3048 Fear
"Reporting to Your Majesty, there is nothing for me to wait for."

First Young Master Liu got up and walked to the edge of the dragon platform, and lowered his head to look at Liu Yaoyao, Liu Chenggan and his siblings below the dragon platform.

"Okay, since all the lovers have nothing to report, then I will tell you about the case of Qiu Hou's questioning and beheading list."

Hearing Young Master Liu's words, all the civil and military officials in the palace looked at Liu Yaoyao and his brother.

"Yaoyao, Chengqian."

Liu Yaoyao and brother immediately got up and walked out, holding the chao wat and saluted.

"My son is here."

"The two of you, brother and sister, are the imperial envoys who oversaw the issue of Qiu Hou's execution list, so let one of you give you a brief account of the case.

As for who will narrate, the two brothers and sisters will discuss on their own. "

"My son obeys."

Liu Yaoyao put down the chao wat in her hand, turned her head to look at Liu Chengqian and nodded her head gently.

"Third brother, you should come."

Liu Chengqian didn't shirk anything, nodded to the third sister, and directly took out a document from the cuff of the boa robe.

"Father, I have discussed with my sister, and I will give you an overview of the case."

"Okay, then you come."


"My son is here."

"You take your seat first."


Seeing the third sister walking towards his seat, Liu Chengqian opened the document in his hand, turned around and glanced at the civil and military officials in the hall.

"My lords, I will first give you a general account of the case of Qiu Hou's questioning and beheading list."

All the civil and military officials straightened their expressions, and nodded in unison.

"Your Highness, Third Prince, please listen carefully."

"My lords, you all know what happened before this case, so I won't repeat it.

After the Second Route West Expeditionary Army went out, Bengong and Third Sister obeyed the imperial father's order.

Weifu made private visits to various state capitals, secretly reviewing Qiuhou Wenzhan..."

While flipping through the documents in his hand, Liu Chengqian told the civil and military officials in the main hall about the general situation of Qiu Hou's list of beheadings.

Following Liu Chengqian's unhurried narration, the faces of the Chinese and military officials in the hall gradually became different.

Corruption and bribery.

Play favoritism and pervert the law.

Cao Jian lives.

Wait, wait, the shocking content, to the civil and military officials in the hall, is like a series of thunderbolts, continuously ringing in the ears.

Even Xia Gongming, who participated in the performance of Zhao Prison last night, and Shangshu of the Ministry of Justice also enlightened the two.

At this time, his brows were also slightly wrinkled, and there was a faint anger in his eyes.

Liu Chengqian didn't know what the civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty were thinking. He was still narrating the contents of the document at a leisurely pace.

Young Master Liu's eyes passed through the crown in front of him, and he looked down at the reactions of the Chinese and military officials in the hall with a calm expression, as if he wanted to see something from their expressions.

"A few days ago, Bengong and Third Sister led the imperial guards, escorted all the criminals back to Beijing, and handed them over to the prison of the Criminal Ministry for temporary custody.

As for where the people who have suffered unjust injustice are placed, I will not say for the time being. "

Liu Chengqian closed the document in his hand, raised his hand and glanced at the civil and military officials in the palace.

"This is the general situation of Qiu Hou's question about killing the list. Do you have any questions, my lords?"

The civil and military officials looked at each other, and after confirming that none of their colleagues had any questions, they looked at Liu Cheng and shook their heads in unison.

"Going back to His Highness the Third Prince, there is no question about the ministers."

Liu Chengqian nodded lightly, turned around and bowed to First Young Master Liu who was standing on the dragon platform.

"Report to my father, my son has already finished describing the case."

First Young Master Liu withdrew his gaze from looking at the changes in the expressions of the civil and military officials, and turned to look at his second son Liu Chengzhi standing beside him.

"Chengzhi, the document."

"My son obeys."

Liu Chengzhi walked down the dragon platform quickly, and reached out to take the document in his hand.

Back on the dragon platform, Liu Chengzhi directly handed the document in front of his father.

"Father, the document."

First Young Master Liu took the document casually, and looked down at his third son, Liu Chengqian.


"My son is here."

"Go back to your seat."

"My son obeys."

Young Master Liu put his hands behind his back, and looked out of the Hall of Qinzheng with a gloomy gaze.

The civil and military officials saw that Young Master Liu didn't say anything anymore, and they also nodded and lowered their eyebrows in silence.

Officials who can be ranked in the second class are naturally not fools.

Observing words and observing emotions is their most basic skill.

From the moment First Young Master Liu took the document from His Royal Highness the Second Prince, they had already vaguely felt the anger suppressed by First Young Master Liu.

