My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 3011 Doubly Cherish

Chapter 3011 Doubly Cherish
Ren Qingrui closed her pair of star eyes lazily, enjoying Young Master Liu's back-beating service comfortably.

Amidst the slightly dull sound of beating his back, time passed quietly.

I don't know how long it took.

Ren Qingrui opened her sleepy eyes, and was about to speak to remind Liu Mingzhi to rub her shoulders.

She had just moved, and suddenly felt that the hands on her back gently slipped down her waist.

The beautiful woman was stunned, and immediately stood up and looked behind her.

Seeing that Liu Mingzhi had already half-lyed on the edge of the bed at some point, breathing evenly with his eyes closed, Ren Qingrui hastily relaxed his movements of getting up.

After Ren Qingrui got up, she stepped back gently, and carefully pushed Young Master Liu's body into the bed.

Worried about waking Liu Mingzhi from his sleep, Jiaren was very careful in every move she made.


Ren Qingrui looked at Liu Mingzhi who was sleeping soundly, took a few breaths, and shook her sore wrist a few times.

She raised her hand to wipe the fine sweat from her forehead, sat gently on the edge of the bed, stretched out her arms to hug her soft and slender legs, and leaned her waist to rest her white and tender chin on her knees.

Ren Qingrui quietly looked at Young Master Liu's somewhat tired face, her eyes couldn't help being a little dazed.

After a long time, Ren Qingrui also sighed with a tired expression, turned over and slowly lay down beside Young Master Liu.

Jiaren slightly turned her head to look at Liu Mingzhi's face, and pursed the corners of her mouth complicatedly.

Da Guoguo, don't blame me for pestering you all the time.

In fact, my sister also knows that you have helped me pick herbs all morning, and I am already very tired.

However, my sister just wants to spend more time with you.

Because tomorrow or the day after tomorrow, you will set off to rush back to the capital.

Therefore, in the short two days that I can spend with you, I want to cherish every moment I spend with you.

Silly Guoguo, you must come and marry me in the future!

Ren Qingrui blinked her nimble eyes a few times, and her eyes couldn't help showing a bit of sourness.

There is the sadness of not being able to love the person in front of me, and more, the longing for the future.

Ren Qingrui pinched the tip of Young Master Liu's nose and twisted it twice, retracted her wrist, and closed her eyes with a slight upturn of her mouth.

After a long time, in the silent wing room, the even breathing sound of the two of them sounded one after another.

As the sun gradually set to the west, Liu Mingzhi opened his eyes amidst the barking of dogs.

Yawning with sleepy eyes, Liu Mingzhi propped himself up and looked down at Ren Qingrui who was sleeping soundly next to him, then looked up towards the outside of the room.

Liu Mingzhi stretched out his hand and rubbed the corners of his eyes a few times, hesitated for a moment, then gently pushed the beauty's shoulder,




Ren Qingrui snorted, slowly opened her eyes, raised her hands lazily and charmingly on her pretty face, and stretched softly.

"Da Guoguo, you're awake, Sarah."

First Young Master Liu nodded slightly, got off the bed and stretched his body.

"Girl, Dahei, Erhei, they have been barking non-stop, is someone here?"

Ren Qingrui sat on the bed, leaning her waist and wearing her shoes.

"Da Guoguo, there should be a brother Orion who came down the mountain and passed by our house. This kind of thing happens every day, and my sister has long been used to it.

It's okay, you don't have to worry about anything. "

Liu Mingzhi nodded with a clear expression, walked to the window and looked out of the courtyard.

Sure enough, just as Ren Qingrui said, there were three or five hunters standing outside the courtyard.

One of the burly hunters was lying on the fence wall at this time, laughing and throwing a hare in his hand towards the tile house in the yard.

"Dahei, Erhei, stop barking, look clearly, it's us brothers and sisters."

Dahei and the others whimpered a few times, circled around Washe a few times, and lay down on the ground one after another.

"Sister Ren."

"Sister Ren."

"Sister Ren, are you spreading it at home?"

Ren Qingrui fastened the ribbon on the silk shirt, opened the door with a chuckle, and walked towards the courtyard with lotus steps.

"Brothers of the Chen family, I'm at home, my sister. How did you guys go up the mountain today?"

"not bad."

"Then sister, congratulations to all the brothers of the Chen family."

"Sister of the Ren family, in two days, lend Dahei and others to us for a while?"

