bench one after another, and gave a blessing with a light smile.

"Sir, sister Qingrui, please sit down for a while, and I'll make tea for you."

"Miss Xue is here."

"Sister Ning'er, just prepare some tea at will."

After Xue Ning'er left the gazebo, Liu Mingzhi shook off the folding fan in his hand, and glared angrily at Ren Qingrui who was looking around at the arrangement in the courtyard.

"Girl, it's better for you to let Brother Wei tell you what you are.

Miss Xue, please be polite to us, you can still take it seriously. "

Ren Qingrui looked away, reached out and picked up a piece of pastry from the tray on the table and stuffed it into Cherry's mouth.

While chewing the pastry slowly, he shrugged his shoulders at Young Master Liu a few times disapprovingly.

"Oh, Da Guoguo, sister, I know Sister Ning'er's character better than you.

She said that she wanted to invite us to drink tea, so she must have sincerely wanted to invite the two of us to drink tea.

When you didn't come to Chengzhou, Daguoguo, we two sisters visited each other's home in our spare time, drinking tea and chatting together.

We sisters have a very good relationship, and we never practice politeness. "

Liu Mingzhi heard Ren Qingrui say that, so he couldn't say anything more.

Ren Qingrui swallowed the pastry in her mouth, reached out again, picked up a piece of pastry from the tray, and put it in Young Master Liu's hand.

"Da Guoguo, you can eat it too. These pastries are all made by Sister Ning'er herself. They taste very good."

Liu Mingzhi looked down at the walnut cake in his hand, and stuffed it back into Ren Qingrui's hand.

"I already filled my stomach before I set off for my brother, and I'm not too hungry now, so you should eat by yourself."

Ren Qingrui rolled her eyes, lightly shook the carved jade fan, looked around at Young Master Liu, who was looking around at the scenery in the courtyard, and stuffed the walnut cake in his hand into his mouth with bright eyes and tender resentment.

Ren Qingrui snorted softly, wrinkled her upturned nose lightly, and chewed the walnut cake in her small mouth with her jade-like silver teeth.

"With good intentions, treat it like a donkey's liver and lungs. If you don't eat it, I will eat it myself, my girl."


"What are you doing?"

"You call Miss Xue Sister Ning'er, right?"

"Right, what happened?"

"Miss Xue can let you call her sister Ning'er, which means that she should be past Huaxin's age now.

In addition, this is Xue's pharmacy, which means that this pharmacy is the property of her parents' family.

Miss Xue is already past the age of Huaxin, but she is still staying at her parents' home. Could it be that she is still unmarried at this age? "

Ren Qingrui raised her hand to grab melon seeds in the tray, suddenly stopped, and stood up from the stone bench with a jerk.

She took a deep breath, pinched her slender waist with her slender hands, and stared vigilantly at First Young Master Liu who looked a little suspicious.

"Da Guoguo, what are you doing? Why are you asking this?"

Young Master Liu felt the anger in Ren Qingrui's bright eyes, and couldn't help being stunned.

No, what's the situation?

What did I say wrong?How can this good-looking girl turn her face when she turns her face?

Ren Qingrui looked at the stunned and speechless First Young Master Liu, gritted his silver teeth.

"You mean it, why are you asking this? Do you have any thoughts about Sister Ning'er?
Let me warn you, Sister Ning'er is already married, and now her son is over nine years old, so you are not allowed to have any unruly thoughts about Sister Ning'er.

Otherwise, I will... I will... I will..."

Ren Qingrui stuttered and talked for a long time, but in the end she didn't say why.

Young Master Liu was stunned for a moment, and after he realized it, he finally understood why this girl reacted so encouragingly.

After guessing what this girl was thinking, First Young Master Liu suddenly became depressed.

Good guy, didn't I just ask an ordinary question that couldn't be ordinary?
How did this girl figure out that she had unruly thoughts about Xue Ning'er?

Liu Mingzhi closed the folding fan casually, and shook his head helplessly.

"Girl, girl, what kind of mess are you thinking about?

I just casually asked you about Miss Xue, why did you think that I had bad thoughts about her?
Tell me, what is going on in your mind all day long?