Under such circumstances, naturally no one dared to touch the bad head.

It was a mistake to touch His Majesty's Tianwei at this time.

In the lightest case, he will be punished somewhat, and in the worst case, losing his head is not out of the question.

After about a cup of tea, a soldier of the Imperial Army hurried into the hall.

"Your Majesty, Director Liu has invited all the people to the palace."


"Wei Chen obeys."

After the soldiers of the Imperial Guard ran to the main hall, Young Master Liu turned his head and glanced at his second son, Liu Chengzhi, who was standing beside him.


"My son is here."

"Rush to the Imperial Dining Room now and tell Xiao Chengzi to bring the mutton soup and food to Qinzheng Hall as soon as possible."

"My son obeys the order, and my son will leave first."

Young Master Liu looked at the back of Liu Chengzhi going away, turned around, walked to the front of the dragon chair and sat down.

Young Master Liu picked up the teacup and took a sip of the tea. He calmly looked at the crowd outside the main hall towards the Qinzheng Hall, and waited calmly.

Under the eyes of Young Master Liu, Liu Song led more than 100 people to stop outside the gate of the Qinzheng Hall.

Liu Song stopped, turned around, looked at a group of people with nervous expressions, and explained in a soft voice.

After a while, Liu Song walked quickly into the hall, bowed and made a big gift.

"Report to Your Majesty, all the people have entered the palace."

First Young Master Liu put down the teacup in his hand, looked at Liu Song and nodded gently.

"Let them all in."

"Little obedience."

When Liu Song walked to the gate of the palace, a group of people outside the palace waved their hands.

"Everyone, His Majesty has informed you that you have entered the palace."

Hearing Liu Song's greeting, a group of people immediately straightened up and walked towards the Palace of Qinzheng nervously.

"Cao Min sees His Majesty the Emperor, long live long live long live long live."

"Folk women see His Majesty the Emperor, long live long live long live long live."

"Xiaomin sees His Majesty the Emperor, long live long live long live long live."

First Young Master Liu looked at more than 100 people of all ages, men, women, and children under the dragon platform, and hurriedly put his hands up.

"Free, all free."

"Thank you, Your Majesty."

"Chengzhi, Yue'er."

"My son is here."

"Don't let the common people stand, you brothers and sisters immediately arrange for the common people to sit down on both sides of the hall."

"My son obeys."

After Liu Chengzhi and the little cute brother and sister got up, they immediately walked towards a group of people standing in the hall.

"Everyone, please divide into two teams and come with our brother and sister."

Hearing the words of Liu Chengzhi brother and sister, everyone couldn't help but panicked, and looked at each other, not knowing what to do for a while.

Seeing this situation, Liu Song immediately walked to the middle and raised his hands as a signal.

"Everyone, don't be nervous, these two are the Second Prince and Fourth Princess of the dynasty.

You men and women are each divided into a team, and you can follow His Highness the Second Prince and His Highness the Fourth Princess and disperse towards the two sides. "

Hearing Liu Song's loud words, the faces of more than 100 people gradually calmed down, they spontaneously divided into two teams, followed Liu Chengzhi brother and sister towards the two sides of the hall.

"Everyone, please take a seat."

"Everyone, please take a seat."

"Thank you, Your Highness, Second Prince."

"Thank you, Your Highness Fourth Princess."

After everyone was seated, First Young Master Liu stood up from the dragon chair and walked down the dragon platform at a leisurely pace.

More than 100 common people saw Young Master Liu stepping down the dragon platform, they quickly lowered their heads, and held their breath involuntarily.

Young Master Liu stopped in the center of the hall, and looked around at the more than 100 people on both sides who had lowered their heads.

"People, the space in the hall is limited, and there is really no room for too many futons.

Therefore, I have no choice but to wrong you and sit on the ground. "
Hearing First Young Master Liu's words so approachable, the expressions on the faces of more than 100 people couldn't help being stunned.

Even some officials among them couldn't help being stunned when they heard Young Master Liu's soft tone.

Apparently, Young Master Liu's attitude towards himself and the others was somewhat beyond their expectations.

In their minds, His Majesty the Emperor should look like that kind of aloof!
Seeing the reaction and behavior of a group of people, First Young Master Liu vaguely understood what they were thinking.

Seeing this, Liu Song immediately walked to Young Master Liu's side.

"Master, the common people seem to be afraid of you.

If it goes on like this, how should you ask about the case! "
"It's okay, it's the first time for the common people to see this young master, the king of a country, and it's human nature to be afraid.

Young master, I can deal with them slowly and gradually eliminate their inner fear. "

"Okay, little one knows."

