Chapter 3046

The empress was stunned for a moment, and gently wrapped her fingers around Young Master Liu's hair, and she fell silent with a slight frown.

Young Master Liu didn't hear the Queen's reply, turned his body slightly, and raised his eyes to look at the empress' stunning face.

"Why? Is this question difficult to answer?"

The queen came back to her senses, let out a sigh of relief with her mouth slightly opened, reached out to take the wine jar in Young Master Liu's hand and raised the jade neck to take a sip.

The queen wiped the wine from the corner of her lips with her fingers, nodded slightly and looked at the husband lying on her lap, with a hint of curiosity in her light and bright eyes.

"It's hard to answer, but it's not difficult to answer. I'm just a little curious."

"Huh? Curious about what?"

"I'm curious why you suddenly asked such a heavy-sounding question. You rarely mentioned this topic before."

Young Master Liu turned his head to look at the moonless night sky, and sighed with regret.

"Oh, how should I put it, it's a feeling!"

"Suddenly feel it?"

"That's not it, it's because of something."

The queen tapped Zhenshou lightly, lifted Young Master Liu's shoulder with one hand, and handed the wine jar to his mouth with the other.


First Young Master Liu withdrew his gaze from staring at the bright starry sky, and took a big sip of wine sideways.

"Huh, tell me your suggestion, should the husband let the children go?"

"My suggestion is, let go of those who should let go, and let go of those who dare not let go for the time being."

"How to say?"

"As for the children's personal matters, you really should let them go.

The children are all grown up and have their own ideas.

You should give them enough freedom to go about their own business.

If it's about the important matters of the family, the country and the society, I bluntly think that it's better for you not to let go for the time being. "

Young Master Liu frowned: "Why?"

The queen reached out and took the wine jar in Young Master Liu's hand, raised her jade neck and drank several gulps.

"Drink slowly, don't choke."

The queen put down the wine jar, and hiccupped with a reddish face.


After combing her hair scattered on her chest, the empress looked at First Young Master Liu with a reddish face.

"I can't hold back!"

Seeing the queen's solemn and delicate face, Young Master Liu frowned slightly, and reached out to untie the pipe from his waist.

However, just as he untied the pipe, the queen snatched the pipe away.

The queen put the pipe aside, and handed the wine jar to Young Master Liu.

"Smoking less, it's better to drink some wine!"

Young Master Liu looked at the empress's coquettish eyes, smiled wryly and nodded.

"Come on, if you don't let me smoke, I won't smoke because of my husband."

Young Master Liu lowered his head and took a sip of wine, got up and sat down, looking at the queen with a complicated expression.

"There are so many children, can't they all be restrained?"

The queen looked at the complex expression on Young Master Liu's face, and nodded her head a few times without hesitation.

"Well, it's all unstoppable."

First Young Master Liu tapped lightly on his knees with his fingers, and muttered deeply with deep eyes.

After a long time, Young Master Liu frowned slightly and looked at the queen who was silently tasting the wine.

"Yue'er, can't you hold back?"

The queen wiped the wine from the corner of her mouth, and looked at First Young Master Liu calmly.

"Do you want to hear the truth or lies."

"What I said, my husband naturally wants to hear the truth."

The queen glanced sideways at the courtyard where the cutie lived, then turned to look at Young Master Liu and shook her head.

"Yue'er is the same, I can't hold back."

"What? Can't even Yue'er be restrained?"

"Yes, I can't hold back."

"Why? In my husband's impression, this stinky girl has always been your pride!"

"You're right, Yue'er is indeed the pride of my mother's life.

Being able to have such a daughter is a blessing in my life, Wanyan Wanyan.

"Since that's the case, then to put it bluntly, you still..."

Although Young Master Liu didn't finish his words, the meaning he wanted to express was self-evident.

The queen raised her hand and threw her loose hair behind her back, her bright eyes looked at Young Master Liu coldly.

"If it was in the past, Yue'er would definitely be able to hold back.

Now, she's still a little off. "


Young Master Liu looked at the queen and asked again.

The empress frowned slightly and gave First Young Master Liu a white look, raised her jade neck and took a sip of the wine.

"In the past few years after the unification of the world, the road of your Dalong world has been too big.

In a short period of time, no child can carry this burden.

Including Yue'er, none of them could carry it.

This girl, Yue'er, is indeed excellent. About this, I know it well, and you know it too.

However, if she wants to shoulder this heavy burden, she will be a little short of fire after all. "

After listening to the Queen's words, First Young Master Liu immediately understood what she meant.