"Of course, as long as my sister is at home, you can come and borrow Dahei and the others to go up the mountain together at any time."

"Then we brothers will thank my sister first. It's getting late, so you can go back to your own affairs, and we'll go back first."

"Big brothers, don't you come in for some water?"

"No, no, it's too late to go back, and the mother-in-law at home should worry again."

"In that case, sister, you're welcome, see you later."

"No problem, see you later."

A few hunters standing outside the fenced courtyard were about to leave, when they saw Young Master Liu coming out of the wing behind Ren Qingrui, they couldn't help being stunned for a moment.

Ren Qingrui saw First Young Master Liu parked next to her, and held his arm with a smile on her face.

"Big brothers, my sister would like to introduce you, this is a man from my sister's family.

He has been wandering outside before, this time he came back from the capital specially to see me. "

Hearing Ren Qingrui's introduction of her identity, Young Master Liu rarely responded this time, but smiled and nodded to the hunters standing outside the fenced courtyard.

Several hunters came to their senses one after another, looked at Ren Qingrui who was smiling like a flower, and then at Young Master Liu who was smiling lightly.

They looked at each other with a slightly hesitant look, obviously they also saw the slight age difference between the two of them.

The few of them exchanged eye contact, and all fisted Young Master Liu.

"I'm waiting for brother, I have seen Mr.

"Meet sir."

"Meet sir."

"Be courteous and courteous."

"Mr. Xie."

"Sir, our brothers didn't know that Mr. was coming home, and inadvertently interrupted the reunion of your husband and wife.

I hope you will forgive me for being rude. "

"It's okay, it's okay, you brothers are polite."

"Sir, we will not disturb your couple's reunion. We will meet again when we have a chance."

"Sorry for delivery."

"Sister of the Ren family, brothers and sisters are going home first."

"Let's go slowly, little sister, I won't see you off."

After the group of hunters gradually disappeared, Ren Qingrui looked away, and shook Young Master Liu's arm with a smile.

"Big fruit."

"Huh? What's wrong?"

"This time, why didn't you explain Sarah?"

Liu Mingzhi withdrew his gaze and coughed a few times, and scratched his neck a few times with erratic eyes.

"Cough, cough, brother, I'm afraid that you will suddenly get angry like you were on the mountain."

Ren Qingrui looked at Young Master Liu's erratic eyes, and approached him with a smile on the corner of her mouth.

"That's not right."

"What's wrong?"

"Da Guoguo, sister, why do I feel that you are jealous?

It seems that you still care about your sister's love in your heart. "

Young Master Liu broke free from his arms, turned around and walked towards the wind tied to the shade of the side room.

"Nonsense, which one of your eyes can see that you are jealous of your brother.

Stop thinking about these useless things, it's getting late, go wash your face.

It's time for us to go to town and buy yayu. "

Ren Qingrui combed her somewhat messy black hair, trotting after her with slightly raised lips.

"Da Guoguo, I don't care if you like to admit it or not, sister, anyway, as long as I know what's going on in my heart, it's fine."

Young Master Liu rubbed the tip of his nose resentfully, reached out to pick up the wooden ladle, filled the water tank with a ladle of clean water, and poured it into the copper basin next to him.

"Wash your face, wash your face."

Ren Qingrui leaned over and squatted opposite, stretched out her hand to pick up the clear water in the copper basin and splashed it on her pretty face.

"Wash together."

"As long as you don't think I'm dirty, it's up to you."

"Da Guoguo, are you really not jealous?
If you are really not jealous, why are you so evasive? "

Young Master Liu rolled his eyes angrily, directly lifted the hem of his clothes to wipe off the water on his face, and walked towards the wind at a leisurely pace.

"I'm too lazy to care about you."

Ren Qingrui picked up the copper basin and poured it vigorously into the yard, then put down the copper basin and walked straight into the side room.

After Liu Mingzhi fed Fengxing some drinks, he took the rein of the horse and walked towards the courtyard gate.

"Da Guoguo, wait for me for a moment."

Seeing the beautiful woman approaching, Liu Mingzhi straightened the saddle with his hand.

"No makeup?"

Ren Qingrui raised her hand and flicked the three thousand hairs behind her back, trotting and heard Young Master Liu standing in front of her.

"My girl is naturally beautiful, even if she doesn't wear makeup, she is still a rare beauty in the world.

In this way, my girl, why do I need to do so much? "

"Hehe, girl, you are really immodest."

