My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 2994 I Know It All

Chapter 2994 I Know It All

"Well, so what?"

"What's the reason? Didn't I tell you clearly enough for my brother?

This is the tiger, the tiger of the king of the jungle. "

"My sister, I know, they are my pets, of course I know they are tigers."

While Ren Qingrui spoke, she reached out and took off the medicine basket on Young Master Liu's back, and walked towards the simple cottages in the corner of the courtyard with a smile on her face.

Liu Mingzhi reacted, his face tightened, and he hurriedly chased after Ren Qingrui.

"Girl, wait a minute."

Ren Qingrui leaned over and put the medicine basket in her hand in the corner, and turned her head to look at Young Master Liu who was following closely with a puzzled face.

"Da Guoguo, what happened?"

Liu Mingzhi looked at the two burly tigers outside the tile house in the corner, and looked at Ren Qingrui with unusually tangled eyes.

This thing, I am not very afraid.

Let alone these two tigers, even if there were ten or eight tigers, I would not be afraid at all.

With the strength of his innate realm, he can easily beat these two tigers.

The key point is that Ren Qingrui is not herself, let alone her own strength, she is just a weak woman who does not know the way of martial arts.

What if these two tigers... what if...

"Da Guoguo, why are you so dazed?"

While Ren Qingrui opened her mouth to remind Young Master Liu who was staring at her with a tangled expression, she swayed towards the three dogs, two tigers, and two dumplings that had all stood up.

"Girl, be careful, you must be careful."

"Da Guoguo, sister, I told you, Dahei, they are my sister's pets.

You don't have to be nervous, nothing will happen. "

Liu Mingzhi didn't relax his vigilance just because of Ren Qingrui's words, took a deep breath, and stared at the figure of Ren Qingrui walking towards the few cottages with a solemn expression.

"Da Guoguo, come over here too, my sister will introduce Dahei to you."

Young Master Liu watched as Ren Qingrui gradually approached the so-called pets in her mouth, raised his hand and directly held the hilt of the Heavenly Sword, and walked towards Ren Qingrui at a leisurely pace.

He had already decided that as long as there was a slight change in the future, he would take the lives of these two tigers without hesitation.

"Wang Wang Wang... Wang Wang Wang..."

The three pastoral dogs who were barking non-stop, barked more and more cheerfully as Ren Qingrui approached gradually.

He even raised his front feet and kept jumping up and down, wanting to rush towards Ren Qingrui.

Amidst the continuous barking of dogs, the two tigers beside them also raised their front hooves and roared in a low voice.

As for the two dumplings in the farthest corner, although they were also howling and howling.

It's a pity that their voices are a bit too low, they have already been suppressed by the barking of the three pastoral dogs.

Ren Qingrui smiled and glanced at the seven pets in front of her who wanted to come over to have fun with her, raised the hem of the skirt with one hand, leaned slightly, and patted the seven pets on the foreheads one by one with the other.

"Be obedient, be obedient, be honest, otherwise, I won't loose the chains for you to have fun today."

Under Ren Qingrui's coquettish scolding, a group of pets really all sat down obediently.

Ren Qingrui nodded her head in satisfaction, turned her head and waved at First Young Master Liu.

"Da Guoguo, come here quickly, my sister will introduce their names to you."

Liu Mingzhi nodded with a strange expression, walked gently to Ren Qingrui's side and squatted down.

I have to say that Ren Qingrui opened her eyes today.

The three pastoral dogs squatting in front of Ren Qingrui saw the appearance of the stranger Liu Dashao, instead of arching their bodies with grinning teeth, they stuck out their tongues and kept wagging their tails.

It seemed that they had already smelled the scent of their master from First Young Master Liu.

And it was precisely because of this familiar smell that they subconsciously understood that Liu Mingzhi should be someone close to their master.

Ren Qingrui saw the well-behaved appearance of the three pastoral dogs in front of First Young Master Liu, and started stroking the tops of their heads with a smile.

"Da Guoguo, from left to right they are Da Hei, Er Hei, and Xiao Hei.

As for the two tigers, the one that looks more majestic is the big tiger, and the one that looks a little thinner is the second tiger.

These two dumplings are just the opposite, the thin one is the big fat one, and the fat one is the second fat one. "

With Ren Qingrui's introduction one by one, Liu Mingzhi had a rough understanding of the names of these pets.

