Chapter 3009
Liu Mingzhi felt the anticipation in the beauty's eyes, and couldn't help being speechless for a while.

No, girl, what do you mean by being so excited?
"Da Guoguo, is it true?"

Liu Mingzhi came to his senses, saw the slightly excited expression on Jiaren's pretty face, and looked away strangely.

Quan Dang didn't hear Ren Qingrui's words.

Seeing this situation, Ren Qingrui immediately became a little unhappy, put her hands behind Liu's waist, and turned to Young Master Liu with a smile.

"Da Guoguo, you haven't answered my sister's question yet.

Answer me quickly, is what you just said true? "

Ren Qingrui stared intently at First Young Master Liu's eyes, and continued to question him persistently.

Faced with the beauty's persistent questioning, Young Master Liu felt helpless.

Seeing the sly look in the other party's eyes, only the application nodded helplessly.

"It's true, it's true, you're satisfied."

Ren Qingrui rolled her eyes a few times, and smiled slightly at the corners of her mouth.


When Young Master Liu saw Ren Qingrui rolling her eyes, she immediately understood what the hell this girl was planning.


Ren Qingrui was taken aback, and immediately raised her head to look at First Young Master Liu.

"Huh? What happened?"

Under the beautiful woman's questioning eyes, Young Master Liu raised his finger and pointed to the sky behind Ren Qingrui.

"Wow, girl, look, there is a pig flying in the sky."

Ren Qingrui heard Young Master Liu's exclamation, and subconsciously looked at the cloudless sky behind her.

"What? Where? Where?"

Ren Qingrui turned around and glanced around under the blue sky with a curious expression.

Not to mention pigs, there is not even a bird, and it is completely lonely.

Jiaren seemed to realize something, and hurriedly turned her head to look behind her.

However, there was no figure of First Young Master Liu behind him. He was carrying his own medicine basket, and he had already galloped thirty or forty steps away.

Ren Qingrui stared at Young Master Liu's back as he quickly went away, stomped her feet angrily with a pretty face, lifted her skirt and trotted after him.

"Smelly bastard, you are a big liar."

When Ren Qingrui returned to her house, First Young Master Liu was sipping the wine in his hand while cheerfully teasing Dahei and the others who didn't know when they would come back.

"Yo, the girl is back."

"Hmph, stinky bastard, big liar."

Ren Qingrui replied to Young Master Liu angrily, and reached out to take out the key from her cuff.

After taking off the brass lock and pushing open the courtyard door, Jiaren waved her hand at a group of pets surrounding First Young Master Liu.

"Dahei, Dahu, stop playing, it's time to go back and stay."

A group of pets grunted and walked into the yard obediently.

Young Master Liu put on the wine cork, stood up and stretched, picked up the medicine basket and followed the beauty into the yard.

Seeing that Jiaren was chaining Dahei's family with chains, First Young Master Liu put down the medicine basket, stretched out his hands and rubbed his somewhat empty stomach a few times.

"Girl, brother, I'm a little hungry, what shall we have for breakfast!"

Ren Qingrui put chains on a group of pets one by one, angrily picked up the medicine basket that Young Master Liu put on the ground, and walked lightly towards the wing not far away.

Glancing sideways at First Young Master Liu who was standing there stretching his waist, the beauty suddenly felt out of breath.
Smelly guy, big liar, just know how to eat and eat.

I don't know, hurry up and come over to coax others, don't you see that this girl has been pissed off by you?
"Eat, eat, eat dirt."

Hearing the angry words in the beautiful woman's tone, Liu Mingzhi smiled lightly and took out the pipe from his waist, and walked unhurriedly to the steps outside the main room.

Lying on the steps with a relaxed expression, First Young Master Liu lit the dry tobacco, and looked at Qianying who was sorting out various herbs in the wing room with a smile.

"Really? Then brother, I can lie on the ground and eat the dirt!"

"Virtue, you are poor!
If you have the ability, you really lie on the ground, gnaw on the soil, and eat, see if I will stop you, my girl. "

"Girl, it's too much for you to say that, as a brother, I am also a guest of your house anyway!

You treat the guests who come to your house like this, if you let others know, you are not afraid that no one will come to your house as a guest? "

"Whether love comes or not, I will save money if I don't come to be a guest.

Again. "

"Huh? What's the matter?"

"Besides, my girl, how is my attitude towards beating customers too much?

The guests came to the door, and I served them with delicious food and wine, and I, a beautiful, young and beautiful girl like me, accompanied me personally.

