My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 3000 The Last Line of Defense

Chapter 3000 The Last Line of Defense

In the dead of night.

Even if it's just a small movement, it will be infinitely magnified when it reaches people's ears.

In the side room opposite, the sound of rushing water could be heard from time to time.

For First Young Master Liu who wanted to rest in peace, it was nothing more than a noise that disturbed his mind.

Liu Mingzhi heard the faint sound of running water coming from the opposite side again, turned over with a depressed expression, and forcibly controlled himself to ignore the sound of water coming into his ears.

However, the more you don't want to hear certain voices, those voices will not disappear, but will be amplified invisibly.

For an innate master like Liu Mingzhi, any disturbance could be heard clearly.

As for the sound of running water that rang out from time to time, let alone.

Liu Mingzhi rolled over behind him, and as soon as he closed his eyes, some imaginative images appeared in his mind involuntarily.

Flowers are like jade, the beauty of the country is beautiful and the beauty is full of beauty.

She smiled sweetly, sometimes angry, sometimes witty and eccentric.

Wrapped on the graceful jade body, half-open silk clothes.

Like curdled fat, half of the fragrant shoulder that appears and disappears from time to time.

Convex and convex, graceful and exquisite slender figure.

Waiting for the pictures that should not have appeared in my mind, amidst the sound of running water from time to time, actually in my mind at this moment, one scene after another flashed by.

Young Master Liu raised a bitter smile, and immediately covered his ears with his hands.

At this moment, First Young Master Liu felt a little regretful, regretting that he had become a master of the innate realm.

It turns out that at some point, becoming a master of the innate realm that everyone in the world yearns for may not necessarily be a good thing!

Young Master Liu thought that after covering his ears, he would not have to hear the disturbing sound of water.

Unfortunately, this is not the case.

Facts have proved that even if I covered my ears, I still couldn't avoid the torment of the sound of running water on my state of mind.

First Young Master Liu tossed and turned on the bed for a long time, through the window of the room, he glanced at the opposite side room with a gloomy expression.

Liu Mingzhi stretched out his hand and patted his forehead, and suddenly sat up from the bed, got up with a depressed face and walked towards the main hall.

Leaning casually on the bamboo chair, Young Master Liu picked up the dry pipe and filled it with shredded tobacco, lit it to the candle and took a strong puff.

First Young Master Liu frowned slightly and exhaled light smoke from his mouth. The disturbed mood that was originally disturbed by the sound of running water gradually calmed down a bit this time.

Alas, what a fucking evil door.

I have lived most of my life, what kind of turbulent scenes have I not experienced?
In the end, he was actually because of a girl.

Because a young girl who was about the same age as her own daughters, who was almost a few years old, was disturbed and couldn't sleep because of tossing and turning.

Liu Mingzhi was shrouded in smoke, his eyes were deep and silent for a long time, and he let out a melancholy expression.

If I were still my previous self, perhaps what happened today would not have happened...

Liu Mingzhi thought about it, and immediately restrained the thoughts in his heart.

Because my heart is very clear.

In this world, there are always facts, not ifs.

In my impression, many people have said the word "if", and even I have said the word "if" more than once.

However, the facts have proved that the so-called "if" is always just a word, and it can't change anything.

Liu Mingzhi's eyes showed a complex meaning that cannot be described in words, and he smoked the dry tobacco in his hand one after another.

About half an hour later, in the silence of the night, the sound of the door opening and closing suddenly sounded.

Ren Qingrui was wearing a clean plain white gauze dress, wiped the wet black hair with a towel, and looked in the opposite direction intentionally or unintentionally with a pair of bright eyes.

"Da Guoguo, sister, I've already taken a bath, I'm going to rest first."

In the room, Young Master Liu heard the beautiful woman's greeting, and silently drank the herbal tea in his hand, without making any answer.

Ren Qingrui frowned slightly, and walked lightly to the opposite wing with lotus steps.

"Da Guoguo, are you asleep already?"

Liu Mingzhi heard Jiaren's footsteps more and more clearly, and quickly glanced at the table beside him and the window a few steps away.

After making sure that his figure sitting on the bamboo chair would not be reflected by the candlelight on the window, Young Master Liu breathed a sigh of relief.

No matter how much I and Ren Yatou didn't drink, they drank a lot after all.

Even though she would be somewhat sober after taking a bath, she still felt slightly drunk.