"Liu Song, it's none of your business, you go and rest first."

"Hey, little one knows."

First Young Master Liu glanced around the hall for a moment, smiled lightly and walked towards a young man in front left.

"Brother Zhuzi, do you still recognize me, brother?"

Hearing Young Master Liu's somewhat familiar voice, the young man's body jerked violently, and he subconsciously looked up at him.


First Young Master Liu squatted down lightly, stretched out his hand to lift the crown in front of him, and chuckled a few times as he looked at the startled young man in front of him.

"Hehehe, why, brother Zhuzi, don't you recognize my elder brother?

Don't forget, you owe me a pot of tobacco! "

"It's...it's you, Brother Scholar!"

Young Master Liu stretched out his hand and took out the pipe that was pinned to his waist, holding the pipe and gestured cheerfully in front of Zhu Zi.

"That's right, I am your big brother scholar."

"Brother Scholar, you are... Your Majesty the current emperor."

Young Master Liu looked at Zhu Zi's dumbfounded expression, lifted his dragon robe and shook it.

"Why, brother, am I not like the current emperor?"

Zhu Zi looked at First Young Master Liu in astonishment, and his body trembled uncontrollably.

"No, no, I...not...this...that..."

Seeing Zhu Zi's incoherent appearance, Young Master Liu raised his hand and patted him on the shoulder a few times.

"Brother Zhuzi, don't be nervous, let alone be afraid."

"Brother Scholar, no no no, Your Majesty the Emperor.

Grasslanders know their crimes, grasslanders know their crimes.

If Cao Min knew that you were the current emperor, even if you lent me 1 courage, I would not dare to call you that! "

Young Master Liu put down the crown in his hand, and chuckled a few times with the corners of his mouth slightly raised.

"Hehehe, brother Zhuzi, why are you guilty?

I'm older than you, so it's only natural for you to call me Brother Scholar. "

"Yes, Your Majesty, you are older than me, I call you big brother..."

Zhu Zi had just said half of what he said, and he seemed to think of something, so he shook his head generously.

"No, no, Your Majesty, you are today.

Cao Min is a small commoner, how dare you call you big brother!
Grasslanders deserve ten thousand deaths for their crimes, and grassland people deserve ten thousand deaths for their crimes. "

Young Master Liu looked at Zhu Zi's panic-stricken appearance, and stood up with a slight frown.

It seems that what I think is still too simple!
As Liu Song said just now, these people are too afraid of themselves.

I want to eliminate these people's fear of myself, the king of a country, from the heart.

In a short time, I'm afraid it will be impossible.

In this way, I can only deal with the grievances of the people normally.

Just as Young Master Liu was depressed and meditating secretly, the voices of Liu Chengzhi and Xiao Chengzi suddenly sounded in the hall.

"My son sees my father."

"The old servant greets His Majesty, long live my emperor, long live long live."

Young Master Liu came back to his senses, and looked behind the palace gate.

Seeing the two people standing in the hall door saluting to him, First Young Master Liu waved his hands casually.

"Excuse me."

"Thank you, Father."

"Thank you, Your Majesty."

Young Master Liu let out a sigh of relief, and conveniently put the pipe back on his back.

"Xiao Chengzi."

"The old slave is here."

"Have you prepared everything I asked you to prepare?"

"Reporting to Your Majesty, the old slaves are all ready."

"Well, thank you for your hard work."

"Don't dare to dare, this is the job of the old slave."

"Where is everything."

"Return to Your Majesty, all have been sent outside the palace, and can be sent in at any time."

Young Master Liu nodded slightly, turned around and walked down the dragon platform.

"Xiao Chengzi, the old slave is here."

"Let someone send things into the hall."

"The old slave complies."

After Xiao Chengzi got up, he immediately turned around and trotted towards the Palace of Qinzheng.

Xiao Chengzi had just left the gate of the palace, and the soldiers of the Imperial Guard, who had been here once before, rushed into the hall again.

"Report to Your Majesty, His Royal Highness King Wuyi has escorted all criminals outside the gate of the palace."

Young Master Liu's expression froze for a moment, and he subconsciously looked outside the Hall of Qinzheng.

Seeing Song Qing on the edge of the thousand-level platform, and a group of prisoners behind him, Young Master Liu frowned slightly and pondered for a while.

"King Chuan Wuyi, immediately take all criminals into the palace."

"Wei Chen obeys."

First Young Master Liu did not climb up to the dragon platform again, but held the hilt of the sword tightly in his hand, and waited with stern eyes.

"Be honest, let's all go in."

(End of this chapter)

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