Who do you take me as a brother? "

Ren Qingrui looked at Liu Da's angry eyes, and realized that her reaction was a little too aggressive.

She smiled bitterly, turned sideways and picked up a handful of melon seeds from the tray, and with erratic eyes, she picked up a melon seed and handed it to her mouth.

"Then...then why do you ask my elder sister Ning'er if she is married?"

"Brother, I just saw that Miss Xue has her hair curled up, which means that she is now out of the court and married as a woman.

Under normal circumstances, after leaving the court to marry and become a woman, most of them stay in their own homes to care for their husbands and raise their children.

Brother Wei saw that Miss Xue was out of the cabinet and married, but he still stayed in the pharmacy of her mother's family as a doctor.

Naturally, I am a little curious!

How would you know, as soon as I asked you here, girl, you would suspect that Brother Wei had some unruly thoughts about Miss Xue.

You said I was wronged or not!
Brother does not deny that Miss Xue has a very beautiful appearance, and she can be called a charming lady with excellent looks.

However, no matter how good Miss Xue's appearance is, there is still a big gap compared with you, girl.

As a brother, I don't even have a beautiful young lady like you... Uh-huh... Uh-huh...

So what, my brother, at best, I'm just curious about Miss Xue's affairs, nothing else. "

Ren Qingrui looked at Young Master Liu's somewhat embarrassed face, and suddenly smiled and spat out the melon seeds in his mouth.

Putting the melon seeds in her hand on the table, Ren Qingrui gently patted the crumbs in the palm of her hand, leaning her willow waist towards First Young Master Liu with a smile on her face.

"Da Guoguo, what did you just say?"

Liu Mingzhi looked at Ren Qingrui's bright eyes that were about to stick to his face, and the stunning beauty of the sky, subconsciously turned his body sideways and dodged to the side.

"What and what? Brother, did I say anything just now?
Have it?Have it?I... Did I say anything?
Did you hear an echo when you cracked melon seeds? "

Ren Qingrui's bright eyes narrowed slightly, and she moved lightly in front of Young Master Liu, her eyes fixed on Young Master Liu who once again looked away.

"Really? Then you look into my eyes."

"That's not good. After all, men and women can't kiss each other, so you should pay attention to it."

Ren Qingrui frowned slightly, and spit secretly with her white eyes.

"Hey, Da Guoguo, don't forget that when you took me back to the capital from northern Xinjiang, the two of us rode a horse together.

On the way the two of us were on the road together, you hugged and hugged my sister and hugged me.

At this time, what nonsense are you telling me about men and women being incompatible with each other, how shameless are you? "

"I... I... That was not my original intention, the young master. When we rushed to the capital together from northern Xinjiang, we obviously rode two horses.

Who told you that you are not good at riding, and you can't even keep up with ten miles in half a day.

At that time, I had no choice but to let you ride a horse with me!

You know, I did it out of necessity.

As long as your own riding skills are better, girl, I won't hug like that... so what?

Besides, on the way we were on our way, my young master didn't do anything out of the ordinary to you girl.

It's a little more calm than being in heat and just being polite.

About this point, girl, you yourself are also clear. "

When Ren Qingrui heard Young Master Liu's words, her white and slender hands immediately clenched tightly.

"Okay, Liu Mingzhi, you are indeed a heartless, rotten piece of wood.

Hugged and hugged, hugged and cuddled, you just want to get rid of me because of your compulsion?
I'm a big girl with a perfect body, is it so unimportant to be innocent? "

"That was not what I meant."

"Then what do you mean?"

"Okay, let's not talk about the previous things, let's talk about today's things.

When the two of us came to Chengzhou on horseback on the official road, Da Guoguo, did you hug my waist? "

"I admit, I hugged your waist at the beginning, but it wasn't because you were waving your horsewhip..."

"You don't need to explain, I know everything.

Just say, did you hug me? "

Young Master Liu raised his head and looked blankly at Ren Qingrui who was staring at him fiercely, the corners of his eyes trembled a few times.

Damn, isn't this obviously unreasonable?
It was you who took my young master's horse and leaped his whip, and it was you who blamed me for holding your waist.

Don't forget, rely on your own shallow riding skills.

If it wasn't for this young master holding your waist from behind, you would have been bumped under the horse's hooves by Feng Xing a long time ago.