Smelly guy, tell me, how can I not entertain this girl well? "

"Uh! Uh! Uh!"

Young Master Liu groaned a few times in embarrassment, and Miyou answered Ren Qingrui's question lately.

Ren Qingrui leaned her waist and leaned out half of her body, put her hands on the door of the room, stared at Young Master Liu who was half lying on the steps with her beautiful eyes and rolled her eyes.

"In the end, my girl, I even sent myself, a pure and pure yellow girl, to someone to eat.

The point is, someone is not willing to eat Sasa!
Stinky guy, what are you talking about, my girl, how can I treat guests poorly? "

Although they are far apart, Young Master Liu can still feel the tender resentment in the beauty's eyes.

With a bitter smile on his face, First Young Master Liu directly shifted his gaze away while smoking a pipe.

"Go ahead, keep packing your herbs."

After seeing First Young Master Liu's reaction, Ren Qingrui snorted angrily.

"Hmph, stinky bastard."

Ren Qingrui rolled her eyes resentfully, turned around and continued to sort the herbs in the medicine basket.

Liu Mingzhi's pot of shredded tobacco hadn't been exhausted yet, and the beautiful lady came out of the side room carrying the empty medicine basket.

Hearing Ren Qingrui's footsteps getting closer, Liu Mingzhi sat up straight with his hands on the steps, and looked sideways at the oncoming beauty.

"Girl, I'm really hungry, what should we eat?"

Ren Qingrui stopped in front of First Young Master Liu, lifted the hem of her silk skirt and squatted beside her, put her hands on her fragrant cheeks and tilted her head with a smile.

"Da Guoguo, what do you want to eat?"

"Girl, don't you know how to be a brother? As long as it can fill your stomach, you can eat anything."

Ren Qingrui smiled sweetly, raised her jade neck and pouted her lips towards the kitchen.

"That's it, now, you go."

"Huh? What are you going to do?"

"Da Guoguo, didn't you say that you can scatter whatever you eat, there are still some cold steamed buns left over from yesterday in the bamboo basket in the kitchen, you can just eat it and scatter."

"Why don't you eat cold steamed buns in the morning?"

"Isn't it enough to eat enough? What's going on? Don't steamed buns make you full?"

Listening to the beauty's teasing words, First Young Master Liu knocked out the unburned shredded tobacco in the smoking pot with a wry smile.

"Come on, eat steamed buns and eat steamed buns. I'll go to the kitchen for my brother."

"Go and sprinkle."

"I'm really going."

"Well, I know the class, you really go to spread it."

"Um, then what, eat steamed buns for brother, girl, what do you do?"

Ren Qingrui shrugged her shoulders lightly, got up with a smile on her face and walked towards her boudoir.

"After you eat the steamed buns, my sister, I'll cook again!"

Liu Mingzhi's face froze, he turned his head to see the beautiful woman walking into the room with her graceful and exquisite figure, and immediately got up to follow.

Ren Qingrui heard footsteps behind her, pursed her cherry lips and snickered a few times, straightened her expression, and turned around suddenly.

"Da Guoguo, if you don't go to the kitchen to find steamed buns to eat, what are you doing with me?"

Young Master Liu paused, smiled and sat on the bamboo chair next to him.

"Girl, what, brother Wei is not particularly hungry now."

"Oh—that's really great, my sister, I just happened to be able to save a few steamed buns again!"

Ren Qingrui replied to Young Master Liu angrily, and walked towards her bedroom without waiting for him to reply.

First Young Master Liu took a peek at the beautiful figure walking behind the bead curtain, and poured a cup of herbal tea with a murmur.

"I'll go, this stinky girl, you don't intend to hurt each other on purpose, do you?"

It took about half a cup of tea.

Ren Qingrui put on a green blouse, and walked out of the bedroom at a leisurely pace with a tray in her hand.

Young Master Liu turned his gaze, pretending not to hear the beauty's footsteps, and continued to sip the tea in his hand.

Ren Qingrui was angry and distressed when she saw Young Master Liu deliberately pretending to be nonchalant.

He's such a bad guy, how can you get along with your own wife if you take it easy?

It's not that I want you to be an ear rake, are you so serious?
Seeing Young Master Liu drinking herbal tea with nodding head and lowered eyebrows, Ren Qingrui rolled her eyes angrily, pinched a piece of pastry on the tray with her fingers, and walked gently to his side.

"Big fruit."

"Huh? Go back, girl... um..."

Young Master Liu finished speaking halfway, Ren Qingrui stuffed the cake in his hand into his mouth.