If I continue to talk with her, I really don't know how to deal with this silly girl.

The most important thing is that I am worried that I can't help but ruin this girl's innocence.

Up to now, the only way for him to pretend to be asleep is the most correct choice.

"Big fruit?"

"Big fruit?"

"Big fruit?"

Standing outside the door, Ren Qingrui called Young Master Liu's name three times in a row, but in the end she still didn't hear any response.

Ren Qingrui quietly looked at the room where the lights were flickering, but there was no movement. She raised her jade neck and glanced at the bright moon in the night sky, with a hint of sadness in her drunken eyes.

She knew very well in her heart that she did drink a lot today.

However, from the beginning to the end, he maintained the last trace of sobriety.

"Da Guoguo, rest in peace, my sister is going to rest first."

In the bright and hazy moonlight, Ren Qingrui murmured softly, and walked towards the room she lived in with light steps.

Liu Mingzhi heard the sound of the beautiful woman's footsteps gradually receding, and when the doorman rang, he walked directly to the bed next to him.

Lying again on the bed covered with a new brocade quilt, Liu Mingzhi silently closed his eyes.

The moon hangs in the sky, and there are three or two crickets chirping outside the room.

After an unknown amount of time, the bright moon hanging in the middle of the sky shifted slightly.

Liu Mingzhi who was sleeping on the bed suddenly opened his eyes and turned over with a complicated expression.

There was obviously no sound of running water outside the room that disturbed his mind, but Liu Mingzhi could no longer feel at ease like a dream.

The sound of running water is indeed gone.

However, all kinds of charming pictures kept reverberating in his mind.

The more I force myself to suppress those pictures.

Instead of disappearing, those pictures became clearer in my mind.

Over and over again, Liu Mingzhi kept tossing and turning, unable to fall asleep.

"The Lingtai is clear."


I don't know how many times I have recited the meditative formula in my heart. Instead of entering the dream, Liu Mingzhi felt that he was getting more and more energetic.

Liu Mingzhi turned over, opened his eyes and looked straight at the moonlight outside the window, his eyes gradually became empty.

Under the same moonlight, under the same moonset.

at the same time.

Young Master Liu was not the only one who tossed and turned and couldn't sleep.

In the main room, Ren Qingrui propped up her pretty face with one hand, also tossing and turning unable to sleep.

"Oh, I don't know if Da Guoguo fell asleep?

I called him so many times outside the door just now, but he didn't reply. He should have rested. "

Ren Qingrui whispered to herself, lifted the thin silk quilt over her tender body, and half-lyed on the pillow behind her.

Looking melancholy at the clear light that passed through the window and sprinkled on the floor of the room, the beauty's gaze gradually became blurred.

In the bright and clear light that was only about three feet away, Jiaren seemed to see someone's figure.

No matter how I try to control it, that figure can't help but appear in the bright moonlight.

Always involuntarily, appearing in front of my eyes.

I tried everything I could, but that figure was still lingering.

As if it has been embedded in my heart.

Time passed quietly, and the bright moon in the night sky was gradually shifting.

After an unknown amount of time, Ren Qingrui recovered from the silence, and Jiaoyan fell silent hesitantly.

After a while, Jiaren turned over and got out of bed and put on her shoes, biting her thin lips with white teeth, and walked towards the wardrobe behind the bed.

After about half a cup of tea, Ren Qingrui changed into a thin nightgown, and left her boudoir with light steps.

Ren Qingrui stopped outside Young Master Liu's room with a pretty face nervously, pondered for a long time with a hesitant expression, raised her Shuang Saixue's lotus root arm, and knocked lightly on the door a few times.

"Da Guoguo, are you asleep? My sister can't sleep."

Young Master Liu, who was also unable to sleep, heard the inquiry from the beauty after she knocked on the door, and subconsciously said, "I didn't either..."

Young Master Liu just said a few words, and immediately covered his mouth.

Young Master Liu leaned against the head of the bed, looked at the door not far away, raised his hand and slapped himself on the face a few times.

"Break mouth, what a fucking bastard, why are you answering nonsense!"

Liu Mingzhi sat up straight, looked at the door not far away with complicated eyes, wishing he could find a needle to sew his mouth shut immediately.

He heard the girl Ren Qingrui's footsteps early in the morning, wouldn't it be enough to honestly pretend to be asleep?

Why do you have to answer that sentence!