The two tigers sitting beside the three pastoral dogs, when Ren Qingrui introduced their identities to Young Master Liu, stuck out their tongues and wagged their tails at Young Master Liu like the three pastoral dogs next to them.

If it weren't for their appearance being completely different from the three pastoral dogs next to them, Liu Mingzhi would have almost doubted the true species of these two fierce tigers.

Liu Mingzhi stretched out his hands and rubbed the two stupid and cute dumplings for a while, then got up and took out the dry pipe at his waist.

When Ren Qingrui saw that Young Master Liu was planning to smoke, she just rolled her eyes silently, but didn't say much.

She stood up with her hands on her knees, and pointed at the pets at Washe aside.

"You guys, go back and wait first, and when the time comes, sister will untie the chains on you."

Ren Qingrui raised a pair of white and tender jade arms and stretched, then turned to look at Young Master Liu who had already been lit.

"Da Guoguo, go to my sister's humble house and take a look."

Ren Qingrui greeted Young Master Liu, and took the lead towards the house built with a mixture of bricks, tiles and bamboo.

Liu Mingzhi glanced at the pets obediently lying next to Washer, clicked his tongue a few times, and followed Ren Qingrui with a strange expression.

"Girl, you can tell Brother Wei now, how did you tame these two tigers?"

Ren Qingrui unlocked the copper lock of the main room, and gently pushed open the two doors with both hands.

"Da Guoguo, come and have a cup of herbal tea first.

While we are resting, my sister, I will explain to you what is going on with Dahu and the others. "

"it is good."

Liu Mingzhi followed behind Ren Qingrui, just as he walked into the room, he immediately smelled a faint scent of sandalwood in the room.

"Hehe, girl, are you having a good life these days?

As soon as I smell it casually, I can tell that the smell of sandalwood is not ordinary sandalwood.

It seems to be the same type of sandalwood used in my brother's home. "

Liu Mingzhi said teasing words in his mouth, and habitually looked at the layout of the room.

The tables and chairs in the room are all made of bamboo. It can be seen from the format of the tables and chairs that the craftsmanship of those craftsmen is extraordinary.

Ren Qingrui chuckled a few times, and walked towards the desk in front of her without paying attention.

"Da Guoguo, sit down first, and my sister will pour you tea."

Young Master Liu nodded slightly, walked to the bamboo chair in front and sat down.

"it is good."

Ren Qingrui lifted a teapot and poured the herbal tea in the pot for Young Master Liu with a chuckle.

"Da Guoguo, my sister earned all the money by selling herbal medicine. My sister, I am not willing to buy even a little bit of high-quality wine, so how can I be willing to buy the same type of top-grade sandalwood as yours!"

"Then the smell of sandalwood in this room?"

Ren Qingrui poured herself a cup of herbal tea, held up her skirt and sat down on the bamboo chair opposite Liu Mingzhi.

"Back when my sister and I left the capital, Sister Yun and the others gave it to me.

I seldom use it on weekdays, isn’t it the autumn rain that fell overnight the day before yesterday?
My sister, I was worried that there would be moisture in the room, so I lit a stove of the best sandalwood that my sister Yun gave me in the room. "

Young Master Liu's expression froze for a moment, and he picked up the teacup and brought it to his mouth with a smirk.

"So this is ah!"

"Otherwise what do you think?"

Liu Mingzhi frowned, and took a sip of the herbal tea that Ren Qingrui poured with a resentful expression.

"Ah! Girl, you should first tell Brother Wei about those pets.

To be honest, I am very curious about you being able to tame two tigers as pets. "

Ren Qingrui looked at Young Master Liu's curious expression, and leaned lazily on the bamboo chair with a pretty face.

"Da Guoguo, are you really stupid? Or fake stupid!

After you saw the big tiger and the two tigers, you said to yourself, those are tigers!
With my sister and my ability, how could I tame the king of the jungle, Sa! "

Liu Mingzhi exhaled light smoke from his mouth, looked at Ren Qingrui suspiciously and asked, "What? Didn't you tame those two tigers yourself, girl?"

"Of course not Sarah!"

"Then girl, how did you make those two tigers listen to you so much?
Brother, I just witnessed it with my own eyes. Those two tigers are very cute in front of you! "

Ren Qingrui reached out to pick up the tea on the table, leaned her willow waist, and nuzzled her lips to the first washroom in the courtyard.