Ren Qingrui raised her snow-white jade neck arrogantly, pressed Young Master Liu's arm, turned over and rode on the horse's back.

Young Master Liu got on his horse, took the reins from the beauty's hand and tugged lightly.


Fengxing neighed rhythmically, and galloped on the path with all four hooves.

"Big fruit."

"What's wrong? Did you forget to bring something?"

"That's not true, my sister just wanted to ask you, besides Ya Yu, is there any dish you particularly want to eat?

The two of us discussed it on the road first, so that we can save ourselves from not being able to remember what to eat when we arrive in the city. "

Liu Mingzhi flicked the rein lightly, and wrapped his backhand around the beauty's slender willow waist.


"As long as it's the dishes you cook, my brother likes to eat them.

What do you do, what you like to eat as a brother. "

"Hehehe, sister, I believe you are the one who is weird, you just know how to make me happy by saying nice things."

In Chengzhou City, Young Master Liu took the reins of the horse and followed Ren Qingrui to wander the streets.

"Brother, the fish at your house are all in the morning, and the leftovers are sold in the morning.

The leftover fish picked by others is no longer fresh, how can you still sell it at such a high price? "

"Sister, why are you talking like that.

Brother, these fish of mine are indeed leftovers picked by others, and I don’t deny this, brother.

But these fish are still alive and kicking, so they won't be stale after a while. "

"All the good ones are picked up by others. Now these are thin and small ones, so they are cheaper."

"Sister, big and small, it is also fresh fish sprinkle."

"Skinny and small, there is nothing to eat, so let's make it cheaper."

"My sister, these are today's fresh fish sprinkles."

"Brother, in a word, if you sell it or not, if you don't sell it, you can go to another stall with my man."

"No, no, how much cheaper?"

"Five cents."

"Hey, sister, why did you talk so wildly and unconstrainedly.

Brother, I'll just give it to you for free, and I'll give you a penny cheaper in the sky. "


"To die, to die, two words."

Ren Qingrui shook off the water stains on her hands, raised the bamboo basket in her hand, and directly embraced Young Master Liu's arm.

"Guoguo, let's go."

"Wait for Hal, wait for Hal."

"What's going on? Brother, did you agree with the price that sister just said?"

"I'm convinced, I'm convinced, sister, you insist on your bargaining skills.

In a word, it's cheap.

If it’s okay, then it’s fine, if it’s not, you two can only go around for a while. "

Ren Qingrui immediately let go of Young Master Liu's wrist, and squatted down next to the tub with a smile on her face.

"Yes, two.

Brother, don't fool me, you must come with two good sprinkles. "

"I know, I know, sister, don't worry, brother will weigh you right away."

Young Master Liu looked at Ren Qingrui who was leaning in front of the scale beam, and his expression became strange.

Good guy, I really treat each other with admiration for three days!
After paying the money, Ren Qingrui put the two struggling ya fish into the bamboo basket.

"Brother, thank you."

"Thank you, thank you, next time you can take care of elder brother's family's business."

"Yes, yes, see you later."

"Walk slowly."

"Da Guoguo, let's go to the front again to see if there is anything you want to eat."

Young Master Liu smiled lightly and nodded, and lightly pulled the rein in his hand.

"Okay, it's all up to you."

Ren Qingrui saw Young Master Liu's weird expression, and handed him the bamboo basket in his hand.

"Big fruit."


"what happened?"

"Da Guoguo, sister, I just kept haggling with the fish seller because of the few pennies. don't think I'm too fussy, do you? "

"Well, girl, do you want to hear the truth or lies?"

"There's no need to talk about it, sister, of course I want to hear the truth."

"The truth is, well said."


"Brother, you are a good bargainer, girl."


"Of course it's true, when I buy things for my brother, I also bargain with others!

As you said before, girl, isn't this how ordinary people live?

It is not easy to make money, but if you can save it, you will save it. "

Ren Qingrui's pretty face beamed with joy, her bright eyes bent into crescent shapes.

"Big fruit."


"If the two of us were not on the street right now, my sister would really want to hug you and kiss you right away."

Young Master Liu looked at the beautiful woman's eyes full of tenderness, and raised his hand to pat her on the shoulder a few times.

"Buy groceries, keep shopping.

It's getting late, if we don't hurry to buy vegetables, it will be too late. "

"Hmph, my sister knew you would say that."

"Husband...husband? Sister Qingrui."

"Daddy? Aunt Qingrui?"

(End of this chapter)

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