"I hugged your waist at that time, but if I hugged you at that time, would you have been able to rush to Chengzhou safe and sound..."

With a wave of her hand, Ren Qingrui directly planned what Young Master Liu said.

"It's fine if you admit that you hugged yourself, and you reported it all, then why are you telling me whether a man and a woman can kiss each other?

Oh—you don't say anything when we two have skin-to-skin kisses on horseback, but when we are face to face, you say that men and women can't accept kissing.

Da Guoguo, don't you know that you will make people laugh out loud when you say this? "

Liu Mingzhi stared blankly at Yang Liu Xiaoman who was pinching his waist, and Ren Qingrui who was looking straight down at him.

The corner of his mouth frowned for a long time, wanting to say something, but didn't know what to refute.

Alas, I should never, never should.

You shouldn't follow this girl back to Chengzhou city!
"Sophistry, Da Guoguo, you continue to quibble.

As long as you can quibble and come up with one, two, three, sister, I will admit that I was wrong. "

When Liu Mingzhi was about to say something, Xue Ning'er's soft words suddenly came from outside the pavilion.

"Sir, sister Qingrui, the tea is here, I kept you two waiting for a long time."

Xue Ning'er's voice directly broke the weird atmosphere between the two of them.

First Young Master Liu shook off the folding fan again, and looked at Xue Ning'er calmly.

Ren Qingrui also quickly put down her slender hands pinching the willow's waist, went back to sit up in the distance with a smile on her face.

Xue Ning'er walked into the gazebo with a tray, and put the teapot and teacups on the stone table one by one with a chuckle.

Lifting the pot and pouring three cups of tea, Xue Ning'er sat down on the stone bench with a smile on her face.

"Sir, sister Qingrui, there is nothing to entertain at home.

Only a cup of rough tea is not a respect, and I hope you two don't dislike it.

Please use tea. "

"Miss Xue is here."

"Thank you, sister Ning'er."


Liu Mingzhi raised his nose and gently sniffed the tea fragrance in the air, and picked up the tea on the stone table with a soothing expression.

After First Young Master Liu picked up the teacup, Xue Ning'er, who was sitting diagonally opposite, suddenly became nervous.

She sneaked a sneak peek at First Young Master Liu's face, and there was an indescribable complex meaning in the depths of her pretty eyes.

Young Master Liu seemed to have something in mind, and inadvertently raised his eyes to glance at Xue Ning'er who was diagonally opposite.

After meditating indifferently for a while, Young Master Liu blew on the fragrant tea in the cup, and slowly sent it to his mouth with the tea.

Young Master Liu took a sip of the tea, narrowed his eyes slightly, and savored it carefully.

"The fragrance of the tea is overflowing, and the fragrance stays on the lips and teeth after the entrance.

Coupled with this unique taste, it is none other than the tea produced in Mengshan Mountain in Sichuan Province.

If I'm not mistaken, the tea in this cup should be one of the famous teas from Mengshan in central Sichuan---

It's covered with nectar.

Miss Xue, such expensive famous tea has nothing to do with the rough tea you mentioned just now! "

Xue Ning'er heard Eldest Young Master Liu's plain words, and suddenly stood up straight, looking at Eldest Young Master Liu with surprise and nervousness in her pretty eyes.

"Your Majesty, can this tea catch your eyes?"

Liu Mingzhi nodded, took another sip of the tea, gently turned the teacup in his hand, and looked up at the archery target in the distance outside the gazebo.

"Your Majesty? It seems that you already know my identity.

Miss Xue, who are you? "

When Ren Qingrui heard the conversation between Young Master Liu and Xue Ning'er, she immediately stopped drinking tea and looked at Xue Ning'er anxiously.

Sister Ning' did she know Da Guoguo's identity?

Under Ren Qingrui's uneasy gaze, Xue Ning'er raised her skirt and knelt directly in front of First Young Master Liu.

"Concubine Deng's Xue Ning'er, pay homage to His Majesty the Emperor, long live long live long live long live."

Liu Mingzhi frowned, and looked directly at Xue Ning'er.

"Concubine? Deng's Xue Ning'er?
Miss Xue, who are you? "

(End of this chapter)

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