Ren Qingrui was naturally not aware of Young Master Liu's extremely depressed mood at the moment, and after hearing his reply, a hint of joy appeared on her pretty face.

Clutching the flimsy nightgown on her delicate body tightly with her slender fingers, Ren Qingrui knocked on the door twice with her silver teeth lightly gritted.

"Da Guoguo, sister, I can't fall asleep even after tossing and turning.

Since you haven't rested yet, just open the door, my sister wants to chat with you. "

As soon as Ren Qingrui finished speaking, Jiaoyan listened nervously to the movement in the room.

She was afraid that Liu Mingzhi would make another excuse at random and shut herself out.

Liu Mingzhi remained silent for a long time with a hesitant expression, then stood up stiffly and walked towards the door not far away.

When Jiaren spoke to him for the second time, Liu Mingzhi knew that Jiaren had clearly heard his voice replying to her.

Now that the girl Ren Qingrui has already heard her reply, there is no need for her to pretend to be asleep.

"Girl, wait a moment, brother, I will open the door for you."

Liu Mingzhi responded to Ren Qingrui, walked behind the door and directly opened the closed door.

The moment the door opened, Young Master Liu's glum expression instantly became dull.

Young Master Liu stared blankly at the thin gauze garment on the beautiful woman's graceful jade body, and swallowed a few times involuntarily.

Obviously wanting to immediately look away from the beauty's delicate body, but in the end he couldn't look away.

Compared with the plain white outer shirt that the beauty had half-opened and half-covered not long ago, the gauze nightgown on the beauty's delicate body was as thin as a cicada's wings.

It gave Young Master Liu an infinite impact and directly defeated the last line of defense in his heart.

At this moment, Liu Mingzhi suddenly understood.

It turns out that the line of defense that I have always insisted on in my heart is in front of the beauty's attire.

It turned out to be so vulnerable.

Can not read.

Look away quickly.

Liu Mingzhi warned himself again and again in his heart, warning himself to immediately look away from Ren Qingrui.

However, with the decision in my heart, I couldn't control my eyes.

The beauty's exquisite jade body hidden under the gauze was like a magnet, tightly attracting my eyes.

Ren Qingrui felt Young Master Liu staring at her intently, her delicate body trembled slightly, and she lowered her head shyly on her pretty face.

At the same time, the beauty's heart became even more tense involuntarily.

"Big... big fruit.

You... what are you looking at! "

Hearing Ren Qingrui's words, Young Master Liu suddenly came back to his senses, his eyes were embarrassing, but also reluctant to look away from the beauty.

"Ah? Girl, what are you talking about?"

"Sister, my sister asked you what you were looking for?"

"Hmm, no... didn't see anything.

Girl, it's already midnight, why haven't you rested yet? "

"Da Guoguo, don't you also have no rest?"

Liu Mingzhi took a few deep breaths, raised his hand and scratched his forehead.

"What, brother, I was already asleep.

This is not, this is not awakened by your knock on the door, girl! "


But just now when my sister asked, Da Guoguo, you answered my sister's sarcasm.

If you, Da Guoguo, were already asleep, how could you have answered my sister's question right away! "

"Ah! I...I..."

Young Master Liu scratched his forehead in embarrassment, and stopped talking for a long time without answering why.

Ren Qingrui saw Young Master Liu's embarrassment and embarrassment, and immediately reacted, realizing that her problem seemed to be embarrassing for her sweetheart.

"Da Guoguo, why don't you invite me in, sister?"

"Okay, please come in, please come in."

Ren Qingrui nodded with a chuckle, her slender fingers tightly wrapped around the thin nightgown in her hand, and walked into the room lightly with lotus steps.

Liu Mingzhi sniffed the faint fragrance left by the beautiful woman when he passed by, and couldn't help but feel a little throbbing in his heart.

Sensing the change in his mood, Young Master Liu immediately bit the tip of his tongue.

The pain on the tip of the tongue made Young Master Liu's chaotic state of mind slightly calm down.

Just when Liu Mingzhi closed the door and walked towards the table, Ren Qingrui suddenly stopped.

"Girl, why don't you go?"

Ren Qingrui bit her cherry lips lightly, then turned around suddenly, and Ruyan threw herself into Young Master Liu's arms as if returning to her nest.

"Da Guoguo, I want a younger sister.

My sister has no regrets! "

(End of this chapter)

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