"Whether it's Big Tiger and Two Tigers, or Big Fatty and Er Fatty, the reason why they obey my sister's orders so much is all thanks to Da Hei?"

Liu Mingzhi was taken aback, and followed Ren Qingrui's gaze towards the first pastoral dog in the courtyard.

"Ah? What, what do you mean?"

"Da Guoguo, do you still remember the Chen Family Village that my sister told you earlier?"

"Of course I remember, what does this have to do with Chen Family Village?"

"My sister, when I first settled here, I actually only kept the three of them as pets.

Later, as my younger sister, I lived here for about a month and a half, and gradually became acquainted with a big hunter in Chenjia Village. "

Young Master Liu's face froze, and his waist, which was softly seated on the bamboo chair, suddenly straightened up.

"Orion? What Orion? That Orion got married..."

Young Master Liu stopped halfway through his words, raised his hand and tapped the tip of his nose a few times.

"Cough, cough, huh, what, girl, you can continue."

As soon as Liu Mingzhi finished speaking, he immediately nodded and drank the herbal tea in his hand with lowered eyebrows, not daring to keep looking at Ren Qingrui.

When Ren Qingrui saw First Young Master Liu's face, he couldn't help showing nervousness at that moment, and his bright eyes narrowed slightly, and they bent into crescent moons.

Turning the tea cup in her hand with a smile, Ren Qingrui's beautiful eyes turned it several times again and again.

"My sister is not too sure, but looking at the age of that big Orion brother, my sister probably hasn't married yet!"

Liu Mingzhi's arm holding the teacup trembled slightly, and after a moment of silence, he took a sip of the tea with a smile on the corner of his mouth.

"That's pretty good, girl, what you like to say, brother, I will listen with all my ears."

Young Master Liu smiled and sat down again, looking at Ren Qingrui with a smile on his face.

The expression on his face like a spring breeze made it impossible to see what was going on in his heart.

Seeing Young Master Liu's reaction, Ren Qingrui was slightly taken aback by the playful expression on her pretty face.

Some words that had already reached his lips were swallowed again.

Ren Qingrui pursed her cherry lips and remained silent for a long time, then nodded and took a sip of the tea in the cup.

"Da Guoguo, sister, when I first lived here, I only had Dahei and his three pets.

As for Dahu, the four of them, Dapang, were given to my sister by the big Orion brother.

It was July last year. On the way home from hunting in the mountains, the big hunter passed by my sister, wanting to ask for some tea to quench his thirst.

Sister, I have seen that Orion elder brother pass by my house several times before, and I have heard about him from the villagers who fetch water in Chenjia Village.

So, I agreed to his request for tea and water.

At that time, in addition to a tiger that had been dead for a long time, he also had two howling cubs tied to his body.

Sister, when I saw the two cubs, I didn't even open my eyes, and I immediately thought about how the hunters would deal with the prey after they hunted them down.

So, sister, my heart softened.

After the big hunter finished his tea, my sister told him that I like those two tits.

In the end, that sister, I used ten taels of silver, two chickens, and a jar of wine to exchange the two tigers from the hands of the big hunter.

These two baby tigers are brother and sister of the big tiger and the second tiger in the yard.

At that time, Dahei just gave birth to a litter of puppies, and the two cubs were barking non-stop with hunger, so I put them two into Dahei's litter.

The reason why Dahei and Dahu can get along so well is precisely because Dahei and Erhu grew up drinking Dahei's dog milk.

As for Dapang and Erpang, their situation is not much different from that of Dahu, and they were also exchanged by my sister and I from the big Orion brother.

At the beginning, they also grew up drinking Dahei's dog milk, which is why they can get along so well.

Mei'er told Da Guoguo just now that all of this is due to Dahei, and it is precisely because of this. "

Liu Mingzhi nodded with a clear expression, then turned to look at the pets in the courtyard.

"I see. No wonder these two tigers are so docile."

"Big fruit."

"Huh? What's wrong?"

"The big Orion brother is over 40 years old, how old are his grandsons and granddaughters?"

Not just intentionally or unintentionally, Ren Qingrui explained the situation of that Orion to First Young Master Liu without hesitation.

"Hehehe, it's not important."

"My sister knows what to say, but I am worried about you..."


"What happened?"

"You don't need to explain, there are some things, I will see you come out for my brother."

"Oh, my sister understands."



"Actually, I understand what you're thinking."

(End of this chapter)

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