Looking at the frowning Queen, First Young Master Liu squinted his eyes and remained silent for a long time before letting out a long sigh with emotion.

"Yeah, for a child, this burden is indeed too heavy.

This is also the fundamental reason why I have been hesitant to be my husband these years. "

"Since you know this, I won't say anything more, old lady.

That's why I suggest you to let go of what you should let go, and don't let go of what you shouldn't let go for now.

Things like Jiangshan Sheji are not trivial matters! "

Young Master Liu got up and stretched, then looked down at the Queen.

"I've been sitting in a panic, let's go down and take a look."

"it is good."

The queen responded tenderly, picked up Young Master Liu's pipe and carried it on Liu's waist, and stood up with the wine jar in her hand.

Young Master Liu gently grabbed the empress's bright wrist, and flew straight down to the pavilion.

After landing, Young Master Liu pulled out the jade fan from his waist, and stretched out his hand in front of the empress cheerfully.

"To put it bluntly, drink."

The queen first raised her head and took a sip of the wine, then handed the wine jar to First Young Master Liu.

Young Master Liu held the wine jar in his hand and walked forward at a leisurely pace.

Seeing this, the queen twisted her waist lazily a few times, and silently followed.

"Be polite."

"Huh? What's wrong?"

"My husband originally planned to do something, but after hearing what you said, I hesitated."

"There is nothing to hesitate, as long as you think about it properly, you can do whatever you want."

"Easy to say, but hard to do."

My husband used to think that when we were still young, we should work harder and try our best to leave a solid family fortune for the children below.

It's a pity that the family business is getting bigger and bigger.

As a husband, I couldn't help being a little worried, worried that the children would not be able to keep the family business. "

The queen looked at Young Master Liu's sad expression, and reached out to take his arm into her arms.

"It's just human nature, isn't that what life is like?
Many times, some things are always involuntary.

Fish and bear's paw, you can't have both! "

Young Master Liu raised his head and drank a big mouthful of wine, looking at the queen with a struggling expression.

"Then tell me, should you let go of your husband?"

The queen was silent for a moment, then nodded her head gently.

"Of course you can let go!"

"Wanyan, that's not what you said just now!"

"I haven't finished talking yet!"

"Okay, you go on."

“You can let go, but you can’t let go all at once.

Otherwise, none of their brothers and sisters could bear this burden.

To put it bluntly, you have a few more years of hard work if you have no conscience.

Slowly, gradually let go.

Until one of their brothers and sisters has the ability to carry this weight. "

Young Master Liu stared quietly for a moment, then nodded silently.

"As of now, that's the way it is.

I hope the children can grow up sooner. "

Young Master Liu closed his folding fan and stretched vigorously.

"Be polite, it's late at night, let's go back and rest."

The queen grabbed Young Master Liu's wrist, and leaned towards Young Master Liu with her beautiful eyes.

"Rest? Rest what?
In the middle of the night, I yelled my old lady out of bed, do you still want to rest? "

Young Master Liu's face froze, and he swallowed subconsciously.

"Gudu, politely, or forget it, it's already midnight."

The empress rolled her eyes at First Young Master Liu with her charming eyes, and laughed a few times with a flowery smile.

"Hehehe, forget it if you say so, it's up to you."

"Be polite."

The empress dropped the wine jar in my hand, and pulled First Young Master Liu towards the lawn next to her.

A moment later.

In the dim moonlight, in the dew-condensed garden.

The tide ebbs and flows, and the flowers bloom several times!

Two days later.

Just after dawn, Young Master Liu woke up from his sleep.

Young Master Liu sat up and wiped the filth from the corners of his eyes, and stretched out his hands to push the sleeping beauties on both sides.

"Sister Ya, Rongrong."

Qi Ya, Gu Mo Rongrong and the other sisters opened their eyes and looked at her husband sleepily.

"Huh? Husband?"

"What time is husband?"

First Young Master Liu rolled over Qi Ya's graceful and plump body, got off the bed, put on his shoes and walked towards the wardrobe a few steps away.

"It's dawn, and it's time for my husband to go to court."

Hearing her husband's answer, the sleepy eyes of Qi Ya and sisters instantly woke up, and they quickly picked up the bedside underwear and draped them over their bodies.

"Husband, sisters who are concubines will immediately help you change your clothes."

"Sister Rong Rong."

"Sister Ya?"

"My sister will help your husband change his clothes first, and you go and tell the servant girl to bring the hot water for washing."