Liu Mingzhi reached out to take the pastry from his mouth, and looked up at the beautiful woman with a surprised expression.

"Cakes? Girl, what are you?"

Ren Qingrui picked up a piece of pastry and put it in her mouth, chewing it in big mouthfuls.

"Hmph, do you know the end of making this girl angry?

Next time you dare to make me angry, you won't even have a meal. "

Liu Mingzhi listened to the beautiful woman's distressed and angry words, holding the pastry in his hand and holding it in front of his eyes, and looked at it carefully for a moment with a complicated expression.

Silently stuffing the pastry into his mouth, First Young Master Liu looked up at the beautiful woman in front of him.

"Girl, do you feel sorry for your brother?"

Ren Qingrui let out a sigh of relief, and placed the tray in her hand on the table.

"Silly Guoguo, you are my sister's man, I don't love you, who else can I love?"

Liu Mingzhi swallowed the pastry in his mouth, stretched out his arms to wrap his arms around the beauty's weak and boneless waist, and hugged her in his arms.

Ren Qingrui couldn't help being taken aback by Young Master Liu's sudden intimacy.

After recovering, Ren Qingrui clasped her hands tightly on the shoulders of her sweetheart, and put her profile on his shoulders with a smile.

"Big fruit."

Liu Mingzhi looked down at the beautiful woman in his arms with a happy face, in addition to guilt, there was still guilt in his eyes.

How come I don't understand the extent of this girl's feelings for me.

Why don't you feel sorry for her?

However, some things are always unreasonable.

Young Master Liu sighed softly, reached out and took the beauty's jade hand in his.

"Girl, Brother Wei already told you last night, let Brother Wei think about it.

Don't blame me for failing to live up to your sincerity, okay? "

Ren Qingrui looked up at the inexplicable complex meaning on Young Master Liu's face, and nodded his head without hesitation.

"Da Guoguo, don't blame me, my sister will never blame you."

"Oh, seeing that you are so considerate of my difficulties as a brother.

In my heart, I should have been very happy.

However, for some reason, the more sensible you are when I see you girl, the more you can understand my difficulties.

In my brother's heart, I feel more and more uncomfortable.

If you get angry with me angrily, or mess with me nonsense, it will be easier for you to say something in your heart. "

Ren Qingrui twisted her willow waist a few times, and leaned into Young Master Liu's arms in a comfortable position.

The beauty grabbed Young Master Liu's big and generous hand with her backhand, looked up at him and said softly, "Da Guoguo, don't talk about it, okay? I don't ask for anything, my sister, as long as I can be by your side I am satisfied.

Da Guoguo, the next time I'm brazenly staying by your side, sister.

Don't drive me away on purpose again, okay?

A year ago, my sister's heart hurt like a needle once, and I don't want to feel hurt again.

Distressed feeling, really uncomfortable! "

Hearing the beauty's suddenly choked voice, Liu Mingzhi immediately hugged the beauty's willow slender waist tightly, wishing to integrate her into his own body.

"No, no more."

"My sister believes in you, I believe that you will not lie to me.

Now, sister, the only thing I have to do is to wait.

Waiting for the day when you bring Bada sedan chair to marry me.

Big fruit. "


"Don't forget, you promised your sister last night."

"it is good!"

Listening to Young Master Liu's loud words, Ren Qingrui smiled instantly, put her hands on Young Master Liu's knees and left his embrace.

"Da Guoguo, aren't you hungry? My sister is going to cook for you. What do you want to eat?"

Liu Mingzhi stood up, picked up a pastry from the tray on the table with his fingers, and stuffed it into his mouth.

"Girl, didn't you tell Brother Wei last night that the Ya Yu you cooked was delicious?

Brother Wei, I want to try the Yayu you made yourself. "

"Da Guoguo, there are only two Ya fish in the house, and you used up all your cooking yesterday."

Liu Mingzhi picked up a piece of pastry again, and gently sent it to the beauty's mouth.

"Then let's eat some pastries to fill our stomachs, and then go to the city to buy Yayu together.

Just wait until dinner, and then cook fish for Brother Wei. "

Ren Qingrui was stunned for a moment with the pastry in her mouth, and after realizing it, she rushed to Young Master Liu's side, hugged his arms in her arms with a smile like a flower.

"Da Guoguo, is it because the two of us went up the mountain to collect herbs for half a day.

Worried that my sister's body will be overwhelmed, so I feel sorry for my sister? "

"What are you thinking? Brother, I'm afraid that you will starve to death before buying Yayu."

(End of this chapter)

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