Hearing Qi Ya's explanation, Gu Mo Rongrong nodded Zhenshou without hesitation.

Young Master Liu glanced back at the two sisters who were in a hurry to get dressed, and gently opened the cabinet door.

"Sister Ya, Rongrong."



Qi Ya and sisters looked at First Young Master Liu together, and asked softly in unison.

"You two sisters, don't worry too much, it's still early!"

"Okay, I know."

"Husband, are you really not in a hurry?"

"Really don't worry, you two just dress slowly."

"Yeah, I know."

Young Master Liu turned around, took out the bright black dragon robe from the closet, and walked towards Qi Ya's dressing table in a leisurely manner.

Qi Ya turned over and got out of bed, walked to Young Master Liu's side with her shoes on and stopped.

"Husband, please sit down first, and I will comb your hair first."

"it is good."

Young Master Liu responded softly, and sat down on the chair freely.

Qi Ya saw her husband's dragon robe draped on the chair, and tidied up the lining on his shoulders for him with a surprised expression.

"Husband, are you going to wear a dragon robe today?"

Young Master Liu saw the astonishment on Qi Yaqiao's face from the mirror, and looked up at the beautiful woman behind him.

"Why, are you surprised?"

Qi Ya smiled and nodded, picked up the wooden comb on the table and combed First Young Master Liu's hair.

"Well, it's a bit surprising.

My concubine remembers that you, my husband, seldom wore dragon robes in the previous court meetings.

Husband, you have just returned to the capital from Sichuan, and you will be wearing a dragon robe to go to the court for the first time, so I naturally feel a little strange. "

Young Master Liu let out a sigh of relief, and silently turned the emerald wrench on his thumb.

"Sister Ya, today's court will be different.

As a husband, I have to give an explanation to those people who have been imprisoned unjustly and suffered innocent injustice! "

From First Young Master Liu's tone, Qi Ya felt a faint hostility.

Based on her understanding of her husband, Qi Ya knew it in her heart.

This time, my husband was really angry.


"Sister Ya?"

"It's not worth being angry about those people.

If your body is broken by anger, you still feel uncomfortable. "

Young Master Liu frowned slightly, and sighed with a complicated expression.

"Oh, good sister Ya, of course I understand what you said about being a husband.

It's a pity that when my husband knew about the evil deeds committed by those bastards who deceived their superiors and concealed their subordinates.

As a husband, I really can't find a reason to convince myself not to be angry. "

"Husband, I can understand your feelings.

However, I still hope that you can pay attention to your body.

The concubine is still the same as before, angry for those people.

not worth it! "

"Sister Ya, you're right, it's really not worth getting angry over a bastard.

Sister Ya, don't worry, my husband will try his best to adjust his emotions. "

Qi Ya smiled and nodded Zhenshou: "Yeah, it's good that you can figure it out."

Listening to Qi Ya's soft words, First Young Master Liu raised his head and patted the beauty's jade hand.

"Sister Ya, don't worry, I've gone through so many storms for my husband, I still have this kind of state of mind."

Qi Ya finished combing Young Master Liu's hair, leaned over and put the wooden comb in her hand on the dressing table.

"Husband, besides the dragon robe, do you still need a crown?"

"Of course."

"Okay, I will go get you a crown."

Just as Qi Ya was walking towards the closet, Gu Mo Rongrong led two maids carrying water basins into Qi Ya's boudoir.

"Husband, the warm water for washing is here."

"Okay, my husband knows."

"Qing'er, Huan'er, you two put the hot water for washing on the washing rack."

"Yes, slaves obey."

Young Master Liu fastened the belt on the inner lining, got up and walked towards the washing rack.

"Qing'er, Huan'er."

"The maidservants and sisters are here."

"Go back and rest first."

"Yes, the maidservants and sisters will leave."

Gu Mo Rongrong took the towel from the maidservant's hand, smiled lightly and walked to Young Master Liu's side and stopped.

"Husband, this concubine will help you wash up."

Young Master Liu reached out to take the towel from the beauty's hand, and waved his hand with a smile.


After a long time, Young Master Liu changed into a dragon robe under the service of sisters Qi Ya and Gu Mo Rongrong.

First Young Master Liu took the Heavenly Sword from Qi Ya, and walked towards the outside of the beauty's boudoir.

"Sister Ya, Rongrong, you guys continue to rest, I'm going to court for my husband first."

"Husband, wait a minute."

(End of this chapter)

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